Chapter 14. 15000 ~ 15999

15001: Not yet implemented.

CauseThis function has yet to be implemented.
ActionThis function will be supported in the next version.

15002: Parsing failed.

CauseParsing failed.
ActionCheck the syntax.

15003: Pragma check failed.

CauseFailed during pragma check; two parameters that should match, did not.
ActionModify the parameters to match.

15004: Parse tree checking failed.

CauseFailed during the parse tree check; the parse trees of two parameters do not match.
ActionCheck the parameters used in the statement and modify them.

15005: Unable to open the command file. Run

CauseUnable to open the psm_commands file for PSM compilation.
ActionVerify that the psm_commands file exists under the config directory, or contact the technical support team.

15006: Nested comment detected.

CauseThe comment is duplicated.
ActionCheck the comment.

15007: Unterminated comment detected.

CauseThe comment is not terminated.
ActionCheck the comment and terminate it properly.

15008: Unterminated string detected.

CauseThe string is not terminated.
ActionCheck the string and terminate it properly.

15009: Invalid ID: length cannot be 0.

CauseThe ID length is 0.
ActionCheck the ID and ensure the length is greater than 0.

15010: Newline cannot be used in quoted ID.

CauseThe ID string is declared over several lines.
ActionDeclare the ID on one line.

15011: Unhandled character.

CauseUnknown character.
ActionVerify that a character is not out of place.

15012: Default expression is required.

CauseNo default expression has been defined.
ActionDefine a default expression.

15013: Type constraint is required.

CauseNo type constraint has been defined.
ActionDefine a type constraint.

15014: Expression is required.

CauseNo expression has been defined.
ActionDefine an expression.

15015: Body of subprogram unit '%1$s' is required.

CauseNo subprogram body has been defined.
ActionDefine the subprogram body.

15016: Package body '%1$s' is required.

CauseNo package body has been defined.
ActionDefine the package body.

15017: Non-query expressions are not allowed.

CauseAn SQL statement that is not a SELECT statement was used.
ActionModify the SQL statement to use a SELECT statement.

15018: Missing INTO clause.

CauseINTO clause is missing.
ActionSpecify an INTO clause.

15019: Missing RETURN clause.

CauseRETURN clause is missing.
ActionSpecify a RETURN clause.

15020: Character unit (CHAR or BYTE) is not allowed.

CauseCharacter unit (CHAR or BYTE) is not allowed.
ActionChange the data type.

15021: Schema name is not allowed.

CauseSchema name is not allowed.
ActionDo not specify a schema name.

15022: AUTHID clause is not allowed.

CauseAUTHID clause is not allowed.
ActionDo not specify an AUTHID.

15023: Default expression is not allowed.

CauseDefault expression is not allowed.
ActionDelete the default expression.

15024: HANDLER cannot be specified after OTHERS.

CauseA HANDLER clause cannot be used after OTHERS.
ActionMove the clause to a different location or delete it.

15025: Expression is not allowed.

CauseExpression is not allowed.
ActionDo not specify an expression.

15026: Specification is not allowed.

CauseSpecification is not allowed.
ActionMove the specification to a different location or delete it.

15027: RETURN is not allowed.

CauseRETURN clause is not allowed.
ActionDelete the RETURN clause.

15028: INTO clause is not allowed.

CauseINTO clause is not allowed.
ActionDelete the INTO clause.

15029: OUT parameter is not allowed.

CauseOUT parameter is not allowed.
ActionDelete the parameter or use an IN parameter.

15030: REVERSE is not allowed.

CauseREVERSE character is not allowed.
ActionDelete the REVERSE character.

15031: Dynamic SQL is not allowed.

CauseDynamic SQL statements are not allowed.
ActionModify or delete the SQL statement.

15032: Unable to open IN mode parameter cursor.

CauseCannot open the cursor of IN parameter.
ActionDelete OPEN, or specify an OUT or IN/OUT parameter cursor.

15033: Bind parameter can only be used in the trigger.

CauseThe bind parameter was used in the DDL outside the trigger.
ActionDelete the bind parameter.

15034: PRAGMA clause is not allowed.

CauseThe specified PRAGMA clause is not allowed in this area.
ActionModify or delete the PRAGMA clause.

15035: Number is out of range.

CauseThe number is out of range.
ActionCheck the value.

15036: Type constraint is out of range.

CauseA type constraint is out of range.
ActionVerify that the type constraints are valid.

15037: Label mismatch.

CauseThe labels do not match.
ActionEnsure that the labels match.

15038: Type mismatch.

CauseThe data types do not match.
ActionVerify the data types are compatible.

15039: Parameter mismatch.

CauseThe declaration and the called parameter do not match.
ActionVerify that the parameter is correct.

15040: Specification mismatch.

CauseThe declaration and the definition do not match.
ActionVerify that the declaration is correct.

15041: Multiple subprograms match the specified argument(s).

CauseThere are many subprograms that match the specified argument(s).
ActionModify the argument(s).

15042: No subprogram matches the specified argument(s).

CauseNo subprogram matches the specified argument(s).
ActionModify the argument(s).

15043: INTO list mismatch.

CauseThe number of parameters in the INTO clause does not match the query.
ActionEnsure the number of parameters in the INTO clause matches the query.

15044: Undefined identifier '%1$s'.

CauseUndefined identifier.
ActionDefine the identifier.

15045: Unknown attribute name.

CauseUnknown attribute name.
ActionVerify the attribute name is correct.

15046: Identifier is out of scope.

CauseThe identifier is out of scope.
ActionModify the identifier scope or delete it.

15047: Dot operator (.) cannot be used with this ID type.

CauseThe dot operator (.) cannot be used for this ID; the ID type is not a record, block label, procedure, or username.
ActionEnsure the dot operator is used with the correct ID types.

15048: Parenthesis operator cannot be used with this ID type.

CauseCannot use a parenthesis operator for this ID; the ID is not a by table.
ActionEnsure the parenthesis operator is used with the correct ID types.

15049: Constant value was expected.

CauseThe value specified is not a constant.
ActionUse a constant value.

15050: Missing value.

CauseA value was expected but not found.
ActionSpecify a value.

15051: Missing cursor.

CauseA cursor was expected but not found.
ActionSpecify a cursor.

15052: Missing label.

CauseA label was expected but not found.
ActionSpecify a label.

15053: Missing type.

CauseA type was expected but not found.
ActionSpecify a type.

15054: Missing exception.

CauseAn exception was expected but not found.
ActionSpecify an exception.

15055: Expression or constant cannot be an LVALUE.

CauseCannot use an assignment expression for the corresponding expression.
ActionUse another expression or modify the current expression.

15056: Invalid cursor: static cursor was expected.

CauseA static cursor was expected, but a reference cursor was found.
ActionSpecify a static cursor.

15057: Invalid cursor: reference cursor was expected.

CauseA reference cursor was expected, but a static cursor was found.
ActionSpecify a reference cursor.

15058: Missing procedure.

CauseA procedure was expected but not found.
ActionSpecify a procedure.

15059: Missing identifier.

CauseAn identifier was expected but not found.
ActionSpecify an identifier.

15060: Missing declaration.

CauseA declaration was expected but not found.
ActionSpecify a declaration.

15061: Missing loop label.

CauseA loop label was expected but not found.
ActionSpecify a loop label.

15062: Missing record.

CauseA record was expected but not found.
ActionSpecify a record.

15063: Duplicate identifier '%1$s' exists.

CauseAn identifier with this name already exists.
ActionModify the identifier name.

15064: Duplicate parameter name exists.

CauseA parameter with this name already exists.
ActionModify the parameter name.

15065: Duplicate handler clause exists.

CauseA handler clause with this name already exists.
ActionModify the clause name.

15066: A positional argument is not allowed after named arguments.

CausePositional arguments cannot come after a named argument.
ActionDelete or move the positional argument.

15067: Invalid type constraint.

CauseAn invalid type constraint was detected.
ActionModify the type constraint.

15068: Invalid attribute.

CauseInvalid attribute.
ActionModify the attribute.

15069: Invalid DBMS error code for pragma exception_init.

CauseAn invalid error code was used for pragma exception_init.
ActionModify the error code.

15070: Invalid pragma.

CauseInvalid pragma.
ActionModify the pragma.

15071: Invalid table index type.

CauseOnly BINARY_INTEGER, PLS_INTEGER, and character types are allowed for the table index type.
ActionModify the table index type.

15072: Invalid declaration location.

CauseThe location of the declaration is wrong, The location must precede the body.
ActionDeclaration must be specified before the definition.

15073: Invalid overloading.

CauseOverloading is invalid here.
ActionModify the procedure.

15074: Invalid RETURN clause.

CauseInvalid RETURN clause.
ActionCorrect the RETURN clause.

15075: Invalid GOTO clause.

CauseInvalid GOTO clause.
ActionCorrect the GOTO clause.

15076: Invalid EXIT clause in loop.

CauseInvalid EXIT clause in loop.
ActionCorrect the EXIT clause.

15077: Invalid CASE statement: return value cannot be NULL.

CauseThe return value of a CASE expression cannot be NULL.
ActionModify the CASE statement.

15078: Invalid function call or collection variable access.

CauseAn invalid attempt was made to call an invalid function or access a collection variable.
ActionModify the statement to use a valid function call or access an array.

15079: Invalid parameter.

CauseInvalid parameter.
ActionModify the parameter.

15080: Invalid SQL statement.

CauseInvalid SQL statement.
ActionCorrect the SQL statement.

15081: Invalid collection method.

CauseInvalid use of collection type method.
ActionCheck the return type and parameters of the method.

15082: Invalid return type.

CauseInvalid return type.
ActionSpecify a different return type

15083: Invalid collection variable index.

CauseInvalid use of index of the collection variable.
ActionModify the index.

15084: LONG or LONG RAW data types cannot be used as subprogram parameter type.

CauseCannot use LONG or LONG RAW for a parameter type.
ActionModify the parameter type or use another subprogram.

15085: Program did not return a value.

CauseThe program terminated abnormally.
ActionContact the system administrator.

15086: User-defined exception.

CauseA user-defined error.
ActionCheck the user-defined error statement.

15087: Not yet implemented.

CauseThis function has yet to be implemented.
ActionThis function will be supported in the next version.

15088: Critical error occurred while handling another error.

CauseA critical error occurred.
ActionContact the system administrator.

15089: Type conversion failed.

CauseFailed in type conversion.
ActionCheck the type.

15090: Unable to access uninitialized variable.

CauseAn uninitialized variable was accessed.
ActionInitialize the variable.

15091: Body of object %1$u was not found.

CauseA binary for executing the function does not exist.
ActionRecreate the function.

15092: Parameter exceeded 32K size limit.

CauseThe size of the parameter exceeded the maximum of 32K.
ActionDecrease the parameter size or use a different parameter.

15093: NULL value cannot be passed to NOT NULL constrained parameter.

CauseThe NULL value cannot be used for this parameter.
ActionSpecify a value other than NULL.

15094: Parse tree size overflow.

CauseThe program length exceeded the maximum length allowed.
ActionShorten the program or create it as a package.

15095: Trigger/function cannot access table '%1$s' while it is being modified.

CauseThe called trigger or subprogram refers to the table.
ActionModify the trigger or subprogram to eliminate table references.

15096: INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE is restricted in this context.

CauseProcedures called within the query cannot contain DML statements.
ActionRemove the DML from the procedure or use a different procedure.

15097: DDL/TCS is restricted in this context.

CauseProcedures called from a DML statement or query cannot contain DDL or TCS statements.
ActionRemove DDL or TCS statements from the DML statement (or query) or use another subprogram.

15098: Variable has not been initialized.

CauseAn attempt was made to assign a value to an uninitialized variable.
ActionInitialize the variable first.

15099: Missing case statement.

CauseThe ELSE statement does not exist, or the matching condition is missing.
ActionSpecify an ELSE statement or check the condition clause.

15100: Table or array has not been initialized.

CauseUnable to call functions (other than EXISTS) or assign values to uninitialized tables or arrays.
ActionInitialize the table or array first.

15101: Cursor is already open.

CauseUnable to open currently opened cursors.
ActionThe cursor is already open.

15102: Invalid cursor operation.

CauseInvalid cursor operation.
ActionCheck the status of the cursor.

15103: Invalid user ID or password.

CauseInvalid user ID or password.
ActionVerify that the user ID and password are correct, and then try relogging.

15104: No matching data found.

CauseNo result rows were found.
ActionCheck the SQL statement or the access statement related to the collection.

15105: Not logged on to server.

CauseThere is no active connection to the server.
ActionLog on to the server and try again.

15106: Internal error.

CausePSM internal error.
ActionContact the system administrator.

15107: Row type mismatch.

CauseThe host cursor variable type and the PSM internal cursor variable type do not match.
ActionVerify that the cursor type in use is correct.

15108: SELF has not been initialized.

CauseUnable to call the MEMBER function of an uninitialized object.
ActionInitialize the object first.

15109: Memory error.

CauseNot enough memory or invalid memory data.
ActionContact the system administrator.

15110: Subscript is out of range.

CauseAn index is greater than the maximum length of the array or beyond the bounds of the table.
ActionSpecify a smaller index.

15111: Subscript is out of range.

CauseAn index is less than zero or greater than the maximum length of the array.
ActionModify the index to smaller than the declared size in the collection.

15112: Invalid ROWID.

CauseThe string is not a valid ROWID.
ActionModify the string to be a valid ROWID.

15113: Resource timeout.

CauseAssigning server resources timed out.
ActionContact the system administrator.

15114: Too many rows returned.

CauseThere is more than one result row for a SELECT INTO query.
ActionCorrect the SELECT statement.

15115: Invalid value.

CauseThe value is invalid.
ActionVerify that the value is a valid type and length.

15116: %1$s.

CauseThe user-defined error was not processed in an EXCEPTION clause but sent to the user.
ActionVerify that the actual cause of the error matches the cause listed above. If necessary, add an EXCEPTION clause.

15117: Too many shared libraries were opened.

CauseToo many shared libraries were opened at one time.
ActionRewrite the program to use fewer shared libraries.

15119: Bind variable '%1$s' was not found.

CauseThe bind variable could not be found.
ActionVerify the specified bind variable exists.

15120: PSM and server version mismatch error.

CauseThe PSM and server build versions do not match.
ActionRebuild the whole PSM with the statement EXEC UTL_RECOMP.RECOMP_SERIAL;

15121: Parse tree is too large.

CauseThe large parse tree size caused a compilation failure.
ActionModify the PSM.

15122: Integer value is out of range: overflow or underflow error.

CauseThe integer value was too large or too small.
ActionCheck the operation.

15123: No exception to reraise.

CauseThere is no exception to reraise.
ActionProcess all exceptions, and verify 'reraise' was performed.

15124: Index is out of range: cannot be greater than [%1$d].

CauseThe specified index is out of range.
ActionCheck the limit of the length of the collection variable.

15125: Primitive data type is not allowed in a BULK...INTO clause.

CausePrimitive data type variable is not allowed.
ActionUse a collection variable.

15126: DML without bind parameters is not allowed.

CauseIn a FORALL clause, DML without bind parameters is not allowed.
ActionUse a bind parameter.

15127: Invalid use of queries.

CauseIn a FORALL clause, queries are not allowed.
ActionIn order to use queries, use FOR/LOOP/CSR_FOR_LOOP statements.

15128: Invalid data type: must be a collection type.

CauseInvalid use of data type.
ActionUse a collection variable.

15129: Invalid element data type: must be a PLS_INTEGER or BINARY_INTEGER.

CauseInvalid element data type.
ActionUse a PLS_INTEGER or BINARY_INTEGER data type.

15130: FORALL clause failed.

CauseAn error occurred while executing a FORALL clause.
ActionContact the technical support team.

15131: Invalid index type for FORALL clause.

CauseInvalid index type was used in the FORALL clause.
ActionUse a PLS_INTEGER or BINARY_INTEGER data type.

15132: Composite and scalar data types cannot be used together in an INTO clause.

CauseIn an INTO clause, a composite data type and a scalar data type cannot be used together.
ActionUse either a scalar data type or a composite data type.

15133: Invalid ROWID.

CauseInvalid ROWID.
ActionVerify that a valid ROWID value was transmitted.

15134: Record field variable is not allowed in a FORALL clause.

CauseA field variable of a record is not allowed in a FORALL clause.
ActionSpecify a record variable or a different variable.

15135: Element was not found at index [%1$d].

CauseNo element was found at the specified index number.
ActionVerify that the index is valid.

15136: Undefined library name '%1$s'.

CauseThe library name is not defined.
ActionVerify that the library name is correct.

15137: Invalid protocol.

CauseThe protocol is not defined.
ActionContact the technical support team.

15138: Generic I/O error: %1$s.

CauseAn error occurred during communication with External Procedure Agent.
ActionContact the technical support team.

15139: I/O read error.

CauseAn error occurred during communication with External Procedure Agent.
ActionContact the technical support team.

15140: I/O write error.

CauseAn error occurred during communication with External Procedure Agent.
ActionContact the technical support team.

15141: Cannot to start External Procedure Agent.

CauseCannot to start the EPA (External Procedure Agent) process.
ActionContact the technical support team.

15142: Execution of subprogram '%1$s' failed.

CauseFailed to execute the external procedure.
ActionRefer to the error code of EPA (External Procedure Agent).

15143: No RETURN clause specified.

CauseNo RETURN clause was specified.
ActionSpecify a RETURN clause.

15144: Too many temporary variables specified.

CauseThe statement uses too many temporary variables in interpret mode.
ActionDivide or modify the statement to decrease the number of temporary variables.

15145: Too many expressions specified.

CauseThe statement uses too many expressions in interpret mode.
ActionDivide or modify the expressions.

15146: PSM compilation error.

CauseFailed to compile the given PSM.
ActionCheck the error, and modify the PSM.

15147: Identifier is too long: must be less than 4000 bytes.

CauseThe length of identifier exceeds the maximum (4,000 bytes).
ActionShorten the identifier.

15148: Invalid object '%1$s'.

CauseThe object condition is invalid.
ActionCheck the object condition, and recreate it if necessary.

15149: Serialization of a collection variable failed.

CauseThe number of elements exceeds the maximum allowed (16,777,216).
ActionLessen the number of elements.

15150: 'Insufficient memory' error occurred during PSM execution.

Cause'Not enough memory' error occurred during PSM execution.
ActionModify the program to decrease memory use.

15151: Bind parameter count mismatch.

CauseThe number of specified bind parameters is invalid.
ActionVerify that the PSM and bind parameters match.

15161: Java compilation error.

CauseFailed to compile the Java sources in the given PSM.
ActionCheck the error, and modify the Java source.

15162: DML statement must have bulk in-bind parameter in a FORALL clause.

CauseNo input mode bulk parameter exists among the parameters passed to a FORALL clause.
ActionVerify that the collection is bound correctly for the FORALL clause.

15163: Unhandled exception at %1$s line %2$d.

CauseA backtrace occurred because the exception was not handled.
ActionInvestigate the cause from the PSM module where the exception occurred, and add appropriate exception handling code.

15164: Invalid byte code for object '%1$d': invalid magic number.

CauseInvalid byte code. This error may occur if the byte code was damaged, or the version is too old.
ActionRecreate the PSM object. The PSM cannot be executed due to the invalid byte code.

15165: PSM object '%1$d' is incompatible with current server version.

CauseThe PSM version is not compatible with the current server version.
ActionCreate a new PSM object.

15166: MAXLEN cannot be used for IN parameters.

CauseMAXLEN cannot be used for IN parameters.
ActionMAXLEN is valid for OUT, IN/OUT, and RETURN parameters.

15167: Invalid return type of pipelined function: must have a valid collection type.

CauseThe pipelined function contains an invalid return type.
ActionEnsure the collection type returned by the pipe function is valid.

15168: Pipelined function may not return an expression.

CauseAn attempt was made to return an expression from a pipelined function.
ActionA pipelined function cannot return an expression. Modify the function.

15169: Pipe row function can only be used in pipelined function.

CauseAn attempt was made to use a pipe row function outside a pipelined function.
ActionPipe row function can be used only in a pipelined function.

15170: %1$s

CauseInvalid error code.
ActionCheck the error message.

15171: Object body '%1$s' is required.

CauseNo object body has been defined.
ActionDefine the object body.

15172: Object has not been initialized.

CauseUnable to call function/procedures or assign values to uninitialized objects.
ActionInitialize the object by using the constructor function first.

15173: Constructor of object does not exist.

CauseConstructor of object does not exist.
ActionAdd a constructor of the object.

15174: Constructor name does not match with the type name.

CauseConstructor name does not match with the type name.
ActionModify the constructor name.

15175: Constructor must return SELF AS RESULT.

CauseConstructor must return SELF AS RESULT.
ActionSet SELF AS RETURN as a return type of constructor.

15176: Specification of subprogram unit '%1$s' is required.

CauseObject type member subprograms need to be declared in the object specification.
ActionDefine the subprogram spec in the object type specification.

15177: Object type '%1$s' is recursively declared.

CauseObject type cannot be self-referenced.
ActionDo not declare the object type recursively.

15178: Exceeds the maximum record field count limit.

CauseExceeds the maximum record field count limit.
ActionDeclare less than 32568 fields per record.

15180: The PSM recursive level is too deep.

CauseThe PSM recursive level is too deep.
ActionModify the '_PSM_RECURSIVE_LVL' parameter.

15181: Invalid collection variable access.

CauseAn invalid attempt was made to access a non-collection variable using ().
ActionModify the statement to access a collection-type array.

15182: Invalid collection method call.

CauseAn invalid attempt was made to call a non-void collection method using ().
ActionRemove () when calling a non-void collection method.

15183: An error occurred while wrapping PSM source code.

CauseAn unexpected error occurred while wrapping PSM source code.
ActionContact the system administrator.

15184: An error occurred while unwrapping PSM source code.

CauseAn unexpected error occurred while unwrapping PSM source code.
ActionContact the system administrator.

15185: Unable to declare external procedure.

CauseThe number of parameters in the external procedure is too large.
ActionReduce the number of parameters in the external procedure and try again.

15186: EXTERNAL PROCEDURE cannot recursively issue a CALLBACK function.

CauseAn EXTERNAL PROCEDURE recursively issuing a CALLBACK function is not supported.
ActionContact the technical support team.

15187: Java source compilation has failed. %1$s.

CauseJava source compilation has failed.
ActionJava source compilation has failed.

15188: Batch update in PSM has failed.

CauseFailure occurred in the batch update operation where PSM's FORALL statement or DBMS_SQL package was instantiated.
ActionVerify the SQL statement is suitable for the batch update. If suitable, contact the technical support team.

15189: PP has been invalidated during the batch update operation within PSM.

CausePP has been invalidated during the batch update operation where PSM's FORALL statement or DBMS_SQL package was used.
ActionContact the technical support team.

15190: Insufficient privileges to create EXTERNAL PROCEDURE in DIRECT EXECUTE mode.

CauseUser does not have an appropriate permission to create EXTERNAL PROCEDURE in DIRECT_EXECUTE mode.
ActionSYSDBA permission is required.

15191: The duplicate index '%1$s' has been used incorrectly in the FORALL statement.

CauseOnly an automatic value is allowed to access the collection using a duplicate index in the FORALL statement.
ActionRemove the arithmetical operation used for accessing the collection.

15192: Failed to optimize PSM Constant Folding.

CauseThere is an expression that cannot be handled while optimizing PSM Constant Folding.
ActionDisable the option when optimizing PSM Constant Folding.

15193: Failed to compile the external procedure: the %1$s package could not be found.

CauseTo execute the external procedure, the %1$s package is required.
ActionContact the system administrator.

15194: The cursor '%1$s' has not been declared as FOR UPDATE. The cursor cannot be used for a CURRENT OF section.

CauseOnly the cursor of the query declared as FOR UPDATE can perform a positioned update.
ActionInsert a FOR UPDATE section to the query specified in the cursor.

15195: An operation that is not permitted within EXTERNAL PROCEDURE was executed.

CauseAn operation that is not permitted within EXTERNAL PROCEDURE was executed.

15196: RESULT_CACHE OPTION is not allowed.

CauseRefer to the manual.
ActionRESULT_CACHE OPTION cannot be used.

15197: A Java source name cannot be used as an ID.

CauseA Java source name was used as a PSM ID.
ActionModify the PSM source.

15198: PSM compiler internal error.

CausePSM compiler internal error.
ActionContact the technical support team.

15199: The return type of the MAP method is invalid.

CauseMAP methods must have a scalar return type.
ActionModify the signature of the MAP method.

15200: The parameter of the MAP method is invalid.

CauseMAP methods can only use the SELF parameter.
ActionModify the signature of the MAP method.

15201: The return of the ORDER method is invalid.

CauseORDER methods must have an integer return type.
ActionModify the signature of the ORDER method.

15202: The parameter of the ORDER method is invalid.

CauseORDER methods can only use the SELF parameter or objects that have the same type.
ActionModify the signature of the ORDER method.

15203: The signature of the MAP or ORDER method is invalid.

CauseA function can only contain a single MAP or ORDER function.
ActionModify the declaration of the object type.

15204: Invalid Object specification.

CauseThe current specification is invalid in Object.
ActionModify the signature of the object type.

15205: The object specification does not contain a declaration for the method '%1$s', which is defined in the object body.

CauseThe object specification does not contain a declaration for the method '%1$s', which is defined in the object body.
ActionCannot compile. The object specification or object body must be modified.

15206: The method '%1$s', declared in the object specification, must be defined.

CauseThe method '%1$s', declared in the object specification, must be defined.
ActionCannot compile. The object specification or object body must be modified

15207: Duplicate method names exist.

CauseDuplicate method names are defined in the object specification.
ActionCannot compile. The object specification must be modified.

15208: The value of this object type cannot be compared.

CauseMAP and ORDER methods are not defined.
ActionThe value of this object type can be compared using MAP and ORDER methods.

15209: Unable to find a loop to execute the CONTINUE statement.

CauseThe CONTINUE statement was not used in a loop.
ActionExecute the CONTINUE statement in loop.

15210: This mode is not supported in batch psm.

CauseThe _USE_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO_IN_BATCH iparam must be enabled in batch psm.
ActionSet the _USE_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO_IN_BATCH iparam to YES.

15211: The return type of the bulk cursor is invalid.

CauseThe number of columns returned by the bulk cursor does not match the return type.
ActionThe operation cannot be performed on the cursor.

15212: internal


15213: internal


15214: Unable to make the aggregation function.

CauseThe return type is a composite type, the parameter is 'OUT' or 'IN OUT', or the parameter type is a composite type or a lob type.
ActionRedefine the function.

15215: The composite type of a bind parameter is invalid.

CauseA composite type that cannot be used was bound.
ActionCheck the bind parameter.

15216: Unable to execute the pipelined function.

CauseThere is no available session to execute the pipelined function.
ActionRe-execute the function after securing an available session.

15217: Improper use of an aggregate function or a pipelined table function.

CauseAggregate and table functions cannot be used as a general function.
ActionModify the PSM program.

15218: The table row data type and value do not match the data type.

CauseThe number of table columns and values do not match the number of data fields.
ActionCannot be supported. The UPDATE/INSERT statement must be modified.

15219: The object method cannot be called.

CauseAccessed an object instance that has not been created.
ActionCheck whether the instance has been created.

15220: Used an invalid continue clause in the loop.

CauseUsed an invalid continue clause in the loop.
ActionModify the continue clause.

15221: Cannot execute the function.

CauseThis function is no longer provided.
ActionContact the technical support team for more detailed information