Chapter 2. SNMP Agent

Table of Contents

2.1. Overview
2.2. Configuring the SNMP Adapter

This chapter describes about environment configurations of the JEUS SNMP agent.

2.1. Overview

JEUS SNMP Agent has characteristics of J2EE components as well as that of the enterprise message-oriented middleware.

  • Fully supports the JMX management 1.1 specifications.

  • Supports SNMPv1 and SNMPv2, which are commonly used as NMS protocols.

    All SNMP Managers that use SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 can retrieve internal information from JEUS through the agent.

  • Provides SNMPv3 for secure communication with SNMP agents.

    SNMP Manager is required to securely communicate with SNMP agents. All SNMP Managers that use SNMPv3 can securely retrieve information.

  • JEUS SNMP agents can be executed on each of their corresponding JEUS JVM (server).

2.2. Configuring the SNMP Adapter

The following explains how to configure an SNMP agent using JEUS WebAdmin.

  1. Click a server name on the WebAdmin main page, or click [Servers] in the left menu and choose the server.

  2. Click [Lock & Edit] before changing the settings. For more information about configuration changes, refer to JEUS WebAdmin Guide. "2.4.4. Locking the Configuration".

  3. Select [JMX Manager] on the [Resources] tab to move to the JMX Manager page.

    An SNMP agent can be configured in the Snmp Adaptor area. Select the Snmp Adaptor check box to enable configuration items. After setting the items, click [OK] to save the information.

    [Figure 2.1] JMX Manager Configuration

    JMX Manager Configuration

    The following describes each item.

    Snmp Adaptor PortListener port of the SNMP adapter. SNMP Manager can request management information through this port.
    Snmp VersionSNMP version. 1, 2, or 3 can be used.
    Snmp Max Packet SizeMaximum SNMP packet size. The minimum size is 256 bytes.
    Snmp SecurityIndicates whether to enable SNMP security. Security can only be specified in SNMPv3.
    Trap Demon

    Server to send TRAP messages to after an error occurs.

    Multiple addresses can be used. Messages will be sent to all specified IP addresses.


    If requests arrive for SNMP agent simultaneously, a thread pool can be used.

    • Min, Max: The minimum & the maximum number of worker threads.

    • Period: Worker thread check interval.


    The thread pool configuration is shared by various JEUS components. For more information, refer to relevant guides. .

  4. Click [Apply Changes] to apply the changes to the server. Since the SNMP adapter does not support dynamic changes, restart the server after changing the configurations.