Chapter 4. JEUS Manual Organization

Table of Contents

4.1. Overview
4.2. Manual Organization

This chapter describes the JEUS manuals and abbreviations used in the manual. Read this chapter carefully because it contains important information about the JEUS manual.

4.1. Overview

JEUS manuals can be accessed in the following three ways.

JEUS manuals:

  • Are intended for Java EE professionals who understand Java and Java EE technology.

  • Are organized into individual and loosely related documents.

  • Generally follow a standard document format with a few exceptions.

  • Are structured in a wide variety of ways.


Knowledge of Java and Java EE technologies is required to understand this document. Useful online documents and specifications are available at the Java website, JEUS manuals do not cover all the information described in the Java EE specifications, but only include JEUS related information.

4.2. Manual Organization

The following figure [Figure 4.1] shows the complete document organization of the JEUS manuals. The arrows indicate the preferred order of reading for the first-time users. The JEUS manuals consist of 25 documents.

[Figure 4.1] JEUS Manual Organization

JEUS Manual Organization

The contents of each document are outlined in the following list. Refer to this list to quickly locate a specific topic.

  • JEUS Release Note

    Describes new features of released JEUS, and how to upgrade the previous version.

    • New JEUS features

    • Upgrading from a previous version

  • JEUS Introduction

    Describes JEUS and its architecture and components.

    • Introduction to JEUS

    • JEUS environment

    • JEUS manual organization

  • JEUS Installation and Getting Started Guide

    Describes how to install and start JEUS with examples for each platform.

    • Installing Java on Windows and UNIX

    • Installing JEUS on Windows and UNIX

    • Descriptions for sample applications (QuickStart)

    • JEUS system tutorial

    • EJB tutorial

    • Servlet/JSP tutorial

    • Web service tutorial

  • JEUS WebAdmin Guide

    Describes WebAdmin, the JEUS Web management tool. All users, from general users to administrators, must read this document.

    • The components and main features of JEUS WebAdmin

    • Configuring, controlling, and monitoring JEUS

  • JEUS Domain Guide

    Outlines the structure of JEUS domains and their configurations. Those who need to understand JEUS must read this guide.

    • Concepts and components of a domain

    • Structure and creation of a domain

    • Changing and applying domain configurations

    • Controlling and changing the state of servers with domains

    • Concepts of a cluster with domains

    • Handling abnormal termination of servers that manage domains

    • Node manager that manages MSs

    • Domain securities

  • JEUS Node Manager Guide

    Outlines the structure and configurations of JEUS nodes. Those who need to understand JEUS must read this guide.

    • Concepts, purpose, and types of node managers

    • Configuring Java node managers

    • Operating modes of Java node managers

    • Configuring/Deleting SSH node managers

    • Using SSH node managers

  • JEUS Server Guide

    This is the most important guide for JEUS administrators who manage JEUS.

    • JEUS components and services

    • Configuring JEUS components

    • JEUS server controls and monitoring

    • Basic JEUS JNDI concepts and application development methods

    • Integrating and configuring external resources with JEUS

    • Using connection pools and other features provided by JEUS

    • JEUS transaction manager and related components

    • JEUS logging system

    • Connection pool settings for main JDBC drivers


    "JEUS Server Guide" contains very broad contents such as JEUS security, naming, and transaction managers. It contains many disparate topics such as JEUS security, Naming, and Transaction Manager. Although the topics vary, documents are organized as they are because the components are configured using the same configuration file and processed on the same JVM.

  • JEUS EJB Guide

    Describes how to deploy JEUS EJB engines and modules.

    • Overview of JEUS EJB

    • Configuring, controlling, monitoring, and tuning the JEUS EJB engine

    • Managing, deploying, controlling, and monitoring EJB modules

    • General EJB features and configurations

    • JEUS EJB security

    • JEUS EJB security interoperability

    • JEUS EJB clustering

    • Session EJBs

    • Entity EJBs

    • Message driven beans

    • EJB clients

    • Using Ant with JEUS EJBs

  • JEUS Web Engine Guide

    Describes how to manage JEUS Web containers. It discusses about the Java EE WAR archive and how to manage and deploy Servlets/JSPs.

    • Overview of JEUS Web engine and environment configurations

    • JEUS Web connection management

    • JEUS Web context (Web applications/WAR files) structure and deployment, controlling, monitoring, and tuning of Web contexts

    • JEUS Web engine features and settings

    • Web server connection and clustering (WebtoB, Apache and built-in HTTP server connections and clusters)

    • Virtual hosting

    • Concepts and use of JEUS WebCache

    • Concepts and use of reverse proxies

    • Default settings and operations of dynamic class loading

  • JEUS Session Management Guide

    Describes the concepts and settings of the session manager and session server. This guide is intended for system administrators and developers who maintain and share sessions in a clustered environment or on a single server.

    • The structure, operations, configurations, and tuning of sessions

    • The structure, operations, and configurations of distributed session servers that enable session tracking in clustered environments

  • JEUS MQ Guide

    Describes the JEUS messaging system (JMS)

    • Overview of JEUS JMS

    • Configuring, monitoring, and controlling the JMS engine environment

    • JMS programming in JEUS

    • JEUS MQ clustering methods

    • JEUS MQ special functions

  • JEUS Web Service Guide

    Describes Web services in JEUS.

    • Overview of JEUS Web services

    • Generating Web service endpoints

    • Calling Web services

    • Implementing client applications that use Web services

    • Data types and JEUS Web services

    • Using Ant with Web services

    • Standard binding declarations and customizations

    • Handler framework

    • Provider and dispatch interfaces

    • Asynchronous Web services

    • Using MIME attachment message transmission and Fast Infoset with Web services

    • WS-Policy, WS-Addressing, WS-ReliableMessaging, and WS-Transaction

    • Using UDDI

    • Web service security

    • XML and Web services

  • JEUS JMX Guide

    Describes how to manage JEUS using JMX.

    • Configuring JEUS JMX Manager

    • Developing JMX applications

    • JMX API reference

  • JEUS SNMP Guide

    Describes how to monitor JEUS using the SNMP protocol.

    • Overview of JEUS SNMP agent

    • SNMP agent organization

    • Programming with JEUS SNMP


  • JEUS JCA Guide

    Describes how to integrate JEUS and legacy systems.

    • Overview of connectors

    • Connector packaging

    • Using and tuning connectors

  • JEUS JPA Guide

    Describes the necessary configurations for using TopLink Essential with JEUS.

    • Introduction to Java Persistence API

    • Configuring providers

    • Configuring JEUS

  • JEUS Scheduler Guide

    Describes the features of JEUS scheduler.

    • Configuring scheduler services

    • Programming with scheduler services

  • JEUS Applications & Deployment Guide

    Describes how to use tools to deploy Java EE applications to JEUS.

    • Managing applications in a domain

    • Graceful undeployment and redeployment

    • Overview of modules, applications, and shared libraries

    • Creating and deploying Java EE application files

  • JEUS Application Client Guide

    Describes interoperability between Java EE clients and JEUS.

    • Java EE application clients

    • Applet clients

    • JNLP clients

  • JEUS Security Guide

    Describes how to configure and operate the security system in JEUS, and explains security-related programming.

    • Overview and configurations of the security system

    • Configuring security for applications and modules

    • Programming with the security API

    • Developing custom security services

    • Using JACC Provider

    • Using JAAS

  • JEUS Concurrency Utilities Guide

    Describes concurrency utilities for Java EE programming.

    • Overview and configurations of concurrency utilities for Java EE

    • Programming with the APIs of concurrency utilities for Java EE

  • JEUS JBatch Guide

    Describes JBatch programming.

    • Overview and configurations of JBatch

    • Programming with JBatch

  • JEUS Reference Book

    Contains references that are helpful when using JEUS.

    • Information about system properties

    • Using console commands

    • Using Ant tasks

    • APIs used in JEUS

  • JEUS Upgrade Guide

    Describes how to upgrade JEUS. (To be released)

    • How to upgrade JEUS.

    • How to use the upgrade tool.

    • Major changes of newly released JEUS.

    • Information about compatibility of each product.