JEUS Server Guide 


Document Information

Title: JEUS Server Guide 

Publication Date: 2019-08-02

Software Version: JEUS 8 Fix#1

Edition: v2.1.2


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Table of Contents

About This Document
1. Introduction
1.1. Server Operation Modes
1.2. Components
1.2.1. Domain Administration Server (DAS)
1.2.2. Managed Server (MS)
1.3. Class Loader Structure
1.4. Directory Structure
1.5. Launcher
2. JEUS Configuration
2.1. Overview
2.2. Adding Servers
2.2.1. Using WebAdmin
2.2.2. Using the Console Tool
2.3. Server Configuration
2.3.1. Environment Variable Configuration
2.3.2. Basic Configuration
2.3.3. Listener Configuration
2.3.4. Thread Pool Configuration
2.3.5. Lifecycle Invocation Configuration
2.3.6. Resource Reference Configuration
2.3.7. Server Template Configuration
3. Controlling and Monitoring JEUS Servers
3.1. Controlling and Monitoring Servers
3.1.1. Life Cycle of Managed Servers
3.1.2. Starting a Managed Server
3.1.3. Shutting Down a Managed Server
3.1.4. Suspending a Managed Server
3.1.5. Resuming a Managed Server
3.2. Configuring Server Engine
3.2.1. Engine Option
3.2.2. Engine Initialization Time
3.3. Controlling and Monitoring Threads
3.3.1. Thread Monitoring
3.3.2. Thread Control
3.4. Controlling and Monitoring Memory
3.4.1. Memory Monitoring
3.4.2. Memory Usage Control
4. JNDI Naming Server
4.1. Overview
4.2. Basic Concepts and Structure
4.2.1. Basic Concepts
4.2.2. Checking Bound Objects
4.2.3. JNDI Naming Server Architecture
4.2.4. JNDI Clustering
4.3. Configuring JNDI Naming Server
4.3.1. Configuring JNSServer
4.3.2. Configuring JNSClient
4.4. JNDI in Clustered Environment
4.4.1. Lookup
4.5. JNDI Programming
4.5.1. Configuring JEUS Environment
4.5.2. Configuring InitialContext Properties
4.5.3. Looking up Named Objects Using the Context
4.5.4. Using a Named Object
4.5.5. Closing a Context
4.5.6. Creating a Clustered Context
4.5.7. Remote Lookup
5. External Resources
5.1. Resource Types
5.2. Resource Configuration
5.2.1. Configuring a Data Source
5.2.2. Configuring a Mail Source
5.2.3. Configuring a URL Source
5.2.4. Configuring a Custom Resource
5.2.5. Configuring an External Resource (JMS)
5.2.6. Configuring an External Resource (Tmax)
6. DB Connection Pool and JDBC
6.1. Overview
6.2. Data Sources and JDBC Connection Pooling
6.2.1. JDBC Driver
6.2.2. JDBC Connection Pool
6.2.3. Data Source
6.2.4. Cluster Data Source
6.3. Management of Data Sources and Connection Pools
6.4. Data Source Configuration
6.4.1. Configuration Method
6.4.2. Connection Pool Configuration
6.5. Cluster Data Source Configuration
6.5.1. Configuring a Cluster Data Source
6.5.2. Configuring a Component Data Source in a Cluster Data Source
6.6. Dynamic Data Source Configuration
6.6.1. Adding a Data Source
6.6.2. Registering a Data Source on a Server
6.6.3. Removing a Data Source from a Server
6.6.4. Registering a Data Source in a Cluster
6.6.5. Removing Data Sources from a Cluster
6.6.6. Adding a Server to a Cluster
6.6.7. Removing a Server from a Cluster
6.6.8. Removing a Cluster
6.6.9. Removing a Data Source
6.6.10. Modifying Data Source Configuration
6.6.11. Checking Data Source Configuration
6.7. Dynamically Changing Cluster Data Source Configuration
6.7.1. Adding a Cluster Data Source
6.7.2. Registering a Cluster Data Source to a Server
6.7.3. Removing a Cluster Data Source from the Server
6.7.4. Registering a Data Source to a Cluster
6.7.5. Removing a Cluster from a Cluster Data Source
6.7.6. Adding a Server to a Cluster
6.7.7. Removing a Server from a Cluster
6.7.8. Removing a Cluster
6.7.9. Removing a Cluster Data Source
6.7.10. Changing Cluster Data Source Configuration
6.7.11. Checking the Cluster Data Source Configuration
6.8. Monitoring JDBC Connection Pool
6.8.1. Checking a JDBC Connection Pool List
6.8.2. Checking JDBC Connection Pool Information
6.9. Controlling JDBC Connection Pool
6.9.1. Creating a Connection Pool
6.9.2. Disabling a Connection Pool
6.9.3. Enabling a Connection Pool
6.9.4. Replacing a Connection in a Connection Pool
6.9.5. Minimizing the Number of Connections in a Connection Pool
6.9.6. Returning Connections to Connection Pool
6.9.7. Forcibly Destroying Connections in Connection Pool
6.10. JEUS JDBC Programming
6.10.1. Getting a Connection from a Data Source
6.10.2. Transaction Programming Rules
6.10.3. Getting a Connection Implementation Instance of the JDBC Driver
6.10.4. Connection Pool in a Standalone Client
6.11. Global Transaction (XA) and Connection Sharing
6.12. Connection Pooling Service Support for Various Users
7. Transaction Manager
7.1. Overview
7.1.1. Application
7.1.2. JEUS Transaction Manager
7.1.3. Resource Manager
7.2. Server Transaction Manager Configuration
7.2.1. Worker Thread Pool
7.2.2. Timeout
7.2.3. Root Coordinator and Sub Coordinator
7.2.4. Transaction Join
7.3. Client Transaction Manager Configuration
7.3.1. Transaction Manager
7.3.2. Transaction Manager Type
7.3.3. TCP/IP Port of the Transaction Manager
7.3.4. Worker Thread Pool
7.3.5. Timeout
7.4. Transaction Application Programming
7.4.1. Local Transaction
7.4.2. Client-Managed Transaction
7.4.3. Bean Managed Transaction
7.4.4. Container-Managed Transaction
7.4.5. Using a Transaction Manager
7.5. Transaction Recovery
7.5.1. Transaction Recovery Process
7.5.2. Recovery Related Log File
7.5.3. Recovery Related Configuration
7.5.4. Resource Manager Failure
7.6. Transaction Profile Function
7.7. Transaction Communication Problem between Servers with Different IP Bands
8. Logging
8.1. Overview
8.2. Basic JEUS Logger Structure
8.2.1. Outline
8.2.2. JEUS Launcher Logger
8.2.3. JEUS Server Logger
8.2.4. Access Logger
8.2.5. User Logger
8.2.6. Logger List
8.2.7. Log Messages with Module Names
8.3. Logging Configuration
8.3.1. Checking Logger Information
8.3.2. Dynamically Configuring a Logger
8.3.3. Standard Output and Standard Error Log Format Configuration
8.3.4. Logger Configuration
8.3.5. Log File Rotation Configuration
8.3.6. Property Configuration
A. JEUS Server Ports
A.1. Server Ports
B. JDBC Data Source Configuration Examples
B.1. Overview
B.2. Oracle Thin (Type4) Configuration Example
B.2.1. Oracle Thin Connection Pool Data Source
B.2.2. Oracle Thin XA Data Source
B.2.3. Configuring java.util.Properties File with Oracle ASO
B.3. Oracle OCI (Type2) Configuration Example
B.3.1. Oracle OCI Connection Pool Data Source
B.4. DB2 Configuration Example
B.4.1. DB2 Type4 (JCC) Connection Pool Data Source
B.4.2. DB2 Type4 (JCC) XA Data Source
B.4.3. DB2 Type2 (JCC) XA Data Source
B.5. Sybase Configuration Example
B.5.1. Sybase jConnect 5.x Connection Pool Data Source
B.5.2. Sybase jConnect 6.x XA Data Source
B.6. MSSQL Configuration Example
B.6.1. MSSQL 2005 Connection Pool Data Source
B.7. Informix Configuration Example
B.7.1. Informix Connection Pool Data Source
B.8. Tibero Configuration Example
B.8.1. Tibero Connection Pool Data Source
B.9. MySQL 5.x Configuration Example
B.9.1. MySQL Connector/J Connection Pool Data Source

List of Figures

[Figure 1.1] JEUS Components
[Figure 1.2] Isolated Class Loader Hierarchy
[Figure 1.3] Server Directory Structure
[Figure 2.1] WebAdmin Server List
[Figure 2.2] WebAdmin Server Configuration Page - Adding a Server
[Figure 2.3] WebAdmin Server Configuration Page - Advanced Options
[Figure 2.4] WebAdmin Server Configuration Page - Adding a Server
[Figure 2.5] Adding a Server - System Thread Pool Configuration
[Figure 2.6] Adding a Server - Saving System Thread Pool
[Figure 2.7] Adding a Server - Adding a Basic Listener
[Figure 2.8] Adding a Server - Basic Listener Information Configuration
[Figure 2.9] Adding a Server - Saving Basic Listener Configurations
[Figure 2.10] Adding a Server - Basic Listener Configuration
[Figure 2.11] Adding a Server - Saving the Basic Listener Configuration
[Figure 2.12] Adding a Server - Web Engine Configuration
[Figure 2.13] Adding a Server - Applying Configuration Changes (1)
[Figure 2.14] Adding a Server - Applying Configuration Changes (2)
[Figure 2.15] Adding a Server - Applying Configuration Changes (3)
[Figure 2.16] Adding a Server - Checking the Newly Added Server
[Figure 2.17] Adding a Server - Starting the Newly Added Server (1)
[Figure 2.18] Adding a Server - Starting the Newly Added Server (2)
[Figure 2.19] Adding an SMTP Handler
[Figure 2.20] SMTP Handler Settings
[Figure 2.21] Basic Listener Configuration
[Figure 2.22] Configuring a Listener
[Figure 2.23] Listener SSL Configuration
[Figure 2.24] Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (1)
[Figure 2.25] Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (2)
[Figure 2.26] Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (3)
[Figure 2.27] Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (4)
[Figure 2.28] Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (5)
[Figure 2.29] Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (6)
[Figure 2.30] Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (7)
[Figure 2.31] Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (8)
[Figure 2.32] Configuring Resource Reference in WebAdmin (1)
[Figure 2.33] Configuring Resource Reference in WebAdmin (2)
[Figure 2.34] Configuring Resource Reference in WebAdmin (3)
[Figure 2.35] Configuring Resource Reference in WebAdmin (4)
[Figure 2.36] Configuring Resource Reference in WebAdmin (5)
[Figure 2.37] Adding a Server Template
[Figure 2.38] Configuring a Server Template
[Figure 3.1] State Transitions of a Managed Server (MS)
[Figure 3.2] Domain Server List
[Figure 3.3] Suspending a Domain Server
[Figure 3.4] Domain Server List
[Figure 3.5] Resuming a Domain Server
[Figure 3.6] Internal Server Engine Configuration
[Figure 3.7] Result of Configuring Server Engines
[Figure 3.8] Thread Monitoring Page
[Figure 3.9] Checking Thread Information in WebAdmin
[Figure 3.10] Checking a Thread Stack Trace in WebAdmin
[Figure 3.11] System Information Monitoring Page
[Figure 3.12] Checking Memory Information in WebAdmin
[Figure 4.1] JNDI List
[Figure 4.2] Detailed JNDI List
[Figure 4.3] Relationship Between JNSServer and JNSClient
[Figure 4.4] JEUS JNDI Architecture in Clustered Environment
[Figure 4.5] Configuring Naming Server
[Figure 4.6] Configuring Common Thread Pool
[Figure 4.7] Configuring a Service Thread Pool
[Figure 5.1] Configuring a Resource in WebAdmin
[Figure 5.2] Configuring a Mail Source in WebAdmin (1)
[Figure 5.3] Configuring a Mail Source in WebAdmin (2)
[Figure 5.4] Configuring a URL Source in WebAdmin (1)
[Figure 5.5] Configuring a URL Source in WebAdmin(2)
[Figure 5.6] Configuring a Custom Resource in WebAdmin (1)
[Figure 5.7] Configuring a Custom Resource in WebAdmin (2)
[Figure 5.8] Configuring a Custom Resource in WebAdmin (3)
[Figure 5.9] Configuring a Custom Resource in WebAdmin(4)
[Figure 5.10] Configuring an External Resource in WebAdmin
[Figure 5.11] Configuring a JMS Source in WebAdmin
[Figure 5.12] Server's External Resource Configuration in WebAdmin (1)
[Figure 5.13] Server's External Resource Configuration in WebAdmin (2)
[Figure 5.14] External Resource Configuration in WebAdmin (3)
[Figure 5.15] External Resource Configuration in WebAdmin (4)
[Figure 6.1] JEUS Connection Pooling
[Figure 6.2] RAC Cluster Data Source Failover
[Figure 6.3] Data Source and Connection Pool Management in JEUS Domain Structure
[Figure 6.4] Basic Data Source Configuration Page (1)
[Figure 6.5] Basic Data Source Configuration Page (2)
[Figure 6.6] Connection Pool Configuration Page (1)
[Figure 6.7] Connection Pool Configuration Page (2)
[Figure 6.8] Connection Pool Configuration Page (3)
[Figure 6.9] Cluster Data Source Configuration Page
[Figure 6.10] Adding a Data Source to a Domain (1)
[Figure 6.11] Adding a Data Source to a Domain (2)
[Figure 6.12] Registering Data Sources on a Server (1)
[Figure 6.13] Registering Data Sources on a Server (2)
[Figure 6.14] Registering Data Sources on a Server (3)
[Figure 6.15] Checking the JNDI Bound Data Sources
[Figure 6.16] Removing a Data Source from a Server (1)
[Figure 6.17] Removing a Data Source from a Server (2)
[Figure 6.18] Removing a Data Source from a Server (3)
[Figure 6.19] Checking the Unbound Data Source
[Figure 6.20] Registering Data Sources in a Cluster (1)
[Figure 6.21] Registering Data Sources in a Cluster (2)
[Figure 6.22] Registering Data Sources in a Cluster (3)
[Figure 6.23] Checking the Data Source JNDI Bound to a Server (1)
[Figure 6.24] Checking the Data Source JNDI Bound to a Server (2)
[Figure 6.25] Removing a Data Source from a Cluster(1)
[Figure 6.26] Removing a Data Source from a Cluster (2)
[Figure 6.27] Removing a Data Source from a Cluster (3)
[Figure 6.28] Checking the Unbound Data Source (1)
[Figure 6.29] Checking the Unbound Data Source (2)
[Figure 6.30] Adding a Server to a Cluster (1)
[Figure 6.31] Adding a Server to a Cluster (2)
[Figure 6.32] Adding a Server to a Cluster (3)
[Figure 6.33] Checking the Data Source JNDI Bound to a Server
[Figure 6.34] Removing a Server from a Cluster (1)
[Figure 6.35] Removing a Server from a Cluster (2)
[Figure 6.36] Removing a Server from a Cluster (3)
[Figure 6.37] Checking the Unbound Data Source
[Figure 6.38] Removing a Cluster (1)
[Figure 6.39] Removing a Cluster (2)
[Figure 6.40] Checking a JNDI Unbound Data Source from a Server (1)
[Figure 6.41] Checking a JNDI Unbound Data Source from a Server (2)
[Figure 6.42] Removing a Data Source (1)
[Figure 6.43] Removing a Data Source (2)
[Figure 6.44] Checking the Unbound Data Source
[Figure 6.45] Creating a Connection Pool (1)
[Figure 6.46] Creating a Connection Pool (2)
[Figure 6.47] Creating a Connection Pool (3)
[Figure 6.48] Changing Data Source Configuration (1)
[Figure 6.49] Changing Data Source Configuration (2)
[Figure 6.50] Changing Data Source Configuration (3)
[Figure 6.51] Connection Pool Runtime Information
[Figure 6.52] Checking the Data Source Configuration (1)
[Figure 6.53] Checking the Data Source Configuration (2)
[Figure 6.54] Adding a Cluster Data Source (1)
[Figure 6.55] Adding a Cluster Data Source (2)
[Figure 6.56] Adding a Cluster Data Source (3)
[Figure 6.57] Registering a Data Source on a Server (1)
[Figure 6.58] Registering a Cluster Data Source on a Server (2)
[Figure 6.59] Registering a Cluster Data Source on a Server (3)
[Figure 6.60] Checking the Cluster Data Source Bound to the Server
[Figure 6.61] Removing a Cluster Data Source from a Server (1)
[Figure 6.62] Removing a Cluster Data Source from a Server (2)
[Figure 6.63] Removing a Cluster Data Source from a Server (3)
[Figure 6.64] Checking the Cluster Data Source Unbound from a Server
[Figure 6.65] Registering a Cluster Data Source to a Cluster (1)
[Figure 6.66] Registering a Cluster Data Source to a Cluster (2)
[Figure 6.67] Registering a Cluster Data Source to a Cluster (3)
[Figure 6.68] Checking a Cluster JNDI Bound to a Server
[Figure 6.69] Removing a Cluster Data Source from a Cluster (1)
[Figure 6.70] Removing a Cluster Data Source from a Cluster (2)
[Figure 6.71] Removing a Cluster from a Cluster Data Source (3)
[Figure 6.72] Checking Cluster Data Source Unbound from a Server
[Figure 6.73] Removing a Cluster Data Source (1)
[Figure 6.74] Removing a Cluster Data Source (2)
[Figure 6.75] Checking the Cluster Data Source Unbound from a Server (1)
[Figure 6.76] Checking the Cluster Data Source Unbound from a Server (2)
[Figure 6.77] Changing the Cluster Data Source Configuration (1)
[Figure 6.78] Changing the Cluster Data Source Configuration (2)
[Figure 6.79] Changing the Cluster Data Source Configuration (3)
[Figure 6.80] Checking the Cluster Data Source Configuration (1)
[Figure 6.81] Checking the Cluster Data Source Configuration (2)
[Figure 6.82] Checking Connection Pool List (1)
[Figure 6.83] Checking Connection Pool List (2)
[Figure 6.84] Checking Connection Pool Details (1)
[Figure 6.85] Checking Connection Pool Details (2)
[Figure 6.86] Creating a Connection Pool (1)
[Figure 6.87] Creating a Connection Pool (2)
[Figure 6.88] Creating a Connection Pool (3)
[Figure 6.89] Disabling a Connection Pool (1)
[Figure 6.90] Disabling a Connection Pool (2)
[Figure 6.91] Disabling a Connection Pool (3)
[Figure 6.92] Enabling a Connection Pool (1)
[Figure 6.93] Enabling a Connection Pool (2)
[Figure 6.94] Enabling a Connection Pool (3)
[Figure 6.95] Replacing a Connection in a Connection Pool (1)
[Figure 6.96] Replacing a Connection in a Connection Pool (2)
[Figure 6.97] Replacing a Connection in a Connection Pool (3)
[Figure 6.98] Minimizing the Number of Connections in a Connection Pool (1)
[Figure 6.99] Minimizing the Number of Connections in a Connection Pool (2)
[Figure 6.100] Minimizing the Number of Connections in a Connection Pool (3)
[Figure 6.101] Returning Connections to Connection Pool (1)
[Figure 6.102] Returning Connections to Connection Pool (2)
[Figure 6.103] Returning Connections to Connection Pool (3)
[Figure 6.104] Forcibly Destroying Connections in Connection Pool (1)
[Figure 6.105] Forcibly Destroying Connections in Connection Pool (2)
[Figure 6.106] Forcibly Destroying Connections in Connection Pool (3)
[Figure 7.1] Relationship between Root Coordinator and Sub Coordinator
[Figure 7.2] Configuring a Common Thread Pool in WebAdmin
[Figure 7.3] Configuring a Dedicated Thread Pool in WebAdmin
[Figure 7.4] Changing the Timeout Setting in WebAdmin
[Figure 7.5] Simplified Transaction Recovery Process
[Figure 7.6] Automatic Transaction Recovery with WebAdmin
[Figure 7.7] Changing the Transaction Log Directory in WebAdmin
[Figure 8.1] Log Directory
[Figure 8.2] Configuring Log Home Path
[Figure 8.3] Checking jeus Logger Information in WebAdmin
[Figure 8.4] Dynamically Configuring a Logger in WebAdmin (1)
[Figure 8.5] Dynamically Configuring a Logger in WebAdmin (2)
[Figure 8.6] wDynamically Configuring a Logger in WebAdmin(3)
[Figure 8.7] Dynamically Configuring a Logger in WebAdmin (4)
[Figure 8.8] Dynamically Configuring a Logger in WebAdmin (5)
[Figure 8.9] Dynamically Configuring a Logger in WebAdmin (6)
[Figure 8.10] Dynamically Configuring a Logger in WebAdmin (7)
[Figure 8.11] Configuring Standard Output and Error to JEUS Log Format in WebAdmin
[Figure 8.12] Logger Configuration Page in WebAdmin
[Figure 8.13] Configuring Log File Rotation in WebAdmin
[Figure B.1] Configuring an Oracle Thin Connection Pool Data Source (1)
[Figure B.2] Configuring an Oracle Thin Connection Pool Data Source (2)
[Figure B.3] Configuring an Oracle Thin XA Data Source (1)
[Figure B.4] Configuring an Oracle Thin XA Data Source (2)
[Figure B.5] Configuring an Oracle OCI Connection Pool Data Source (1)
[Figure B.6] Configuring an Oracle OCI Connection Pool Data Source (2)
[Figure B.7] Configuring a DB2 Type4 Connection Pool Data Source (1)
[Figure B.8] Configuring a DB2 Type4 Connection Pool Data Source (2)
[Figure B.9] Configuring a DB2 Type4 XA Data Source (1)
[Figure B.10] Configuring a DB2 Type4 XA Data Source (2)
[Figure B.11] Configuring a DB2 Type2 XA Data Source (1)
[Figure B.12] Configuring a DB2 Type2 XA Data Source (2)
[Figure B.13] Configuring a Sybase jConnect 5.x Connection Pool Data Source (1)
[Figure B.14] Configuring a Sybase jConnect 5.x Connection Pool Data Source (2)
[Figure B.15] Configuring a Sybase jConnect 6.x XA Data Source (1)
[Figure B.16] Configuring a Sybase jConnect 6.x XA Data Source (2)
[Figure B.17] Configuring an MSSQL 2005 Connection Pool Data Source (1)
[Figure B.18] Configuring an MSSQL 2005 Connection Pool Data Source (2)
[Figure B.19] Configuring an Informix Connection Pool Data Source (1)
[Figure B.20] Configuring an Informix Connection Pool Data Source (2)
[Figure B.21] Configuring a Tibero Connection Pool Data Source (1)
[Figure B.22] Configuring a Tibero Connection Pool Data Source (2)
[Figure B.23] Configuring a MySQL Connector/J Connection Pool Data Source (1)
[Figure B.24] Configuring a MySQL Connector/J Connection Pool Data Source (2)

List of Examples

[Example 2.1] Class for Lifecycle Invocation: <<>>
[Example 5.1] Custom Resource Class Example
[Example 5.2] Factory Class Example that Creates Custom Resources
[Example 5.3] jeus.external.ResourceBootstrapper
[Example 5.4] Viewing, Adding, and Deleting an External Resource in the Console Tool
[Example 6.1] jeus.jdbc.connectionpool.JEUSConnectionChecker
[Example 6.2] jeus.jdbc.helper.DataSourceSelector
[Example 6.3] DataSourceSelector Implementation Example
[Example 7.1] Example of Using a Local Transaction: <<>>
[Example 7.2] Example of Using a Client-Managed Transaction: <<>>
[Example 7.3] Example of Using a Client-Managed Transaction: <<>>
[Example 7.4] Example of Using a Bean-Managed Transaction: <<>>
[Example 7.5] Example of Using a Bean-Managed Transaction: <<>>
[Example 7.6] Example of Using a Container-Managed Transaction: <<>>
[Example 7.7] Example of Using a Container-Managed Transaction: <<>>
[Example 7.8] Profile Listener: <<>>
[Example 7.9] Profile Listener: <<>>
[Example B.1] <<domain.xml>>