Chapter 2. Screen Layout

Table of Contents

2.1. Environment Configuration
2.2. Logging In
2.3. Home Screen
2.3.1. Header
2.3.2. Menu
2.3.3. Main Section
2.4. Additional Functions
2.4.1. Online Help
2.4.2. Console
2.4.3. Changing and Reverting the Configuration
2.4.4. Locking the Configuration

This chapter briefly introduces the home screen layout of JEUS WebAdmin and describes how to start and shut down WebAdmin. For detailed instructions about using each menu, refer to the online help.

2.1. Environment Configuration

This section describes the environment configuration required to start WebAdmin, and how to start and shut down WebAdmin using the console tool.

Environment Configuration

To start WebAdmin when starting JEUS, the <enable-webadmin> element in the domain.xml file must be set to true.

[Example 2.1] WebAdmin Configuration - <<domain.xml>>

<domain xmlns="" version="8.0">

Permission Setting

A user must be granted the AdministratorsRole role in the policies.xml file to log into WebAdmin.

[Example 2.2] Permission Setting: <<policies.xml>>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<policies xmlns="">

Starting and Shutting Down WebAdmin Using the Console Tool

By default, WebAdmin starts when Domain Administration Server (DAS) starts. WebAdmin can be started and shut down using the console tool, jeusadmin, by following these steps.

  • Starting WebAdmin using the console tool.

    Execute the enable-webadmin command to start WebAdmin. For detailed information about the command, refer to JEUS Reference Book. " enable-webadmin".

    [Example 2.3] Starting WebAdmin Using jeusadmin

    WebAdmin was successfully enabled.
    The configuration was changed.
    |                                    result                                    |
    | Successfully applied the configuration changes.                              |

  • Shutting down WebAdmin using the console tool

    Execute the disable-webadmin command in jeusadmin to shut down WebAdmin. For detailed information about the command, refer to JEUS Reference Book. " disable-webadmin".

    [Example 2.4] Shutting Down WebAdmin Using jeusadmin

    WebAdmin was successfully disabled.
    The configuration was changed.
    |                                    result                                    |
    | Successfully applied the configuration changes.                              |

Using WebAdmin as an SSL Service

WebAdmin can be used as an SSL service by configuring the 'Server Listener Ref' of the ADMIN-HTTP Listener to the "SSL_WEBADMIN" Listener.

  1. Configure SSL after registering the Listener as "SSL_WEBADMIN". For detailed information about Listener configuration, refer to JEUS Server Guide. "2.3.3. Listener Configuration".

    [Figure 2.1] SSL_WEBADMIN Registration

    SSL_WEBADMIN Registration

    [Figure 2.2] SSL Configuration

    SSL Configuration

  2. Modify the 'Server Listener Ref' of the ADMIN-HTTP Listener to "SSL_WEBADMIN".

    [Figure 2.3] Server Listener Ref Modification

    Server Listener Ref Modification

2.2. Logging In

After configuring the WebAdmin environment, log in using a browser.

  1. Enter the following address in the address bar of the browser:

    http://IP address:9736/webadmin


    9736 is the default listener port for the base listener.

  2. The login screen appears. Enter the administrator ID and password and click [Log in].

    [Figure 2.4] Login Screen

    Login Screen

  3. If the login is successful, the home screen appears, and if login fails, an error message is displayed. For detailed information about the main WebAdmin screen, refer to "2.3. Home Screen".


JEUS 8 WebAdmin is optimized for Internet Explorer version 10 or later. If using an earlier version, upgrade to the latest version or use a different browser such as Firefox or Chrome.

2.3. Home Screen

After successfully logging in, the home screen appears. The home screen contains menus that navigate directly to basic monitoring and commonly used functions. Click the [Home] link in the header from any screen to return to the home screen.

[Figure 2.5] Home Screen

Home Screen

The home screen is divided into three sections.

  • Header

    Header is located at the top of the screen and shows basic menus and information.

  • Menu

    Menu is located on the left side of the screen and shows the main menu, system status, mode change, and other functions.

  • Main

    Main is used to control, configure, and monitor items.

2.3.1. Header

The header is located at the top of the screen.

[Figure 2.6] Home Screen - Header

Home Screen - Header

  • Home

    Goes to the home screen. Click [Home] to return to the home screen ([Figure 2.5]) from any screen.

  • Preferences

    Click [Preferences] to go to the following screen. This screen contains the most important configuration items.

    [Figure 2.7] Preferences Screen

    Preferences Screen

    The following describes each configuration item.

    Auto Lock

    Option to use Auto Lock mode.

    If checked, the Standard View, Lock & Edit, and Runtime View modes cannot be used. For detailed information about each mode, refer to "Changing Modes".

    Click [OK] after making any changes to apply them to the domain.

    Conceal Password

    Option to hide passwords using asterisks. This, however, does not apply to the logging-in password.

    DescriptionOption to display the description of each configuration item.
    Schema Validate

    Option to perform schema validation when the configuration is modified and the [OK] button is clicked.

    This configuration is normally not used since schema validation is automatically performed when changes are applied.

    Delete Reference

    Option to also delete the field item that references the item that will be deleted.

    When deleting an item, a warning message is displayed if another item references it, and the item will not be deleted. However, for some items, deletion of referenced items is supported.

    Configuration Change DetailOption to display the result details after applying changes to the domain.
    Table SortOption to sort the table by clicking the first column of the sub-table of the main menus such as Servers, Clusters, Applications, and Resources.
    Server Group TypeOption to determine the default server group used during login. The set value is applied to the next login.
    Server GroupsOption to display the list of groups that can be configured by a server.
    Page Search Cache

    Option to cache page search results. To initialize cache, prefix "!!" to a search word. (Example: "!! domain")

    Note that if this option is used, a search result may not include the latest data.


    Option to display the supported locales if any exist.

  • Site Map

    Goes to a screen that displays all primary menus and sub-menus. For detailed information about the primary menus and their sub-menus, refer to "Appendix A. Sitemap".

  • Logout

    This link logs out. Click [Logout] in the header to terminate the user session and go to the login screen.

  • User Information

    The following user information is displayed in the header:

    User InformationDescription
    jeusCurrently connected user account
    JEUS 8 Fix#1JEUS version
    Trial LicenseLicense information
    adminServer( name and address
    Connection timeLogin time

2.3.2. Menu

Click a menu item to go to the related screen or to expand the sub-menu.

[Figure 2.8] Home Screen - Menu

Home Screen - Menu

The menu consists of the following items.

Main Menu

The main menu is the top-level menu and consists of the following items. However, some menus may not be displayed depending on the permissions and licenses.

[Figure 2.9] Menu - Main Menu

Menu - Main Menu


Go to the configuration screen for the domain, which is the largest administration unit in JEUS. For more information on the configuration items in the [Domain] menu, refer to "JEUS Domain Guide".


Go to the JEUS session configuration screen.

Configuration for clustering is not provided in the cloud license.


Go to a screen for configuring clusters in the domain.

For more information about the configuration items in the [Clusters] menu, refer to "JEUS Domain Guide".

The clusters menu is not available in the cloud license.


Go to the configuration screen for the servers in the domain.

For more information about the configuration items in the [Servers] menu, refer to "JEUS Server Guide".

The cloud license does not provide a server template.


Go to the screen where applications can be deployed in the domain.

For more information about the configuration items in the [Applications] menu, refer to "JEUS Application & Deployment Guide".

Cloud licenses may not display sub-items related to the cluster.


Go to the configuration screen for security items in JEUS.

For more information about the configuration items in the [Security] menu, refer to "JEUS Security Guide".

[Resources]Go to the configuration screen for resources that are used by applications.
[Monitoring]Go to the screen that monitors the resources used by the server.
[Console]Runs the console tool. For more information about the console tool, refer to "2.4.2. Console".

System Status

Briefly displays the state of servers that are registered in the domain. For detailed information about each status, refer to "2.3.3. Main Section".

[Figure 2.10] Menu - System Status

Menu - System Status

Mode Change

There are three modes available depending on whether the settings displayed are for a domain or sever, and whether the settings can be modified. The following are the settings for a domain (domain.xml, accounts.xml, policies.xml).

  • Standard View Mode

    Standard View mode is the read-onfStatusly mode that allows the viewing of the current configuration. The configuration cannot be changed in this mode. To change the configuration, switch to the Lock & Edit mode.

    [Figure 2.11] Menu - Standard View Mode

    Menu - Standard View Mode

    [Runtime View]Switch to the Runtime View mode.
    [Lock & Edit]Switch to the Lock & Edit mode.

    In the Standard View mode, the items are unavailable as shown in the following and the configuration cannot be changed.

    [Figure 2.12] Menu - Standard View Mode Example

    Menu - Standard View Mode Example

  • Runtime View Mode

    This mode is used to check the current data for each server, and is useful for checking the configuration of the current server. Click [Runtime View] in the Standard View mode to switch to the Runtime View mode.

    The Runtime View ( ) is a separate screen that only displays information about the items on the current screen. To switch all screens to the Runtime View, click the Runtime View button on the left menu. This allows navigation to any configuration screen. For detailed information about the Runtime View, refer to "Commonly Used Functions".

    In the Runtime View mode, the following configuration update menu appears.

    [Figure 2.13] Menu - Runtime View Mode

    Menu - Runtime View Mode

    [Standard View]Switch to the Standard View mode.
    [Lock & Edit]Switch to the Lock & Edit mode. This is unavailable in the Runtime View mode.

    Click [Runtime View] to go to the following server list. Click a server to view its information.

    [Figure 2.14] Menu - Selecting a Server in Runtime View Mode

    Menu - Selecting a Server in Runtime View Mode

    In the Runtime View mode, the home screen is displayed in the following deactivated state, and the configuration cannot be changed.

    [Figure 2.15] Menu - Runtime View Mode Example

    Menu - Runtime View Mode Example

  • Lock & Edit Mode

    This mode is used to change and apply multiple configurations concurrently. Click [Lock & Edit] in the Standard View mode to switch to the Lock & Edit mode.

    Click [Lock & Edit] to switch to the Lock & Edit mode so that the configuration can be changed and applied to the domain. Click [Apply Changes] after modifying the configuration to apply the changes. For detailed information about how to change or revert the configuration, refer to "2.4.3. Changing and Reverting the Configuration".

    In the Lock & Edit mode, other users are prevented from modifying the configuration to preserve the integrity of the changes. For detailed information about locking the configuration, refer to "2.4.4. Locking the Configuration".

    In the Lock & Edit mode, the following configuration update menu appears.

    [Figure 2.16] Menu - Lock & Edit Mode

    Menu - Lock & Edit Mode

    [Runtime View]Displays current information about each server. This is deactivated in the Lock & Edit mode.
    [Apply Changes]Apply all changes to the domain.
    [Undo All Changes]Undo all changes and reset the configuration back to its state before switching to the Lock & Edit mode.

    In the Lock & Edit mode, each item is activated and configuration can be changed as in the following.

    [Figure 2.17] Menu - Lock & Edit Mode Example

    Menu - Lock & Edit Mode Example


    To switch back to the Standard View mode from the Lock & Edit mode, change the configuration and then click [Apply Changes] or [Undo All Changes]. Click [OK] to confirm whether to apply or cancel the changes. The changes are applied or canceled, and then the mode is switched to the Standard View mode.

Administrator's Manual

Provides the JEUS online manuals for the main menu.

[Figure 2.18] Menu Section - Administrator's Manual

Menu Section - Administrator's Manual

Click [See more] to view the following menu. This allows easy access to the online manuals.

[Figure 2.19] Menu Section - More User Manuals

Menu Section - More User Manuals

2.3.3. Main Section

The main section is the primary work area.

[Figure 2.20] Home Screen - Main Section

Home Screen - Main Section

The following are the main functions of the main section.


This guide only explains common features and basic functions. For a detailed description of each screen in the main section, refer to the relevant guide.

System Status

This section is used to check the current system status in JEUS. It displays the server state, data sources, applications, and clusters.

[Figure 2.21] Main Section - JEUS System Status

Main Section - JEUS System Status

The following describes each part of the section. However, some items and shortcuts are not supported for low-privileged users.

  • Status

    Displays the state of the registered servers and provides a link to the server and each web engine. The server state is displayed in the Status column. The following is a description of each state.

    FAILEDDAS determined that the connection to the Managed Server has been lost for a specific time period and displays that the MS was shut down abnormally.
    FAILURE_SUSPECTEDDAS determined that it is not connected to the MS and suspects an abnormal shutdown of the MS.
    STANDBYThe server failed to distribute one or more registered applications at startup, so it cannot proceed to the "RUNNING" state. Either modify the module and restart the server, or forcibly start the service by executing start -force.
    RUNNINGThe server started and is available.
    SHUTDOWNThe server was shut down or has not been started.
    SHUTTING_DOWNThe server is shutting down.
    SUSPENDEDThe administrator executed "suspend" to suspend all applications. In this state, applications can be distributed but not started.
    RESUMINGThe server is recovering from the SUSPENDED state.
    STARTINGThe server is starting and cannot execute the services yet.
    SUSPENDINGThe server is suspending all applications because "suspend" was executed.
    OtherServers with a state of FAILURE_SUSPECTED, SHUTTING_DOWN, RESUMING, STARTING, or SUSPENDING are displayed as "Other" on the menu.
  • Data Source

    Displays the state of and link to registered data sources and clustered data sources.

  • Applications

    Displays the state of and link to registered applications.

  • Clusters

    Displays the information of the registered cluster and provides the shortcuts. This feature is not available for cloud licenses.

Resource Manager

The Resource Manager section is a sub-menu of the Resources menu. Click an item to go to its configuration screen.

It is not displayed to users without the relevant authority.

[Figure 2.22] Main Section - Resource Manager

Main Section - Resource Manager

Configuring and Managing Basic Domain Information

This section provides links to domain information and configuration.

[Figure 2.23] Main Section - Basic Domain Information

Main Section - Basic Domain Information

The following describes each part of the basic domain information section. However, some items and shortcuts are not supported for low-privileged users.

  • Basic Domain Information

    Displays the current domain. Click the domain name to go to its configuration screen. This is the same as clicking [Domain] from the main menu.

  • Domain Security Configuration

    This is a shortcut to the domain security configuration. Click [Configuration] to go to the Security Manager screen. This is the same as clicking [Security] from the main menu.

  • User and Group Management

    This is a shortcut to User and Group Management in WebAdmin. Click [Management] to go to the Accounts screen. This is the same as clicking [Security] > [SYSTEM_DOMAIN] > [Accounts & Policies Management] from the main menu.

  • AutoLock Settings

    This is a shortcut to AutoLock Settings. Click [Configuration] to go to the Preferences screen. For detailed information about this screen, refer to "2.3.1. Header".

Online Help

Displays help topics for users. The entire JEUS online manual can be viewed, and a new window with FAQ, Forum, downloads, and related web pages appears. For detailed information about online help, refer to "2.4.1. Online Help".

[Figure 2.24] Main Section - Online Help

Main Section - Online Help

Open Web Console

Executes the console tool. This is the same as clicking [Console] from the main menu. For detailed information about the Web Console, refer to "2.4.2. Console".

[Figure 2.25] Main Section - Start a Web Console

Main Section - Start a Web Console

Node Configuration

Opens the node configuration screen that shows information about remote servers.

[Figure 2.26] Main Section - Node Configuration

Main Section - Node Configuration


Opens the monitoring screen that shows the current server state. Each screen is a sub-menu of the [Monitoring] link on the main menu.

[Figure 2.27] Main Section - Monitoring

Main Section - Monitoring

Commonly Used Functions

The following are commonly used functions of the main section.

  • History

    Click [History] once to view the list of recently viewed screens. Click it again to hide the list. The list contains the last 20 visited screens, and the user can click on any one of them to go to the screen. This list displays the most recently visited menu at the top and displays each screen only once. This list is removed upon logging out of WebAdmin.

    [Figure 2.28] Commonly Used Functions - History

    Commonly Used Functions - History

  • Runtime Info/Export/Import/Show Backup Configuration/Search

    These functions are displayed as icons in the upper-right corner of the configuration screen. Server information, domain export and import, and backup configurations are also available. They are available from any screen. Refresh function is available only in System Info of Monitoring.

    The following describes each icon.

    • Runtime Info ()

      The server-specific configuration of the current screen is displayed in a separate window. If a server has been dynamically changed and the change is left in a pending state, the 'Need to Restart' setting of the server is set to true. The server will be displayed as in the upper-right corner of the configuration screen. Click it to open the following Runtime View window.

      [Figure 2.29] Commonly Used Functions - Runtime View

      Commonly Used Functions - Runtime View

      Click a server to show a new window that shows the configuration information for the selected server in the current screen.

    • Export Domain ()

      Exports the current domain.xml file as XML.

    • Import Domain ()

      Manually imports the user-modified domain.xml file. This can only be done in the Lock & Edit mode.

      All dynamic settings are applied using the imported file.

      Caution is required when using this function.

    • Show Backup Configuration ()

      Shows backed up configurations and provides the ability to roll back to them. Rolling back using the domain.xml backup is only available in the Lock & Edit mode.


      All dynamic settings are applied using the selected domain.xml file. Caution is required when using this function.

    • Refresh ()

      Provides the function to refresh the page at a specified time interval.

      A user can specify the time interval by clicking each button, non-active (), 10 seconds (), 30 seconds (), 1 minutes (), 10 minutes (). Refresh function is available only in System Info menu of Monitoring.

    • Search ()

      Retrieves the pages that contain the search word starting from the current page. Allows the user to search for the pages that contain the search word and locate the desired page.

      Since this feature displays the pages that contain the search word but does not highlight the word, the browser search feature should be used instead.

      The following describes each search by category.

      Search ByDescription

      Main title of a page. The title at the top of each page will be searched.

      For example, if you search for "Server", the page containing "Server" is searched for in the title at the top.


      All titles excluding the main title. Field or table names will be searched.

      For example, if you search for "Node Name", the page containing the "Node Name" table is searched.


      Words separated with "/" in the page address will be searched.

      For instance, in the following figure, if the address is "/servers/adminServer", searching for "server" will retrieve pages for servers, adminServer.


      Description below the main title of a page will be searched.

      For example, searching for a "server" will retrieve a page containing a description of the main title "Define the details of the JEUS server to use within the domain".


      All words except for the description will be searched.

      For example, if you search for "node1", the pages containing "node1" is searched.

      The priority is: title > subTitle > tag > description > contents. If there are too many search results, only the top 10 results are displayed. Search words including special characters or spaces must be enclosed in double quotes (" ").

      [Figure 2.30] JEUS WebAdmin - Search

      JEUS WebAdmin - Search

  • Help

    Shows help for the current configuration screen and related topics in a new window.

    [Figure 2.31] Commonly Used Functions - Help

    Commonly Used Functions - Help

  • [OK] / [Reconfiguration] / [Delete] Buttons

    Configure, modify, or delete items on the configuration screen.


    Save the changes to the configuration items. The changes are not applied to the domain. To apply the changes, click [Apply Changes].

    In the Auto Lock mode, the changes are immediately applied by clicking [OK]. It is not necessary to click [Apply Changes].

    [Reconfiguration]Cancel any changes made and return the configuration to the previous state.
    [Delete]The [Delete] button only exists when all configuration items can be deleted.
  • [ADD] / [DEL] Buttons

    Add or delete data.

  • [Install] / [Deploy] Buttons

    Install or deploy applications.

  • Open All

    The menu configuration screen also has an Advanced Options section.

    Items in the Advanced Options section are not used very often. Unlike basic configuration items whose description is displayed by default, the description of advanced configuration items is not displayed.

    After [Open All] is clicked, the description of each item is displayed and [Open All] is changed to [Close All]. When [Close All] is clicked, then the button changes to [Open All] and the description of advanced configurations is hidden. Click [Open All] to show the description of advanced configuration items.

    The following is the advanced options section before [Open All] is clicked.

    [Figure 2.32] Commonly Used Functions - Advanced Options (1)

    Commonly Used Functions - Advanced Options (1)

    The following is the Advanced Options section after [Open All] is clicked.

    [Figure 2.33] Commonly Used Functions - Advanced Options (2)

    Commonly Used Functions - Advanced Options (2)

  • Screen Icon

    The following are the commonly used icons.

    Items that can be dynamic applied
    Required items
    Link to the web engine.
    Link to the JMS engine.
    Link to the EJB engine.

2.4. Additional Functions

This section describes WebAdmin's additional functions in detail.

2.4.1. Online Help

WebAdmin provides online help for each screen. Each help topic is provided as a link to the JEUS manual.

There are several ways to view online help.

  • Click the name of a manual from the main menu. For detailed information, refer to "2.3.2. Menu".

  • Click [Online Help] from the home screen. For detailed information, refer to "2.3. Home Screen".

  • Click [Help] from any configuration screen. For detailed information, refer to "2.3.3. Main Section".

The following are the menus on the online help screen.

  • JEUS manuals

    All JEUS manuals are available online, so any manual can be viewed.

  • FAQ

    Link to TmaxSoft TechNet FAQ that provides resolutions for common problems in JEUS.

  • Q&A

    Link to TmaxSoft TechNet Q&A that provides question and answer for JEUS.

  • Downloads

    Link to TmaxSoft TechNet Downloads that contains related software downloads.

The following is the online help screen.

[Figure 2.34] Additional Functions - Online Help

Additional Functions - Online Help

2.4.2. Console

WebAdmin, which is a subnet of jeusadmin, provides console tools that can execute commands related to DAS. However, local commands and unique functions such as repeat, interval, history, and connect are not supported. For a detailed explanation of each command, refer to JEUS Reference Book. "4.2. jeusadmin".

To access the console tool screen,

  • Click [Console] on the main menu. For detailed information, refer to "2.3.2. Menu".

  • Click [Starts a Web Console]. For detailed information, refer to "2.3. Home Screen".

The following shows the Console Command screen in WebAdmin.

[Figure 2.35] Additional Functions - Console Command

Additional Functions - Console Command

2.4.3. Changing and Reverting the Configuration

This section describes how to change and revert the configuration in WebAdmin.

Changing and reverting the configuration is only possible in the Lock & Edit mode.

Changing the Configuration

The following are the steps for changing the configuration.

  1. Switch to the Lock & Edit mode by clicking [Lock & Edit] from the Standard View mode.

    [Figure 2.36] Changing the Configuration - Switching to Lock & Edit Mode

    Changing the Configuration - Switching to Lock & Edit Mode

    In the Lock & Edit mode, configuration items can be changes as in the following example.

    [Figure 2.37] Changing the Configuration - Lock & Edit Mode Example

    Changing the Configuration - Lock & Edit Mode Example

  2. Change the configuration and click [OK]. In this example, 'Heartbeat Port' was changed from '3030' to '3033'.

    [Figure 2.38] Changing the Configuration - Example

    Changing the Configuration - Example

  3. After making the changes, click [Apply Changes] to apply the changes to the server. Next, click [OK] in the following confirmation window that appears.

    If no description is entered, the existing description is used.

    [Figure 2.39] Changing the Configuration - Applying Changes

    Changing the Configuration - Applying Changes

  4. When the configuration information is applied to DAS, the following result message is shown and the mode automatically switches from the Lock & Edit mode to the Standard View mode.

    [Figure 2.40] Changing the Configuration - Result Message

    Changing the Configuration - Result Message

Reverting Configuration Changes

The following are the steps for reverting any changes to the configuration.

  1. After modifying the configuration in the previous section, click [Undo All Changes] to revert the changes instead of applying them to the server. Click [OK] in the confirmation window that appears.

    [Figure 2.41] Changing the Configuration - Reverting Changes

    Changing the Configuration - Reverting Changes

  2. Verify that the changes have been reverted. Heartbeat Port, which was changed from "3030" to "3033", has been reverted, and the mode automatically switched from the Lock & Edit mode to the Standard View mode.

    [Figure 2.42] Changing the Configuration - Reverting Changes Example

    Changing the Configuration - Reverting Changes Example

2.4.4. Locking the Configuration

JEUS WebAdmin provides a configuration lock feature for a specific user, not for a session. Only the user who has the lock can change the configuration.

The user has the lock until the user clicks [Apply Changes] to apply the changes or [Undo All Changes] to revert the changes. As long as the lock is not returned, the user can continue editing even if the user logs out and logs back in again.

Acquiring the Lock

The lock is not automatically returned. If the user does not return the lock, other users cannot make changes. To prevent this from occurring, other users can forcibly acquire the lock as in the following example.

  1. A user, user1, logs in and acquires the lock by clicking [Lock & Edit]. The user does not apply or revert the changes, and logs out while still in the Lock & Edit mode.

    [Figure 2.43] Acquiring the Lock - User1 in Lock & Edit Mode

    Acquiring the Lock - User1 in Lock & Edit Mode

  2. Another user, user2, logs in.

    [Figure 2.44] Acquiring the Lock - User2 in Standard View Mode

    Acquiring the Lock - User2 in Standard View Mode

  3. If user2 clicks [Lock & Edit] to try to change the configuration, the following warning message is displayed that says another user is using the Lock & Edit mode.

    [Figure 2.45] Acquiring the Lock - Forcibly Acquiring the Lock

    Acquiring the Lock - Forcibly Acquiring the Lock

    User2 acquires the lock by clicking [Force Lock].


    When the lock is forcibly acquired, all changes made by the previous lock owner are lost.

  4. The configuration screen changes to the following Lock & Edit mode.

    [Figure 2.46] Acquiring the Lock - User2 in Lock & Edit Mode

    Acquiring the Lock - User2 in Lock & Edit Mode