Chapter 6. Using JACC Provider

Table of Contents

6.1. Overview
6.2. Introducing JACC Protocol
6.2.1. Provider Configuration Protocol
6.2.2. Policy Configuration Protocol
6.2.3. Policy Decision and Execution Protocol
6.3. Developing JACC Provider
6.3.1. Implementing JACC Provider
6.3.2. Packaging JACC Provider
6.3.3. Default JACC Provider
6.4. Integrating JACC Providers with the JEUS Security System

This chapter describes the purpose of JACC and how to implement Custom JACC Provider to use it in the JEUS security system.

JACC(Java Authorization Contract for Containers) was first introduced in J2EE version 1.4, which is the current version.

There are two basic purposes for JACC.

  • Provide a standardized SPI for EJB and Servlet authorization.

  • Ensure compatibility between existing J2SE and J2EE security models.

In short, JACC represents a standardized way of implementing an authorization provider that defines and handles authorization for EJBs and Servlets. Thus, if a JACC provider is implemented, it can be used in any JACC-compatible J2EE server.

The entire JACC specification is divided into three parts as follows:

  • Provider Protocol

  • Policy Protocol

  • Policy decision and execution protocol

The Policy Configuration protocol essentially defines how the security constraints defined in J2EE deployment descriptor file (ejb-jar.xml, web.xml) are to be mapped to the set defined in the package. It also defines how these Permissions are to be added to the JACC provider (Custom

This helps the provider to make correct authorization decisions for EJB and Servlet modules.


The Policy Configuration protocol does NOT define how to configure principal-to-role mappings. It only describes how to configure role-to-resource mappings based on the information in the standard J2EE DD file. The principal-to-role mappings are defined according to the JACC provider vendor.

Policy can be configured as follows:

  1. Specify the fully qualified class name of Custom in the system property (“-D” property).

    The JACC provider contains Custom class.

  2. The J2EE server reads the property and creates a class instance (PCF).

  3. Deploy the servlet and EJB modules.

  4. The deployment code parses the provided web.xml and ejb-jar.xml DD files and converts the security constraints to JACC Permission instances. The permission class is included in the package. Each Permission instance represents the Role-to-Resource mapping defined in the servlet and EJB.

  5. The deployment code calls the PCF.getPolicyConfiguration() method and receives an instance of the type.

  6. The deployment code adds the role-to-resource Permissions created in step 4 to PolicyConfiguration using various PolicyConfiguration methods.

  7. After all Permissions have been added, the PolicyConfiguration.commit() method is called.

When a Servlet and/or EJB module is undeployed, PolicyConfiguration.delete() method is called. This will remove all the Permissions of the Servlet/EJB module.


For more information about the policy configuration process, refer to the JACC specifications.

The policy decision and execution protocol describe how (EJB and Servlet) authorization decisions are to be carried out at runtime. They are applied after the requirements of the previous two protocols have been met.

Essentially, Policy decision and execution work as follows. This section uses a servlet as an example, but it also applies equally to an EJB.

  1. An HTTP request is sent to the Servlet page.

  2. The Servlet container configures some JACC context information using the class.

  3. The Servlet container then constructs two JACC Web Permission instances (defined in the package). These Permission instances represent the Permission defined for the current Servlet page.

  4. The Servlet container queries the JACC policy provider to see if the servlet requester has the two permissions mentioned in step 3. There are several ways to interpret the query.

    For example, the Policy.implies() method can be used to interpret the query. In this case, all permissions, which are checked by the that is initialized by the principal of the requester, are used as parameters.

  5. The JACC provider receives the request and determines if the requester has the permission to access the servlet page by using the following information: context information set from step 2, the Permission instances created in step 3, the current principal(s), the principal-to-role mapping, and the role-to-resource mapping.

  6. If the outcome of the authorization check is positive, the Servlet container will allow access to the Servlet page. Otherwise, an authorization error page will be returned.


For more information about policy decision and execution protocol, refer to the JACC specifications.

This section describes how to develop the Custom JACC provider and some development instructions.

The following is a simple picture that shows the relationships between the classes that need to be implemented for your JACC provider. In the figure, the classes that need to be implemented are labeled using names starting with “MyJACC”. Any name can be chosen for these classes.

The following list shows the classes that are required for a complete implementation of a JACC provider:


This section briefly explains how to implement each of the classes. For more information about how to implement the class, refer to the Policy Configuration Protocol of the JACC specification, and the J2EE Javadoc for each class.

This section describes how to integrate JACC providers with the JEUS security system.

The process to integrate the JEUS security system with a JACC Provider is as follows.

  1. Implement a Principal-to-Role Mapper

    The JACC interface does not contain any implementation related to principal-to-role mapping, but only for role-to-resource mapping. The user must implement a separate JEUS-specific interface to implement the mapping, and JEUS provides the interface for this purpose. This interface contains a single method, that needs to be implemented, called addPrincipalRoleMapping(PermissionMap map, String policyId). This method adds the principal-to-role mapping to PolicyConfiguration, which is represented by the policyId.


    Note that principal-to-role mappings have application scope in J2EE. This is because all the principal-to-role mappings in an application are merged into a single map. Refer to the API documentation for more information about the PermissionMap class and about the add() method, that is used in merging PermissionMap instances.

    The implementation of the JACCPrincipalRoleMapper interface must provide a public no-argument constructor, and it must be added to the JAR file of the JACC Provider. For more information on this, refer to References and Javadoc.

    The process of the JACCPrincipalRoleMapper interface creating the principal-to-role mapping is as follows:

    1. The class name that implements the class is configured to the system property,

    2. The class that implements the class reads this property to create an instance by calling the Class.forName(mapperClassname).newInstance() method.

    3. Then the addPrincipalRoleMapping() method of the instance is called to create and add the principal-to-role mappings, that are defined in the JEUS DD file.

  2. Setting the Security Configuration File

    The JEUS security system uses two adapter classes to connect JEUS native authorization API with the JACC authorization API.

    The roles of the two adapter classes are as follows:


      implements the container part of the Policy Decision and Execution protocol by invoking the method to check for authorization.


      implements the Policy Configuration protocol by allowing the container-generated instance to be added to the PolicyConfiguration instance, which is a configuration component of the JACC provider.

    In order to enable JACC, both of these security Services must be configured in the domain service definition of the domain.xml file.

  3. Adding the JACC Provider JAR file to the System Path

    To add the JACC provider JAR file to the system path, simply place the JAR file in the following directory.

  4. Setting Java System Properties

    The JACC protocol and JEUS specifies three Java system properties to enable the J2EE server to detect the presence of the JACC provider. These properties are as follows:


      The name of the class that represents the JACC Provider, and implements


      The name of the class that implements PolicyConfigurationFactory that creates and loads PolicyConfiguration instances.


      The name of the class that implements the interface, and creates the principal-to-role mapping from JEUS DD file.

    The previous three system properties must be configured in the <jvm-option> element of domain.xml.

Default JACC Provider Class Name

As already mentioned, the default class names for JACC provider are as follows:

ClassificationClass Name

These classes are packaged and placed in the following location.
