About This Document

Intended Audience

This guide contains the information needed for migrating system resources from a mainframe-based legacy system to a Tmax OpenFrame® (hereafter OpenFrame) environment. This information is intended for use by developers in the field, who are working on OpenFrame rehosting projects. Thus, this guide is aimed at TmaxSoft technical support staff and SI personnel.

Required Knowledge

The user must have knowledge of the following in order to fully understand this guide.

  • Mainframe environments

  • OpenFrame/Batch or OpenFrame/OSC environment

  • DB2 and Oracle

  • Other 3rd party utilities present on the customer's legacy system

Document Organization

This guide consists of 4 chapters and 4 appendices.

Descriptions for each are as follows:

  • Chapter 1: Overview

    Introduces different components of an OpenFrame migration: resource migration, application migration, and database migration.

  • Chapter 2: Resource Migration

    Describes the process of migrating legacy system resources such as CICS maps, CICS resources, and JCL.

  • Chapter 3: Data Set Migration

    Describes the process of migrating legacy system data sets.

  • Chapter 4: Application Migration

    Describes the process of migrating legacy CICS and batch applications.

  • Appendix A: EBCDIC → ASCII Conversion Issues

    Describes some important points for consideration regarding the process of converting EBCDIC code to ASCII code.

  • Appendix B: DB2 → Oracle Migration Issues

    Describes some important points for consideration regarding the process of converting DB2 code to Oracle code.

  • Appendix. C: Schema File Structure

    Describes created schema file structure and type, and required items.

  • Appendix. D: TSAM RDB

    Describes a function to define VSAM data sets so that data can be converted and managed for each copybook field.




Program source code file name


Hold down the Ctrl key and press the C key


Name of a GUI button or menu




Reference to another guide

" " (Double quotation marks)

Reference to a chapter or section in this or another guide


User input on the screen


Email account, website, or a reference to other chapters or sections


Proceeding order of menu


Files or directories exist in this directory


Files or directories do not exist in this directory


Reference or caution

[Figure 1.1]

Figure caption


Commands, screen output after executing command, or sample code

{ }

Required items

[ ]

Optional items


Selective items

Related Documents



Base Guide

Describes overall features of OpenFrame/Base.


Batch Guide

Describes overall features of OpenFrame/Batch.


Data Set Guide

Describes OpenFrame data sets and different types of data sets and cataloging methods.


TJES Guide

Describes how TJES manages batch jobs in OpenFrame.


OSC Resource Definition Guide

Describes resource definition required for OpenFrame/OSC.


OSC Mapping Support Guide

Introduces Mapping Support, a system that provides a programming interface for communication between TN3270 terminals.


Utility Reference Guide

Introduces different utilities provided along with the OpenFrame engine.


Error Reference Guide

Describes potential errors and troubleshooting methods.


Tool Reference Guide

Introduces different tools used for operating OpenFrame.


Configuration Guide

Describes different configuration methods required for operating OpenFrame.