JEUS MQ Guide 


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Document Information

Title: JEUS MQ Guide 

Publication Date: 2018-01-31

Software Version: JEUS 8

Edition: v2.1.1

Table of Contents

About This Document
1. Introduction
1.1. Java Message Service
1.2. JEUS MQ Features
2. JEUS MQ Client Programming
2.1. Overview
2.2. JMS Administered Objects
2.2.1. Defining JNDI Services
2.2.2. Connection Factories
2.2.3. Destination
2.3. Connections and Sessions
2.3.1. Creating Connections
2.3.2. Sharing Physical Connections
2.3.3. Creating Sessions
2.3.4. Client Facility Pooling
2.3.6. JMSContext
2.4. Messages
2.4.1. Message Header Field
2.4.2. Message Properties
2.4.3. Message Body
2.4.4. FileMessage
2.5. Transactions
2.5.1. Local Transactions
2.5.2. Distributed Transactions
3. JEUS MQ Server Configuration
3.1. Overview
3.1.1. Directory Structure
3.1.2. WebAdmin
3.2. Configuring JMS Resources
3.2.1. Configuring Destinations
3.2.2. Configuring Durable Subscribers
3.3. Configuring JMS Engines
3.3.1. Basic Information
3.3.2. Configuring Service Channels
3.3.3. Configuring Connection Factories
3.3.4. Configuring Persistence Stores
3.3.5. Configuring Message Sorting
3.4. Server Management and Monitoring
3.4.1. Server Management
3.4.2. Server Monitoring
4. JEUS MQ Clustering
4.1. Overview
4.2. Clustering Type
4.2.1. Connection Factory Clustering
4.2.2. Destination Clustering
4.3. How to Use Clustering
4.3.1. Server Configuration
4.3.2. Client Settings for Clustering
4.4. Example
4.4.1. Good JEUS MQ Clustering Practice Example
4.4.2. Bad JEUS MQ Clustering Practice Example
5. JEUS MQ Failover
5.1. Overview
5.2. Server Failover
5.2.1. Network Configuration
5.2.2. Configuring Connection Factories
5.2.3. Configuring Persistence Stores
5.2.4. Automatic Failback
5.3. Client Failover
5.3.1. Reconnection
5.3.2. Reusing Connection Factories
5.3.3. Reusing Destinations
5.3.4. Request Blocking Time
5.3.5. Connection Recovery
5.3.6. Session Recovery
5.3.7. Transmission Error Message Recovery
5.3.8. Reception Error Message Recovery
5.3.9. Message Loss Prevention and Transactions
6. JEUS MQ Special Functions
6.1. JEUS MQ Message Bridge
6.1.1. Server Configuration
6.2. JEUS MQ Message Sort
6.2.1. Server Configuration
6.2.2. Client Configuration
6.3. JEUS MQ Global Order
6.3.1. Client Setting
6.4. JEUS MQ Message Group
6.4.1. Server Setting
6.4.2. Client Configuration
6.5. JEUS MQ Message Management Functions
6.5.1. Message Monitoring
6.5.2. Message Control
6.5.3. Destination Control
6.6. Reliable Message Transmission
6.6.1. LPQ Activation
6.6.2. LPQ Configuration
6.6.3. LPQ Listener Configuration
6.6.4. LPQ Configuration
A. Additional Journal Store Properties
A.1. Property Reference
B. JDBC Persistence Store Columns
B.1. MetaInfo Table
B.2. Destination Table
B.3. Durable Subscriber Table
B.4. Message Table
B.5. Subscription Message Table
B.6. Transaction Table

List of Figures

[그림 1.1] JMS Messaging
[Figure 2.1] Sending Messages in General and in NONE_ACKNOWLEDGE mode
[Figure 2.2] Receiving Messages in AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE and NONE_ACKNOWLEDGE modes
[Figure 2.3] FileMessage Transmission Example
[Figure 2.4] JMS Transaction Scope
[Figure 3.1] JEUS MQ Server Files
[Figure 3.2] JMS Resources Configuration
[Figure 3.3] JMS Engine Configuration
[Figure 3.4] JMS Resource Configuration
[Figure 3.5] Destination Configuration
[Figure 3.6] Durable Subscriber Configuration
[Figure 3.7] JMS Engine Configuration
[Figure 3.8] JMS Engine - Advanced Options
[Figure 3.9] Service Channel Configuration
[Figure 3.10] Connection Factory Configuration
[Figure 3.11] Persistence Store Configuration
[Figure 3.12] Persistence Store Configuration - Journal
[Figure 3.13] Persistence Store Configuration - Jdbc
[Figure 3.14] Connection Factory Management
[Figure 3.15] Destination Management
[Figure 3.16] Durable Subscriber Management
[Figure 3.17] Destination Monitoring
[Figure 3.18] Durable Subscriptions Monitoring
[Figure 3.19] Client Monitoring
[Figure 3.20] JMS Pending Transaction Monitoring
[Figure 4.1] Connection Factory Clustering
[Figure 4.2] Destination Clustering
[Figure 4.3] Destination Configuration
[Figure 4.4] Good JEUS MQ Clustering Practice Example
[Figure 4.5] Bad JEUS MQ Clustering Practice Example
[그림 5.1] JEUS MQ Clustering with 3 Active Servers and 2 Standby Servers
[그림 5.2] JMS Failover Configuration Screen
[그림 5.3] Failover Configuration - Active Server
[그림 5.4] Failover Configuration - Standby Server
[그림 5.5] Connection Factory Configuration
[그림 5.6] Failover Configuration - Request Blocking Time
[Figure 6.1] Message Bridge Configuration
[Figure 6.2] Configuring a Bridge Connection for JEUS
[Figure 6.3] Configuring a Bridge Connection for WebLogic 10.3
[Figure 6.4] Configuring a Bridge Entry
[Figure 6.5] Message Sort Configuration
[Figure 6.6] Applying Message Sorting for a Destination
[Figure 6.7] Message Group Configuration
[Figure 6.8] Searching for Messages by Destination
[Figure 6.9] Searching for Messages by Durable Subscription
[Figure 6.10] Searching for Messages
[Figure 6.11] Search Results
[Figure 6.12] Retrieving Detailed Message Information
[Figure 6.13] Detailed Message Information
[Figure 6.14] Moving a Message
[Figure 6.15] Configuration of Moving a Message
[Figure 6.16] Deleting a Message
[Figure 6.17] Configuration of Deleting a Message
[Figure 6.18] Exporting Messages
[Figure 6.19] Configuration of Exporting Messages
[Figure 6.20] Importing Messages
[Figure 6.21] Configuration of Importing Messages
[Figure 6.22] Controlling Message Production
[Figure 6.23] Controlling Message Consumption

List of Examples

[Example 2.1] <<>>
[Example 2.2] Sending a FileMessage
[Example 2.3] Receiving a FileMessage