Chapter 8. 8000 ~ 8999

8002: Invalid DML statement.

CauseThe statement is not a valid DML (Data Manipulation Language) statement.
ActionCheck the syntax.

8003: Unable to execute DML statement.

CauseUnable to execute the DML statement.
ActionCheck if DML is executable in the current DB state.

8004: Syntax error.

CauseThere is a syntax error.
ActionCheck the statement syntax.

8005: Identifier is too long.

CauseThe identifier is too long.
ActionAdjust the length to less than 30 characters.

8006: Missing FROM keyword.

CauseThe FROM keyword is missing.
ActionCheck the statement syntax.

8007: Missing boolean expression.

CauseA conditional expression is missing or contains syntax errors.
ActionCheck the statement syntax.

8008: Missing expression.

CauseInvalid or missing expression.
ActionCheck the expression syntax.

8009: Missing keyword.

CauseThere is a syntax error.
ActionCheck the statement syntax.

8010: Missing INTO keyword.

CauseINTO keyword is missing.
ActionCheck the statement syntax.

8011: Missing VALUES keyword.

CauseVALUES keyword is missing.
ActionCheck the statement syntax.

8012: Missing comma.

CauseA comma is missing.
ActionCheck the statement syntax.

8013: Missing SELECT keyword.

CauseSELECT keyword is missing.
ActionCheck the statement syntax.

8014: Missing NULL keyword.

CauseNULL keyword is missing.
ActionCheck the statement syntax.

8015: Missing right parenthesis.

CauseRight parenthesis is missing.
ActionCheck the statement syntax.

8016: Missing BY keyword.

CauseBY keyword is missing after the ORDER, GROUP or CONNECT keyword.
ActionCheck the statement syntax.

8017: Missing CONNECT BY clause.

CauseIn a hierarchical query, the CONNECT BY clause should be specified.
ActionCheck the statement syntax.

8018: Missing equal sign.

CauseIn a SET clause, an \"=\" is missing.
ActionCheck the statement syntax.

8019: Missing WITH keyword.

CauseWITH keyword is missing after a START keyword.
ActionCheck the statement syntax.

8020: Missing SET keyword.

CauseIn an UPDATE statement, a SET clause is missing.
ActionCheck the statement syntax.

8021: Invalid table name.

CauseThe specification of the table, view or inline view in the FROM clause uses invalid syntax.
ActionCheck the statement syntax.

8022: Invalid end of SQL.

CauseThe SQL statement is invalid.
ActionCheck the statement syntax.

8023: Invalid qualifier specification.

CauseInvalid qualifier specification.
ActionCheck the qualifier syntax.

8024: Duplicate derived column name exists.

CauseA derived column with this name already exists.
ActionRename the column.

8025: Number of derived columns and table columns do not match.

CauseThe number of derived columns does not match the number of columns in a base table, view or inline view.
ActionModify the query.

8026: Invalid identifier.

CauseUnable to interpret the column or identifier.
ActionCheck the identifier.

8027: Column name is ambiguous.

CauseColumns with the same name exist in more than one table, view or inline view.
ActionSpecify a qualifier for the column name.

8028: FOR UPDATE clause is not allowed here.

CauseThe FOR UPDATE clause was used in a SELECT query block other than the top one.
ActionCheck the query block syntax.

8029: FOR UPDATE clause is not allowed for this query.

CauseThe FOR UPDATE statement cannot be used in a query that uses GROUP BY, DISTINCT or set functions.
ActionModify the query.

8030: Not enough values.

CauseThe number of expressions specified in a VALUE statement is less than the number of columns.
ActionEnsure that the numbers match.

8031: Too many values.

CauseThe number of expressions specified in a VALUE statement is greater than the number of columns.
ActionEnsure that the numbers match.

8032: ORDER BY position must be the same as an entry number in a SELECT-list expression.

CauseThe position specified in ORDER BY clause is out of range.
ActionSpecify a valid position.

8033: Specified schema object was not found.

CauseThe specified schema object does not exist.
ActionCheck the schema object name.

8034: Specified sequence was not found.

CauseThe sequence does not exist.
ActionCheck the sequence name.

8035: Specified synonym was not found.

CauseThe synonym does not exist.
ActionCheck the synonym name.

8036: Specified procedure or function was not found.

CauseProcedure or function does not exist.
ActionCheck the procedure name.

8037: Invalid use of group functions.

CauseSet functions cannot be used in SELECT LIST, HAVING, or ORDER BY clauses.
ActionCheck the statement syntax.

8038: Expression is not in a GROUP BY clause.

CauseAn expression that was not specified in a GROUP BY clause was used.
ActionModify the query.

8039: The ORDER BY clause must contain constants or SELECT list expressions.

CauseWhen DISTINCT is specified in a SELECT LIST clause, it must be used in an ORDER BY clause.
ActionModify the query.

8040: Duplicate column name exists.

CauseA column name is used more than once.
ActionModify the query.

8041: Invalid table reference.

CauseIn a FROM clause, schema objects other than tables and views cannot be used.
ActionModify the query.

8042: Outer join operator (+) cannot be used in a clause with a subquery.

CauseSub queries cannot be used along with the outer join condition.
ActionModify the query.

8043: Outer join operator (+) cannot be used in a clause with OR.

CauseThe OR operator cannot be used along with the outer join condition.
ActionModify the query.

8044: Outer join operator (+) cannot be used in a clause with IN.

CauseThe IN operator cannot be used along with the outer join condition.
ActionModify the query.

8045: Outer join operator (+) cannot be used on both sides simultaneously.

CauseOuter joining of two tables is not allowed.
ActionDelete one of the outer join conditions.

8046: Outer join operator (+) cannot be used between more than two tables.

CauseOuter joining between more than two tables is not allowed.
ActionModify the query.

8047: Outer join operator (+) cannot be used with ANSI joins.

CauseOuter joins cannot be used with ANSI joins.
ActionModify the query.

8048: Virtual table (dynamic performance view) cannot be updated.

CauseAn attempt was made to update virtual table.
ActionVirtual table cannot be updated.

8049: The ORDER BY clause in a SET clause is invalid: use ordinal numbers.

CauseIn an ORDER BY clause in a query where SET the operator was used, invalid expressions were used.
ActionModify the query.

8050: Procedures are prohibited in the DML expression.

CauseProcedure cannot be used in DML statement.
ActionUnable to use procedure.

8051: User-defined functions are not permitted in the expression.

CauseFunctions cannot be used in a CALL clause which requires a procedure.
ActionUse a valid procedure.

8052: Invalid object status.

CauseThe current object is disabled.
ActionRecreate the object.

8053: Not authorized.

CauseAn attempt was made to access unauthorized objects or columns.
ActionUnable to access the object.

8054: Subquery cannot be used in GROUP BY clause.

CauseSubquery cannot be used in GROUP BY clause.
ActionModify the query.

8055: The number of expressions in the RETURNING clause and the number of INTO columns do not match.

CauseThe number of expressions specified in the RETURNING clause and that of columns to be updated do not match with each other.
ActionModify the query.

8056: Invalid number of columns in query.

CauseThe number of PROJECTIONs between blocks used in SET operation do not match.
ActionModify the query.

8057: Columns are non-updatable.

CauseThe column cannot be updated.
ActionCheck whether or not the column is in a key-preserved table.

8058: Too many key-preserved tables specified.

CauseMore than two key-preserved tables cannot be updated at once.
ActionModify the query to update only one key preserved table.

8059: A key-preserved table was not found.

CauseThe view cannot be updated.
ActionCheck whether or not it is a key-preserved table.

8060: A deletable table was not found.

CauseA key preserved table, which can be deleted, does not exist in view.
ActionCheck the definition of the view.

8061: Columns in USING clauses or NATURAL joins cannot have a qualifier.

CauseColumns in USING clauses or NATURAL joins cannot have a qualifier.
ActionDelete the qualifier.

8062: Nesting level of aggregation functions is too deep.

CauseThe nesting level of aggregation functions is too deep.
ActionModify the query.

8063: LONG columns are not permitted.

CauseLONG type columns cannot be used.
ActionModify the query.

8064: LOB columns are not permitted.

CauseLOB type columns cannot be used.
ActionModify the query.

8065: Invalid host variable name.

CauseAn invalid host variable name was used.
ActionEnsure the host variable name uses proper syntax.

8066: Circular view detected.

CauseView definition cannot reference itself.
ActionCheck the view definition.

8067: Invalid window value used in analytic clause.

CauseInvalid window range expression in analytic function.
ActionModify the query.

8068: ORDER BY cannot be used here.

CauseThe ORDER BY clause cannot be used in a subquery.
ActionModify the query.

8069: Invalid single-group group function.

CauseColumns which are not used in a GROUP BY clause are used outside aggregation functions.
ActionChange the query.

8070: Subqueries are not allowed in SELECT LIST clauses that use nested aggregation.

CauseSELECT LIST clauses that use the nested aggregation function cannot use subqueries.
ActionDelete the subquery.

8071: Partition name cannot be used with view.

CauseView cannot use partition name.
ActionDelete the partition name.

8072: Subqueries cannot be used in this clause.

CauseA subquery cannot be used in DEFAULT, CHECK or RETURNING clauses.
ActionDelete the subquery.

8073: UDF cannot be used in this clause.

CauseUDF cannot be used in DEFAULT or CHECK clauses.
ActionModify the query.

8074: Sequence cannot be used here.

CauseSequence being is used in an invalid position.
ActionModify the query.

8075: ROWNUM cannot be used in this clause.

CauseROWNUM cannot be used in DEFAULT or CHECK clauses, or as a join condition.
ActionModify the query.

8076: LEVEL cannot be used in this clause.

CauseLEVEL cannot be used in DEFAULT or CHECK clauses.
ActionModify the query.

8077: Bind variable cannot be used in this clause.

CauseThe bind variable cannot be used in DEFAULT or CHECK clauses.
ActionModify the query.

8078: Aggregation function cannot be used in this clause.

CauseThe aggregation function cannot be used in DEFAULT or CHECK columns.
ActionModify the query.

8079: Analytic function cannot be used in this clause.

CauseThe analytic function cannot be used in DEFAULT clauses, CHECK clauses, and in index columns.
ActionModify the query.

8080: PRIOR keyword cannot be used in this clause.

CausePRIOR keyword can be used only in a CONNECT BY clause.
ActionModify the query.

8081: Column cannot be used in this clause.

CauseColumn cannot be used in DEFAULT or VALUES clauses.
ActionModify the query.

8082: Non-deterministic functions, date or system variables cannot be used in this clause.

CauseNon-deterministic functions cannot be used in DEFAULT clauses, CHECK clauses, and in index columns.
ActionModify the query.

8083: Table is not partitioned.

CausePARTITION or SUBPARTITION keywords cannot be used in non-partitioned tables.
ActionModify the query.

8084: The specified partition does not exist.

CauseUnable to find the partition name.
ActionCheck the partition name and retry.

8085: The specified sub-partition does not exist.

CauseUnable to find the sub-partition name.
ActionCheck the sub-partition name and retry.

8086: %1$s is not supported.

CauseThe syntax is not supported by the current version.
ActionModify the query.

8087: Invalid SET clause.

CauseThe expression in a SET clause is incomplete.
ActionCorrect the expression.

8088: View %1$s has errors.

CauseView definition, referenced schema object or authority check has errors.
ActionCorrect the error.

8089: Tuple expression must have a degree of 2.

CauseInvalid number of argument of the OVERLAP function.
ActionVerify the use of the OVERLAP function.

8090: Invalid bind variable name.

CauseBind variable names starting with ':SYS_B_' cannot be used.
ActionChange the name.

8091: INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE cannot be performed on tables with constraints (%1$s.%2$s) in the DISABLE VALIDATE state.

CauseAn attempt was made to execute INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE on a table with constraints in a DISABLE VALIDATE state.
ActionModify the constraints condition.

8092: SIBLINGS keyword cannot be used in this clause.

CauseSIBLINGS cannot be specified in the ORDER BY clause.
ActionModify the query.

8093: INTO clauses cannot be used here.

CauseINTO and BULK COLLECT INTO clauses can be specified only in the top query block.
ActionModify the query.

8094: LEVEL, PRIOR or ROWNUM keywords cannot be used here.

CauseLEVEL, PRIOR and ROWNUM keywords cannot be used with the PRIOR operator.
ActionModify the query.

8095: Percentage in a SAMPLE clause must be in the range [0.000001, 100).

CausePercentage in a SAMPLE clause must be between 0.000001 and 100 (must be less than 100).
ActionModify the value to fall within the range.

8096: CONNECT_BY_ROOT operator cannot be used here.

CauseThe CONNECT_BY_ROOT operator cannot be used here.
ActionModify the query.

8097: CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF operator cannot be used here.

CauseThe CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF operator cannot be used here.
ActionModify the query.

8098: SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH operator cannot be used here.

CauseThe SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH operator cannot be used here.
ActionModify the query.

8099: CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE operator cannot be used here.

CauseThe CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE operator cannot be used here.
ActionModify the query.

8100: Target must be a table.

CauseTarget of MERGE INTO statement must be a table.
ActionCheck the target object.

8101: Column used in the ON clause cannot be updated.

CauseThe column used in an ON clause cannot be updated.
ActionModify the query.

8102: Outer join cannot be specified for a correlation column.

CauseAn outer join cannot be specified for a correlation column.
ActionChange the query.

8103: Circular synonym detected.

CauseSynonyms cannot reference themselves.
ActionCheck the definition of the synonym.

8104: DECODE function has too many arguments.

CauseMore than 255 arguments were used.
ActionReduce the number of arguments in the DECODE function.

8105: The CASE function has too many arguments.

CauseMore than 65535 arguments were used.
ActionReduce the number of arguments in the CASE function.

8106: Outer join operator may not be used in this clause.

CauseThe outer join operator can only be used in ON and WHERE clauses.
ActionModify the query.

8107: Distributed operation is not supported.

CauseThe MERGE statement attempted to process more than two DB instances.
ActionModify the query.

8108: Invalid relational operator.

CauseInvalid condition expression.
ActionModify the condition expression.

8109: Argument must be a constant expression.

CauseOnly expressions with the same value in GROUP BY clauses are allowed.
ActionUse only expressions which are used in a constant expression or GROUP BY clause.

8110: Too many WHEN clauses used.

CauseA single multitable insert statement contained more than 127 WHEN clauses.
ActionReduce the number of WHEN clauses in the statement.

8111: View or remote table cannot be the target of a multitable insert.

CauseView or remote table cannot be the target of a multitable insert.
ActionModify the query.

8112: Reference cursor table has too many arguments.

CauseMore than 10,000 arguments were used.
ActionReduce the number of arguments in the PSM function.

8113: Insufficient arguments specified for a function.

CauseAn argument required for the function was omitted.
ActionSpecify the omitted argument again.

8114: Too many arguments specified for a function.

CauseThe number of arguments specified for a function exceeds the number required.
ActionDelete extraneous arguments.

8115: Flashback query clause is not valid here.

CauseThe flashback query clause was used in an invalid location.
ActionModify the query.

8116: DISTINCT option cannot be used for this function.

CauseThe DISTINCT option cannot be used for this function.
ActionDelete the DISTINCT option and try again.

8117: Invalid datatype used in function.

CauseThe datatype used in the function is invalid.
ActionCheck the arguments of the function.

8118: Unable to select rowid column from the index-organized table.

CauseUnable to select rowid column from the index-organized table.
ActionRemove the rowid column and try again.

8119: Revalidation of trigger '%1$s' failed

CauseFailed to recompile the invalid trigger.
ActionModify the trigger source code and create again.

8120: A column '%1$s' for the error log table '%2$s' is missing.

CauseA column required for the error log table is is missing.
ActionCheck the error log table.

8121: Invalid number of arguments.

CauseThe number of arguments is incorrect.
ActionCheck the syntax and change it.

8122: Internal hint cannot be used.

CauseInternal hint cannot be used.
ActionRemove internal hint.

8124: The query defined in the RECURSIVE WITH clause is not valid.

CauseThe query defined in the RECURSIVE WITH clause violates an integrity constraint.
ActionDefine the query in the format of (anchor member) UNION ALL (recursive member).

8125: A column alias list was not defined in the RECURSIVE WITH clause.

CauseColumn name aliases were not defined for the query names.
ActionAdd a column alias list for the query names in the RECURSIVE WITH clause.

8126: There are statements that are not supported as a recursive member of the recursive WITH clause.

CauseThe following statement cannot be used as a recursive member to the right of UNION ALL statement within the recursive WITH query: GROUP BY, HAVING, DISTINCT, CONNECT BY, window functions, set operations, and aggregate functions.
ActionRewrite the recursive WITH query so that the unsupported statements are not used.

8127: This join is not supported by the recursive WITH query.

CauseThe recursive WITH clause contains the recursive query name at one of the following positions: the right side of the LEFT OUTER JOIN, the left side of the RIGHT OUTER JOIN, the FULL OUTER JOIN, or in the subquery.
ActionRewrite the query with the supported join.

8128: Read-only table cannot be updated.

CauseAn attempt was made to execute DML on a read-only table.
ActionRead-only table cannot be updated.

8129: Index by that name was not found.

CauseUnable to find the index name.
ActionCheck the index name and retry.

8130: Index is not partitioned.

CauseINDEX_PARTITION or INDEX_SUBPARTITION keywords cannot be used in non-partitioned indexes.
ActionModify the query.

8131: Circular RLS policy has been detected.

CauseThe predicate returned by the policy function refers to the object that the policy is attached to.
ActionCheck the definition of the policy function.

8132: The policy predicate contains an error.

CauseThe predicate string generated by the policy function is not valid for this object.
ActionCheck the definition of the policy function.

8133: Invalid use of association operator (=>).

CauseAssociation operator (=>) can only be used as an UDF argument.
ActionModify the query.

8134: A user-defined aggregate function can have only one parameter.

CauseCheck the definition or the call of the user-defined aggregate function.
ActionModify the definition of the user-defined aggregate function and regenerate it.

8135: The '%1$s' interface function is undefined.

CauseCheck the definition of the object type.
ActionModify the object type definition and regenerate it.

8136: The parameter of the user-defined aggregate function and the parameter of the 'TUDIAGGREGATEITERATE' function defined in the object type are not compatible.

CauseCheck the query and the definition of the object type.
ActionModify the query or the definition of the object type and regenerate it.

8137: The result type of the object type and the result type of the user-defined aggregate function are not compatible.

CauseCheck the query and the definition of the object type.
ActionModify the query or the definition of the object type and regenerate it.

8138: A single unique index must be specified in the index hint.

CauseAn index was not specified in the IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX hint.
ActionSpecify a unique index defined in the table.

8139: Index specified in the index hint is invalid.

CauseThe unique index was not found.
ActionSpecify a unique index defined in the table.

8140: Multiple unique indexes were specified in the index hint.

CauseMultiple unique indexes were specified in the index hint.
ActionSpecify a single unique index.

8141: Argument must be a constant expression.

CauseThe specified function argument is invalid.
ActionCheck the declaration of the function.

8142: This DML statement is not permitted in the current boot mode.

CauseIn the current boot mode, this DML cannot be executed.
ActionChange the boot mode and run the DML statement again.

8143: Cannot insert a value in a virtual column.

CauseAttempted to insert a value in a virtual column.
ActionWrite insert statements except for this column.

8144: Cannot update a value in a virtual column.

CauseAttempted to update a value in a virtual column.
ActionRemove the SET clause for this column in UPDATE statements.

8145: The value set to AUTO_INCREMENT COLUMN in the insert statement is incorrect.

CauseA value other than null cannot be inserted into the AUTO_INCREMENT COLUMN.
ActionRemove AUTO_INCREMENT COLUMN or set the AUTO_INCREMENT COLUMN to null in the insert statement.

8146: A WITH query name has been duplicated in a recursive node in a recursive WITH.

CauseSelf reference can be used only once in a recursive node in a recursive WITH.
ActionRewrite the query so that a WITH query name can be used only once.

8147: Expressions that return a user-defined type is not allowed in the current context.

CauseOnly expressions that return a built-in type are allowed in the current context.
ActionCheck the return type of the expression in the current context.