Appendix A. Additional Journal Store Properties

Table of Contents

A.1. Property Reference

This appendix describes additional journal store properties. These advanced properties can be used to resolve performance issues or functional differences between platforms.

A.1. Property Reference


    Description Save a control file under a different name. This attribute is only used under special circumstances.
    Default control.dat

    Description File mode used to open a log file. Set one of "rw", "rws", and "rwd". If set to "rw", file force is forcibly executed.
    Default rwd

    Description If a log file becomes full, an overflow processing executes to secure the required space. During the overflow processing, the records that have not been used for a long time will be moved to a secondary storage to prevent performance degradation. This property is used to set the allowed maximum number of times the surplus records can be moved.
    Default 1

    Description If the current log file's unused space ratio is the same or less than the specified rate, overflow is checked.

    Description Minimum buffer size for writing records in batch.

    Description Largest buffer size for writing records in batch.
    Default 4MB

    Description Option to use DirectByteBuffer when writing through the FileChannel.
    Default false

    Description Maximum number of threads that are waiting to use the buffer.

    Description Option to forcibly call sync regardless of the log-file-mode when opening the FileChannel. The file mode may not function properly on some OSs.
    Default false