Chapter 2. JMX Manager Configuration

Table of Contents

2.1. Overview
2.2. JMX Manager Basic Information
2.3. SNMP Adaptor

This chapter describes the configuration of JMX Manager environment.

2.1. Overview

JEUS can be specified to enable JMX client access to MBeans.

To configure the operations of a JMX Manager, the server to which the JMX Manager is connected needs to be selected. Select the server from the WebAdmin main page. Or, click the [Servers] menu from the JEUS node tree on the left section of the WebAdmin screen, and then select the server from the Servers List page.

[Figure 2.1] Main Page

Main Page

[Figure 2.2] Servers List Page

Servers List Page

To get to the JMX Manager page, click the [JMX Manager] sub tab under the [Resources] tab.

[Figure 2.3] JMX Manager Configuration Page

JMX Manager Configuration Page

The following are the items that can be configured in the configuration screen.

  • Basic Configuration

    Option to use RMI Connector, HTML Adapter, HTML Adapter Port, and MLet URL information.

  • SNMP Adaptor

    Sets the SNMP adaptor.

To activate the configurations of JMX connector and SNMP adaptor, check the checkbox next to their names. For more information about the settings of JMX connector and SNMP adaptor, refer to their relevant sections.

2.2. JMX Manager Basic Information

This section explains how to configure the basic settings of the JMX Manager.

[Figure 2.4] Configuring JMX Manager Basic Information

Configuring JMX Manager Basic Information

  • Use Rmi Connector

    Option to use RMI Connector. If enabled, then the RMI Connector server instance is created when the server is started.

    The URL for connecting to the RMI Connector server is in the format "service:jmx:rmi://SERVER_ADDRESS:SERVER_BASE_PORT/jndi/SERVER_NAME".

  • Use HTML Adaptor and HTML Adaptor Port

    The HTML adaptor is JMX's protocol adaptor that supports HTML.

    The HTML adaptor port is used to access the adaptor through a web browser. If set to -1, the JMX Manager does not use the HTML protocol. Make sure not to use a port that is used by other services.

    To verify that the HTML adaptor has been configured successfully, run the web browser and then access the server using the IP address of the server and the specified port number.

    The following is the screen that shows that the HTML adaptor is running successfully.

    [Figure 2.5] HTML Adaptor Access Page

    HTML Adaptor Access Page


    For more information on HTML adaptor, refer to

  • MLet URL

    Sets the MLet URL to register with the MBean server. For the specified MLet URL to be applied, the server needs to be restarted.

2.3. SNMP Adaptor

SNMP adaptor is an SNMP protocol adaptor provided by JMX. To activate the configurations of SNMP adaptor, check the checkbox next to 'Snmp Adaptor'.

The following page specifies SNMP adaptor using WebAdmin.

[Figure 2.6] SNMP Adaptor Configuration

SNMP Adaptor Configuration


For more information on SNMP and SNMP Adaptor, refer to JEUS SNMP Guide. "Chapter 2. SNMP Agent".