Chapter 9. 9000 ~ 9999

9001: File \'%1$s\' was not found.

CauseThe file does not exist.
ActionCheck if the file exists or use another file.

9002: Input file was not specified.

CauseAn input file was not specified.
ActionSpecify an input file.

9003: Multiple input files were specified.

CauseTwo or more input files were specified.
ActionSpecify only one input file.

9004: Unable to open file \'%1$s\'.

CauseCannot open the output file.
ActionVerify that the file name is correct.

9005: Unable to locate configuration file \'%1$s\'.

CauseThe configuration file could not be found.
ActionVerify that the path to the configuration file is correct.

9006: Unrecognized file format.

CauseInvalid file extension.
ActionThe input file name must have an extension.

9007: File name is too long.

CauseThe input file name is over 256 bytes long.
ActionReduce the length of the file name.

9008: Cursor \'%1$s\' is undefined.

CauseUndefined cursor name.
ActionVerify that the cursor name is correct.

9009: Database \'%1$s\' is undefined.

CauseUndefined DB name.
ActionVerify that the DB name is correct.

9010: Invalid DML statement.

CauseThe DML statement syntax is incorrect.
ActionVerify that the syntax of the DML statement is correct.

9011: Invalid dynamic SQL syntax.

CauseThe dynamic SQL statement is invalid for the ANSI mode.
ActionUse a dynamic SQL statement that is valid for the ANSI mode.

9012: CONTEXT USE statement was not found.

CauseA CONTEXT USE statement was not used to specify context application.
ActionUse a CONTEXT USE statement.

9013: THREADS option is not enabled.

CauseTo use a thread-related command, the THREADS option needs to be set to YES.
ActionSet the THREADS option to YES.

9014: Context not allocated.

CauseThe context is not allocated.
ActionAllocate the context.

9015: Invalid parameter expression \'%1$s\'.

CauseThe parameter expression is invalid.
ActionCheck the expression syntax.

9016: Host variable \'%1$s\' must be declared in the declare section.

CauseThe host variable is not declared in the declare section.
ActionIn ANSI or ISO mode, only variables declared between the EXEC be used as a host variable.

9017: Array size of host variable \'%1$s\' is out of range.

CauseThe array size of the host variable is invalid.
ActionModify the array size of the host variable so that it is an integer greater than 1.

9018: Undeclared identifier \'%1$s\'.

CauseThe identifier is not defined.
ActionDefine the identifier.

9019: Undefined structure \'%1$s\'.

CauseThe structure is not defined.
ActionDefine the structure.

9020: Undefined type \'%1$s\'.

CauseThe type is not defined.
ActionDefine the type.

9021: \'%1$s\' is not defined as a struct.

CauseOnly objects defined as structures may be used in that manner.
ActionUse an object that is defined as a structure.

9022: Invalid indirection object \'%1$s\'.

CauseAccessed a pointer with a period (.), or accessed non-pointer with an arrow (->).
ActionReview the item and use the correct access method.

9023: \'%1$s\' is not a member of structure \'%2$s\'.

CauseUndefined member of a structure.
ActionDefine the object as a member of the structure.

9024: Parameter \'%1$s\' cannot be multi-dimensional.

CauseAn attempt was made to bind a multi-dimensional array type.
ActionModify the bind parameter.

9025: Arrays of structs must be named.

CauseNo name is defined for the host structure declared as array.
ActionSpecify a name for the structure.

9026: Structure variable \'%1$s\' has a nested structure.

CauseA structure cannot be bound in another structure.
ActionDelete the nested structure definition.

9027: Structure \'%1$s\' cannot have members that are arrays.

CauseAn array cannot be a member of the structure.
ActionRemove the array from the members of the structure.

9028: Invalid VARCHAR format: must be a 1 or 2 dimensional array.

CauseThe format of VARCHAR is invalid.
ActionIf VARCHAR is an invalid array, modify it and re-declare it.

9029: Cursor \'%1$s\' is already defined.

CauseThe cursor name is already defined.
ActionUse another cursor name.

9030: Database \'%1$s\' is already defined.

CauseThe DB name is already defined.
ActionUse another DB name.

9031: Prepared statement \'%1$s\' was not found.

CauseNo SQL statement is prepared yet.
ActionPrepare an SQL statement.

9033: Indicator variable \'%1$s\' must be a SHORT type.

CauseThe indicator variable is not a SHORT type.
ActionDeclare the indicator variable as a SHORT type.

9034: Indicator variable \'%1$s\' for host variable \'%2$s\' cannot be a structure.

CauseThe indicator variable cannot be a structure because the host variable is not a structure.
ActionMatch the type of host variable to the type of indicator variable.

9035: Indicator variable \'%1$s\' must be a structure.

CauseThe indicator variable must be a structure because the host variable is a structure.
ActionThe indicator variable must be defined as a structure.

9036: Indicator variable \'%1$s\' must have the same dimensions as the param variable

CauseThe host variable has different dimensions as the indicator variable.
ActionThe indicator variable must have the same dimensions as the host variable.

9037: Invalid use of signed or unsigned operator.

CauseInvalid signed or unsigned operator has been used to defined variables.
ActionDelete signed or unsigned operator.

9038: Invalid type declared.

CauseInvalid type declared.
ActionCheck if a structure or typedef definition is used with a primitive type.

9039: Two or more data types are in declaration.

CauseInvalid type declaration.
ActionCheck if the declaration of structure or typedef is duplicated.

9040: Duplicate signed or unsigned operators exist.

CauseMore than one signed or unsigned operator.
ActionCorrectly mark signed or unsigned.

9041: Array value \'%1$s\' is not allowed in WHERE clauses of a SELECT statement.

CauseArray variables cannot be used in WHERE clauses of a SELECT statement.
ActionChange array variables in WHERE clauses of the SELECT statement into general variables.

9042: When updating, if any host variable is an array type, all host variables must be.

CauseWhen updating, if at least one of host variables is an array type, all host variables should be array type, and vice versa.
ActionDeclare all host variables as array.

9043: Table was not found.

CauseThe table does not exist or is not declared in any clause.
ActionDeclare the table.

9044: Invalid column name(s).

CauseThe column(s) could not be found.
ActionCheck the name of the column(s).

9045: Invalid DML syntax %1$s.

CauseInvalid DML syntax.
ActionVerify that the DML syntax is correct.

9046: Invalid ESQL syntax %1$s.

CauseInvalid ESQL syntax .
ActionVerify that the ESQL syntax is correct.

9047: Invalid C syntax.

CauseInvalid C syntax.
ActionVerify that the C syntax is correct.

9048: Failure while preprocessing %1$s.

CauseFailed to preprocess C programming language.
ActionLocate the cause of the error and modify it.

9049: Unexpected identifier %1$s.

CauseThe SQL statement starts with a string that is not an ESQL directive.
ActionVerify that the ESQL syntax is correct.

9050: Invalid use of AT clause.

CauseThe syntax should not contain an AT clause.
ActionDelete the AT clause.

9051: Host variable type is not compatible with column type.

CauseThe host variable type is not compatible with the column type of the table.
ActionCheck the type of host variable.

9052: Parameter count does not match column count.

CauseThe number of parameters is different from the number of columns.
ActionCheck the number of parameters.

9053: Semantics check failed at server.

CauseFailed to check semantics using server.
ActionVerify that the semantics are correct.

9054: Invalid option.

CauseUnsupported option.
ActionDelete the option.

9055: Option \'%1$s\' cannot be used here.

CauseThe option cannot be used here.
ActionCheck the location (config file, command line, etc.) where location.

9056: Option value type \'%1$s\' is invalid.

CauseInvalid type of option value.
ActionCheck the type of the option value.

9057: Option value \'%1$s\' of %2$s is invalid.

CauseInvalid option value.
ActionCheck the option value.

9058: Option \'%1$s\' was not found.

CauseUndefined option.
ActionVerify that the option exists.

9059: Incomplete multiple option value.

CauseInvalid format of the option value.
ActionCheck the format of the option value.

9060: USERID option should be specified when SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS or FULL.

CauseIf SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS (or FULL), USERID should be also specified.
ActionSpecify the USERID option.

9061: User ID \'%1$s\' is too long.

CauseUser ID must be less than 128 bytes.
ActionReduce the size of the user ID.

9062: Password is too long.

CausePassword must be less than 63 bytes.
ActionReduce the size of the password.

9063: SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS must be specified when embedded PSM blocks are used.

CauseEmbedded PSM block was used without the SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS option.
ActionSpecify the SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS option.

9064: Unable to connect to server.

CauseFailed to access the server for semantics check.
ActionCheck the connection information and server status.

9067: Improperly terminated C comment.

CauseA C comment beginning with '/*' was not terminated.
ActionTerminate the comment properly.

9068: Improperly terminated UNION.

CauseUNION is not properly terminated.
ActionCheck the syntax.

9069: C preprocessing failed.

CauseFailure while preprocessing C programming language.
ActionCorrect the error as shown in the additional messages.

9071: Not logged into the server.

CauseNot properly connected to the server.
ActionConnect to the server and retry.

9074: Host variable address is NULL.

CauseThe address of the host variable is NULL.
ActionSpecify a valid host variable.

9075: Cursor was not found.

CauseThe cursor to be used is not declared.
ActionDeclare the cursor first.

9076: In ANSI mode, already-closed cursors may not be closed again.

CauseClosed cursors cannot be closed again in ANSI mode.
ActionMake sure that the specified cursor isn't already closed.

9077: In ANSI mode, already-opened cursors may not be opened again.

CauseOpened cursors cannot be opened again in ANSI mode.
ActionMake sure that the specified cursor isn't already open.

9078: Invalid parameter type.

CauseInvalid parameter type.
ActionVerify that the parameter type is correct.

9079: Invalid connection string.

CauseInvalid connection string.
ActionVerify that the connection string is correct.

9080: Invalid use of output parameter.

CauseInvalid use of output parameter.
ActionCheck the output parameter.

9081: Invalid use of input parameter.

CauseInvalid use of input parameter.
ActionCheck the input parameter.

9082: Unspecified cursor name.

CauseA cursor name was not specified.
ActionSpecify the cursor name.

9083: Unspecified prepared statement name.

CauseThe prepared statement name is unspecified.
ActionSpecify the name of the prepared statement.

9084: Unspecified database name.

CauseThe database name is unspecified.
ActionSpecify the name of the database.

9085: Invalid database name

CauseThe length of database name is 0.
ActionSpecify a DB name.

9086: Undefined prepared statement name.

CauseThe prepared statement that was used is not defined..
ActionVerify that the name of the prepared statement is correct.

9087: Input descriptor has not been described.

CauseDescribe input for descriptor has not been performed.
ActionPerform describe input first.

9088: Undefined SQLDA variable.

CauseThe SQLDA variable that was used is not defined.
ActionDefine the SQLDA variable first.

9089: No connection to database.

CauseThe connection opened with the database name does not exist.
ActionMake a connection first.

9090: Database connection is closed.

CauseThe specified database connection is closed.
ActionTry to reconnect.

9091: Cursor operation on wrong database.

CauseThis cursor is not defined for the specified database.
ActionSpecify the correct database name.

9092: Number of output parameters does not match number of output columns.

CauseThe number of output parameters does not match the number of output columns.
ActionEnsure that the quantities match.

9093: Number of bind variables does not match number of parameters.

CauseThe number of bind variables does not match the number of parameters.
ActionEnsure that the quantities match.

9094: Indicator variable was not specified in INTO clause.

CauseThe indicator variable was not specified in the INTO clause.
ActionSpecify the indicator variable for the INTO clause.

9095: Too many rows were returned by SELECT statement.

CauseToo many rows were returned by a select statement.
ActionEnsure that the expected number of rows does not violate any constraints.

9096: Charmap failed.

CauseThe result does not match the given charmap.
ActionMake sure the result value is not null or an invalid value.

9097: Fetch out of sequence.

CauseThe statement has been executed in wrong sequence.
ActionExecute ESQL statements according to the fetch execution sequence.

9098: Duplicate descriptor name exists.

CauseThe descriptor name already exists.
ActionUse another name for the descriptor.

9099: Unknown descriptor.

CauseThe descriptor has not been assigned.
ActionAssign the descriptor first.

9100: Undefined descriptor name.

CauseAn attempt was made to use an undefined descriptor.
ActionVerify that the name of the descriptor is correct.

9102: Host structure \'%1$s\' cannot be used in embedded PSM or dynamic SQL.

CauseAn attempt was made to use a host structure for embedded PSM or dynamic SQL.
ActionUse a general variable type, not a structure.

9103: Include file \'%1$s\' does not exist.

CauseThe file to be included does not exist.
ActionSpecify a valid file path with the INCLUDE option.

9104: Option \'%1$s\' cannot be used for this host language.

CauseThis option cannot be used for this host language.
ActionCheck the locations where this option can be used (config file, command line, etc.).

9105: Invalid COBOL syntax.

CauseInvalid COBOL syntax.
ActionVerify that the COBOL syntax is correct.

9106: Preprocessing failed at line %1$d because of %2$s.

CausePreprocessing of COBOL language failed.
ActionLocate the cause of the failure and fix it.

9107: Invalid argument \'%1$s\'.

CauseInvalid argument.
ActionCheck the help file for the Precompile utility.

9108: Invalid include file\n%1$s.

CauseAn invalid header file has been included.
ActionVerify that the header file is correct.

9109: Reserve word \'defined\' cannot be used as macro name.

CauseAn attempt was made to use \'defined\' as a macro name.
ActionChange the macro name.

9110: Macro name not specified in #%1$s directive.

CauseA macro name was not specified in #%1$s directive.
ActionModify the macro.

9111: Invalid macro name.

CauseThe macro name is inappropriate.
ActionModify the macro to follow the syntax of C programming language.

9112: Invalid #%1$s syntax.

Cause#%1$s syntax is invalid.
ActionUse #%1$s "file name" or #%1$s <file name>.

9113: Recursive #include file.

CauseThe #include file is recursive.
ActionCheck the #include files and fix the recursion problem.

9114: Invalid #%1$s directive.

CauseThe #%1$s directive is invalid.
ActionModify the #%1$s directive.

9115: Invalid #pragma GCC poison directive.

CauseThe #pragma GCC poison directive is invalid.
ActionModify the #pragma GCC poison directive.

9116: Invalid pragma.

CauseThe pragma is invalid.
ActionModify the pragma syntax.

9117: Invalid conditional syntax (if-else-endif).

CauseThe syntax of the conditional clause (IF-ELSE-ENDIF) is invalid.
ActionCorrect the clause syntax.

9118: Non-terminated #%1$s directive.

CauseThe #%1$s directive is non-terminated.
ActionFix the directive syntax.

9119: Invalid predicate syntax in #assert and #unassert.

CausePredicate syntax used in #assert and #unassert is invalid.
ActionModify the syntax.

9120: Unable to paste %1$s and %2$s because they generate an invalid preprocessing token.

CauseCannot paste the two specified tokens together.
ActionModify the setting syntax.

9121: Too many arguments specified for \'%1$s\' macro: %2$u arguments accepted, %3$u arguments specified.

CauseThe \'%1$s\' macro accepts %2$u arguments, but %3$u arguments were specified.
ActionModify the clause with the \'%1$s\' macro.

9122: Arguments specified for \'%1$s\' macro are not terminated.

CauseOne or more arguments of the \'%1$s\' macro are not terminated.
ActionModify the setting syntax.

9123: Duplicate parameter \'%1$s\' exists in macro.

CauseThe \'%1$s\' parameter of the macro is specified twice.
ActionDelete one of the duplicate parameters.

9124: Unknown \'%1$s\' parameter in macro.

Cause\'%1$s\' is not in the macro parameter list.
ActionVerify that the parameter name is correct.

9125: Invalid macro parameter syntax.

CauseMacro parameter syntax is invalid.
ActionCorrect the macro parameter syntax.

9126: The # token is not in macro parameter list.

Cause# token is not in the macro parameter list.
ActionModify the setting syntax.

9127: Invalid syntax near \'##\' operator.

CauseThe syntax of the part using the \'##\' operator is bad.
ActionModify the setting to meet the syntax.

9128: Conditional expression contains a division by zero error.

CauseThe conditional expression contains division by 0 error.
ActionModify the conditional expression.

9129: Invalid syntax when using the \'defined\' operator.

CauseThe \'defined\' operator uses invalid syntax.
ActionModify the syntax used with the operator.

9130: Unable to open the \'%1$s\' file.

CauseUnable to open the \'%1$s\' file.
ActionSpecify a valid file path.

9131: Invalid size of VARCHAR \'%1$s\'.

CauseThe length of the given VARCHAR is invalid.
ActionChange the length of the VARCHAR.

9132: Invalid use of REF clause.

CauseA REF clause may not be used here.
ActionDelete the invalid REF clause.

9133: Copy/include file \'%1$s\' in line %2$d was not found.

CauseNo file to copy or include.
ActionSpecify a valid file to copy or include with the INCLUDE option.

9134: Invalid line continuation.

CauseThe continued line does not follow COBOL programming language syntax.
ActionLocate out the cause of the error and fix it.

9135: Host variable \'%1$s\' is of an invalid type.

CauseThis type of host variable is not supported.
ActionFind out the cause of the failure, and modify the part having the problem in the message.

9136: Indicator variable \'%1$s\' must be int type because of IND_TYPE option

CauseIndicator variable must be int type because IND_TYPE is 32bit.
ActionDeclare indicator variable as int type.

9137: Unhandled character \'%1$s\'.

CauseInvalid character.
ActionCheck that the character is placed in the correct location.

9138: Invalid host variable \'%1$s\'.

CauseInvalid host variable.
ActionCheck that the variable is placed in the correct location.

9139: Missing trailing NULL character.

CauseA host variable of external data type 5 was not terminated with a NULL character.
ActionAdd NULL to the end of the character string.

9140: Invalid iteration count.

CauseInvalid iteration count.
ActionIteration count must contain an integer value of 1 or greater.

9141: Invalid parameter data length (dynamic method 4)

CauseInvalid parameter data length (dynamic method 4)
ActionSet the variable length to a correct value.

9142: Semantics check failed during the communication process.

CauseFailed to check semantics with the server due to communication problems.
ActionCheck the communication status with server.

9143: Execute 'client/config/' from the database home directory.

CauseESQL configuration has not yet been performed.
ActionExecute the '' file from the 'client/config' directory under the database home directory.

9144: Invalid 'EXEC SQL INCLUDE' statement.

CauseInvalid EXEC SQL INCLUDE statement.
ActionModify the syntax of the EXEC SQL INCLUDE statement.

9145: Invalid parameter data type (dynamic method 4)

CauseInvalid parameter data type (dynamic method 4)
ActionCheck whether the variable type is valid.

9146: Invalid parameter data type (ANSI dynamic method 4)

CauseInvalid type of bind variable (ANSI type dynamic SQL method 4).
ActionVerify that the bind variable type is valid.

9147: Expression was previously declared with a specific database connection.

CauseThe expression used in PREPARE was previously declared to use a particular database connection.
ActionDo not use an AT clause, or modify the DECLARE clause.

9148: Unable to use ESQL statement in ordinary C include file.

CauseAn ESQL statement is used in an included header file.
ActionTo use an ESQL statement, use an EXEC SQL INCLUDE statement.

9150: Unable to open directory \'%1$s\': Permission denied.

CauseNot authorized to access this directory.
ActionReceive authorization to open the directory.

9151: \'%1$s\' is not a directory.

CauseThe path after #include does not specify a valid directory.
ActionSpecify a valid directory.

9152: Precision or scale is out of range.

CauseThe precision or scale of the declared type is out of range.
ActionCheck the precision or scale, and enter a value that is within range.

9153: Dynamic SQL is not DML.

CauseThe SQL is not DML.
ActionCheck the SQL.

9154: Dynamic SQL is DDL.

CauseThe SQL is DDL.
ActionCheck the SQL.

9155: Dynamic SQL is PSM.

CauseThe SQL is PSM.
ActionCheck the SQL.

9156: The size of esql log file is wrong.

CauseThe size of log file is too large or too small.
ActionCheck the esql config file, enter a value that is within the range(>= 1M and <= 1G).

9157: The length in the host variable is wrong.

CauseThe lengths in the host variable and in the length field do not match.
ActionCheck the code and fix the length field of SQLDA or the length in the host variable(VARCHAR or other type).

9158: The number of bind variables does not match the number of attributes.

CauseThe number of bind variables does not match the number of attributes.
ActionCheck the numbers of bind variables and attributes.

9159: Unable to create output file \'%1$s\'.

CauseOutput file name is same with Input file name.
ActionVerify that the output file name is different from input file name.

9160: Multiple output files were specified.

CauseTwo or more output files were specified.
ActionSpecify only one output file.

9161: Ambiguous variable \'%1$s\' is referenced.

CauseAmbiguous variable \'%1$s\' is referenced.
ActionCheck the host variable.

9162: Database name is too long.

CauseDatabase name must be less than 128 bytes.
ActionReduce the size of the database name.

9163: Invalid dynamic SQL method-2.

CauseThe dynamic SQL statement must not be a query (SELECT statement).
ActionUse a dynamic SQL method 3, 4 or modify the dynamic SQL.

9164: Struct Indicator member count does not match struct host variable member count.

CauseThe number of struct indicator members is different from the number of struct host variable members.
ActionCheck the number of struct indicator members.

9165: Invalid PL/1 syntax.

CauseInvalid PL/1 syntax.
ActionVerify that the PL/1 syntax is correct.

9166: Database was not installed successfully.

CauseDatabase was not installed successfully.
ActionExecute the install batch file in the bin directory of the Database Home.