Chapter 3. Starting and Ending JEUS Servers

Table of Contents

3.1. Overview
3.2. Usage
3.2.1. Starting DAS
3.2.2. Starting MS
3.2.3. Starting Cloud Servers
3.2.4. Ending Servers
3.3. Entering Master Password
3.4. Executing JEUS Server in Debug Mode

This section describes commands used to start and end JEUS servers.

3.1. Overview

Commands for starting and ending servers are located in the following directory.


The commands for starting a JEUS server execute a launcher of the corresponding server. The launcher performs preparation for starting the server and then starts the server JVM. Domain Administration Server (DAS) manages running Managed Servers (MSs) and sends administrator's commands to them as an agent. However, a cloud server does not need a launcher unlike DAS and MSs. Therefore, JVM options required to start the server are set in

3.2. Usage

The following describes how to start DAS, MS, and cloud servers.

In order to manage MSs using tools, such as jeusadmin or WebAdmin, DAS must be started first.

DAS communicates with each MS that runs on a HOST machine. All servers in a domain share the following configuration file. Each server reads necessary configurations from the file and runs according to those configurations.


3.2.1. Starting DAS

The following describes how to start DAS.

  1. Use the following command appropriate for your OS at a command prompt.

    • UNIX and Linux

    • Windows

  2. Use the following options along with the command.

    The server can run in debug mode by changing the setting in the domain.xml file. For more information, refer to "3.4. Executing JEUS Server in Debug Mode".

    startDomainAdminServer [-h] 
                           [-domain <domain-name> -server <das-name>]
                           [-u <username> -p <password>] 
                           [-f <filename>]

    The following describes each command option.

    [-h]Displays help for the command.
    [-domain <domain-name>]Domain name of DAS.
    [-server <das-name>]Name of DAS to start.

    [-u <username>]

    [-p <password>]

    Account that starts the server.

    [-u] is the administrator ID and [-p] is its password, which are required to start the server.


    Caches the login information entered with the [-u] and [-p] options.

    If cached login information exists, it can replace the [-p] option. However, this is not recommended. For more information, refer to JEUS Security Guide.

    [-f <filename>]Path to the file that contains cached login information.
    [-force]Option to forcibly change the server state to RUNNING, even if all the registered applications are not in the RUNNING state.
    [-standby]Option to start the server in the STANDBY state.
    [-rolling]Internal option for Rolling Patch. This option must not be set by the user at startup.
    [-verbose]Option to display server logs on the launcher screen without terminating the launcher.

Most of the options required to start MS are similar to the options required to start DAS. MS contains the dasurl option, which is used to get the configuration file from DAS.

3.2.2. Starting MS

The following describes how to start an MS.

  1. Use the following command appropriate for your OS at a command prompt.

    • UNIX and Linux

    • Windows

  2. Use the following options along with the command.

    startManagedServer [-h]
                       [-domain <domain-name> -server <server-name>]
                       [-u <username> -p <password>] 
                       [-f <filename>]
                       [-dasurl <das-url>]

    The following describes each command option.

    [-h]Displays help for the command.
    [-domain <domain-name>]Domain name of DAS.
    [-server <das-name>]Name of DAS to start.

    [-u <username>]

    [-p <password>]

    Account that starts the server.

    [-u] is the administrator ID and [-p] is its password, which are required to start the server.


    Caches the login information entered with the [-u] and [-p] options.

    If cached login information exists, it can replace the [-p] option. However, this is not recommended. For more information, refer to JEUS Security Guide.

    [-f <filename>]Path to the file that contains cached login information.
    [-force]Option to forcibly change the server state to RUNNING, even if all registered applications are not in the RUNNING state.
    [-standby]Option to start the server in the STANDBY state.
    [-rolling]Internal option for Rolling Patch. This option must not be set by the user at startup.
    [-verbose]Option to display server logs on the launcher screen without terminating the launcher.
    [-dasurl <das-url>]URL address of the DAS that manages the domain that the MS belongs to. It is recommended to set this address to use it for getting a new configuration file from DAS.

3.2.3. Starting Cloud Servers

The following describes how to start a cloud server.

  1. Use the following command appropriate for your OS at a command prompt.

    • UNIX and Linux

    • Windows

  2. Use the following options along with the command. Typically, the domain name is the same as the server name. The names can be different, but this is not recommended.

    startCloudServer [-h]
                [-u <username> -p <password>]
                [-domain <domain-name> -server <server-name>]

    The following describes each command option.

    [-h]Displays help for the command.

    [-u <username>]

    [-p <password>]

    Account that starts the server.

    [-u] is the administrator ID and [-p] is its password, which are required to start the server.

    [-domain <domain-name>]Name of the domain that includes the cloud server to start. If the domain name is the same as the server name or there is only one domain in the domain directory, it can be omitted.
    [-server <server-name>]Name of the cloud server to start. If there is only one domain in the domain directory, it can be omitted.

3.2.4. Ending Servers

The following describes how to end a JEUS server.

  1. Use the following command appropriate for your OS at a command prompt.

    • UNIX and Linux

    • Windows

  2. Use the following options along with the command.

    stopServer -host <host:port>
                       [-domain <domain-name> -server <server-name>]
                       [-u <username> -p <password>] 
                       [-f <filename>]
                       [-dasurl <das-url>]

    The following describes each command option.

    hostInformation about the host to end in the format of host:port.

    [-u <username>]

    [-p <password>]

    Account that ends the server.

    [-u] is the administrator ID and [-p] is its password.


    Caches the login information entered with the [-u] and [-p] options.

    If cached login information exists, it can replace the [-p] option. However, this is not recommended. For more information, refer to JEUS Security Guide.

    [-domain <domain>]

    Key that indicates cached login information.

    [-f <filename>]

    Path to the file that contains cached login information.

    [-g]Ends the server gracefully. If this option is used, it infinitely waits until requests being processed are completed.
    [-to <timeout>]

    Maximum period of time to wait until requests being processed are completed when the [-g] option is used. (Unit: seconds)

3.3. Entering Master Password

When starting the server, the master password is required if the security.key file is encrypted with the master password through an encryption tool. The security.key file contains a symmetric encryption algorithm key. For more information about encryption tools, refer to "4.5. encryption".

When starting the server, if the security.key file is encrypted, the following console screen appears, which prompts for the master password. The master password must match to start the server.

The encryption key file is encrypted. Enter the master password.

3.4. Executing JEUS Server in Debug Mode

If a JEUS server runs in the DEBUG mode, servlets and EJB applications can be debugged using the JPDA support debugger. In order to run a JEUS server in the DEBUG mode, add the following debug option to the jvm-config file of each server.


Use the debug port, “8888”, to run a JEUS server in the DEBUG mode. The debug port is used when JPDA debugger accesses the JVM.

Start a JEUS server with the changed configurations. Next, use the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that supports JPDA to debug EJB and servlet applications.

The system environment variables can be set by using the jvm-config file of each server. For more information about the system environment variables used in JEUS, refer toPart I, "System Properties"."1.1. Overview" describes the "-D" option used by the JVM.


The jvm-option only applies to the corresponding server.