

add-application-target, Deploying Applications
Application, Modules and Applications
.ear archive, Applications
JEUS application directory structure, Directory Structure to Manage Applications
Application ID, Application ID
Application statuses
DISTRIBUTED, Application Status
INSTALLED, Application Status
RUNNING, Application Status
Application target, Application Targets
Cluster, Application Targets
Application targets
Server, Application Targets
Virtual host, Application Targets
application-info, Deploying Applications
Applicatio Type, Using the Console Tool
Application ID, Using the Console Tool
Application Path, Using the Console Tool
Cluster Target, Using the Console Tool
Server Target, Using the Console Tool
state, Using the Console Tool
application.xml, Application Implementation
Automatic redeployment, Automatic Redeployment


Boot-time Deployment, Boot-time Deploy
Boot-time deployment
in the DEPENDENT state, Boot-time Deploy
in the INDEPENDENT state, Boot-time Deploy


DD. see Deployment descriptor
deploy, Application Management
deploy-application, Deploying Applications
Deployment, Deployment Descriptor (DD)
Deployment descriptor, Deployment Descriptor (DD)
Deployment command, Deployment Commands
Deployment Descriptor
Application client DD, Deployment Descriptor (DD)
Application DD, Deployment Descriptor (DD)
EJB module DD, Deployment Descriptor (DD)
Resource adapter DD, Deployment Descriptor (DD)
Web application DD, Deployment Descriptor (DD)
Web service DD, Deployment Descriptor (DD)
Deployment descriptor, Deployment Descriptor (DD)
Deployment functions
Deploy, Deployment Commands
Distribute, Deployment Commands
Redeploy, Deployment Commands
Start, Deployment Commands
Stop, Deployment Commands
Undeploy, Deployment Commands
Deployment tasks
Add Application Target, Deployment Commands
Remove Application Target, Deployment Commands
distribute-application, Deploying Applications


Graceful undeployment, Graceful Undeployment


Java EE standard DD, Deployment Descriptor (DD)
JEUS application directory structure
_appdat.ser, Directory Structure to Manage Applications
application repository managed by a domain, Directory Structure to Manage Applications
Deployment image directory, Directory Structure to Manage Applications
domain's installation home directory, Directory Structure to Manage Applications
gen directory, Directory Structure to Manage Applications
JEUS DD, Deployment Descriptor (DD)
jeus-application-dd.xml, Deployment Descriptor (DD)
jeusadmin, Deploying Applications
application-info, Using the Console Tool
Run-time deployment, Deploying Applications
see also Run-time deployment


lib, Applications
library directory, Applications


META-INF, Applications, Application Implementation
Module, Modules and Applications
EJB module, Modules
Resource adapter module, Modules
Web application module, Modules
Application client module, Modules


Permanent deployment, Run-time Deployment


redeploy-application, Deploying Applications
remove-application-target, Deploying Applications
Run-time deployment, Run-time Deployment


Server, Application Targets
Stage mode deployment, Stage Mode Deployment
start-application, Deploying Applications
stop-application, Deploying Applications


Two-phase deployment
Step 1 (distribution step), Two-phase Deployment
Step 2 (start step), Two-phase Deployment


undeploy-application, Deploying Applications


Virtual host, Application Targets