About This Document

Intended Audience

This guide is intended for users who want to gain basic knowledge about JEUS including its architecture and services.

Required Knowledge

This guide only describes the basic knowledge of the JEUS architecture and the services provided in JEUS. It is difficult to configure and control JEUS without having an understanding of the JEUS architecture. Since this guide does not cover everything about the architecture, refer to relevant documents for more information.

To fully understand this guide, users should have the following knowledge:

The first chapter "Chapter 1. Introduction" of this guide is the most important chapter for understanding JEUS. The other chapters describe each service and its settings and can be referenced as needed.

The console tool uses abbreviated commands and option names. For more information about how to use abbreviated commands and option names, use "help" in the console tool or refer to JEUS Reference Book. "4.2. jeusadmin".

All examples and environment configurations are written according to the UNIX style. Hence, a few considerations must be given when working in a non-UNIX environment such as Microsoft Windows™(hereafter Windows).

For example, for path delimiters, the UNIX style "/" must be changed to the Windows style, "\". As well, the environment variables must be changed to the Windows style, (%%). JEUS_HOME, which is specified in this guide, is the directory in which JEUS is installed.

Document Scope

To understand JEUS, users need to have a basic knowledge about Java EE standard. For example, to understand JNDI, JMX, and JCA documents, the user needs to have a background knowledge about each standard. It is recommended for the user to first read documents related to the standard or other relevant documents.

This guide does not contain information about Java EE. It only covers information about JEUS.

Document Organization

This guide describes the JEUS server configurations and services. It consists of eight chapters and two appendices.


<AaBbCc123>Program source code file name
<Ctrl>+CHold down the Ctrl key and press the C key
[Button] Name of a GUI button or menu
Bold Emphasis
Italics Reference to another guide
" " (Double quotation marks)Reference to a chapter or section in this or another guide
'Input' User input on the screen
Email account, website, or a reference to other chapters or sections
>Proceeding order of menu
+----Files or directories exist in this directory
|----Files or directories do not exist in this directory


Reference or caution
[Figure 1.1] Figure caption
Commands, screen output after executing command, or sample code
{ }Required items
[ ]Optional items
|Selective items

System Requirements

PlatformSolaris 9, 10, 11
HP-UX 11.x, 11i, 11iV2
MS Windows 2008, 2012, Vista, 7, 8
Hardware20 GB of hard drive disk storage recommended. At least 2 GB.
More than 1 GB RAM recommended.

Related Documents

JEUS Introduction GuideIntroduces the JEUS server as well as its architecture and components.
JEUS Getting Started GuideIntroduces JEUS and explains how to install and start JEUS.
JEUS Web Engine GuideDescribes how to manage JEUS web engine, and how to manage and deploy Java EE WAR Archive and servlet/JSP.
JEUS Session Management GuideDescribes how to configure and manage Session Manager and Session Server in JEUS.
JEUS EJB GuideDescribes JEUS EJB engine and how to deploy EJB modules.
JEUS MQ GuideDescribes Java Message Service (JMS) and JEUS Message Queue.
JEUS Application Client GuideDescribes the interoperability between Java EE clients and JEUS
JEUS Application & Deployment GuideDescribes various methods and tools used to deploy Java EE applications to JEUS.
JEUS JCA GuideDescribes Connector Architecture Standard defined for connecting JEUS with legacy systems..
JEUS Security GuideDescribes how to configure, manage, and program JEUS security system.
JEUS JMX GuideDescribes how to configure, manage, and program JEUS security system.
JEUS Scheduler GuideDescribes the functionalities of JEUS Scheduler.
JEUS WebAdmin GuideDescribes how to use WebAdmin (JEUS's Web management tool) for configuring, controlling, monitoring, and clustering JEUS, and for resource configuration and management.
JEUS Reference BookDescribes references for using JEUS.
JEUS Node Manager GuideDescribes JEUS Node Manager concepts and usage.
