

Append query result, Menu
BookMark, Menu
Change tab title, Menu
Clear output window, Menu
Commit, Menu
Copy to clipboard, Menu
Copy to New Tab, Menu
Current Plan, Menu
Format, Menu
Go to Next Tab, Menu
Go to Previous Tab, Menu
Maximize Result, Menu
Maximize SQL, Menu
Plan, Menu
Recall Named Script.., Menu
Rollback, Menu
Run All From Cursor, Menu
Run current SQL, Menu
Run Script File.., Menu
Run SQL, Menu
Run SQL From All Tab, Menu
Run Step, Menu
Save as Named Script.., Menu
SQL History, Menu
Template, Menu
Analyze Manager, Analyze Manager
[Database and Schemas] 탭, Analyze Manager
[Options] 탭, Analyze Manager
[Tables and Indexes] 탭, Analyze Manager
ASCII Table, ASCII Table
ASCII 문자 입력방법, ASCII Table


PSM Editor, Menu
Schema Tree Browser, Menu
SQL Editor, Menu
Database Information, Database Information
Analyze Manager, Menu
Compile Invalid Objects, Menu
Database Information, Menu
Extents Viewer, Menu
Graph and Report, Menu
Instance Monitor, Menu
Parameter Manager, Menu
Security Manager, Menu
Session Manager, Menu
SQL Monitor, Menu
Tablespace Manager, Menu
Transaction Monitor, Menu
DBA 기능, 개요


Capitalize, Menu
Comment, Menu
Copy, Menu
Cut, Menu
Delete, Menu
Find/Replace..., Menu
Invert the Case, Menu
Lower Case, Menu
Paste, Menu
Redo, Menu
Select All, Menu
Sentencize, Menu
Uncomment, Menu
Undo, Menu
Upper Case, Menu
[Export] 탭, ExpImp
[Import] 탭, ExpImp
[Options] 탭, ExpImp
Export, Export
Extent Viewer, Extents Viewer


Change Password, Menu
Close All Tab, Menu
Commit, Menu
End All Connection, Menu
End Connection, Menu
Exit, Menu
New Connection, Menu
Open File, Menu
Print, Menu
Rollback, Menu
Save, Menu
Save All, Menu
Save as, Menu
Session Information, Menu


Graph and Report, Graph and Report
[Batch Report] 탭, Graph and Report
[Online Graph] 탭, Graph and Report


About tbAdmin, Menu
Key Assist..., Menu


Parameter Manager, Parameter Manager
Perspective, Perspective
PSM Editor, PSM Editor
아이콘, PSM Editor
컨텍스트 메뉴, PSM Editor
PSM Editor의 Editor 영역
PSM 디버거의 실행, Editor
PSM 문장의 실행과 저장, Editor
PSM 문장의 입력과 편집, Editor
PSM Editor의 View 영역
[BackTrace] 탭, Result View
[BreakPoints] 탭, Result View
[DBMS Output] 탭, Result View
[PSM Error] 탭, Result View
[Variables] 탭, Result View
PSM 문장의 실행 결과, Result View
PSM Editor의 화면 구성
Editor 영역, PSM Editor
View 영역, PSM Editor
트리, PSM Editor


Schema Tree Browser, Schema Tree Browser
아이콘, Schema Tree Browser
컨텍스트 메뉴, Schema Tree Browser
Security Manager, Security Manager
[General] 탭, Security Manager
[Role] 탭, Security Manager
[System] 탭, Security Manager
Session Manager, Session Manager
[All Locks] 탭, Session Manager
[Blocking Locks] 탭, Session Manager
[Sessions] 탭, Session Manager
SQL Editor, SQL Editor
아이콘, SQL Editor
컨텍스트 메뉴, SQL Editor
SQL Editor의 Editor 영역
SQL 문장의 실행과 저장, Editor
SQL 문장의 입력과 편집, Editor
SQL Editor의 View 영역
SQL 문장의 실행 결과, Result View
실행 계획, Result View
SQL Editor의 화면 구성
Editor 영역, SQL Editor
View 영역, SQL Editor
SQL Monitor, SQL Monitor


Tablespace Manager, Tablespace Manager
tbAdmin, 개요
tbAdmin의 주요 기능, 개요
ASCII Table, Menu
Explmp, Menu, ExpImp
Export, Menu
Import, Menu
Transaction Monitor, Transaction Monitor


Preferences, Menu

기본 기능, 기본 기능

단축키, 단축키

익스텐트, Extents Viewer

환경설정, 환경설정