Chapter 2. 2000 ~ 2999

2001: Completed successfully with warnings or additional information.

CauseThe function has concluded successfully but with warnings or additional information related to the results.
ActionCheck the warnings and additional information with the GetDiagField() function.

2002: DSN (Database Source Name) file was not found.

CauseDSN file could not be found.
ActionCheck the dsn file in the 'client/config' directory under the database home directory.

2003: DSN (Database Source Name) file is corrupted.

CauseDSN file is corrupted.
ActionCheck the dsn file in the 'client/config' directory under the database home directory.

2004: DSN (Database Source Name) file format is invalid.

CauseDSN file format is invalid.
ActionCheck the dsn file in the 'client/config' directory under the database home directory.

2005: Username is too long: must be less than 128 bytes.

CauseThe user name is too long. User names may not be longer than 128 bytes.
ActionCheck the size of the user name in the argument.

2006: Password is too long: must be less than 64 bytes.

CauseThe password is too long. Passwords may not be longer than 63 bytes.
ActionCheck the size of the password in the argument.

2007: Table name is too long: must be less than 128 bytes.

CauseThe table name is too long. Table names may not be longer than 128 bytes.
ActionCheck the size of the table name in the argument.

2008: Column name is too long: must be less than 128 bytes.

CauseThe column name is too long. Column names may not be longer than 127 bytes.
ActionCheck the size of the column name in the argument.

2009: Schema name is too long: must be less than 128 bytes.

CauseThe schema name is too long. Schema names may not be longer than 127 bytes.
ActionCheck the size of the schema name in the parameter.

2010: String data was right-truncated.

CauseActual data is larger than the buffer.
ActionCheck the size of the data buffer.

2011: Wrong parameter number given.

CauseInvalid parameter number.
ActionCheck the parameter number.

2012: Prepared statement is not a cursor specification.

CauseThe prepared statement does not provide a valid cursor specification.
ActionVerify the statement is a SELECT statement.

2013: Invalid column index at descriptor.

CauseInvalid column index.
ActionCheck the descriptor column index.

2014: Invalid record index at descriptor.

CauseInvalid record index.
ActionCheck the descriptor record index.

2015: Client was unable to establish connection.

CauseCannot connect to the server.
ActionVerify that the server is running, and check the DB connection settings.

2016: OCIServer or OCISession is not set in OCISvcCtx.

CauseServer or session handle is not registered as an attribute of OCISvcCtx.
ActionVerify that the OCISvcCtx handle is correctly created.

2017: Open connection already exists.

CauseAlready connected to the server.
ActionDisconnect the server and retry, or continue with desired actions.

2018: No open connection.

CauseNot connected to the server.
ActionReconnect to the server and try action again.

2019: Program type out of range.

CauseThe SQL_C type is not supported.
ActionCheck the SQL_C type and change it.

2020: Invalid SQL data type.

CauseUnsupported SQL data type.
ActionCheck the SQL data type and change it.

2021: Associated statement is not prepared.

CauseSQL statement has not been prepared.
ActionExecute when SQL statement is prepared.

2022: Invalid use of null pointer.

CauseInvalid null pointer was used.
ActionCheck the null pointer.

2023: Invalid argument type.

CauseInvalid argument type.
ActionCheck the argument type.

2024: Invalid argument value.

CauseInvalid argument value.
ActionCheck the argument value.

2025: Function sequence error.

CauseInvalid function sequence.
ActionCheck the sequence of functions.

2026: Attribute was not set.

CauseFailed to set attributes.
ActionCheck the attributes.

2027: Invalid transaction operation.

CauseInvalid transaction operation.
ActionCheck whether the current transaction operation is valid.

2028: Cannot modify the implementation row descriptor.

CauseCannot modify IRD (Implementation Row Descriptor).
ActionCheck the target descriptor type to modify.

2029: Invalid use of an automatically allocated descriptor handle.

CauseInvalid use of an automatically allocated descriptor handle.
ActionCreate a new descriptor handle.

2030: Inconsistent descriptor information.

CauseInvalid descriptor information.
ActionCheck the binding descriptor.

2031: Invalid attribute value.

CauseInvalid attribute value.
ActionConfirm that the value can be specified for the current attribute.

2032: Invalid string or buffer length.

CauseInvalid length of character string.
ActionChange the length of the string.

2033: Invalid descriptor field identifier.

CauseThe descriptor field identifier is undefined or not implemented.
ActionCheck the descriptor field identifier.

2034: Invalid descriptor field identifier.

CauseThe specified descriptor field is read-only.
ActionCheck the attributes of the descriptor field.

2035: Invalid attribute/option identifier.

CauseInvalid attribute or option.
ActionRecheck the attribute or option.

2036: Invalid parameter index.

CauseInvalid parameter index.
ActionCheck the parameter index.

2037: Invalid parameter type.

CauseInvalid parameter type.
ActionCheck the parameter type.

2038: Invalid cursor position.

CauseInvalid cursor position.
ActionVerify that the cursor position is correct.

2039: Optional feature not yet implemented.

CauseThe function has not yet been implemented.
ActionUse an alternative function.

2040: Invalid cursor state.

CauseInvalid cursor state.
ActionCheck the cursor state.

2041: Required indicator variable was not specified.

CauseNo indicator has been specified.
ActionSpecify the indicator.

2042: Savepoint exception.

CauseInvalid name for the savepoint.
ActionCheck the name of the savepoint.

2043: Duplicate cursor name exists.

CauseDuplicate cursor name detected.
ActionChange the cursor name.

2044: Invalid cursor name.

CauseInvalid cursor name
ActionChange the cursor name.

2045: Invalid record index number.

CauseInvalid diagnostics record index
ActionCheck the diagnostics record index.

2046: Not yet implemented.

CauseThe function has not been implemented.
ActionUse an alternative function.

2047: Attribute has not been implemented.

CauseThe attribute has not been implemented.
ActionUse an alternative attribute.

2048: Data source was not found.

CauseUnable to find DSN.
ActionCheck whether DSN configuration is valid.

2049: Invalid offset for LOB.

CauseInvalid offset value for large object (LOB).
ActionCheck the offset value of LOB.

2050: Invalid length for LOB.

CauseInvalid LOB length
ActionCheck the LOB length.

2051: Invalid authorization.

CauseNot authorized to perform this task.
ActionCheck the user name and password.

2052: Invalid parameter.

CauseInvalid environment parameter type.
ActionCheck the environment parameter type.

2053: Invalid plan executed.

CauseInvalid plan was executed.
ActionCheck whether the plan ID is valid.

2054: Cursor is already open.

CauseThe cursor is already open.
ActionCheck the cursor state.

2055: Cursor is not open.

CauseCursor is not open.
ActionCheck the cursor state.

2056: Specified SQL statement is NULL.

CauseExecuted SQL statement is NULL.
ActionCheck the SQL statement again.

2057: Invalid scroll option.

CauseInvalid scrollable cursor fetch.
ActionCheck whether the cursor type is scrollable.

2058: Invalid data type.

CauseData type is unsupported by server.
ActionCheck the data type again.

2059: Invalid data length.

CauseExceeds the maximum data length supported by server.
ActionCheck the data length.

2060: Invalid diagnostics index.

CauseInvalid diagnostics index
ActionCheck the diagnostics index.

2061: Data type is currently unsupported.

CauseData type is currently unsupported.
ActionUse an alternative data type.

2062: Type casting is not allowed.

CauseUnable to change the data type.
ActionCheck the data type.

2063: Invalid parameter in/out mode.

CauseInvalid parameter mode.
ActionCheck the parameter mode.

2064: Trailing NULL missing from string bind value.

CauseThere is no NULL at the end of string bind value.
ActionCheck the bind value.

2065: Data was truncated.

CauseData was too long and was truncated.
ActionCheck the data length.

2067: Index out of range.

CauseIndex value was out of range.
ActionCheck the index.

2068: Invalid indicator type.

CauseInvalid indicator type.
ActionCheck the indicator type.

2069: I/O read error.

CauseThere is a problem reading from the server.
ActionCheck the connection.

2070: I/O write error.

CauseThere is a problem writing to the server.
ActionCheck the connection.

2071: I/O close error.

CauseThere is a problem closing the communication with server.
ActionCheck the connection.

2072: Invalid buffer length.

CauseInvalid buffer length.
ActionCheck the buffer length.

2073: Invalid handle.

CauseInvalid handle.
ActionCheck whether the handle is valid.

2074: Invalid handle type.

CauseInvalid handle type.
ActionCheck whether or not the handle type is valid.

2075: Invalid DBC handle.

CauseInvalid connection handle.
ActionCheck the connection handle.

2076: Invalid statement handle.

CauseInvalid statement handle.
ActionCheck the statement handle.

2077: Failed to initialize the handle manager.

CauseFailed to initialize the handle manager.
ActionCheck the handle allocation.

2080: CLI Driver manager has not been initialized.

CauseCLI Driver manager has not been initialized.
ActionInitialize the CLI Driver Manager.

2081: Invalid attempt to fetch before the first row of the result set.

CauseThe specified fetch location is before the first record of the result set.
ActionSpecify a valid fetch location.

2082: Invalid socket file descriptor.

CauseInvalid socket file descriptor.
ActionCheck the connection with the server.

2083: Failed to close socket.

CauseFailed to close socket.
ActionVerify the connection with the server is still available.

2084: Invalid protocol.

CauseInvalid server connection protocol.
ActionCheck the condition of the server and clients.

2085: Invalid LOB locator from server.

CauseInvalid LOB locator received from server.
ActionCheck the LOB locator.

2086: No data.

CauseNo data.
ActionCheck the fetch state.

2087: Data is needed.

CauseThe server requires some data.
ActionEnsure the data to be sent is available.

2088: Connection failed.

CauseFailed to connect to server.
ActionCheck the server state.

2089: Failed to disconnect.

CauseFailed to disconnect.
ActionCheck the server state.

2090: Execution failed.

CauseFailed to execute SQL statements.
ActionRecheck the SQL statements.

2091: Fetching failed.

CauseFailed to fetch.
ActionCheck the cursor state.

2092: Preparation failed.

CauseFailed to prepare a statement.
ActionCheck the execution statement.

2093: Failed to close the cursor.

CauseFailed to close the cursor.
ActionCheck the cursor state.

2094: Failed to commit.

CauseFailed to commit.
ActionCheck the transaction state.

2095: Failed to close session.

CauseFailed to close the session.
ActionCheck the server state.

2096: Session kill failed.

CauseFailed to end the session.
ActionCheck the server state.

2097: Rollback failed.

CauseFailed to roll back.
ActionCheck the transaction state.

2098: Savepoint failed.

CauseFailed to set a savepoint.
ActionCheck the transaction state.

2099: Put data failed.

CauseFailed to transfer the data.
ActionVerify the data is valid.

2100: Cancel failed.

CauseFailed to cancel.
ActionCheck the transaction state.

2101: Failed to get the length of LOB.

CauseFailed to obtain the LOB type length.
ActionCheck the LOB locator.

2102: Failed to read LOB data.

CauseFailed to read LOB data.
ActionCheck the LOB locator.

2103: Failed to write LOB data.

CauseFailed to write LOB data.
ActionCheck the LOB locator.

2104: Failed to truncate LOB data.

CauseFailed to truncate LOB data.
ActionCheck the LOB locator.

2105: Unable to find specified cursor.

CauseUnable to find a cursor with the specified name.
ActionVerify the cursor is valid.

2107: DPL is unprepared.

CauseFailed to prepare DPL.
ActionVerify the operation is valid.

2108: Failed to load stream.

CauseDPL load stream operation failed.
ActionVerify the operation is valid.

2109: Failed to save data.

CauseDPL data save operation failed.
ActionVerify the operation is valid.

2110: Failed to abort

CauseDPL abort operation failed.
ActionVerify the operation is valid.

2111: Failed to finish.

CauseDPL finish operation failed.
ActionVerify the operation is valid.

2112: Failed to flush rows.

CauseFailed to flush a particular record.
ActionVerify the operation is valid.

2113: More rows needed after loadstream().

CauseAdditional data is needed after DPL load stream operation.
ActionProvide the necessary data.

2114: No rows to be inserted after loadstream().

CauseNo data has been inserted after DPL load stream operation.
ActionVerify the data is valid.

2115: Failed to read DSN info from ODBC.INI.

CauseFailed to read DSN information from ODBC.INI.
ActionCheck the DSN information.

2116: Completed row delivery to users.

CauseData fetch process is complete.
ActionPerform the next required action.

2118: Invalid communication ID.

CauseInvalid communication ID.
ActionCheck the communication ID.

2119: Shutdown failed.

CauseFailed to shut down.
ActionCheck the server state.

2120: Unable to get information about the last SQL statement.

CauseFailed to obtain information on the last executed SQL statement.
ActionCheck whether the operation was valid.

2121: Duplicate request exists.

CauseThe request is a duplicate.
ActionVerify the operation is valid.

2122: Handle is in use.

CauseThe handle is in use.
ActionCheck the handle state.

2123: No accessible element exists in data structure.

CauseThere is no error of the descriptor.
ActionCheck the index.

2127: Invalid chunk index.

CauseThe chunk index is invalid.
ActionCheck the chunk index.

2131: Generic I/O error.

CauseThere is a problem communicating with the server.
ActionCheck the connection with the server.

2133: Specified index is greater than number of diagnostics records.

CauseThere are more indexes than diagnostics records.
ActionCheck the diagnostics record index.

2134: More data exists for this column.

CauseThere is additional data for the column.
ActionReceive the remaining data by calling the SQLGetData() function.

2135: Current cursor is not updatable.

CauseThe cursor is not updatable.
ActionChange to an updatable cursor and retry.

2136: Row index is out of range.

CauseThe record index is out of range.
ActionSpecify a record index smaller than the total number of records in the result set.

2137: Invalid integer buffer size.

CauseAn invalid size was specified for the integer buffer.
ActionChoose a value between 1 to 8 bytes.

2138: Invalid floating point buffer size.

CauseAn invalid size was specified for the floating point buffer.
ActionChoose a value between 4 and 8 bytes.

2139: Connection to server was interrupted but the fail-over successfully reconnected.

CauseThe server connection was terminated but a new connection was made to a server instance with the same DNS name.
ActionThe job being executed by the user was canceled and must be restarted.

2140: Unable to connect to unsupported DBMS server.

CauseAn attempt was made to connect to a server that is not supported by the current client.
ActionUse a client that supports connections to this server.

2141: IP address specified in DSN file is too long: cannot be longer than 128 bytes.

CauseThe length of the IP address in the DSN file is longer than 128 bytes.
ActionCheck the length of the IP address.

2142: Invalid date/time format.

CauseInvalid date/time format.
ActionCheck the date/time format.

2143: Out of range for numeric.

CauseOut of range for numeric.
ActionCheck the buffer size or the data type.

2144: Invalid bookmark value.

CauseInvalid bookmark value.
ActionCheck if the bookmark value is null or a valid value.

2145: Invalid fetch direction for the current cursor type.

CauseInvalid fetch direction for the current cursor type.
ActionVerify the cursor type is scrollable.

2146: Current result set cursor type downgraded.

CauseThe current cursor type does not support this query type. The query type will be changed.
ActionCheck the query type.

2147: Fractional truncation.

CauseThe numbers after the decimal point are truncated.
ActionCheck the buffer size or the data type.

2148: Invalid character value for casting the type.

CauseInvalid character string value for changing the type.
ActionVerify the character string is valid to change to the specified type.

2149: No available connection exists in the connection pool.

CauseNo available connection exists in the connection pool.
ActionModify the parameter to change the number of connections available in the connection pool.

2150: Failed to create a daemon thread.

CauseFailed to create a daemon thread.
ActionInternal error. Contact the technical support team.

2151: Failed to detach the daemon thread.

CauseFailed to detach the daemon thread.
ActionInternal error. Contact the technical support team.

2152: Invalid descriptor index.

CauseInvalid descriptor index.
ActionCheck if the column/parameter exists for the descriptor index.

2153: Date/time field overflow.

CauseInvalid date type value.
ActionCheck the data value of the date type.

2154: Invalid chunk index.

CauseThe chunk index is invalid.
ActionCheck the chunk index.

2155: Option value changed.

CauseThe specified option is not supported. The option value has been changed to other one.
ActionCheck the option value.

2156: Cannot find connection information of JEPA (JAVA External Procedure Agent).

CauseCannot find connection information of JEPA.
ActionCheck the dsn file in the 'client/config' directory under the database home directory.

2157: Failed to execute psm.

CauseFailed to execute psm.
ActionInternal error. Contact the technical support team.

2158: Cannot set the size of TCP Send Buffer.

CauseFailed to set the size of TCP Send Buffer.
ActionContact the technical support team.

2159: Cannot set the size of TCP Receive Buffer.

CauseFailed to set the size of TCP Receive Buffer.
ActionContact the technical support team.

2160: Unable to set the size of TCP Send Buffer.

CauseFailed to set the size of TCP Send Buffer.
ActionContact the technical support team.

2161: Unable to set the size of TCP Receive Buffer.

CauseFailed to set the size of TCP Receive Buffer.
ActionContact the technical support team.

2162: Unable to get the size of TCP Send Buffer.

CauseFailed to get the size of TCP Send Buffer.
ActionContact the technical support team.

2163: Unable to get the size of TCP Receive Buffer.

CauseFailed to get the size of TCP Receive Buffer.
ActionContact the technical support team.

2164: Unable to set the size of TCP Send Buffer.

CauseFailed to set the size of TCP Send Buffer.
ActionContact the technical support team.

2165: Unable to set the size of TCP Receive Buffer.

CauseFailed to set the size of TCP Receive Buffer.
ActionContact the technical support team.

2166: Unable to get the size of TCP Send Buffer.

CauseFailed to get the size of TCP Send Buffer.
ActionContact the technical support team.

2167: Unable to get the size of TCP Receive Buffer.

CauseFailed to get the size of TCP Receive Buffer.
ActionContact the technical support team.

2168: Unable to determine the speed of data transmission between server and client.

CauseFailed to determine the speed of data transmission between server and client.
ActionContact the technical support team.

2169: Multi thread mode is not set.

CauseMulti thread mode is not set.
ActionUse the SQLAllocHandle2 or SQLAllocEvn2 API with a true value in the last argument when allocating the env handle.

2170: The necessary attributes are not set in subs handle.

CauseTopic, callback functions, and listen port information are not set in subscription.
ActionSet all the necessary attributes for the subscription.

2171: The subscription topic has already been registered.

CauseA client tried to register the same topic using the same DBC handle.
ActionRegistering the same topic in the same dbc handle is not allowed.

2172: The subscription topic has not been registered.

CauseThe topic to unregister is not in the list of subscriptions.
ActionRegister the topic first.

2173: Unable to find the listener.

CauseThere is no listener listening for the port of the unregistering subscription.
ActionCheck if the port of the subscription and the subscription are registered.

2174: Failed to recover select.

CauseAn I/O error occurred during select failover.
ActionTry again later.

2175: Failed to fetch a row.

CauseApplication fetched too many rows.
ActionReduce the number of fetch request.

2176: Unable to use the parallel DPL option.

CauseThe current server does not support the parallel DPL option.
ActionUse the latest version of the server.

2177: The password has expired(grace).

CauseThe password has expired(grace).
ActionUpdate the password and then try again.

2178: Unable to fetch subsequent rows.

CauseFailover was not able to restore the result set to its original state to continue fetching rows.
ActionRe-execute the query to fetch from the first row.

2179: Invalid subscription name.

CauseThe subscription name is invalid or too long.
ActionUse a valid subscription name.

2180: Failed to register the subscription.

CauseAn unregistered subscription name is used or there is a server error.
ActionUse a valid subscription name and check if TQ can be used on the server.

2181: Failed to unregister the subscription.

CauseThere is a server error.
ActionCheck if TQ can be used on the server.

2182: DSN configuration is invalid or incomplete .

CauseConnection information is incorrect or insufficient.
ActionCheck if the DSN configuration is incorrect or incomplete.

2183: Unable to handle unexpected incoming message type %1$d.

CauseAn unexpected protocol was received.
ActionCheck that the protocol is from a valid context.

2184: Cannot read a LOB object in a remote server.

CauseCannot read a LOB object in a remote server.
ActionChange the query.

2185: The password will expire within %1$s days.

CauseThe password will expire within %1$s days.
ActionUpdate the password.