Appendix A. Installing JDK

Table of Contents

A.1. Sun Solaris
A.3. HP-UX
A.4. Linux

This appendix describes how to install and use the Java SE Development Kit (JDK) on various platforms.


This appendix is a brief summary of the JDK Installation Guide, which is available online.

A.1. Sun Solaris

Updates for Solaris SPARC and x86 are available under "Solaris OS Patch" at the following site.

Check whether the required updates have been applied before using the JDK.

To use the JDK, update the PATH environment variable from the user shell and add the Java execution file path. For example, execute the following command if the JDK is installed in the '/usr/j2se' directory.

  • csh

    setenv PATH ”/usr/j2se/bin:$PATH”
  • sh or ksh


Alternatively, users can run the binary file by specifying the full path (/usr/j2se/bin/javac or /usr/j2se/bin/java).

To execute JDK, no environment variables such as JDK_HOME, JAVA_HOME, or CLASSPATH are required. But if an issues arises regarding these variables, make sure that the existing settings are not in conflict.


Download the JDK from the following site.

System patches are required to install the JDK.

If additional packages are needed during installation, download and install them from the FTP site.

Connect to the FTP site and use anonymous/e-mail address to login. Use 'ls -1' to display the file list.

The required files are available in the following paths.

  • AIX update path

    /aix/fixes/<OS version>
  • Other update file


A.3. HP-UX

Download the HP-UX JDK for the Java™ 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) from the following site to the '/tmp' directory. You can also download system patches required to install the JDK from the following site.

A.4. Linux

Download the JDK 7 from the following site.