Chapter 9. Using WebTier

Table of Contents

9.1. Example
9.2. Compilation
9.3. Deployment
9.4. Execution Result

This chapter describes how to deploy servlet, JSP, JSTL, and JSF applications, and how to package and deploy WAR (Web application ARchive) modules.

9.1. Example

This section shows sample code for a web application and how to compile and deploy the code.


For more information, refer to JEUS Server Guide, "JEUS Web Engine Guide, JEUS Web Service Guide.

The following sample servlet displays the message "Hello World!" in a web browser.

[Example 9.1] Example of WebTier: <<>>


import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class HelloWorldServlet extends HttpServlet
   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
              throws IOException, ServletException

      PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
      out.println("<TITLE>Hello World Sample</TITLE>");
      out.println("<CENTER><H1>Hello World!</H1></CENTER>");

The sample file is in the following directory.


The following sample JSP program named 'snoop.jsp' shows information about the request it receives.

[Example 9.2] Example of WebTier: <<snoop.jsp>>


<body bgcolor="white">

<h2> Request Information </h2>
<font size="4">
JSP Request Method: <%= request.getMethod() %>
Request URI: <%= request.getRequestURI() %>
Request Protocol: <%= request.getProtocol() %>
Servlet path: <%= request.getServletPath() %>
Path info: <%= request.getPathInfo() %>
Path translated: <%= request.getPathTranslated() %>
Query string: <%= request.getQueryString() %>
Content length: <%= request.getContentLength() %>
Content type: <%= request.getContentType() %>
Server name: <%= request.getServerName() %>
Server port: <%= request.getServerPort() %>
Remote user: <%= request.getRemoteUser() %>
Remote address: <%= request.getRemoteAddr() %>
Remote host: <%= request.getRemoteHost() %>
Authorization scheme: <%= request.getAuthType() %> 
The browser you are using is <%= request.getHeader("User-Agent") %>

This sample file is in the following directory.


The following sample JSP program has the same functionality as snoop.jsp except that it uses JSTP and JSF.

[Example 9.3] Example of WebTier: <<snoop_jstl.jsp>>

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f" %>
<h2> Request Information </h2>
<font size="4">
    <c:set var="req" value="${pageContext.request}"/>
    JSP Request Method: <c:out value="${req.method}"/>
    Request Protocol: <c:out value="${req.protocol}"/>
    Servlet path: <c:out value="${req.servletPath}"/>
    Path info: <c:out value="${req.pathInfo}"/>
    Path translated: <c:out value="${req.pathTranslated}"/>
    Query string: <c:out value="${req.queryString}"/>
    Content length: <c:out value="${req.contentLength}"/>
    Content type: <c:out value="${req.contentType}"/>
    Server name: <c:out value="${req.serverName}"/>
    Server port: <c:out value="${req.serverPort}"/>
    Remote user: <c:out value="${req.remoteUser}"/>
    Remote address: <c:out value="${req.remoteAddr}"/>
    Remote host: <c:out value="${req.remoteHost}"/>
    Authorization scheme: <c:out value="${req.authType}"/> 
    The browser you are using is <h:outputText value=

JSP programs are automatically compiled by the servlet engine and don't need to be compiled manually.

9.2. Compilation

The sample code can be built by using jant as in the following.

%JEUS_HOME%/samples/getting_started/helloservlet>jant build

After the sample code has been built successfully, a WAR file named 'hello-servlet.war' will be created in the dist folder.

9.3. Deployment

A packaged WAR application can be deployed by using WebAdmin or console.

Using WebAdmin

In JEUS, there are two steps for deploying applications, installation and deployment.


For detailed information about deployment, refer to JEUS Applications & Deployment Guide.

This section describes how to deploy WAR applications.

  1. Log in to WebAdmin using a web browser.

  2. Click [Applications] from the left pane to go to the application list page. Click [Install] from the following Deployed Applications page.

    [Figure 9.1] Deployed Applications Page

    Deployed Applications Page

  3. Enter the ID in 'Id' field of the Install page. Click [Choose Files] next to the Path option, select the newly created application, and then click [OK]. The path of the new application is 'JEUS_HOME/samples/getting_started/helloservlet/dist/'.

    [Figure 9.2] Deployed Applications Page - Selecting a Deployment Target

    Deployed Applications Page - Selecting a Deployment Target

  4. The list of applications deployed on DAS is shown on the Deployed Applications page. Click [Deploy] to deploy the application to an MS.

    [Figure 9.3] Deployed Application Page - Installation Successful Message

    Deployed Application Page - Installation Successful Message

  5. Select the server to deploy and click [OK]. It is possible to select DAS, but an MS is recommended for deployment.

    [Figure 9.4] Deployed Application Page - Deployment of Modules

    Deployed Application Page - Deployment of Modules

  6. The following message is displayed after the web application has been deployed successfully.

    [Figure 9.5] Deployed Application Page - Deployment Successful Message

    Deployed Application Page - Deployment Successful Message

Using the Console

This section describes how to deploy and test a WAR application in the console.

  1. Log in to JEUS as jeusadmin.

    jeusadmin –u administrator –p <password>
  2. Install the application on DAS.

    [DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer>install-application -id helloworld C:\TmaxSoft\JEUS8\samples\getting_started\helloservlet\dist\hello-servlet.war
    Successfully installed application[helloworld].
  3. Deploy the application to an MS (Server1).

    [DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer>deploy helloworld -servers server1
    Succeeded to deploy the application : helloworld
  4. Verify that the application has been deployed successfully.

9.4. Execution Result

This section describes how to execute the deployed servlets and JSPs.

Executing a Deployed JSP

Deployed JSPs can be executed by:

  • Opening snoop.jsp

    Open a browser window and enter the following URL into the address bar to open the 'snoop.jsp' page. Opening a JSP page for the first time takes a little longer because it is automatically compiled by the servlet engine.


    [Figure 9.6] Executing a JSP

    Executing a JSP

  • Opening snoop.jsp

    Open a browser window and enter the following URL into the address bar to open the snoop_jstl.jsp. The result of a page is the same with the result of opening snoop.jsp.


Executing a Deployed Servlet

To access the 'helloworld' servlet, open a browser window and enter the following URL into the address bar.

httpHTTP protocol is used to access JEUS.
localhostServer that provides the service is on the local machine.
8088Port number of the HTTP listener created on the MS.
helloworldWeb application context path. This path is set in the <context-path> element of 'jeus-web-dd.xml'. By default, it has the same name as the WAR file.
HelloWorldServletURL pattern defined in the servlet.

The following message will appear if the servlet engine has started normally and the Hello World servlet has been deployed successfully.

[Figure 9.7] Executing a WAR Module (Servlet)

Executing a WAR Module (Servlet)