Chapter 3. WebAdmin

Table of Contents

3.1. Starting WebAdmin
3.2. Login
3.3. Logout

This chapter describes how to start and shut down WebAdmin.

3.1. Starting WebAdmin

To start WebAdmin, configure the domain.xml file's <enable-webadmin> (refer to "JEUS Server Guide") to "true".

The following is an example of configuring domain.xml so that WebAdmin is started when JEUS is started.

[Example 3.1] WebAdmin Configuration : <<domain.xml>>

<domain xmlns="" version="8.0">

3.2. Login

Login to a web browser to use WebAdmin when completing the environment configuration for starting WebAdmin.

  1. Enter the following in a web browser address screen to display the WebAdmin login screen.

     http://<IP Address>:9736/webadmin
  2. Click the [Login] button after entering the administrator 'ID' and 'Password'. After logging in, the administrator main page will be displayed. If login is unsuccessful, an error message will be displayed.

    [Figure 3.1] WebAdmin Login Screen

    WebAdmin Login Screen

3.3. Logout

Click the [logout] button at the top right corner of the main screen. The WebAdmin user session will be shutdown and the login screen will be displayed.

[Figure 3.2] WebAdmin [Logout] Menu

WebAdmin [Logout] Menu