Chapter 2. JEUS Configuration

Table of Contents

2.1. Overview
2.2. Adding Servers
2.2.1. Using WebAdmin
2.2.2. Using the Console Tool
2.3. Server Configurations
2.3.1. Basic Configurations
2.3.2. Listener Configuration
2.3.3. Thread Pool Configuration
2.3.4. Lifecycle Invocation Configuration
2.3.5. Resource Reference Configuration
2.4. Server Template Configuration

This chapter describes the methods and required configurations for adding servers to a domain. It also describes how to change the server configuration.

2.1. Overview

In JEUS, WebAdmin or the console tool can be used to change the server configurations. If applications that run on the server engine do not require security authentication and authorization checks, the security functions should be disabled on JEUS.

In addition, tuning of the sub-components must be checked separately. For more information, refer to the relevant chapter for each component.

2.2. Adding Servers

This section describes how to add servers to a domain by using WebAdmin or the console tool. It also describes the minimum required configurations for adding a server. For more information, refer to "2.3. Server Configurations".

When adding a server, all server configurations can be added in WebAdmin, but not when using commands in the console tool.

2.2.1. Using WebAdmin

The following describes how to add a server in WebAdmin.

  1. Choose [Servers] from the left pane of WebAdmin to go to the server list screen.

    [Figure 2.1] WebAdmin Server List

    WebAdmin Server List

  2. To add a server, get the lock for changing the configurations in advance. Click [Lock & Edit] at the bottom of the left menu to change to the dynamic configuration mode.

  3. Click [Add] at the top of the screen to go to the server configuration screen. Configure the name of the server to add and Jvm Option on the server configuration screen, and click [OK].

    [Figure 2.2] WebAdmin Server Configuration Screen - Adding a Server

    WebAdmin Server Configuration Screen - Adding a Server

    Configure the server's Advanced Options when needed. Since advanced option are not required when adding a server, detailed configurations are omitted.

    [Figure 2.3] WebAdmin Server Configuration Screen - Advanced Options

    WebAdmin Server Configuration Screen - Advanced Options

    The following is the description of the main configuration items. For more information about each item, refer to the description of the screen.

    Log HomePath where various logs are saved. For more information, refer to "8.2. Basic JEUS Logger Structure".
    Node NameName of the node that the server belongs to. For more information about the node manager, refer to "JEUS Node Manager User Guide".
    GroupServer management group. Servers can be managed in groups in WebAdmin.
    Action On Resource LeakFor more information, refer to " Action On Resource Leak".
    Data Source Remote LookupLooks up a data source in remote JVM. Connection pools are configured on remote JVM for stand-alone clients.
    Engine Init On Startup

    Initialization time of the internal server engines (Web, EJB, and JMS). For more information, refer to "3.2.2. Engine Initialization Time Configuration".

    If set, the internal engines are initialized when the server is initialized. If not, they are initialized when an application is deployed. But, for the JMS engine, if the EJB application is the MDB(Message Driven Bean), the internal engines are initialized when an application is deployed. This configuration is applied after a server is restarted.

    Use Web Engine

    Option to use the internal engine for web applications on the server. For more information, refer to "3.2.1. Option to Use an Engine".

    If set to 'not to use', application deployment will fail. This configuration is applied after a server is restarted.

    Use Ejb EngineOption to use the internal engine for EJB applications on the server. For more information, refer to "3.2.1. Option to Use an Engine".
    Use Jms EngineOption to use the internal engine for JMS services on the server. For more information, refer to "3.2.1. Option to Use an Engine".
    Managed Executor ServiceManagedExecutorService included in the Concurrency Utilities for Java EE(JSR-236) specification. An application server can use ExecutorService to manage resources and contexts. For more information, refer to JEUS Concurrency Utilities Guide. "Chapter 2. Managed Objects".
    Managed Scheduled Executor ServiceManagedScheduledExecutorService included in the Concurrency Utilities for Java EE(JSR-236) specification. An application server can use ScheduledExecutorService to manage resources and contexts.For more information, JEUS Concurrency Utilities Guide. "Chapter 2. Managed Objects".
    Context ServiceContextService included in the Concurrency Utilities for Java EE(JSR-236) specification. An application server can perform tasks by maintaining contexts based on dynamic proxy technology. For more information, refer to JEUS Concurrency Utilities Guide. "Chapter 2. Managed Objects".
    Managed Thread FactoryManagedThreadFactory included in the Concurrency Utilities for Java EE(JSR-236) specification. An application server can perform tasks by maintaining contexts of the threads created in the ThreadFactory. For more information, refer to JEUS Concurrency Utilities Guide. "Chapter 2. Managed Objects".
  4. The changes are saved and the result is displayed at the top of the screen.

    [Figure 2.4] WebAdmin Server Configuration Screen - Adding a Server

    WebAdmin Server Configuration Screen - Adding a Server

  5. Go to [Basic] > [System Thread Pool] from the top of the screen to go to the System Thread Pool configuration screen. Change the Max value, and click [OK].

    [Figure 2.5] Adding a Server - System Thread Pool Configuration

    Adding a Server - System Thread Pool Configuration

    The changes are saved and the result is displayed at the top of the screen.

    [Figure 2.6] Adding a Server - Saving System Thread Pool

    Adding a Server - Saving System Thread Pool

  6. After the system thread pool is saved, the server listener information must be configured.

    Go to [Resource] > [Listener] and the listener list appears. Click [Add] from the listener list to create a basic listener for the server.

    [Figure 2.7] Adding a Server - Adding a Basic Listener

    Adding a Server - Adding a Basic Listener

  7. Enter the name of the basic listener and the address and port number that the server can refer to, and click [OK]. In the following example, no value is entered for the Listen Address.

    [Figure 2.8] Adding a Server - Basic Listener Information Configuration

    Adding a Server - Basic Listener Information Configuration

  8. The changes are saved and the result is displayed at the top of the screen. The newly added listener appears in the listener list.

    [Figure 2.9] Adding a Server - Saving Basic Listener Configurations

    Adding a Server - Saving Basic Listener Configurations

  9. Configure the newly added listener as the basic listener. Select the added listener as the Base item.

    [Figure 2.10] Adding a Server - Basic Listener Configuration

    Adding a Server - Basic Listener Configuration

    Click [OK]. The changes are saved on the server and the following message is displayed. Note that at this point the configurations are temporarily saved and have not been applied to the server yet.

    [Figure 2.11] Adding a Server - Saving the Basic Listener Configuration

    Adding a Server - Saving the Basic Listener Configuration

  10. Configure the engine by choosing one of [Web Engine], [JMS Engine], and [Ejb Engine] menu from the [Engine] tab.

    [Figure 2.12] Adding a Server - Web Engine Configuration

    Adding a Server - Web Engine Configuration

  11. Once each configuration step is complete, click [Apply Changes] to apply the configuration changes to the server.

    [Figure 2.13] Adding a Server - Applying Configuration Changes (1)

    Adding a Server - Applying Configuration Changes (1)

    Click [Apply Changes] and a pop-up window that says "Apply all changes to the server." appears. Click [OK] to apply the changes.

    [Figure 2.14] Adding a Server - Applying Configuration Changes (2)

    Adding a Server - Applying Configuration Changes (2)

  12. After the changes have been made on DAS, the server is added to the domain. The result is displayed in detail at the top of the screen.

    Release the lock setting after it is confirmed that the changes have been successfully applied. [Lock & Edit] will be visible on the screen again. For more information about the lock setting, refer to "JEUS WebAdmin User Guide".

    [Figure 2.15] Adding a Server - Applying Configuration Changes (3)

    Adding a Server - Applying Configuration Changes (3)

  13. Select [Servers] from the left menu to go to the server list. The newly added server appears in the list.

    [Figure 2.16] Adding a Server - Checking the Newly Added Server

    Adding a Server - Checking the Newly Added Server

  14. Click [start] from the server list to start the server. To start a server in WebAdmin, a node manager of the node where the server is installed must be in a running state. For more information about the node manager, refer to "JEUS Node Manager Guide". A configuration screen is displayed as shown in the following screen. For more information about starting a server, refer to "3.1.2. Starting a Managed Server".

    [Figure 2.17] Adding a Server - Starting the Newly Added Server (1)

    Adding a Server - Starting the Newly Added Server (1)

    When a server starts, the result is displayed at the top of the screen, and the server status is changed to RUNNING.

    [Figure 2.18] Adding a Server - Starting the Newly Added Server (2)

    Adding a Server - Starting the Newly Added Server (2)

2.2.2. Using the Console Tool

A server can be added through the add-server command in the console tool. Since only some configurations can be added through this command, other commands must be used to add additional configurations after the server has been added. To change the engine configuration, use the web engine, EJB engine, and JMS engine commands.


For more information about the commands for changing the web engine configurations, refer to (JEUS Reference Book. "4.2.8. Web Engine Commands"). For more information about commands for changing the EJB engine configurations, refer to (JEUS Reference Book. "4.2.7. EJB Engine Commands"). For more information about changing the JMS engine configurations, refer to (JEUS Reference Book. "4.2.10. JMS Engine Commands").

The following is an example of adding a server using jeusadmin.

[Example 2.1] Adding a Server Using Jeusadmin

Information about Domain (domain1)
| Server|  Status |Node | PID | Clu |   Latest   |  Need  |   Listen  |Running |
|       |         |Name |     |ster | Start Time |   to   |   Ports   |Engines |
|       |         |     |     |     | / Shutdown |Restart |           |        |
|       |         |     |     |     |    Time    |        |           |        |
| admin | RUNNING | nod | 116 | N/A | 2016-08-24 | false  | base-0.0. | jms,   |
|Server |(00:03:1 |e1   |35   |     | (Wed) AM   |        |0.0:9736   |ejb, web|
|(*)    |2)       |     |     |     |11:09:58 KST|        | http-serv |        |
|       |         |     |     |     |            |        |er- |        |
|       |         |     |     |     |            |        |:8088      |        |
|       |         |     |     |     |            |        | jms-0.0.0 |        |
|       |         |     |     |     |            |        |.0:9741    |        |
| serve | RUNNING | nod | 118 | N/A | 2016-08-24 | false  | base-0.0. | jms,   |
|r1     |(00:01:4 |e1   |08   |     | (Wed) AM   |        |0.0:9836   |ejb, web|
|       |8)       |     |     |     |11:11:22 KST|        |           |        |

[DAS]domain1.adminServer>>add-server server2 -addr -baseport 9936 -node node1 -jvm "-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"
Successfully performed the ADD operation for server (server2).
Check the results using "list-servers or add-server".

[DAS]domain1.adminServer>>modify-system-thread-pool server2 -max 200
Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for the system thread pool of the server (server2), but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting.
Check the results using "modify-system-thread-pool server2 or show-system-thread-pool server2".

Information about Domain (domain1)
| Server|  Status |Node | PID | Clu |   Latest   |  Need  |   Listen  |Running |
|       |         |Name |     |ster | Start Time |   to   |   Ports   |Engines |
|       |         |     |     |     | / Shutdown |Restart |           |        |
|       |         |     |     |     |    Time    |        |           |        |
| admin | RUNNING | nod | 116 | N/A | 2016-08-24 | false  | base-0.0. | jms,   |
|Server |(01:35:1 |e1   |35   |     | (Wed) AM   |        |0.0:9736   |ejb, web|
|(*)    |2)       |     |     |     |11:09:58 KST|        | http-serv |        |
|       |         |     |     |     |            |        |er- |        |
|       |         |     |     |     |            |        |:8088      |        |
|       |         |     |     |     |            |        | jms-0.0.0 |        |
|       |         |     |     |     |            |        |.0:9741    |        |
| serve | RUNNING | nod | 118 | N/A | 2016-08-24 | false  | base-0.0. | jms,   |
|r1     |(01:33:4 |e1   |08   |     | (Wed) AM   |        |0.0:9836   |ejb, web|
|       |8)       |     |     |     |11:11:22 KST|        |           |        |
| serve | SHUTDOWN| nod | N/A | N/A | N/A        | N/A    | N/A       | N/A    |
|r2     |         |e1   |     |     |            |        |           |        |

[DAS]domain1.adminServer>>start-server server2
The server(server2) was successfully started. The server is [RUNNING]

Information about Domain (domain1)
| Server|  Status |Node | PID | Clu |   Latest   |  Need  |   Listen  |Running |
|       |         |Name |     |ster | Start Time |   to   |   Ports   |Engines |
|       |         |     |     |     | / Shutdown |Restart |           |        |
|       |         |     |     |     |    Time    |        |           |        |
| admin | RUNNING | nod | 116 | N/A | 2016-08-24 | false  | base-0.0. | jms,   |
|Server |(01:35:3 |e1   |35   |     | (Wed) AM   |        |0.0:9736   |ejb, web|
|(*)    |8)       |     |     |     |11:09:58 KST|        | http-serv |        |
|       |         |     |     |     |            |        |er- |        |
|       |         |     |     |     |            |        |:8088      |        |
|       |         |     |     |     |            |        | jms-0.0.0 |        |
|       |         |     |     |     |            |        |.0:9741    |        |
| serve | RUNNING | nod | 118 | N/A | 2016-08-24 | false  | base-0.0. | jms,   |
|r1     |(01:34:1 |e1   |08   |     | (Wed) AM   |        |0.0:9836   |ejb, web|
|       |3)       |     |     |     |11:11:22 KST|        |           |        |
| serve | RUNNING | nod | 136 | N/A | 2016-08-24 | false  | base-192. | jms,   |
|r2     |(00:00:0 |e1   |60   |     | (Wed) AM   |        |168.15.59: |ejb, web|
|       |9)       |     |     |     |12:45:27 KST|        |9936       |        |

2.3. Server Configurations

A server can be configured by using WebAdmin or jeusadmin.

Unlike in WebAdmin, some configurations cannot be modified in the console tool. The main configurations that are frequently used can be configured through the console tool, and WebAdmin can be used to modify configurations that cannot be modified in the console tool.

2.3.1. Basic Configurations

This section describes the basic configurations. For configurations that are not described here, refer to the relevant guides. Dynamically Changing Basic Configuration

The basic server configurations that can be changed dynamically are Class FTP, Use MEJB, and Log Stdout To Raw Format. The dynamically applied configurations are marked with the icon in WebAdmin and can be checked in the console tool by executing the help command for modify-server command. For more information, refer to "JEUS Reference Book".

Using WebAdmin

The following are the steps for modifying the basic configurations dynamically in WebAdmin.

  1. Select [Servers] from the left menu of WebAdmin to see the server list.

  2. Select a server(server1) from the server list and go to the server configuration screen. Click the [Basic] tab in the configuration screen.

  3. To change the configuration, get the lock for changing the configurations in advance. Click [Lock & Edit] at the bottom of the left menu to switch to the dynamic configuration mode.

  4. In the Advanced Options, configure 'Use MEJB' and 'Log Stdout To Raw Format' settings.

  5. When the configuration is complete, click [OK]. Click [Apply Changes] to apply the changes.

  6. The result is displayed at the top of the screen. It confirms that the 'Use MEJB' and 'Log Stdout To Raw Format' settings have been changed and applied to the server.

Using the Console Tool

The following is an example of dynamically changing the basic configurations by using the console tool.

[Example 2.2] Dynamically Changing Configuration Using the Console Tool

[DAS]domain1.adminServer>>modify-server server2
Shows the current configuration.
server (server2)
| Node                              | node1                                    |
| JVM Configs                       | -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m            |
| Action On Resource Leak           | WARNING                                  |
| Stdout to Raw Format              | true                                     |
| MEJB                              | false                                    |
| Class FTP                         | false                                    |
| Server Log Home Directory         | none                                     |

[DAS]domain1.adminServer>>modify-server server2 -logStdoutToRawFormat false -mejb true -classFtp true
Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for server (server2), but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting.
Check the results using "list-servers server2 or modify-server server2".

[DAS]domain1.adminServer>>modify-server server2
Shows the current configuration.
server (server2)
| Node                              | node1                                    |
| JVM Configs                       | -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m            |
| Action On Resource Leak           | WARNING                                  |
| Stdout to Raw Format              | false                                    |
| MEJB                              | true                                     |
| Class FTP                         | true                                     |
| Server Log Home Directory         | none                                     |
================================================================================ Action On Resource Leak

The 'Action On Resource Leak' setting allows the user to know when there is resource leak and performs the configured operations by checking whether the resources that are used on the server are closed. This server function is called the invocation manager.

On the server, the invocation manager tracks the external resources like JDBC Connections and Webt Connections that are used during a call of stateless methods such as Servlet/JSP, EJB Stateless Session Bean, and MDB. It leaves a log or returns the resource depending on the mode configured among the following three modes.

NoActionNo action is taken even if there are unreturned resources.
WarningLogs about unreturned resources after the component call (default value).
AutoCloseLogs about unreturned resources and closes them after the component call.

Using WebAdmin

The following is an example of configuring the 'Action On Resource Leak' setting in WebAdmin.

  1. Select [Servers] from the left menu of WebAdmin to see the server list. Select server1 on the list and go to the server configuration screen. Select [Basic] on the screen.

  2. To change the configuration, get the lock for changing the configurations in advance. Click [Lock & Edit] at the bottom of the left menu to switch to the dynamic configuration mode.

  3. Change the configuration of 'Action On Resource Leak' and click [OK].

  4. To apply the changes, click [Apply Changes].

    The result is displayed at the top of the screen and the changes to the 'Action On Resource Leak' setting can be verified.

    If the 'Action On Resource Leak' setting is changed while the server is running, the result shows that the change has been saved successfully, but has not been applied to the server yet. To apply the 'Action On Resource Leak' setting to the server, restart the server.

Using the Console Tool

The following is an example of changing the 'Action On Resource Leak' setting by executing the modify-server setting in jeusadmin.

  1. Check the current server configurations that need to be modified by using the modify-server command before booting the server.

    [DAS]domain1.adminServer>modify-server server2
    Shows the current configuration.
    server (server2)
    | Node                              | node1                                    |
    | JVM Configs                       | -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m            |
    | Action On Resource Leak           | WARNING                                  |
    | Stdout to Raw Format              | false                                    |
    | MEJB                              | true                                     |
    | Class FTP                         | true                                     |
    | Server Log Home Directory         | none                                     |
  2. Set the 'Action On Resource Leak' setting of server2 to 'AutoClose'.

    [DAS]domain1.adminServer>modify-server server2 -actionOnResourceLeak AutoClose
    Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for server (server2).
    Check the results using "list-servers server2 or modify-server server2".


    When options are not dynamically applied, they must be modified before starting the server. If static configurations are modified at runtime, the server must be restarted to apply the changes.

  3. Verify that the modified configurations have been applied correctly by using the modify-server or list-servers command.

    [DAS]domain1.adminServer>modify-server server2
    Shows the current configuration.
    server (server2)
    | Node                              | node1                                    |
    | JVM Configs                       | -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m            |
    | Action On Resource Leak           | AUTO_CLOSE                               |
    | Stdout to Raw Format              | false                                    |
    | MEJB                              | true                                     |
    | Class FTP                         | true                                     |
    | Server Log Home Directory         | none                                     |
  4. Start server2.

    [DAS]domain1.adminServer>start-server server2
    The server(server2) was successfully started. The server is [RUNNING]


    SSH needs to be available for use and the node must be configured in order to use the start-server command in jeusadmin or WebAdmin. For more information about the node manager, refer to "JEUS Node Manager Guide".

  5. Change the 'Action On Resource Leak' setting of server2 from 'AUTO_CLOSE' to 'WARNING'.

    This configuration cannot be applied while the server is running. To apply the modified configuration, restart the server.

    [DAS]domain1.adminServer>modify-server server2 -actionOnResourceLeak Warning
    Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for server (server2), but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting.
    Check the results using "list-servers server2 or modify-server server2".
  6. Verify that the modified configurations have been applied correctly by using the modify-server or list-servers command.

    [DAS]domain1.adminServer>modify-server server2
    Shows the current configuration.
    server (server2)
    | Node                              | node1                                    |
    | JVM Configs                       | -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m            |
    | Action On Resource Leak           | WARNING                                  |
    | Stdout to Raw Format              | false                                    |
    | MEJB                              | true                                     |
    | Class FTP                         | true                                     |
    | Server Log Home Directory         | none                                     |


For more information about the console tool commands used in this example, refer to JEUS Reference Book. "4.2.3. Server Management Commands". JVM Config

JVM Config is used to define parameters that are added to an individual JVM to start a server. Before starting the server with the launcher process, read and add the values that are configured in this section as parameters to create the server JVM. Refer to JEUS Reference Book. "1.2. Server System Properties" for the list of available JEUS parameters. The standard JVM parameters can also be configured.

JVM Config also includes JVM options that are applied to the server, system properties, and the system properties provided by JEUS. JVM memory or options are usually configured with values that are suitable for the server operating environment. For more information about JVM Config, refer to JEUS Domain Guide. "3.6.2. Changing a Server's JVM Settings".


JVM config values cannot be applied while a server is running because they are not dynamic configurations. The server must be restarted in order to apply the chnages.

Using WebAdmin

The following describes the process of configuring JVM Config in WebAdmin.

  1. Select [Servers] from the left menu of WebAdmin to go to the server list screen. Select a server(server1) from the server list and go to the server configuration screen. Click the [Basic] tab in the configuration screen.

  2. To change the configuration, get the lock for changing the configurations in advance. Click [Lock & Edit] at the bottom of the left menu to switch to the dynamic configuration mode.

  3. Change the Jvm Option setting and then click [OK]. The changes are saved and the result is displayed.

  4. Click [Apply Changes] to apply the changes.

    The result is displayed at the top of the screen and the changes to the server's JVM configuration can be verified. If JVM Config is changed while the server is running, a message is displayed that says that the configuration change has been successfully saved, but the changes cannot be applied to the server. In this case, the server must be restarted to apply the change.

Using the Console Tool

A server's JVM configuration can be changed by using the modify-server, add-jvm-option, modify-jvm-option, and remove-jvm-option commands. For more information about the commands, refer to JEUS Domain Guide. "3.6.2. Changing a Server's JVM Settings".

The following is an example of changing the JVM configurations of a server by using the modify-server command.

  1. Before starting a server, check the server settings to change by executing the modify-server command.

    [DAS]domain1.adminServer>modify-server server1
    Shows the current configuration.
    server (server1)
    | Node                                                    | node1   |
    | Action On Resource Leak                                 | WARNING |
    | Stdout to Raw Format                                    | true    |
    | MEJB                                                    | false   |
    | Class FTP                                               | false   |
    | Server Log Home Directory                               | none    |
  2. Add the JVM option to server1.

    Set the maximum heap memory of JVM to 512MB and the maximum permanent memory to 128MB.

    [DAS]domain1.adminServer>modify-server server1 -jvmOptions "-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"
    Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for server (server1).
    Check the results using "list-servers server1 or modify-server server1".     


    Options that cannot be dynamically applied must be changed before starting the server. When the configuration is changed while the server is running, the server must be restarted to apply the changes.

  3. Check that the configurations changed by executing modify-server or list-servers have been applied correctly.

    [DAS]domain1.adminServer>modify-server server1
    Shows the current configuration.
    server (server1)
    | Node                              | node1                                    |
    | JVM Configs                       | -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m            |
    | Action On Resource Leak           | WARNING                                  |
    | Stdout to Raw Format              | true                                     |
    | MEJB                              | false                                    |
    | Class FTP                         | false                                    |
    | Server Log Home Directory         | none                                     |
  4. Start server1.

    [DAS]domain1.adminServer>start-server server1
    The server(server1) was successfully started. The server is [RUNNING]


    To execute start-server in the console tool or WebAdmin, SSH should be available for use and the node should be set. For more information about the node manager, refer to "JEUS Node Manager Guide".

  5. Add the JVM option to server1.

    An option that creates a Heap Dump file has been added for when OutOfMemoryError occurs on the server. Since this configuration cannot be applied to the server while the server is running, the server must be restarted to apply the changes.

    [DAS]domain1.adminServer>modify-server server1 -jvmOptions "-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError"
    Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for server (server1), but all changes were non-dynamic. 
    They will be applied after restarting.
    Check the results using "list-servers server1 or modify-server server1".
  6. Verify the changed configuration by executing modify-server or list-servers.

    [DAS]domain1.adminServer>modify-server server1
    Shows the current configuration.
    server (server1)
    | Node                      | node1                                            |
    | JVM Configs               | -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m,                   |
    |                           |-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError                   |
    | Action On Resource Leak   | WARNING                                          |
    | Stdout to Raw Format      | true                                             |
    | MEJB                      | false                                            |
    | Class FTP                 | false                                            |
    | Server Log Home Directory | none                                             |
    ================================================================================ Classpath

This section describes how to add additional classpaths to a server. The configuration for adding classpaths to a server is only available in WebAdmin.


Since this configuration cannot be applied to the server while the server is running, the server must be restarted to apply the changed configuration.

Using WebAdmin

The following is an example of adding classpaths to a server in WebAdmin.

  1. Select [Servers] from the left menu of WebAdmin to see the server list. Select server1 on the list and go to the server configuration screen. Select [Basic] on the screen.

  2. To change the configuration, get the lock for changing the configurations in advance. Click [Lock & Edit] at the bottom of the left menu to switch to the dynamic configuration mode.

  3. Add a classpath from User Interceptor of Advanced Options. After the configuration is complete, click [OK].

  4. Click [Apply Changes] to apply the changed configuration. The result is displayed at the top of the screen, and the changed 'User Interceptor' configuration can be verified.

    If the 'User Interceptor' setting is changed while the server is running, the result shows that the change has been saved successful, but has not been applied to the server yet. To apply the 'User Interceptor' setting to the server, restart the server.

2.3.2. Listener Configuration

This section describes the network listener configuration that is used on a server.

The network listener configuration is referenced by system services or various types of engines. Since port-integrated services are applied to this listener, it can be shared and used by different services or engines. As a simplified example, a basic listener can be used to provide all services.


Since this configuration cannot be applied to the server while the server is running, the server must be restarted to apply the changed configuration.

Using WebAdmin

The following shows how to configure the basic listener in WebAdmin. The basic listener is selected from the configured listeners. It is used by WebAdmin, the most basic system services of JEUS, etc.

[Figure 2.19] Basic Listener Configuration

Basic Listener Configuration

Click [LOCK & EDIT] and then click Add to add a new listener. The following is the basic method for configuring individual listeners. The name that is referred to by other systems or engines must be configured, and the port number must be configured to prevent creating duplicate listeners.

[Figure 2.20] Configuring a Listener

Configuring a Listener

The following is the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) configuration that can be applied to the listener. The services or engines that use the listener provide services over SSL. (example: https)

[Figure 2.21] Listener SSL Configuration

Listener SSL Configuration

2.3.3. Thread Pool Configuration

This section describes how to configure common thread pools used on a server.

If the services used on a server are not configured with a dedicated thread pool, then they all use the common thread pool. The transaction service and scheduler service use the common thread pool. These services can either use the common thread pool or a dedicated thread pool depending on the configuration. If the common thread pool is used, the allowed minimum number of threads for use can be assigned in advance.


The engine that handles requests from applications does not use a common thread pool. For more information about how to use a dedicated thread pool in a service, refer to "Chapter 4. JNDI Naming Server", "Chapter 7. Transaction Manager", and "JEUS Scheduler guide".

Using WebAdmin

The following describes how to set a thread pool by using WebAdmin.

  1. Select [Servers] from the left menu of WebAdmin to see the server list. Select server1 on the list and go to the server configuration screen. Select [Basic], and then select [System Thread Pool] from the sub-menu.

  2. To change the system thread pool configuration, get the lock for changing the configurations in advance.

    Before getting the lock, it is possible to check the current configuration of the system thread pool. Click [Lock & Edit] at the bottom of the left menu to switch to the dynamic configuration mode. The system thread pool configuration screen appears.

  3. Change 'Max' and 'Keep Alive Time' settings of the thread pool and click [OK].

    The following describes the configuration items.

    • Default configurations

      MinMinimum number of threads that can be managed by the thread pool. The threads are created as needed (Default value: 0).
      MaxMaximum number of threads that can be managed by the thread pool (Default value: 100).
    • Advanced options

      Keep Alive TimeInterval for automatically cleaning up idle threads in the thread pool. Any threads equal or greater than the Min value that are idle for the specified time are deleted from the thread pool. The default value for the common thread pool is 5 minutes. (Unit: ms)
      Queue size

      Size of the queue that stores the tasks that are processed by the thread pool.

      (Default value: 4096)

      • Stuck thread handling

        Option to execute specific actions on the thread when the thread is occupied for more than a set time period.

        Max Stuck Thread Time

        Used to determine if a thread is occupied. If a thread has been occupied for a set time period, then the thread will be considered as a stuck thread.

        (Default value: 1 hour, Unit: ms)

        Action On Stuck Thread

        Action to perform on the thread determined to be stuck. The default value of the common thread pool is IgnoreAndReplace and the following are the options.

        • None: No action is taken on the stuck thread.

        • Interrupt: Sends an interrupt signal to the stuck thread.

        • IgnoreAndReplace: Ignores the stuck thread and replaces it with a new thread.

        Stuck Thread Check Period

        Time interval for checking whether the thread is stuck or not.

        (Default Value: 5 minutes, unit: ms)

  4. To apply the configuration, click [Apply changes]. The result is displayed at the top of the screen, and the changed system thread pool configuration can be verified.

Using the Console Tool

The following is an example of checking and modifying a common thread pool by using the console tool.


For more information about the commands used in the example, refer toJEUS Reference Book. "4.2.5. Thread Management Commands". For information about the thread pool configurations used by each service, refer to the individual service manual.

The following is an example of changing the 'Max' from 100 to 200 and 'Keep Alive Time' from 5 minutes to 10 minutes for the thread pool.

[DAS]domain1.adminServer>show-system-thread-pool server1
Shows the current configuration.
the system thread pool of the server (server1)
| Min                                                     | 0                  |
| Max                                                     | 100                |
| Keep-Alive Time                                         | 300000             |
| Queue Size                                              | 4096               |
| Max Stuck Thread Time                                   | 3600000            |
| Action On Stuck Thread                                  | IGNORE_AND_REPLACE |
| Stuck Thread Check Period                               | 300000             |
| Reserved Threads for the Service transaction            | 0                  |
| Reserved Threads for the Service namingserver           | 0                  |

[DAS]domain1.adminServer>modify-system-thread-pool server1 -max 200 -keep 600000
Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for the system thread pool of the server (server1).
Check the results using "modify-system-thread-pool server1 or show-system-thread-pool server1".

[DAS]domain1.adminServer>show-system-thread-pool server1
Shows the current configuration.
the system thread pool of the server (server1)
| Min                                                     | 0                  |
| Max                                                     | 200                |
| Keep-Alive Time                                         | 600000             |
| Queue Size                                              | 4096               |
| Max Stuck Thread Time                                   | 3600000            |
| Action On Stuck Thread                                  | IGNORE_AND_REPLACE |
| Stuck Thread Check Period                               | 300000             |
| Reserved Threads for the Service transaction            | 0                  |
| Reserved Threads for the Service namingserver           | 0                  |

The following is an example of configuring the thread to be preallocated in the common thread pool of the JNDI service.

[DAS]domain1.adminServer>show-system-thread-pool server1
Shows the current configuration.
the system thread pool of the server (server1)
| Min                                                     | 0                  |
| Max                                                     | 200                |
| Keep-Alive Time                                         | 600000             |
| Queue Size                                              | 4096               |
| Max Stuck Thread Time                                   | 3600000            |
| Action On Stuck Thread                                  | IGNORE_AND_REPLACE |
| Stuck Thread Check Period                               | 300000             |
| Reserved Threads for the Service transaction            | 0                  |
| Reserved Threads for the Service namingserver           | 0                  |

[DAS]domain1.adminServer>modify-system-thread-pool server1 -service namingserver -r 10
Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for The namingserver thread pool of the server (server1)., but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting.
Check the results using "show-system-thread-pool server1 -service namingserver or modify-system-thread-pool server1 -service namingserver".

[DAS]domain1.adminServer>show-system-thread-pool server1 -service namingserver
Shows the current configuration.
the system thread pool of the server (server1)
| Min                                                     | 0                  |
| Max                                                     | 200                |
| Keep-Alive Time                                         | 600000             |
| Queue Size                                              | 4096               |
| Max Stuck Thread Time                                   | 3600000            |
| Action On Stuck Thread                                  | IGNORE_AND_REPLACE |
| Stuck Thread Check Period                               | 300000             |
| Reserved Threads for the Service transaction            | 0                  |
| Reserved Threads for the Service namingserver           | 10                 |

[DAS]domain1.adminServer>modify-system-thread-pool server1 -service namingserver
Shows the current configuration.
The namingserver thread pool of the server (server1).
| Reserved Threads for the Service namingserver                        | 10    |

2.3.4. Lifecycle Invocation Configuration

JEUS offers Lifecycle Invocation to allow users to perform tasks in accordance with the server lifecycle. The server invokes the user configured event when the computer starts up or shuts down. Lifecycle Invocation can only be configured in WebAdmin.


When the configuration is changed while the server is running, the server must be restarted to apply the changes.

The following is an example of registering a typical Java class for Lifecycle Invocation.

This class must exist in the 'SERVER_HOME/lib/application' directory of the server to be able to call this class according to the server lifecycle.

[Example 2.3] <<>>

package lifecycle;

public class LifeCycleTester {
    public void boot() {
        // do somethig

    public void beforeDeploy() {
        System.out.println("Before Deploy");
        // do somethig

    public void afterDeploy() {
        System.out.println("After Deploy");
        // do somethig

    public void ready() {
        // do somethig
        try {
            System.out.println("Sleeping for 15 seconds ....");
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void beforeUndeploy() {
        System.out.println("Before Undeploy");
        // do somethig

    public void afterUndeploy() {
        System.out.println("After Undeploy");
        // do somethig

Using WebAdmin

The following describes the process of configuring the Lifecycle Invocation class of the server in WebAdmin by using the previous example.

  1. Select [Servers] from the left menu of WebAdmin to go to the server list screen. Select adminServer from the list to go to the server configuration screen. Select [Resource] in the configuration screen and then [Lifecycle Invocation]. The current Lifecycle Invocation configuration appears.

    [Figure 2.22] Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (1)

    Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (1)

  2. Get the lock by clicking [Lock & Edit] at the bottom of the left menu. To add a Lifecycle Invocation, click [Add] at the top of the table.

    [Figure 2.23] Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (2)

    Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (2)

  3. Add a method to call according to the lifecycle invocation class and lifecycle invocation type. Enter 'test.lifecycle.invocation.LifeCycleInvocation' as the class name of the lifecycle invocation, configure the boot method to be called during boot, and then click [OK].

    [Figure 2.24] Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (3)

    Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (3)

    The following table describes the configuration items.

    • ItemDescription
      Invocation Type

      When the method is called.

      • BOOT : After the server starts and before the engines start.

      • BEFORE_DEPLOY : After the server starts, but before the applications that are registered on the server are distributed.

      • AFTER_DEPLOY : After the server starts and all the applications that are registered on the server are distributed.

      • READY : After the server starts and all the applications that are registered on the server are deployed and ready to provide services.

      • BEFORE_UNDEPLOY : After the server receives the stop command and before all the applications that are running services on the server are undeployed.

      • AFTER_UNDEPLOY : After the server receives the stop command and all the applications that are running services on the server are undeployed.

      Invocation ArgumentArguments that are used in the method call.
      Method NameMethod to invoke.
      Method ParamParameters of the method.
  4. Configure the library that is used in the Lifecycle Invocation class. To add a method that corresponds to the Lifecycle Invocation type, click [Add] in the Library Ref list.

    [Figure 2.25] Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (4)

    Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (4)

  5. The following is a screenshot of configuring a library reference that is used in the class. The library must be in the 'lib/shared' folder. For more information about the shared library, refer to ????.

    [Figure 2.26] Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (5)

    Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (5)

    The following table describes the configuration items.

    Library NameName of the library.
    Specification VersionSpecification version of the library.
    Implementation VersionImplementation version of the library.
  6. The following screenshot shows the result of saving the newly added library by clicking [OK]. To add a method that is implemented according to the Lifecycle Invocation type, click [Add] from the Invocation list.

    [Figure 2.27] Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (6)

    Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (6)

  7. Configure additional Lifecycle Invocation methods depending on when the method is set for invocation.

    [Figure 2.28] Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (7)

    Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (7)

  8. After modifying the lifecycle invocation configurations, click [Apply Changes] to apply the changes. The following is the result of modifying the lifecycle invocation configuration. The result is displayed at the top of the screen and the changes to the lifecycle invocation configurations can be verified.

    [Figure 2.29] Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (8)

    Configuring Lifecycle Invocation in WebAdmin (8)


If the Lifecycle Invocation configuration is changed while the server is running, a message is displayed that says that the configuration change has been successfully saved, but the changes cannot be applied to the server. In this case, the server must be restarted in order to apply the changes.

2.3.5. Resource Reference Configuration

Configure the common mapping information for the resources used by the applications on the server.

The names of the resources that are used in the applications are registered in the JNDI storage of the server where each application is serviced. When resource mapping is configured, regardless of the registered name, the applications can always use the resource by using the same name.


When a server is in a cluster, the value configured in the cluster is applied first to the resource reference setting.

Using WebAdmin

The following describes the steps for configuring the resource reference in WebAdmin.

  1. Select [Servers] from the left menu of WebAdmin to go to the server list screen.

    Select a server to go to the server configuration screen. Select the [Basic] tab and then select [Res Ref] to go to the Res Ref screen.

    [Figure 2.30] Configuring Resource Reference in WebAdmin (1)

    Configuring Resource Reference in WebAdmin (1)

    To change the configuration, get the lock for changing the configurations in advance. Click [Lock & Edit] at the bottom of the left menu to switch to the dynamic configuration mode. The resource reference configuration screen appears.

  2. To add a resource reference, click [Add] in the list of resource references.

    [Figure 2.31] Configuring Resource Reference in WebAdmin (2)

    Configuring Resource Reference in WebAdmin (2)

  3. Configure the 'Ref Name' to map the resource to and 'Export Name' to bind the resource to, and then click [OK].

    [Figure 2.32] Configuring Resource Reference in WebAdmin (3)

    Configuring Resource Reference in WebAdmin (3)

    The following table describes the configuration items.

    Ref NameReference name to map the resource to. This name is used to implement lookup in the applications.
    Export NameResource name that is bound to the server. This is the resource's JNDI name that is registered in the server's JNDI repository.

  4. After clicking [OK], the new resource mapping is saved, and the new resource mapping information appears in the resource mapping list.

    [Figure 2.33] Configuring Resource Reference in WebAdmin (4)

    Configuring Resource Reference in WebAdmin (4)

  5. Click [Apply Changes] to apply the changes.

  6. The following screenshot shows the result of changing the resource mapping configuration.

    The result is displayed at the top of the screen and the changes to the resource mapping configuration can be verified. If the resource mapping configuration is changed while the server is running, a message is displayed that says that the configuration change has been successfully saved, but the changes cannot be applied to the server. In this case, the server must be restarted in order to apply the changes.

    [Figure 2.34] Configuring Resource Reference in WebAdmin (6)

    Configuring Resource Reference in WebAdmin (6)

2.4. Server Template Configuration

Common configurations of the servers to be used when creating a cluster can be stored as a server template. By doing so, multiple servers with a common configuration can be automatically created when creating a cluster, which allows for easy creation of a server cluster environment.

A server template can be configured in the same method as configuring a server. A template is specified by selecting dynamic servers when creating a cluster, and can create multiple servers of the same configuration. However, unlike server configuration, some configurations such as listeners and connections are already configured, so they cannot be modified. As well, when a configuration must differ by each server such as with port numbers, a different number is granted for each server according to a specific rule. Server template configurations can be added from WebAdmin or console.

Using WebAdmin

Server templates can be added by selecting [Servers] on the left menu of WebAdmin, and then using the Server Templates section.

[Figure 2.35] Adding a Server Template

Adding a Server Template

In many aspects, adding a server template is the same as adding a server. Unlike when adding a server, an actual server is not created. Instead, only a server template containing server configurations is added. By using this, the user can batch created multiple servers with the same configuration when creating a server cluster environment. The default configurations are the same as when creating a server as described above. For information about configuring a cluster using a server template, refer to JEUS Domain Guide. "5.5.3. Dynamic Server Cluster Settings".

[Figure 2.36] Configuring a Server Template

Configuring a Server Template

Using the Console Tool

A server template can be added by using the console tool. Add a server template by using the add-server-template command, and then configure detailed items via various options. For more information about add-server-template, refer toJEUS Reference Book. " add-server-template".

[DAS]domain1.adminServer>add-server-template template1 -m true
Successfully performed the ADD operation for server template (template1), but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting.
Check the results using "list-servers or show-server-template or add-server-template".


Shows the current configuration.
Server template list
| server templates                              | template1 |