Part II. JAX-RPC Web Services

JEUS 8 Web services support JAX-WS web services as well as JAX-RPC web services for backward compatibility with JEUS 5 Web services. The previous chapters have discussed about several JAX-WS functionalities including creating and running JAX-WS web services and client programs. The chapters in this part will discuss about JAX-RPC web services supported by JEUS 8 for backward compatibility.

The difference between JAX-WS and JAX-RPC web services, in brief, is that JAXWS web service is a standard JavaEE 7 web service, while JAX-RPC web service is a standard J2EE 1.4 web service. JEUS 8 web services support JAX-WS web services as well as JAX-RPC web services for backward compatibility.

JAX-RPC web services require additional implementations of deployment descriptors and JAX-RPC mapping files in comparison to JAX-WS Web services. The following chapters describe in detail how JEUS 8 web services support JAX-RPC web services.

Table of Contents

21. Implementing JAX-RPC Web Services
21.1. Overview
21.2. Implementing a Web Service from a Java Class
21.2.1. Example
21.2.2. Implementation Principles of Java Web Services
21.3. Implementing a Web Service from an EJB
21.3.1. Example
21.3.2. Implementation Principles of EJB Web Services
21.4. Implementing Web Services from WSDL
21.5. Using SAAJ
22. Creating and Deploying JAX-RPC Web Services
22.1. Creating and Deploying Java Web Services
22.1.1. Configuring Service Configuration File
22.1.2. Creating WSDL and JAX-RPC Mapping Files
22.1.3. Configuring Web Service DD File
22.1.4. Packaging and Deploying
22.2. Creating and Deploying EJB Web Services
22.2.1. Configuring Web Service Configuration File
22.2.2. Creating WSDL File and JAX-RPC Mapping File
22.2.3. Configuring Web Services DD File
22.2.4. Packaging and Deploying
23. Invoking JAX-RPC Web Services
23.1. Invoking JEUS JAX-RPC Web Services (Java SE client)
23.1.1. Stub Client
23.1.2. DII Client
23.2. Invoking JAX-RPC Web Services (Java EE Client)
23.2.1. Java EE Client Programming Model
23.2.2. Java EE Client Programming Procedures
23.2.3. Creating a Java EE Client
24. Creating SOAP Message Handler of JAX-RPC Web Service
24.1. Using SAAJ
24.1.1. Creating a SOAP Message
24.1.2. Handling an SAAJ Document
24.1.3. Sending a SOAP Message through SAAJ
24.2. Creating SOAP Message Handlers
24.2.1. Creating a Message Handler
24.2.2. Designing a Message Handler and a Handler Chain
24.2.3. Creating a Handler Interface
24.2.4. Configuring Java EE Web Services DD File
24.2.5. Using a SOAP Message Handler from the Client
24.2.6. Example of File Exchanges Between Web Services and Clients
25. Creating JAX-RPC Web Service Configuration File
25.1. Creating JAX-RPC Web Service DD File
25.2. Creating a Web Service Mapping File
25.2.1. JAX-RPC Mapping File Contents
25.2.2. Configuring JAX-RPC Mapping File
26. JAX-RPC Web Service Data Type
26.1. Overview
26.2. Java and XML Type Mapping
26.2.1. Built-in Type Mapping
26.2.2. Arrays
26.2.3. User Defined Types: JAX-RPC Value Type
26.3. Using JAX-RPC Value Type
26.3.1. Creating a Web service that Uses JAX-RPC value type
26.3.2. Creating a Web Service Client that Uses JAX-RPC Value Type
26.4. Using Holder Classes
26.4.1. Built-in Holder Classes
26.4.2. Creating a Holder Class for User Defined Types
26.5. Exceptions and SOAP Faults
26.6. Mapping MIME Type to Data Handler Type
26.6.1. Using dataHandlerOnly Option in wsdl2java
26.7. Disabling Data Binding in Doc/Literal
26.7.1. Using noDataBinding Option in wsdl2java
27. JAX-RPC Web Service Security
27.1. Overview
27.2. Transport-Level Security
27.3. Message-Level Security
27.3.1. Applying Web Service Security
27.3.2. Web Service Security Architecture
27.3.3. Configuring JEUS Web Service Security
27.3.4. Creating a Password Callback Class
27.3.5. Example of Server-side JEUS Web Service Security
27.3.6. Example of Client-side JEUS Web Service Security
27.3.7. Creating JEUS Web Service Client Using Web Service Security API
27.4. Configuring Access Control
27.4.1. Configuring Access Control Security for Java Web Services
27.4.2. Configuring Access Control for EJB Web Services
27.4.3. Invoking Web Services Configured with Basic Authentication