About This Document

Intended Audience

Java Management eXtensions (JMX) is a Java API that provides tools to monitor and to manage application program software/objects/devices (printer) and service-oriented networks.

This guide is intended for system administrators who manage and maintain JMX in JEUS® (hereafter JEUS) and it describes how to use JEUS JMX modules.

Required Knowledge

To fully understand this guide, users need to have an understanding of JMX development Refer to specification materials suggested in http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html or other JMX-related documents.

To understand the basic concepts and applications of JEUS, it is recommended that users refer to the following:

This guide includes examples and environment settings in UNIX. To use them in other environments such as Microsoft Windows™ (hereafter Windows), users need to consider several conditions.

For example, the Unix delimiter "/" should be replaced with the Windows delimiter "\". The environment variables also need to be specified using (%%). Note that JEUS_HOME referred to in this guide is the home directory of JEUS.

Document Scope

This guide concerns material based on Java SE, but it does not contain details about the Java EE specifications or JMX. For such details, see the Java documentation.

Document Organization

This guide consists of three chapters.


<AaBbCc123>Program source code file name
<Ctrl>+CHold down the Ctrl key and press the C key
[Button] Name of a GUI button or menu
Bold Emphasis
Italics Reference to another guide
" " (Double quotation marks)Reference to a chapter or section in this or another guide
'Input' User input on the screen
Email account, website, or a reference to other chapters or sections
>Proceeding order of menu
+----Files or directories exist in this directory
|----Files or directories do not exist in this directory


Reference or caution
[Figure 1.1] Figure caption
Commands, screen output after executing command, or sample code
{ }Required items
[ ]Optional items
|Selective items

System Requirements

PlatformSolaris 9, 10, 11
HP-UX 11.x, 11i, 11iV2
MS Windows 2008, 2012, Vista, 7, 8
Hardware20 GB of hard drive disk storage recommended. At least 2 GB.
More than 1 GB RAM recommended.

Related Documents

JEUS Introduction GuideIntroduces the JEUS server and describes its architecture and components.
JEUS Getting Started GuideIntroduces JEUS and describes how to install it and get started.
JEUS Server GuideGives an overview of the JEUS system and the server and describes how to manage the system.
JEUS SNMP GuideDescribes JEUS monitoring system that uses the standard SNMPs.
JEUS Reference BookIncludes reference useful for using JEUS.
JEUS WebAdmin GuideDescribes how to use JEUS's Web management tool, WebAdmin, for configuring, controlling, monitoring, and clustering JEUS, and for resource configuration and management.
