Chapter 8. Configuring a JEUS System

Table of Contents

8.1. Overview
8.2. Configuring Basic Environment Variables
8.3. Adding and Configuring Managed Servers (MS)
8.3.1. Adding Managed Servers
8.3.2. Configuring HTTP Listeners
8.3.3. Configuring WebtoB Connectors
8.4. Adding Data Sources
8.5. Starting and Stopping Servers in WebAdmin

This chapter describes how to set up and start JEUS and WebAdmin.

8.1. Overview

The following are the steps for configuring a JEUS system and WebAdmin.

8.2. Configuring Basic Environment Variables

JEUS WebAdmin can be used to easily manage all JEUS components, configure the environment, perform monitoring, and manage applications.

Use the following steps to start WebAdmin.

  1. Run the startDomainAdminServer script from command prompt to start JEUS Domain Administration Server.


    The startDomainAdminServer script is in the 'JEUS_HOME/bin/' directory and must be set in the system path. To execute WebAdmin, it must first be configured in the <enable-webadmin> attribute of domain.xml. For more information about <enable-webadmin>, refer to JEUS WebAdmin Guide. "2.2. Logging In".


    C:\TmaxSoft\JEUS8\bin>startDomainAdminServer -u administrator -p <password>
      - JEUS Home         : C:\TmaxSoft\JEUS8
      - Added Java Option :
      - Java Vendor       : Sun
    C:\Users\Tmax>"D:\java\jdk1.8.0_111\bin\java" -server -Xmx512m 
    -classpath "C:\TmaxSoft\JEUS8\lib\system\bootstrap.jar" 
    -Djava.util.logging.config.file="C:\TmaxSoft\JEUS8\bin\",java.util.logging,sun.rmi.dgc jeus.server.LauncherBootstrapper -u administrator -p <password>
    ================ JEUS LICENSE INFORMATION ================
    === VERSION : JEUS 8 (
    === EDITION: Enterprise (Trial License)
    === NOTICE: This license restricts the number of allowed clients.
    === Max. Number of Clients: 5
    This license is not appropriate for product runtime mode. Replace the license with an appropriate one.
    [2016.12.28 14:27:07][2] [launcher-1] [Launcher-0012] Starting the server [adminServer] with the command
     D:\java\jdk1.8.0_111\bin\java -DadminServer -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m 
    -server -Xbootclasspath/p:C:\TmaxSoft\JEUS8\lib\system\extension.jar 
    -classpath C:\TmaxSoft\JEUS8\lib\system\bootstrap.jar\TmaxSoft\JEUS8\domains\jeus_domain\config\security\policy 
    -Djeus.server.protectmode=false -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+LogVMOutput 
    jeus.server.admin.DomainAdminServerBootstrapper -u administrator -domain jeus_domain -server adminServer .
    [2016.12.28 14:27:07][2] [launcher-1] [Launcher-0014] The server[adminServer] is being started ...
    [2016.12.28 14:27:09][2] [adminServer-1] [SERVER-0248] The JEUS server is STARTING.
    [2016.12.28 14:27:09][0] [adminServer-1] [SERVER-0000] Version information - JEUS 8 (
    ... Omitted
    [2016.12.28 14:27:12][2] [adminServer-1] [WEB-3857] <Session information of Context(webadmin)>
    - session descriptor -
        - timeout           : 30(min)
        - max session count : -1
        - shared            : false
        - reload-persistent : false
    - session tracking mode -
        - Cookie     : true
        - URL Rewrite: false
        - SSL        : false
    - session cookie config -
        - cookie-name : JSESSIONID
        - version         : 0
        - domain          : null
        - path            : null
        - max-age         : -1 (browser-lifetime)
        - secure          : false
        - http-only       : true
    [2016.12.28 14:27:12][2] [adminServer-1] [WEB-1032] Distributed the web context [webadmin] information
    - Virtual host    : DEFAULT_HOST
    - Context path    : /webadmin
    - Document base   : C:\TmaxSoft\JEUS8\domains\jeus_domain\servers\adminServer
    - Module version  : 3.0
    [2016.12.28 14:27:12][1] [adminServer-1] [WebSocketServer-0026] There are no 
    WebSocket server endpoints so that WebSocketContainer is not created.
    [2016.12.28 14:27:12][2] [adminServer-1] [WEB-3480] The web module [webadmin, 
    packaged time=1482902768895, index=01] has been successfully distributed.
    [2016.12.28 14:27:12][2] [adminServer-1] [Deploy-0096] Successfully distributed the application[webadmin].
    [2016.12.28 14:27:12][2] [adminServer-1] [WEB-3484] ServletContext[name=webadmin, 
    path=/webadmin, ctime=Wed Dec 28 14:27:12 KST 2016, apptime=1482902768895, index=01] started successfully.
    [2016.12.28 14:27:13][2] [launcher-11] [Launcher-0034] The server[adminServer] initialization completed successfully[pid : 8040].
    [2016.12.28 14:27:13][0] [launcher-1] [Launcher-0040] Successfully started the server.The server state is now RUNNING.
  2. Open a Web browser to access WebAdmin. Enter the login ID and password that was specified during JEUS installation. WebAdmin is accessed through a base port. The default port is '9736'.


    [Figure 8.1] Login Page

    Login Page

  3. After a successful login, the main WebAdmin page will appear.

    [Figure 8.2] Main Page

    Main Page

8.3. Adding and Configuring Managed Servers (MS)

The server instances that manage the actual application service engines and services are called Managed Servers (MSs). Multiple MSs can exist in a single domain. Applications are deployed to MSs, and the MSs provide the resources and services that the applications need.

8.3.1. Adding Managed Servers

Add new MSs and then add listeners to the MSs.

  1. Click [Servers] from the left pane to go to the Servers page. Click [Add] to add a server.

    [Figure 8.3] Adding Managed Servers - Servers

    Adding Managed Servers - Servers


    Click [Lock & Edit] to make dynamic configuration changes. [Lock & Edit] locks JEUS configurations so that they can be modified. If this button is disabled, [Add] will also be disabled.

  2. Fill in the required fields of the Basic Information section and then click [OK].

    [Figure 8.4] Adding Managed Servers - Basic Information

    Adding Managed Servers - Basic Information

  3. Click [Apply Changes] on the bottom left of the screen to dynamically apply the configurations.

  4. When the changes have been applied to the server, the following message will be displayed. Use this information to check that the MS has been created correctly.

    [Figure 8.5] Adding Managed Servers - Results

    Adding Managed Servers - Results

  5. The BASE listener is used to start the MSs. The BASE listener uses port 9736 by default. Because DAS uses the same port, change the BASE listener to use another port.

    Click [Servers] from the left menu to go to the Servers page. Select a server to view from the list and then click [Resources] > [Listeners]. Click the BASE listener from the Listeners page to go to the Listener properties page.

    [Figure 8.6] Adding Managed Servers - Selecting a Listener

    Adding Managed Servers - Selecting a Listener

  6. Change the Listen Port from the default value of 9736 to another value and then click [OK].

    [Figure 8.7] Adding Managed Servers - Changing Listener Configuration

    Adding Managed Servers - Changing Listener Configuration

  7. Click [Apply Changes] from the left pane to apply the changes.

8.3.2. Configuring HTTP Listeners

Only the [Basic] section needs to be configured to start an MS. However, additional Listener property settings are required to use the Web services.

  1. Select [Servers] from the left pane to go to the Servers page and then select a server.

    Click [Resources] > [Listeners] to go to the Listeners page. On the Listeners page, click [Add].

    [Figure 8.8] Adding HTTP Listeners - Adding Listeners

    Adding HTTP Listeners - Adding Listeners


    Click [Lock & Edit] to make dynamic configuration changes. [Lock & Edit] locks JEUS configurations so that they can be modified. If this button is disabled, [Add] will also be disabled.

  2. On the Listener page, set the Name and Listen Port properties and then click [OK].

    [Figure 8.9] Setting HTTP Listener Properties - Basic Information

    Setting HTTP Listener Properties - Basic Information


    The specified port must not be already in use by another listener.

  3. Click [Engine] > [Web Engine] > [Web Connections] to go to the Web Connections page. For this example, click [HTTP] to configure an HTTP listener.

    [Figure 8.10] Configuring HTTP Listeners - Adding Web Connections

    Configuring HTTP Listeners - Adding Web Connections

  4. On the HTTP Listener screen, set the Name and Server Listener Ref properties. For the Server Listener Ref option, select 'http-listener' from the drop-down list.

    [Figure 8.11] Configuring HTTP Listeners - Configuring Web Connection Properties

    Configuring HTTP Listeners - Configuring Web Connection Properties

  5. Click the [Apply Changes] from the left pane to apply the changes.

8.3.3. Configuring WebtoB Connectors

JEUS 8 does not support web engines that start an embedded WebtoB. To use an embedded WebtoB, compile the WebtoB configuration file to manually execute the embedded WebtoB, and then add a WebtoB connector to connect with the embedded WebtoB.

  1. Compile the configuration file ($JEUS_HOME/webserver/config/ws_engine.m) of the embedded WebtoB.

    C:\TmaxSoft\JEUS8\webserver\config>wscfl -i ws_engine.m
    Current configuration:
            Number of client handler(HTH) = 1
            Supported maximum user per node = 2018
            Supported maximum user per handler = 2018
    Successfully created the configuration file (C:/TmaxSoft/JEUS8/webserver/config/wsconfig) for node paper-PC.
    The host name of the running machine is paper-PC.


    Since the configuration file of the embedded WebtoB, which is installed by default, is not compiled, the configuration file must be compiled before starting the embedded WebtoB.

  2. Start the embedded WebtoB.

    Booting WebtoB on node (paper-PC)
    Starting WSM at 04/30/13 11:06:56
    Starting HTL at 04/30/13 11:06:56
    Starting HTH at 04/30/13 11:06:56
             Current WebtoB Configuration:
                    Number of client handlers (HTH) = 1
                    Supported maximum user per node = 2018
                    Supported maximum user per handler = 2018
    Starting SVR(C:/TmaxSoft/JEUS8/webserver/bin/htmls.exe) at 04/30/13 11:06:56
    Starting SVR(C:/TmaxSoft/JEUS8/webserver/bin/cgis.exe) at 04/30/13 11:06:56
    Starting SVR(C:/TmaxSoft/JEUS8/webserver/bin/ssis.exe) at 04/30/13 11:06:56

  3. Select [Servers] from the left pane to go to the Servers page and then select a server.

    Click [Engine] > [Web Engine] > [Web Connections]to go to the Web Connections page. On the Web Connections page, click [WebtoB].

    [Figure 8.12] Configuring WebtoB Connectors - Adding Web Connections

    Configuring WebtoB Connectors - Adding Web Connections


    Click [Lock & Edit] to make dynamic configuration changes. [Lock & Edit] locks JEUS configurations so that they can be modified. If this button is disabled, [WebtoB] will also be disabled.

  4. On the WebtoB Connector screen, set the Name, WebtoB Home, and Thread Pool Number properties. When the configuration is complete, click [OK].

    [Figure 8.13] Configuring WebtoB Connectors - Basic Web Connection Settings

    Configuring WebtoB Connectors - Basic Web Connection Settings


    To configure the Thread Pool Number property, refer to the WebtoB settings. If the settings of the embedded WebtoB are not changed after installation, use the default Thread Pool count of 5.

  5. Click [Apply Changes] from the left pane to apply the changes.

  6. Restart JEUS to apply the WebtoB connector settings.

8.4. Adding Data Sources

JEUS can be used to configure the database connectivity by configuring data sources.

The following example uses the Apache Derby database that is included with JEUS. Apache Derby is located in the 'JEUS_HOME/derby' directory.

When Derby is not running, execute the following commands.

Execute the following command to start Derby on UNIX, Linux, or Windows.

JEUS_HOME\bin> startderby

Execute the following command to stop Derby.

JEUS_HOME\bin> stopderby


Derbyclient.jar, the Derby JDBC driver file, must be located in the 'JEUS_HOME/lib/datasource' directory to be able use Derby in JEUS. This file is included in JEUS by default. For detailed information about Derby, refer to

The following example registers a data source named 'jdbc/sample' to use a database called 'sample'.

To add a data source:

  1. Click [Resources] > [DataSources] from the left pane of the WebAdmin screen. The DataSources page appears. To add a data source, click [Add] from the Database table.

    [Figure 8.14] Adding DataSources - JDBC Data Sources

    Adding DataSources - JDBC Data Sources


    Click [Lock & Edit] to make dynamic configuration changes. [Lock & Edit] locks JEUS configurations so that they can be modified. If this button is disabled, [Add] will also be disabled.

  2. Configure the Database properties and then click [OK].

    [Figure 8.15] Adding DataSources - Basic Information

    Adding DataSources - Basic Information

  3. Verify that the data source has been correctly added to the list.

    [Figure 8.16] Adding DataSources - DataSource List

    Adding DataSources - DataSource List

  4. Click [Servers] from the left pane to go to the Server List page. Select a server from the list to go to the Server page. For DataSources, select the newly added data source for the server.

    [Figure 8.17] Adding DataSources - Selecting DataSources

    Adding DataSources - Selecting DataSources

8.5. Starting and Stopping Servers in WebAdmin

DAS must be running in order to start MSs in WebAdmin. To start or stop an MS while DAS is running, either its node manager must be running or the SSH properties must be configured on the server. For detailed information about SSH properties, refer to JEUS Node Manager Guide.


SSH is not available on Windows. The node manager must be started before starting MS on Windows.

To start MSs in WebAdmin,

  1. Click [Servers] on the left pane of WebAdmin. The Servers page will appear.

    Select a server from the list and then click the [Resources] > [Listeners] tab. On the Listeners page, click [Add] from the Listener list table. Set the required Listener options and then click [OK].

  2. On the [Servers] page, click [Start] or [Stop] to start or stop each MS.

    [Figure 8.18] Managing MSs in JEUS WebAdmin

    Managing MSs in JEUS WebAdmin