

@JMSWebService annotation property
destinationName, Creating a Web Service
jndiConnectionFactoryName, Creating a Web Service
targetService, Creating a Web Service


action map, Configuring from Java Class
all operator, Web Service Policy (WS-Policy)
API of creating XML signature in UDDI client
add_publisherAssertions, How to Create XML Signature in UDDI Client
save_binding, How to Create XML Signature in UDDI Client
save_business, How to Create XML Signature in UDDI Client
save_service, How to Create XML Signature in UDDI Client
save_tModel, How to Create XML Signature in UDDI Client
set_publisherAssertions, How to Create XML Signature in UDDI Client
API of verifying XML signature in UDDI client
find-relatedBusinesses api, Verifying XML signature in UDDI Client
get_bindingDetail, Verifying XML signature in UDDI Client
get_businessDetail, Verifying XML signature in UDDI Client
get_serviceDetail, Verifying XML signature in UDDI Client
get_tModelDetail, Verifying XML signature in UDDI Client
asynchronization, Asynchronization
asynchronous web services, Asynchronous Web Services
atomicity, Overview
attachment, Using SAAJ


backend components, Overview
binding compilers, Binding Compiler (XJC) Related Programming Techniques
built-in holder classes
javax.xml.rpc.holders.BigDecimalHolder, Built-in Holder Classes
javax.xml.rpc.holders.BigIntegerHolder, Built-in Holder Classes
javax.xml.rpc.holders.BooleanHolder, Built-in Holder Classes
javax.xml.rpc.holders.ByteArrayHolder, Built-in Holder Classes
javax.xml.rpc.holders.ByteHolder, Built-in Holder Classes
javax.xml.rpc.holders.CalendarHolder, Built-in Holder Classes
javax.xml.rpc.holders.DoubleHolder, Built-in Holder Classes
javax.xml.rpc.holders.FloatHolder, Built-in Holder Classes
javax.xml.rpc.holders.IntHolder, Built-in Holder Classes
javax.xml.rpc.holders.LongHolder, Built-in Holder Classes
javax.xml.rpc.holders.QNameHolder, Built-in Holder Classes
javax.xml.rpc.holders.ShortHolder, Built-in Holder Classes
javax.xml.rpc.holders.StringHolder, Built-in Holder Classes
built-in type mapping, Overview, Built-in Type Mapping


client dispatch interfaces, Client Dispatch Interface
client stubs, Invoking JEUS JAX-RPC Web Services (Java SE client)
client-side web service addressing configurations, Client Configurations
client-side web service transaction configurations, Client Configurations
client-side WS-reliable messaging configurations, Client Configurations
configuring access control, Configuring Access Control
configuring message-level security, Configuring Message-Level Security
configuring UDDI, Configuring UDDI Server
configuring, Configuring UDDI Server
consistency, Overview
content negotiation, Content Negotiation
coordinator servic, Coordinator Service
coordinator services, Coordinator Service
creating and deploying EJB Web services, Creating and Deploying EJB Web Services
creating and deploying Java class Web services, Creating and Deploying Java Class Web Services
creating and deploying JAX-RPC Web services, Creating and Deploying JAX-RPC Web Services
creating and deploying WSDL Web services, Creating and Deploying WSDL Web Services
creating client artifacts, Creating Client Artifacts
creating holder classes, Creating a Holder Class for User Defined Types
creating XML signature in UDDI client, How to Create XML Signature in UDDI Client
customizing class name, Customizing Class Name
customizing handler chains, Customizing Handler Chains
customizing Java methods, Customizing Java Methods
customizing Java parameters, Customizing Java Parameters
customizing XML schema, Customizing XML Schema


fast infoset documents, Overview
fast infoset standards, Overview


handler chain execution order, Handler Chain Execution Order
handler framework, Handler Framework
holder, Overview
how to create SOAP message handlers
JAX-RPC, Creating SOAP Message Handlers
JAX-WS, Creating SOAP Message Handlers
how to determine an endpoint address, How to Determine an Endpoint Address


implementing a Web service from a Java class, Implementing a Web Service from a Java Class
implementing a Web service from an EJB, Implementing a Web Service from an EJB
implementing EJB Web services, Implementing EJB Web Services
implementing JAX-RPC Web services, Implementing JAX-RPC Web Services
implementing Web services from Java classes, Implementing Web Services from Java Classes
Implementing Web services from WSDL, Implementing Web Services from WSDL
implementing Web services from WSDL, Implementing Web Services from WSDL
In/Out parameter, Overview
Invoking JAX-RPC Web services, Invoking JEUS JAX-RPC Web Services (Java SE client)
isolated, Overview


Java API for XML processing, Overview
Java architecture for XML binding, Overview
Java class files, Selecting a Web Service Backend
Java EE client invocation, Java EE Client Invocation
Java EE client programming model, Java EE Client Programming Model
Java SE client invocation, Java SE Client Invocation
Java streaming APIs for XML parser, Java Streaming APIs for XML Parser (StAX)
Java transaction API (JTA), Web Service Transaction Example
java2wsdl tool, Creating WSDL and JAX-RPC Mapping Files
javax.xml.rpc.handler API
javax.xml.rpc.handler. GenericHandler, Creating a Message Handler
javax.xml.rpc.handler. Handler, Creating a Message Handler
javax.xml.rpc.handler. HandlerChain, Creating a Message Handler
javax.xml.rpc.handler. HandlerInfo, Creating a Message Handler
javax.xml.rpc.handler. HandlerRegistry, Creating a Message Handler
javax.xml.rpc.handler. MessageContext, Creating a Message Handler
javax.xml.rpc.handler.soap. SOAPMessageContext, Creating a Message Handler
javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage, Creating a Message Handler
javax.xml.rpc.Stub.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, Invoking Web Services Configured with Basic Authentication
javax.xml.rpc.Stub.USERNAME_PROPERTY, Invoking Web Services Configured with Basic Authentication, Creating Web Service Clients, Creating Web Service Clients
JAX-RPC, Web Service Standards, JAX-RPC Standard, Overview
JAX-RPC mapping file, Creating JAX-RPC Web Service Configuration File, Creating a Web Service Mapping File
<exception-mapping>, Configuring JAX-RPC Mapping File
<java-wsdl-mapping>, Configuring JAX-RPC Mapping File
<java-xml-type-mapping>, Configuring JAX-RPC Mapping File
<package-mapping>, Configuring JAX-RPC Mapping File
<service-endpoint-interface-mapping>, Configuring JAX-RPC Mapping File
<service-interface-mapping>, Configuring JAX-RPC Mapping File
JAX-RPC mapping files, Creating a Web Service Mapping File
JAX-RPC standard, JAX-RPC Standard
JAX-RPC value type, Overview, User Defined Types: JAX-RPC Value Type, Using JAX-RPC Value Type
JAX-RPC web service security
message-level security, Message-Level Security
transport-level security, Transport-Level Security
JAX-WS, Web Service Standards, JAX-WS, JAXB, StAX Standards, JAX-RPC Standard, Overview
JAX-WS JMS transport, JAX-WS JMS Transport
JAXB, Web Service Standards, JAX-WS, JAXB, StAX Standards, Overview
JAXP, Overview, Java Standard API for XML Processing (JAXP)
JEUS UDDI explorer, Using UDDI Explorer in JEUS Server
JEUS Web services, JEUS Web Services
jeus-webservices-dd.xml, Configuring Web Service DD File


logical handlers, Overview


negotiation pessimistic, Content Negotiation


optional operators, Web Service Policy (WS-Policy)


policy container, Web Service Policy (WS-Policy)
policy operator, Web Service Policy (WS-Policy)
provider interface, Provider Interface
provider interfaces, Overview, Provider Interface
provider interfaces for service endpoint, Provider Interface for Service Endpoint


RESTful Web services, RESTful Web Services
RPC-oriented information exchange, RPC-oriented and Document-oriented Information Exchanges
running JEUS UDDI server, Starting UDDI Server


SAAJ, Web Service Standards, SAAJ Standard, Using SAAJ, Using SAAJ
SAAJ standard, SAAJ Standard
SAML authentication through SSL, SAML Authentication through SSL
schemagen, Schemagen Programming Techniques
security configurations, Creating JEUS Web Service Client Using Web Service Security API
security types for JAX-RPC web services
message-level security, Overview
transport-level security, Overview
server policy, Server Policy
server-side Web service addressing configurations, Server Configurations
server-side Web service transaction configurations, Server Configurations
server-side WS-reliable messaging configurations, Server Configurations
service Interface, Java EE Client Programming Model
service interface, Java EE Client Programming Procedures
Service.Mode.PAYLOAD, Provider Interface
ServiceFactory, Java EE Client Programming Procedures
signature, Signature
SJSXP, Overview
SOA, Basic Concept of a Web Service
SOAP, Basic Concept of a Web Service, Web Service Standards
SOAP fault, Overview, Exceptions and SOAP Faults
SOAP handlers, Overview
SOAP message encoding
document-oriented information exchange, SOAP Message Exchange and Encoding
RPC-oriented information exchange, SOAP Message Exchange and Encoding
SOAPBody type, Handling an SAAJ Document
SOAPBodyElement type, Handling an SAAJ Document
SOAPElement type, Handling an SAAJ Document
SOAPHeader type, Handling an SAAJ Document
SOAPHeaderElement type, Handling an SAAJ Document
SOAPPart SOAPEnvelope type SwA , Handling an SAAJ Document
specifications for reliable messaging
WS-AtomicTransactions, Overview
WS-Coordination, Overview
WS-Reliable Messaging, Overview
standard binding customization, Standard Binding Customization
stateless session EJBs, Selecting a Web Service Backend
StAX, JAX-WS, JAXB, StAX Standards, Java Streaming APIs for XML Parser (StAX)
streaming API for XML, Web Service Standards
STS (security token service), Web Service Trust
Sun Java streaming XML parser, Overview
SwA, Handling an SAAJ Document


transaction specifications
WS-AtomicTransaction, Overview
WS-Coordination, Overview
transport-level security, Overview, Transport-level Security, Overview, Transport-Level Security


UDDI, Basic Concept of a Web Service, Web Service Standards, Overview
UDDI clients, Creating UDDI Client
UDDI data structure, Using UDDI
business service (businessService), Using UDDI
businessEntity, Using UDDI
service binding (bindingTemplate), Using UDDI
technical model (tModel), Using UDDI
UDDI DataStore, Creating UDDI DataStore
UDDI explorer, Configuring JEUS UDDI Explorer
UDDI property key
uddi.auth, Configuring UDDI Server
uddi.dataSource, Configuring UDDI Server
uddi.operatorName, Configuring UDDI Server
uddi.operatorURL, Configuring UDDI Server
UDDI querying, Querying UDDI Registry
UDDI registries, Publishing UDDI Registry
UDDI servers, Operating UDDI Server in JEUS
UDDI standard, UDDI Standard
UDDI subscription, Basic Concept
UDDI subscription APIs, Basic Concept
UDDI user, Adding a New User
UDDI WSDL publishing, UDDI WSDL Publishing
unmarshalling, Overview
username token, Username Token


verifying XML signature in UDDI client, Verifying XML signature in UDDI Client


Web service backend
Java class files, Selecting a Web Service Backend
stateless session EJBs, Selecting a Web Service Backend
Web service data types, Overview
Web service implementation from web service endpoint, Web Service Implementation Methods
Web service implementation methods, Web Service Implementation Methods
start with a web service endpoint, Web Service Implementation Methods
start with WSDL, Web Service Implementation Methods
Web service metadata for the Java platform, Web Service Standards
Web service policy, Web Service Policy (WS-Policy)
Web service policy features, Web Service Policy (WS-Policy)
Web service policy framework, Web Service Policy (WS-Policy)
Web Service Security, Web Service Security
Web service security, Web Service Security, Web Service Security
Web service security method
message-level security, Overview
transport-level security, Overview
Web service security policy, Web Service Security Policy
Web service standards, Web Service Standards
Web service transaction property
atomicity, Overview
consistency, Overview
durability, Overview
isolated, Overview
Web service transactions, Web Service Transactions
Web service trust, Web Service Trust
Web services implementation from WSDL, Web Service Implementation Methods
Web services secure conversation, Web Services Secure Conversation
Web services standards
EWS, Web Service Standards
JAX-RPC, Web Service Standards
JAX-WS, Web Service Standards
JAXB, Web Service Standards
MTOM, Web Service Standards
SAAJ, Web Service Standards
SOAP, Web Service Standards
Streaming API for XML, Web Service Standards
UDDI, Web Service Standards
Web service metadata for the Java platform, Web Service Standards
WS-Addressing, Web Service Standards
WS-AtomicTransaction, Web Service Standards
WS-Coordination, Web Service Standards
WS-MetadataExchange, Web Service Standards
WS-Policy, Web Service Standards
WS-Reliable Messaging, Web Service Standards
WS-SecureConversation, Web Service Standards
WS-Security, Web Service Standards
WS-Security Policy, Web Service Standards
WSDL, Web Service Standards
XML, Web Service Standards
XML infoset, Web Service Standards
XML namespaces, Web Service Standards
XML schema, Web Service Standards
webservices.xml, Configuring Web Service DD File
<jaxrpc-mapping-file>, Creating JAX-RPC Web Service DD File
<port-component>, Creating JAX-RPC Web Service DD File
<port-component><handler>, Creating JAX-RPC Web Service DD File
<port-component><port-component-name>, Creating JAX-RPC Web Service DD File
<port-component><service-endpoint-interface>, Creating JAX-RPC Web Service DD File
<port-component><service-impl-bean>, Creating JAX-RPC Web Service DD File
<wsdl-file>, Creating JAX-RPC Web Service DD File
WS-Addressing, Web Service Standards
WS-AtomicTransaction, Web Service Standards
WS-Coordination, Web Service Standards
WS-MetadataExchange, Web Service Standards
WS-Policy, Web Service Standards
WS-Reliable Messaging, Overview
WS-reliable messaging, Web Service Standards
WS-SecureConversation, Web Service Standards
WS-Security, Web Service Standards
WS-Security Policy, Web Service Standards
WSDL, Basic Concept of a Web Service, Web Service Standards
WSDL standard, WSDL Standard
wsdl2java command, Generating a Web Service Stub from WSDL
wsdl2uddi, Using wsdl2uddi
wsgen tool, Implementing Web Services from Java Classes, Creating a Web Service with Java Classes
wsi:swaRef schema, swaRef
wsimport tool, Implementing Web Services from WSDL, Creating Client Artifacts, Basic Operations


XJC, Binding Compiler (XJC) Related Programming Techniques
xmime:expectedContentType, MTOM/XOP
XML, Web Service Standards
XML digital signature, Digital Signature
XML infoset, Web Service Standards
XML namespaces, Web Service Standards
XML schema, Web Service Standards
XML/HTTP binding, XML/HTTP Binding
XOP, Overview