Chapter 7. 7000 ~ 7999

7001: General syntax error.

CauseSyntax error occurred.
ActionCorrect the SQL statement.

7002: Unsupported DDL.

CauseUnsupported DDL (Data Definition Language).
ActionThe statement cannot be executed.

7003: The SQL statement is not valid DDL.

CauseThe statement is not valid DDL.
ActionThe statement cannot be executed.

7004: This DDL statement is not permitted in the current boot mode.

CauseIn the current boot mode, this DDL cannot be executed.
ActionChange the boot mode and run the DDL statement again.

7005: Missing right parenthesis at line %1$d, column %2$d.

CauseThe right parenthesis is missing.
ActionCheck parentheses and try again.

7006: Filename is too long. %1$s.

CauseThe specified filename is too long.
ActionUse a shorter filename and try again.

7007: The specified value is out of range.

CauseThe specified value is either too small or too large.
ActionSpecify a valid value and try again.

7008: START WITH is not allowed for ALTER sequences.

CauseThe START WITH option was specified for an ALTER sequence.
ActionThe START WITH option is allowed only for CREATE sequences.

7009: Maximum number of columns was exceeded.

CauseThe number of columns exceeds the maximum number allowed.
ActionSpecify a number of columns less than the maximum.

7010: Unable to grant privileges other than INSERT, REFERENCE, and UPDATE on column.

CauseA column privilege was granted to an operation other than INSERT, REFERENCE or UPDATE.
ActionThe privilege cannot be granted.

7011: Number of specified files and target files do not match.

CauseThe number of specified files is different from the number of target files.
ActionEnsure that the numbers of files match.

7012: Log group number is invalid.

CauseThe specified log group number is invalid.
ActionSpecify a valid log group number.

7013: This option cannot be specified.

CauseThe specified option is invalid.
ActionSpecify a valid option.

7014: A filename is required for this DDL statement.

CauseThe filename is not specified.
ActionSpecify a valid filename.

7015: Duplicate FORCE LOGGING clause exists.

CauseA duplicate FORCE LOGGING clause exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate clause.

7016: Duplicate LOGGING clause exists.

CauseA duplicate LOGGING clause exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate clause.

7017: Duplicate PCTFREE setting exists.

CauseA duplicate PCTFREE setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7018: Duplicate INITRANS setting exists.

CauseA duplicate INITRANS setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7019: Duplicate STORAGE clause exists.

CauseA duplicate STORAGE clause exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate clause.

7020: Duplicate MINEXTENTS setting exists.

CauseA duplicate MINEXTENTS setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7021: Duplicate MAXEXTENTS setting exists.

CauseA duplicate MAXEXTENTS setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7022: Duplicate EXTENT MANAGEMENT clause exists.

CauseA duplicate EXTENT MANAGEMENT clause exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate clause.

7023: Duplicate ENABLE or DISABLE clause exists on a constraint.

CauseA duplicate ENABLE or DISABLE clause exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate clause.

7024: Duplicate USING INDEX clause exists.

CauseA duplicate USING INDEX clause exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate clause.

7025: Duplicate NULL or NOT NULL setting exists.

CauseA duplicate NULL or NOT NULL setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7026: Duplicate primary key exists.

CauseA duplicate primary key exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate.

7027: Duplicate unique key exists.

CauseA duplicate unique key exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate.

7028: Duplicate ENABLE IN ROW or DISABLE IN ROW setting exists.

CauseA duplicate ENABLE or DISABLE IN ROW setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7029: Duplicate CHUNK SIZE setting exists.

CauseA duplicate CHUNK SIZE setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7030: Duplicate USER SYS clause exists.

CauseA duplicate USER SYS clause exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate clause.

7031: Duplicate MAXLOGGROUPS setting exists.

CauseA duplicate MAXLOGGROUPS setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7032: Duplicate MAXLOGMEMBERS setting exists.

CauseA duplicate MAXLOGMEMBERS setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7033: Duplicate MAXDATAFILES setting exists.

CauseA duplicate MAXDATAFILES setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7034: Duplicate NATIONAL CHARACTER SET setting exists.

CauseA duplicate NATIONAL CHARACTER SET setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7035: Duplicate ARCHIVELOG or NOARCHIVELOG setting exists.

CauseA duplicate ARCHIVELOG or NOARCHIVELOG setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7036: Cannot mix a log group definition that specifies a group number with a definition that does not.

CauseA definition that specifies a log group number cannot be used with one that does not specify a log group number.
ActionTo specify a log group number, ensure log group definitions are not mixed-type.

7037: Duplicate ONLINE or OFFLINE clause exists.

CauseA duplicate ONLINE or OFFLINE clause exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate clause.

7038: Duplicate TABLESPACE setting exists.

CauseA duplicate TABLESPACE setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7039: Unspecified column type.

CauseA column type was omitted.
ActionSpecify a column type.

7040: Unspecified column definition.

CauseThe column definition was omitted.
ActionSpecify the definition.

7041: Too many LONG columns are specified.

CauseTwo or more LONG-type columns are specified in one table.
ActionSpecify only one LONG-type column.

7042: New column cannot be added to this table.

CauseThe table has a LOB or LONG type column or the number of columns in the table is at the maximum.
ActionUnable to add a new column.

7043: Specified number of columns does not match number of subquery columns.

CauseThe number of specified columns is different from the number of columns in subquery.
ActionEnsure that the numbers of columns match.

7044: Column datatypes cannot be specified with a subquery.

CauseCannot specify a column data type with a subquery.
ActionDo not specify a data type.

7045: A column contains a NULL value: cannot create or enable the constraint.

CauseA column contains a NULL value: NOT NULL or primary key cannot be created.
ActionCheck columns for NULL values.

7046: Duplicate INCREMENT BY setting exists.

CauseA duplicate INCREMENT BY setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7047: Duplicate START WITH setting exists.

CauseA duplicate START WITH setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7048: Duplicate MAXVALUE or NOMAXVALUE setting exists.

CauseA duplicate MAXVALUE or NOMAXVALUE setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7049: Duplicate MINVALUE or NOMINVALUE setting exists.

CauseA duplicate MINVALUE or NOMINVALUE setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7050: Duplicate CYCLE or NOCYCLE setting exists.

CauseA duplicate CYCLE or NOCYCLE setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7051: Duplicate CACHE or NOCACHE setting exists.

CauseA duplicate CACHE or NOCACHE setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7052: New password is invalid.

CauseThe new password is invalid.
ActionSpecify a valid password.

7053: Password is too long: maximum %1$d characters allowed.

CauseThe password is too long.
ActionUse a shorter password.

7054: Invalid password was entered.

CauseThe previous password was not entered or was invalid.
ActionRecheck the previous password and check that permission to use ALTER USER statement is granted.

7055: Encrypted password is invalid.

CauseThe encrypted password is invalid.
ActionUse a password that is encrypted in a valid style.

7056: Duplicate password exists.

CauseA duplicate password exists.
ActionChange to a unique password.

7057: Duplicate REPLACE old password statement exists.

CauseA duplicate REPLACE old password statement exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate statement.

7058: Duplicate DEFAULT TABLESPACE setting exists.

CauseA duplicate DEFAULT TABLESPACE setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7059: Duplicate DEFAULT ROLE clause exists.

CauseA duplicate DEFAULT ROLE clause exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate clause.

7060: Duplicate PASSWORD EXPIRE setting exists.

CauseA duplicate PASSWORD EXPIRE setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7061: Duplicate ACCOUNT_LOCK setting exists.

CauseA duplicate ACCOUNT_LOCK setting exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate setting.

7062: DROP option cannot be used if datafile is online.

CauseThe online datafile cannot be dropped.
ActionExecute the OFFLINE FOR DROP option first.

7063: END BACKUP option cannot be used for a temporary file.

CauseThe END BACKUP option cannot be used for a temporary file.
ActionUnable to execute.

7064: File \'%1$s\' was not found in this database.

CauseThe file was not found in the current database.
ActionSpecify a valid file name.

7065: File number %1$d was not found in this database.

CauseThe file was not found in the current database.
ActionSpecify a valid file number.

7066: A log member clause was expected.

CauseThe log member clause was omitted.
ActionSpecify the log member clause.

7067: Specified database name \'%1$s\' does not match parameter database name in tip file \'%2$s\'.

CauseThe specified database name does not match the database name specified in the parameter file.
ActionMatch with information in the parameter file. Distinguish but only when using double quotation marks.

7068: Specified schema \'%1$s\' was not found.

CauseThe specified schema was not found.
ActionSpecify a valid schema name.

7069: Specified user \'%1$s\' was not found.

CauseThe specified user was not found.
ActionSpecify a valid user name.

7070: Specified role \'%1$s\' was not found.

CauseThe specified role was not found.
ActionSpecify a valid role.

7071: Schema object \'%1$s.%2$s\' was not found or is invalid.

CauseThe specified object was not found or is an invalid type.
ActionSpecify a valid object name.

7072: Specified column \'%1$s\' was not found or is invalid.

CauseThe specified column was not found or is an invalid type column.
ActionSpecify a valid column name.

7073: Specified tablespace \'%1$s\' was not found.

CauseThe specified tablespace does not exist.
ActionSpecify a valid tablespace name.

7074: Specified tablespace \'%1$s\' cannot be used as a user\'s default tablespace.

CauseThe specified tablespace cannot be used for a default tablespace.
ActionSpecify a different tablespace name.

7075: Specified role \'%1$s\' was not found.

CauseThe specified role does not exist.
ActionSpecify a valid role.

7076: Specified constraint \'%1$s\' was not found.

CauseThe specified constraint does not exist.
ActionSpecify a valid constraint name.

7077: Specified target of grant \'%1$s\' does not exist.

CauseThe specified grantee does not exist.
ActionSpecify a valid target name.

7078: Specified target of revoke \'%1$s\' does not exist.

CauseThe specified revokee does not exist.
ActionSpecify a valid target name.

7079: Duplicate column name \'%1$s\' exists.

CauseA duplicate column name exists.
ActionUse a unique column name.

7080: Specified column \'%1$s\'.\'%2$s\' must be empty before changing datatypes.

CauseIn order to change the column datatype, all columns must be empty.
ActionClear all columns.

7081: Specified column \'%1$s\'.\'%2$s\' must be empty before reducing column length.

CauseColumn lengths cannot be reduced if the column is not empty.
ActionMake the columns null.

7082: Duplicate segment name \'%1$s\' exists.

CauseA duplicate segment name exists.
ActionUse a unique segment name.

7083: Duplicate constraint name \'%1$s\' exists.

CauseA duplicate constraint name exists.
ActionUse a unique constraint name.

7084: Expression requires a column alias.

CauseThe expression requires a column alias.
ActionSpecify a column alias.

7085: Number of column aliases does not match the number of required columns.

CauseThe number of aliases is different from the number of required columns.
ActionSpecify a valid number of aliases.

7086: An index cannot be created from columns of type LONG, LONG RAW, or LOB.

CauseAn index cannot be made of LONG, LONG RAW or LOB type columns.
ActionUnable to execute.

7087: \'%1$s\' is not a table or view so it cannot have columns.

CauseThe object does not have columns.
ActionCheck again.

7088: Duplicate grant target name \'%1$s\' exists.

CauseA duplicate grantee name exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate grantee name.

7089: Duplicate revoke target name \'%1$s\' exists.

CauseA duplicate revokee name exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate revokee name.

7090: Duplicate privilege exists.

CauseA duplicate privilege exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate privilege.

7091: Duplicate role \'%1$s\' exists.

CauseA duplicate role exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate role.

7092: LONG column type cannot be specified in this statement.

CauseIn the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement, the LONG type column cannot be specified.
ActionDo not specify a LONG type column.

7093: Synonym cannot have the same name as its target.

CauseThe synonym and its target have the same name.
ActionTry a different synonym.

7094: Unable to decrease column size: a value in the column is too long.

CauseThe data in the existing column is too long.
ActionSpecify a column size larger than the length of the data in the existing column.

7095: Unable to create a unique file name.

CauseUnable to create a new file name.
ActionChange the directory or check to see if the name of the directory is too long.

7096: Unable to create a unique object name.

CauseUnable to create a new object name.
ActionAvoid any names used internally by DBMS server.

7097: Duplicate filename \'%1$s\' exists.

CauseA file with that name already exists.
ActionSpecify another file name.

7098: Duplicate tablespace \'%1$s\' exists.

CauseA tablespace with that name already exists.
ActionSpecify another tablespace name.

7099: Duplicate partition name \'%1$s\' exists.

CauseA partition with that name already exists.
ActionSpecify another partition name.

7100: Username \'%1$s\' conflicts with another user or role name.

CauseA role or user with that name already exists.
ActionSpecify another username.

7101: Role name \'%1$s\' conflicts with another user or role name.

CauseA role or user with that name already exists.
ActionSpecify another role name.

7102: Duplicate schema object \'%1$s.%2$s\' exists.

CauseA schema object with that name already exists.
ActionSpecify another object name.

7103: Column name \'%1$s\' is already used in the table.

CauseA column with that name already exists.
ActionSpecify another column name.

7104: Constraint name \'%1$s\' is already used or is duplicated in the SQL statement.

CauseThe specified constraint name is already being used.
ActionSpecify another constraint name.

7105: Unable to rebuild the index of a temporary table.

CauseAn attempt was made to rebuild the index of the temporary table.
ActionIt is impossible to rebuild the index of a temporary table.

7106: Size of next extent is out of range.

CauseThe specified size for the new extent is either too small or too large.
ActionSpecify a valid size for the new extent.

7107: File size is out of range.

CauseThe specified file size is either too small or too large.
ActionSpecify a valid file size.

7108: INITRANS value is out of range.

CauseThe value of INITRANS is either too small or too large.
ActionSpecify an integer value between 1 and 255.

7109: PCTFREE value is out of range.

CauseThe value of PCTFREE is either too small or too large.
ActionSpecify an integer value between 0 and 99.

7110: MAXDATAFILES value is out of range.

CauseThe value of MAXDATAFILES is either too small or too large.
ActionThe number of MAXDATAFILES should be between 10 and 65533.

7111: MAXLOGGROUPS (MAXLOGFILES) must be between 2 and %1$d (inclusive).

CauseThe value of MAXLOGGROUPS is invalid.
ActionSpecify a new value for MAXLOGGROUPS.

7112: MAXLOGMEMBERS must be less than %1$d.

CauseThe value of MAXLOGMEMBERS is invalid.
ActionSpecify a new value for MAXLOGMEMBERS.

7113: Invalid next extent size or max extent size.

CauseThe next extent or max extent size is invalid.
ActionSpecify a valid extent size.

7114: Specified CHARACTER SET is not supported.

CauseUnsupported character set.
ActionSpecify a supported character set.

7115: Log file size is out of range.

CauseThe specified log file size is either too small or too large.
ActionSpecify a log file size between 512KB and 1GB.

7116: Invalid data type for default expression.

CauseThe data type of the default expression is invalid.
ActionSpecify a valid expression data type.

7117: Unable to create segment in temporary tablespace.

CauseA segment could not be created in a temporary tablespace.
ActionSpecify a valid tablespace.

7118: Unable to create segment in undo tablespace.

CauseA segment could not be created in an undo tablespace.
ActionSpecify a valid tablespace.

7119: Object does not fit into tablespace.

CausePermanent objects cannot be created in a temp DB. Temp objects cannot be created in a permanent DB.
ActionRecheck the object.

7120: Unable to define foreign key for temporary table.

CauseUnable to define foreign key constraint for columns of a global temporary table.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7121: This clause cannot be specified for the temporary table.

CauseTried to specify an invalid clause for the global temporary table.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7122: Circular view detected.

CauseThe view referred to itself or the view reference object referred to the view.
ActionDelete the circular reference(s) from the view definition.

7123: Too many columns in the index.

CauseThere are more than 32 columns in the index.
ActionReduce the number of columns in the index to 32 or less.

7124: Duplicate index exists.

CauseThe specified index already exists.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7125: Maximum key length (%1$u) exceeded.

CauseThe index key length exceeds the maximum length.
ActionDecrease the length of index key by reducing the number of columns in the index.

7126: Unable to alter or drop a LOB index.

CauseAn ALTER or DROP statement cannot be used in an LOB index.
ActionUnable to execute.

7127: Unable to drop the system tablespace.

CauseSystem tablespaces cannot be dropped.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7128: Unable to drop default temporary or undo tablespaces.

CauseThe default temporary or default undo tablespaces cannot be dropped.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7129: Segments still exist in the specified tablespace.

CauseSegments still exist in the tablespace to be dropped.
ActionSet the INCLUDING option, or drop the segment and retry.

7130: Unable to drop a user's default tablespace.

CauseThe tablespace to be dropped is the default tablespace for a user.
ActionChange the user's default tablespace with ALTER USER and retry.

7131: The user's default tablespace is invalid.

CauseA tablespace for the user does not exist.
ActionSpecify the default tablespace for ALTER USER.

7132: Unable to drop the (sub)partitions.

CauseOne of the partitions in the table belongs to another tablespace.
ActionDrop the partitioned table and retry.

7133: The sequence INCREMENT must be a non-zero value.

CauseINCREMENT may not be 0.
ActionSpecify a valid INCREMENT value.

7134: The next (start) value of the sequence is out of range.

CauseThe next or start value of the sequence must be between MINVALUE and MAXVALUE.
ActionSpecify the MINVALUE and MAXVALUE.

7135: In descending sequences, the CYCLE option must be used with MINVALUE.

CauseThe CYCLE option must be used with MINVALUE.
ActionSpecify a MINVALUE.

7136: In ascending sequences, the CYCLE option must be used with MAXVALUE.

CauseThe CYCLE option must be used with MAXVALUE.
ActionSpecify a MAXVALUE.

7137: MINVALUE must be less than MAXVALUE.

CauseMINVALUE must be less than MAXVALUE.
ActionSet MINVALUE to be smaller than MAXVALUE.

7138: Unable to drop the system user.

CauseThe system user cannot be dropped.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7139: Cascade is required to remove this user from the system.

CauseIf objects owned by the user still exist, the user cannot be removed.
ActionSpecify the cascade option, or drop the objects and try again.

7140: Specified object is not partitioned.

CauseThe requested object is not partitioned.
ActionCheck whether the specified object is valid.

7141: Specified partition \'%1$s\' does not exist.

CauseThe requested partition does not exist.
ActionCheck whether the specified object is valid.

7142: Last partition cannot be dropped.

CauseThe last partition cannot be dropped.
ActionUnable to execute.

7143: Too many columns in a constraint.

CauseThere are more than 32 columns in the constraint.
ActionReduce the number of columns in the constraint to 32 or less.

7144: Referenced key does not exist.

CauseThe constraint for that reference does not exist.
ActionSpecify a valid constraint.

7145: Primary/unique is not specified for the table.

CauseThe constraint on the key is not specified.
ActionSpecify a valid constraint.

7146: Specified column type cannot be a constraint.

CauseThe specified column cannot be used as a constraint.
ActionSpecify a valid column.

7147: A table can have only one primary key.

CauseA table may have only one primary key.
ActionSpecify one primary key.

7148: Duplicate unique or primary key exists.

CauseA unique or primary key with that name already exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate constraint.

7149: Duplicate referential key exists.

CauseA reference key with that name already exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate constraint.

7150: Duplicate NOT NULL constraint exists.

CauseA NOT NULL constraint with that name already exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate constraint.

7151: Unable to use existing index as a constraint for a new object.

CauseThe existing index cannot be used as a constraint for a new object.
ActionSpecify another index.

7152: Indexes are unnecessary for some constraints.

CauseAn index was specified for a constraint which does not require an index.
ActionRetry without specifying an index.

7153: Index already exists for another object.

CauseThe specified index already exists for another object.
ActionSpecify another index.

7154: Column(s) of the specified index do not match that (those) of the new constraint.

CauseColumns in the specified index do not match with those of the new constraint.
ActionSpecify another index.

7155: Only NULL or NOT NULL constraints are available for MODIFY COLUMN statement.

CauseFor the MODIFY COLUMN statement, only NULL or NOT NULL can be specified.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7156: Referenced by foreign keys.

CauseReferred by other reference constraint.
ActionSpecify the CASCADE CONSTRAINTS clause and retry.

7157: Specified column is already NULL.

CauseThe column is already specified as NULL.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7158: Unable to set specified column to NULL.

CauseThe specified column cannot be NULL.
ActionMake sure that the column is not specified as containing primary keys.

7159: Number of local index partitions does not match the number of table partitions.

CauseThe specified number of local index partitions is different from the number of partitions in the table.
ActionSpecify the valid number of partitions.

7160: Unable to create local partitioned index for non-partitioned table.

CauseUnable to create a local partition index for a non-partitioned table.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7161: Unable to validate (%1$s.%2$s): constraint violated.

CauseThe table has a row which violates one or more constraints.
ActionModify the row or change the constraint state.

7162: Unable to activate (%1$s.%2$s): referenced key is not enabled.

CauseThe referenced key is disabled: therefore, the foreign key is not available.
ActionEnable the referenced key first.

7163: Specified partition values are incorrect.

CauseThe specified partition value is invalid.
ActionSpecify a valid partition value.

7164: Indexes that are used as primary/unique key constraints cannot be dropped.

CauseIndexes used as primary/unique key constraints cannot be dropped.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7165: Unable to drop a user that is currently connected.

CauseA connected user cannot be dropped.
ActionDisconnect the user and try again.

7166: Unable to grant privileges or roles to oneself.

CausePrivileges and roles cannot be granted to oneself.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7167: Roles cannot be granted to themselves.

CauseRoles cannot be granted to themselves.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7168: Unable to revoke privileges or roles from oneself.

CauseUnable to revoke one's own privileges or roles.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7169: Role has not been granted to the user.

CauseUnable to revoke a role that has not been granted.
ActionSpecify a role that has been granted and try again.

7170: Object privilege has not been granted to the user.

CauseUnable to revoke an object privilege that has not been granted.
ActionSpecify a privilege that has been granted and try again.

7171: System privilege has not been granted to user.

CauseUnable to revoke a system privilege that has not been granted.
ActionSpecify the granted system privilege and try again.

7172: Unable to revoke a privilege granted by another user.

CauseUnable to revoke a privilege granted by another user.
ActionFirst receive the privilege to revoke and then revoke the user's privilege.

7173: Circular role grant detected.

CauseRoles cannot be granted circularly.
ActionDelete the circular GRANT option.

7174: Unable to grant privileges to a role with GRANT option

CauseRoles cannot be specified when using the GRANT option.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7175: There is no privilege to grant.

CauseNo privilege to grant.
ActionSpecify a privilege to grant.

7176: The ADMIN option can only be specified for system privileges or roles.

CauseThe ADMIN option can be specified only for system privileges or roles.
ActionUse the GRANT option instead of the ADMIN option.

7177: The ADMIN option can only be specified for system privileges.

CauseThe ADMIN option can be specified only for system privileges.
ActionUse the GRANT option instead of the ADMIN option.

7178: Specified object privilege is invalid for this object.

CauseThe specified schema object privilege cannot be granted to the object.
ActionCheck that a valid privilege or object is specified.

7179: Unable to activate a role \'%1$s\' that has not been granted.

CauseA role that has not been granted cannot be enabled.
ActionSpecify a role that has been granted to you.

7180: Password specified for the role is incorrect.

CauseInvalid password specified for the role.
ActionSpecify a valid password.

7181: Password is necessary to enable the role.

CauseThe password is needed to enable roles.
ActionEnter the password.

7182: Package specification for the body was not found.

CauseA package specification for the body was not found.
ActionCheck whether or not the package specification exists.

7183: Package body is already defined.

CauseThe body is already defined for the package.
ActionSpecify or replace and redefine.

7184: Circular dependency detected.

CauseThe object about to be created or updated is dependent on itself.
ActionExamine the dependencies and modify the source code.

7185: Unable to drop specified undo tablespace.

CauseThe specified undo tablespace cannot be dropped because it does not exist in _CORRUPTEDCORRUPTED_ UNDO_TS.
ActionSpecify undo tablespace as _CORRUPTED_UNDO_TS parameter in init file.

7186: Unable to modify objects created by the system.

CauseObjects made by the system cannot be modified.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7187: Duplicate parameter name exists.

CauseParameter name is duplicated.
ActionDelete the duplicate name.

7188: Unable to rename objects inside other schema.

CauseThe name of an object belonging to another schema cannot be changed.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7189: Unable to replace \'%1$s.%2$s\': object is of a different type.

CauseUnable to replace an object with another of a different type.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7190: Unable to ALTER/DROP \'%1$s.%2$s\': object is of a different type.

CauseUnable to ALTER or DROP an object of a different type.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7191: Unable to execute SET TRANSACTION: transaction has already started.

CauseTransaction is already started. SET TRANSACTION cannot be executed.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7192: Failed to load DDL file \'%1$s\'.

CauseFailed to load a DDL file.
ActionMake sure that the file exists.

7193: Invalid local transaction ID.

CauseInvalid local transaction ID.
ActionCheck that the specified local transaction ID is valid.

7194: Unable to (re-)create system datafile (file #0).

CauseThe first file of a system tablespace cannot be regenerated.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7195: Update check constraint has \"OR\" node.

CauseFor example \"update A or B\" is invalid.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7196: Invalid directory path. Please enter the absolute path.

CauseInvalid directory path.
ActionEnter an absolute path.

7197: Invalid initialization parameter name \'%1$s\'.

CauseInvalid initialization parameter name.
ActionRecheck the parameter name.

7198: Unable to modify parameter \'%1$s\' dynamically.

CauseThis initialization parameter cannot be modified dynamically.
ActionRestart the server or regenerate the database.

7199: Type mismatch for parameter \'%1$s\': %2$s required.

CauseThe type of initialization parameter required is different from the one defined in DDL.
ActionRecheck the parameter type.

7200: Value of parameter \'%1$s\' is invalid (condition check failed: \'%2$s\').

CauseThis initialization parameter is out of range.
ActionCheck the parameter range again.

7201: Parameter \'%1$s\' cannot be modified by ALTER SESSION.

CauseThis initialization parameter cannot be adjusted by sessions.
ActionUse ALTER SYSTEM statements, instead of ALTER SESSION.

7202: Too many partition key columns are specified.

CauseThe number of columns used in a constraint exceeds 32.
ActionSpecify a number of columns less than 32.

7203: File \'%1$s\' does not exist or is not accessible.

CauseFile does not exist or is not accessible.
ActionCheck file name and permissions.

7204: Requested session does not exist. Session id: %1$d

CauseThe session does not exist.
ActionCheck the session id.

7205: %1$s.

CausePerforms dump.
ActionNormal action.

7206: Specified column is already NOT NULL.

CauseThe specified column is already specified as NOT NULL.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7207: New identifier required: '%1$s' is a reserved word.

CauseReserved words cannot be used as identifiers.
ActionUse another name.

7208: Partition value is too long.

CauseThe length of partition bound value is longer than that of the corresponding partitioning key column.
ActionEnsure that lengths of partition bound values do not exceed those of corresponding partitioning columns.

7209: Duplicate clause exists (type %1$s, previously at line %2$d, column %3$d).

CauseDuplicate clause was found.
ActionUse only one instance of a clause.

7210: Internal SQL execution failed (%1$s).

CauseFailed to execute an SQL statement used internally in DDL.
ActionContact the technical support team.

7212: Unable to create permanent object in a temporary tablespace or temporary object in a permanent tablespace.

CauseThe object about to be created does not match the tablespace type.
ActionRecheck the statement.

7213: Number of log groups or log files exceeds MAXLOGGROUPS or MAXLOGFILES.

CauseThe number of defined log groups or log files is larger than MAXLOGGROUPS or MAXLOGFILES.
ActionDecrease the number of log group or file definitions, or increase the value of MAXLOGGROUPS or MAXLOGFILES.

7214: Number of log members exceeds MAXLOGMEMBERS.

CauseThe number of defined log members is larger than MAXLOGMEMBERS.
ActionDecrease the number of log members or increase the value of MAXLOGMEMBERS.

7215: Too many partitions are specified.

CauseThe number of defined partitions exceeds 10,000.
ActionReduce the number of partitions to less than 10,000.

7216: MAXSIZE is less than the specified (default) file size.

CauseThe value of MAXSIZE is smaller than the size of the file.
ActionIncrease the value of MAXSIZE and the file size.

7217: Unable to disable constraint (%1$s.%2$s). Dependencies exist.

CauseThere are constraints that reference the specified constraint.
ActionDisable or drop the constraints that reference the specified constraint.

7218: Unable to drop active undo tablespace.

CauseIn the undo tablespace, active transactions exist or undo retention has not yet finished.
ActionRetry after active transactions and undo retention are finished.

7219: DB link name is too long (maximum of %1$d characters).

CauseDB link name is too long.
ActionUse a shorter DB link name.

7220: Host name is too long (maximum of %1$d characters).

CauseHost name is too long.
ActionUse a shorter host name.

7221: Duplicate DB link name \'%1$s\' exists.

CauseThe specified DB link name is already being used.
ActionSpecify a different DB link name.

7222: Specified DB link \'%1$s\' does not exist or is an invalid type.

CauseThe specified DB link does not exist or is an invalid type.
ActionProvide a valid DB link name.

7223: DDL operations are not allowed on a remote database.

CauseDDL cannot be executed in the remote database.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7224: Specified table \'%1$s\' is of a different partition type.

CauseThe partition type of the given table does not match the input statement type.
ActionCorrect the partition type and retry.

7225: Global partition index must be prefixed by the partition key column.

CausePartition key column of global partition index should come first before index key column.
ActionAdjust the order of index key columns or partition key columns.

7226: Specified subpartition name \'%1$s_%2$s\' is too long (maximum of %3$d characters).

CauseThe specified subpartition name is too long.
ActionUse a shorter partition or subpartition name.

7227: Default partition must be the last partition specified.

CauseA partition other than the last one (or no partition) was set as the default.
ActionSet the last partition as the default.

7228: DEFAULT cannot be specified with other values.

CauseDEFAULT cannot be used with the values of other partitions.
ActionDelete the values of other partitions from the default partition.

7229: Duplicate partition \'%1$s\' exists.

CauseThe partition value is duplicated.
ActionDelete the duplicate partition value.

7230: List partitioning allows only a single partitioning key column.

CauseFor list partitioning, only one partitioning column can be specified.
ActionSpecify one partitioning column.

7231: Unable to use this clause for an external table.

CauseInvalid clause is specified for an external table.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7232: Duplicate option was specified.

CauseDuplicate option was specified.
ActionDelete the duplicate option and retry.

7233: Unable to drop columns of a SYS-owned table.

CauseTables owned by SYS cannot execute DROP COLUMN.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7234: Unable to drop partitioning key column \'%1$s\'.

CauseAn attempt was made to delete a column that is used as a partitioning key.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7235: Unable to drop all columns within a table.

CauseAn attempt was made to delete all columns in the table.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7236: Reference key column \'%1$s\' cannot be dropped.

CauseAn attempt was made to drop the reference key column.
ActionRemove the constraint first, or use CASCADE CONSTRAINTS.

7237: Specified column \'%1$s\' cannot be modified.

CauseThe column cannot be modified.
ActionLOB, LONG, or partitioning key columns cannot be modified. Delete them or add new columns.

7238: Specified column \'%1$s\'.\'%2$s\' must be empty to decrease precision or scale.

CauseTo decrease column's precision or scale, columns of the all existing rows should be NULL.
ActionSet column to NULL.

7239: Referencing or referenced key column \'%1$s\' cannot be modified.

CauseAn attempt was made to modify a referencing or referenced key column.
ActionRemove the constraint first and try again.

7240: Tables with LONG-type columns cannot be partitioned.

CauseAn attempt was made to partition tables with LONG-type columns.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7241: Partitioning column cannot be of type BLOB, CLOB, or ROWID.

CauseAn attempt was made to use BLOB, CLOB or ROWID-type columns as partitioning columns.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7242: New partitions cannot be added if a DEFAULT partition exists.

CauseA new partition cannot be added because one of the partition values is DEFAULT.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7243: Unable to resolve data type of column \'%1$s\'.

CauseInvalid data type is included in the column.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7244: Operation not supported on external tables.

CauseThe statement is not supported on external tables.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7245: Duplicate username \'%1$s\' exists.

CauseDuplicate username exists.
ActionDelete the duplicate user.

7246: BY ACCESS/SESSION clause not allowed for NOAUDIT clauses.

CauseBY ACCESS/SESSION clauses cannot be used for NOAUDIT clauses.
ActionDelete the BY ACCESS/SESSION clause.

7247: Unable to drop the LOB column.

CauseAn LOB-type column also exists in a table that belongs to another tablespace.
ActionDelete the LOB-type column or table first and then retry.

7248: Unable to drop the LOB (sub)partitions.

CauseAn LOB partition also exists in a table that belongs to another tablespace.
ActionDelete the LOB-type column or table first and then retry.

7249: Index \'%1$s\' is being built or rebuilt.

CauseThe index is being built or rebuilt.
ActionWait until the online build is completed.

7250: Table is not partitioned by RANGE or LIST method.

CauseAn attempt was made to remove a partition of a table partitioned in a way other than RANGE or LIST partitioning.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7251: Unable to perform this task on a disabled index.

CauseAn attempt was made to perform this task on a disabled index.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7252: Unable to execute a savepoint while performing a PDML transaction.

CauseAn attempt was made to execute a savepoint while performing a PDML transaction.
ActionPerform the PDML transaction after committing or rolling back.

7253: Table is not partitioned by RANGE, HASH, or LIST methods.

CauseA table which is not partitioned by RANGE, HASH or LIST methods cannot be moved.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7254: ON COMMIT attribute is incompatible with START WITH or NEXT options.

CauseAn ON COMMIT statement is not compatible with START WITH or NEXT options.
ActionDelete the ON COMMIT statement, or remove the START WITH or NEXT option.

7255: START WITH or NEXT should be followed by a date value.

CauseA date value should come after a START WITH or NEXT option.
ActionSpecify a date value after START WITH or NEXT option.

7256: Unable to use AUDIT or NODAUDIT on SYS user operations.

CauseAn attempt was made to execute AUDIT or NODAUDIT on user SYS.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7257: Invalid encryption algorithm.

CauseInvalid encryption algorithm name.
ActionSpecify a value encryption algorithm name.

7258: Encryption specification does not match.

CauseInvalid encryption algorithm or password.
ActionCheck the encryption algorithm or password again.

7259: Unable to encrypt columns of that type.

CauseUnable to encrypt data columns of that type.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7260: Specified object is not encrypted.

CauseThe requested object is not encrypted.
ActionVerify that this is correct.

7261: Unable to drop container table of materialized view.

CauseThe table is used as a container table of materialized view.
ActionRemove the materialized view first.

7262: PCTTHRESHOLD is out of range.

CauseThe specified PCTTHRESHOLD is either too large or too small.
ActionSpecify a valid PCTTHRESHOLD value.

7263: Primary key constraint was not found.

CauseA primary key is necessary.
ActionSpecify a primary key.

7264: Composite partitioning is not supported for index-organized tables.

CauseComposite partitioning is not supported.
ActionUse another partitioning method.

7265: Unable to drop or disable the primary key constraint for index-organized tables.

CauseA primary key for an index-organized table must exist at all times.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7266: WHEN clauses may not be used in INSTEAD OF triggers.

CauseA WHEN clause cannot be used in INSTEAD OF triggers.
ActionDelete the WHEN clause when creating an INSTEAD OF trigger.

7267: INSTEAD OF triggers may not be created on tables.

CauseCannot create INSTEAD OF triggers on tables.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7268: INSTEAD OF triggers may not be created on a read-only view.

CauseCannot create INSTEAD OF triggers on a read-only view.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7269: Column lists are not valid for this trigger type.

CauseCannot specify a column list for the trigger.
ActionDelete the column list.

7270: Table or view \'%1$s.%2$s\' was not found.

CauseA table or view with the specified name could not be found.
ActionVerify the table or view name.

7271: A view is not allowed for this clause.

CauseA view cannot be used for the specified clause.
ActionUnable to execute.

7272: This clause may not be used for a HASH partition.

CauseThe clause cannot be used for a hash partition.
ActionDelete the clause.

7273: Unable to convert specified value \'%1$s\' of the column.

CauseThe specified value does not match the column type.
ActionSpecify a value that matches the column.

7274: Specified value \'%1$s\' is too large for the column.

CauseThe specified value is too long.
ActionSpecify a value that matches the length of the column.

7275: This clause is only available for TAC.

CauseThe clause is only available for TAC, and cannot be used for a single instance.
ActionRemove the clause.

7276: Subpartition descriptions cannot be specified.

CauseCannot specify subpartition definitions.
ActionDelete the description.

7277: This command cannot be used for a composite partitioned index.

CauseCannot be executed for a composite partitioned index.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7278: Numbers of columns do not match.

CauseThe numbers of columns in the tables do not match.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7279: Column datatypes do not match.

CauseThe types of columns in the tables do not match.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7280: Index key columns do not match.

CauseIndex key columns in the tables do not match.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7281: Allowed only for a local partitioned index.

CauseCan be executed only for a local partitioned index.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7282: Index types do not match.

CauseIndex types and attributes do not match.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7283: Success with compilation errors.

CauseThe object is not available due to compiler error(s) that occurred during its creation.
ActionCheck and correct the compiler error(s).

7284: Specified object \'%1$s.%2$s\' was not dropped.

CauseThe specified object was not removed.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7285: Not allowed in clustered database mode.

CauseNot supported in TAC mode.
ActionRetry this command in single instance mode.

7286: Encrypted column \'%1$s\' is not allowed.

CauseUnable to use an encrypted column.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7287: Some rows in the table are invalid for the specified partition.

CauseSome rows cannot be inserted in the specified partition.
ActionRemove the invalid rows and try again.

7288: Unable to encrypt index key column(s) with SALT.

CauseAn attempt was made to encrypt index key columns with the SALT option.
ActionThe SALT option cannot be used to encrypt index key columns.

7289: R-tree index allows only one index key column.

CauseAn attempt was made to specify two or more key columns for an R-tree index.
ActionSpecify only one key column for an R-tree index.

7290: R-tree index cannot be partitioned.

CauseAn attempt was made to partition an R-tree index.
ActionAn R-tree index cannot be partitioned.

7291: R-tree index can be created only on a column of GEOMETRY type.

CauseThe R-tree index key column is not of GEOMETRY type.
ActionAn R-tree index key column must be of GEOMETRY type.

7292: Table \'%1$s\' does not contain a primary key constraint.

CauseThe WITH PRIMARY KEY was specified but the table did not contain a primary key constraint or the constraint was disabled.
ActionSpecify the WITH ROWID option only and try again. Create a primary key constraint in the table.

7293: Invalid filter column detected.

CauseNo filter column exists, or the filter column is a primary key.
ActionCheck if all filter columns exist, and ensure that the primary key column is not in a filter column.

7294: There is no materialized view log on table \'%1$s\'.\'%2$s\'.

CauseThere is no materialized view log on the table.
ActionCheck the table name or create a materialized view log on the table.

7295: Table \'%1$s\' does not contain a primary key constraint.

CauseThe table does not have a primary key constraint.
ActionCreate a primary key constraint and try again.

7296: Materialized view does not include all primary key columns.

CauseA primary key column does not exist in the SELECT statement.
ActionSpecify a primary key column in the SELECT or FAST statement.

7297: Prebuilt table \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\" does not exist.

CauseThe specified prebuilt table does not exist.
ActionTry again with the BUILD IMMEDIATE and BUILD DEFERRED options.

7298: Materialized view cannot use a prebuilt table.

CauseAn attempt was made to use a prebuilt table.
ActionTry again with the BUILD IMMEDIATE and BUILD DEFFERED options.

7299: Table \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\" is currently being redefined.

CauseThe table is currently being online redefined.
ActionWait until the online redefinition is finished.

7300: Table \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\" is currently not being redefined.

CauseThe table is not being online redefined.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7301: Column \"%1$s\" is not encrypted.

CauseThe column is not encrypted.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7302: Column \"%1$s\" is already encrypted.

CauseThe column is already encrypted.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7303: Referenced or referencing foreign key constraint column cannot be encrypted.

CauseAn attempt was made to encrypt a referenced or referencing column in a foreign key constraint.
ActionReferenced or referencing columns in foreign key constraints cannot be encrypted.

7304: DOMAIN index allows only one index key column.

CauseAn attempt was made to specify more than one DOMAIN index key column.
ActionSpecify only one DOMAIN index key column.

7305: DOMAIN index cannot be partitioned.

CauseAn attempt was made to partition a DOMAIN index.
ActionUnable to partition the DOMAIN index.

7306: XML index can be created only on a column of XMLTYPE type.

CauseXML index key column is not of XMLTYPE type.
ActionXML index key column must be of XMLTYPE type.

7307: XML index cannot be created in a partitioned table.

CauseAn attempt was made to create an XML index in a partitioned table.
ActionUnable to create an XML index in a partitioned table.

7308: Function-based index cannot be created in an encrypted column (\"%1$s\").

CauseAn attempt was made to create a function-based index in an encrypted column.
ActionUnable to create a function-based index in an encrypted column.

7309: Prebuilt table dimensions do not match the definition query.

CauseThe query that defined a materialized view does not match the prebuilt table.
ActionEnsure the prebuilt table matches the query or modify the query using BUILD IMMEDIATE and BUILD DEFERRED and try again.

7310: A non-cacheable expression is not valid for query rewrite.

CauseAn attempt was made to use a non-cacheable expression for the query rewrite function.
ActionUnable to use a non-cacheable expression for the query rewrite function.

7311: Operation is unnecessary.

CauseThe command does not need to be executed.
ActionDo not execute the command.

7312: Original name being used.

CauseThe original name is currently being used by another object.
ActionUse RENAME clause.

7313: Specified undo tablespace name \'%1$s\' does not match parameter undo tablespace name in tip file \'%2$s\'.

CauseThe specified undo tablespace name \'%1$s\' does not match parameter undo tablespace name in tip file \'%2$s\'.
ActionMatch the two names.

7314: Partitioning columns must be contained in index key columns.

CausePartitioning columns must be contained in index key columns.
ActionUse non-unique index or ensure the index key columns include partitioning columns.

7315: Table \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\" does not have a materialized view log.

CauseFast refresh is unavailable because the master table does not have a materialized view log.
ActionCreate a master table materialized view log.

7316: Materialized view log for \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\" does not record the primary key.

CauseFast refresh is unavailable because the materialized view log does not have a primary key.
ActionCreate a materialized view log with a primary key.

7317: Unable to use rowid column from materialized view log on \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\"

CauseThe materialized view log does not have a rowid column.
ActionCreate a materialized view log with rowid.

7318: Unable to create a fast refresh materialized view from a complex query.

CauseROWIDs and primary key constraints are not supported for complex queries.
ActionUse the 'REFRESH FORCE' or the 'REFRESH COMPLETE' option and try again.

7319: Materialized view log on \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\" does not have new values.

CauseThe materialized view log has no new values information.
ActionCreate a materialized view log containing new values.

7320: Unable to use filter columns of the materialized view log on \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\"

CauseThe materialized view log is not recording necessary filter columns.
ActionAdd filter columns to the materialized view log.

7321: Schema object \'%1$s.%2$s.%3$s\' does not exist or is of incompatible type.

CauseThe specified object does not exist or is of incompatible type.
ActionSpecify the name of valid object.

7322: Materialized view log already exist on table \'%1$s\'.

CauseA materialized view log already exists on the table.
ActionUse 'alter materialized view log'.

7323: Materialized view log on \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\" already has primary keys.

CauseThe materialized view log already has primary keys.
ActionThe materialized view log does not need more primary keys.

7324: Materialized view log on \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\" already has a rowid.

CauseThe materialized view log already has a rowid.
ActionThe materialized view log does not need another rowid.

7325: Materialized view log on \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\" already has a sequence.

CauseThe materialized view log already has a sequence.
ActionThe materialized view log does not need another sequence.

7326: Materialized view log on \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\" already has new values.

CauseThe materialized view log already has new values.
ActionThe materialized view log does not need more new values.

7327: Materialized view \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\" is INVALID and needs a complete refresh.

CauseThe materialized view is currently invalid.
ActionPerform a complete refresh of the materialized view.

7328: Materialized view \'%1$s\'.\'%2$s\' does not exist.

CauseThe materialized view does not exist.
ActionCheck the materialized view.

7329: Unable to explicitly refresh a NEVER REFRESH materialized view (\"%1$s\")

CauseAn attempt was made to explicitly refresh a NEVER REFRESH materialized view (\"%1$s\")
ActionThe materialized view cannot be refreshed.

7330: Materialized view log on \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\" younger than last refresh

CauseThe materialized view log is younger than the last refresh.
ActionPerform a complete refresh.

7331: CTXCAT index allows only char/varchar type key columns.

CauseAn attempt was made to specify an invalid type key column.
ActionSpecify only char/varchar type key columns.

7332: Specified parameter value is invalid.

CauseAn attempt was made to specify an invalid parameter value.
ActionCheck the parameter value.

7333: Unable to alter or drop a domain indexed column.

CauseAn ALTER or DROP statement cannot be used in the domain indexed column.
ActionUnable to execute.

7334: Domain index is invalid.

CauseDomain index is invalid.
ActionUnable to execute.

7335: Partitioning columns must form a subset of key columns of a UNIQUE index.

CausePartition key column of local partition index should be a subset of index key column.
ActionUnable to execute.

7336: Cannot perform a fast refresh of the materialized view \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\"

CauseROWIDs of certain tables were missing in the definition.
ActionSpecify the FORCE or COMPLETE option.

7337: Fast refresh of \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\" is unsupported after deletion/update.

CauseThis materialized view does not support the fast refresh after deletion or updates.
ActionUse the complete refresh.

7338: Cannot set the ON COMMIT refresh attribute for the materialized view.

CauseConditions for refresh at commit time were not satisfied.
ActionSpecify valid options.

7339: Cannot replace the trigger. The trigger is already on other table \'%1$s.%2$s\'.

CauseCannot replace a trigger that exists on a different table than the one currently being replaced.
ActionDrop and create a trigger instead of replacing it.

7340: Sequence cache size must be less than one cycle.

CauseSequence cache size is larger than one cycle.
ActionIncrease the cycle, or decrease the cache size.

7341: Unable to resolve the index key column expression \'%1$s\'.

CauseAn expression that cannot be resolved is included in the index key column.
ActionUnable to execute the command.

7342: Unable to resolve the check condition \'%1$s\'.

CauseAn expression that cannot be resolved is included in the check condition.
ActionUnable to execute the command.

7343: Up to %1$d error codes can be specified to dump the callstack.

CauseToo many error codes are specified.
ActionDecrease the number of error codes.

7344: Too many primary key columns specified in the Index-Organized Table.

CauseThe number of primary keys specified in the Index-Organized Table is between 1 and 32.
ActionSpecify 32 or less primary keys in Index-Organized Table.

7345: The PCTTHRESHOLD value (%1$d) is incorrectly specified.

CauseThe specified PCTTHRESHOLD is incorrect.
ActionSpecify PCTTHRESHOLD between 1 and 50.

7346: Index-Organized Table cannot include a LONG type column.

CauseIndex-Organized Table cannot include a LONG type column.
ActionDelete the LONG type column.

7347: The INCLUDING column (%1$s) is incorrectly specified.

CauseThe INCLUDING column must be specified as the last column of a primary key or a non-primary key column.
ActionSpecify the INCLUDING column according to the conditions.

7348: An OVERFLOW segment is not specified.

CauseAn OVERFLOW segment must be specified when INCLUDING is specified or the number of column exceeds 255.
ActionSpecify an OVERFLOW segment.

7349: The primary key column is not located before other columns.

CauseWhen creating an IOT, the primary key column must be described before other columns.
ActionDescribe the primary key column before other columns in the IOT create DDL statement.

7350: This DDL statement is not permitted in the massive cluster system.

CauseIn the massive cluster system, this DDL cannot be executed.
ActionUnable to execute.

7351: DDL to be executed in a slave node failed.

CauseA slave node is not operating.
ActionUnknown cause of error.

7352: The specified event conditional clause ('%1$s') is incorrect.

CauseThe specified event conditional clause is incorrect.
ActionCheck the conditional clause of the event to be handled.

7353: The profile \'%1$s\' was not found or is invalid.

CauseThe specified profile was not found or is an invalid type.
ActionSpecify a valid profile name.

7354: Cannot drop the profile \'%1$s\'.

CauseThere is a user who uses the profile.
ActionTry again using the CASCADE option.

7355: Cannot drop the specified temporary tablespace.

CauseThe specified temporary tablespace cannot be dropped because it is in use.
ActionWait until the temporary tablespace is inactive.

7356: Unable to rename the system tablespace.

CauseSystem tablespaces cannot be renamed.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7357: The initialization parameter value, \'%1$s\', is not an absolute path.

CauseThe value of the initialization parameter is not an absolute path.
ActionEnsure the value of the initialization parameter is an absolute path.

7358: A log group that does not exist cannot be dropped.

CauseThe specified log group does not exist.
ActionCheck the log group.

7359: The supplemental logging, \'%1$s\', does not exist thus cannot be deleted.

CauseThe supplemental logging attribute does not exist.
ActionCheck the supplemental logging attribute.

7360: The supplemental logging attribute, \'%1$s\', already exists.

CauseThe supplemental logging attribute already exists.
ActionCheck the supplemental logging attribute.

7361: Integer value required.

CauseThe input value must be an integer.
ActionUse an integer value expression as the input.

7362: This DDL statement is not allowed on a bitmap indexed table.

CauseThe table must not have any bitmap indexes.
ActionEnsure bitmap indexes do not exist on this table.

7363: The resource limit, \'%1$s\', is invalid.

CauseThe appropriate resource limit should be provided.
ActionEnsure the resource limit is valid.

7364: Partitioning is not supported for index-organized tables.

CausePartitioned IOT is not supported.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7365: The unique index needs hash data sharding in the massive cluster system.

CauseIn the massive cluster system, this DDL cannot be executed.
ActionUnable to execute. The table needs a hash data sharding property.

7366: It is impossible to delete or modify the type due to a dependency.

CauseThe type has a dependency on another type or table.
ActionDelete the types or tables between which a dependency is set, or use the force option to drop the type or table which has a dependency.

7367: BUCKET option is not permitted on non-hash data sharding.

CauseBUCKET option is not permitted on non-hash data sharding.
ActionUnable to execute. The table needs a hash data sharding property.

7368: Specified bucket not found: %1$d.

CauseSpecified bucket number is not correct.
ActionCheck bucket number by _DD_TABLET_MEMBER.

7369: Cannot delete the last bucket of hash data sharding.

CauseSpecified bucket is the last bucket tablet.
ActionAdd a new bucket and create a new last bucket tablet. Delete the 2nd to last bucket.

7370: Cannot create the diskspace.

CauseCreating the diskspace failed due to an unknown reason.
ActionCheck the logs.

7371: The diskspace name already exists.

CauseA diskspace with the same name already exists.
ActionCheck the diskspace name.

7372: The disk is already in use.

CauseAnother diskspace is already using the disk.
ActionCheck the path to the disk.

7373: The disk has been assigned already.

CauseThe disk has been assigned already.
ActionCheck the path to the disk.

7374: Cannot create a new diskspace.

CauseThe number of diskspace is full.
ActionCheck the number of available diskspace.

7375: DISK OPEN failed.

CauseFailed to open the disk.
ActionCheck the logs.

7376: DISK READ failed.

CauseFailed to read from the disk.
ActionCheck the logs.

7377: DISK WRITE failed.

CauseFailed to write to the disk.
ActionCheck the logs.

7378: The device type is invalid.

CauseOnly file, raw device, or symbolic link can be used as device type.
ActionCheck the device type.

7379: The disk size is invalid.

CauseThe specified disk size is too big or invalid.
ActionCheck the disk size.

7380: The file size is invalid.

CauseThe specified file size is too large or invalid.
ActionCompare the file size to the number and size of disks.

7381: The sector size is invalid.

CauseThe specified sector size does not match the device sector size.
ActionCheck the device sector size.

7382: Cannot find the path to the disk.

CauseThe DISK_PATH is not set in the configuration file or the DISK_PATH value is invalid.
ActionCheck the DISK_PATH setting in the configuration file.

7383: The shared memory space in the system is insufficient.

CauseThe diskspace information cannot be created due to a lack of shared memory space in the system.
ActionIncrease the shared memory space in the system.

7384: The specified number of disks exceeds the maximum number allowed.

CauseThe maximum number of disks allowed for a diskspace is 65535.
ActionCheck the number of disks required for the DDL statement.

7385: Specified group not found: %1$s.

CauseSpecified group name is not correct.
ActionCheck group name by horde configuration.

7386: Table is not a global table.

CauseTable is a local table which is created when TMC_LOCAL_SESS=N.
ActionUse another name or drop the table in local session.

7387: Table is not a local table.

CauseTable is a global table which is created when TMC_LOCAL_SESS=Y.
ActionUse another name or drop the table in global session.

7388: Specified group not match the original group.

CauseCannot move to another group.
ActionCheck group name or use FORCE keyword.

7389: Specified group has no node member.

CauseSpecified group name is not correct or group is empty.
ActionCheck group name or group configuration.

7390: Specified tablet number not found.

CauseSpecified tablet number is not correct.
ActionCheck tablet number by _dd_tablet_member.

7391: Index-organized tables are not supported in TMC.

CauseIndex-organized tables are not supported.
ActionUse supported sharding methods.

7392: Delete cascade feature is not supported in TMC.

CauseDelete cascade feature is not supported.
ActionDo not use the delete cascade feature in TMC.

7393: Bucket number should be specified.

CauseBucket number should be specified on hash shading.
ActionSpecify a bucket number from _DD_TABLET_MEMBER.

7394: Specified node number not found: %1$d.

CauseSpecified node number is not correct.
ActionCheck node number by horde (show TMC).

7395: This DDL statement is only permitted in the massive cluster system.

CauseIn the single system, this DDL cannot be executed.
ActionUnable to execute.

7396: Delete set null feature is not supported in TMC.

CauseDelete set null feature is not supported.
ActionDo not use the delete set null feature in TMC.

7397: Primary index on an IOT cannot be rebuilt.

CausePrimary index on an IOT cannot be rebuilt.
ActionUse Alter table MOVE to reorganize the IOT.

7398: DDL alter system recompile was interrupted by other DDLs.

CauseTry again.
ActionTry again.

7399: A partitioning key for an index-organized table must consist of one or more columns of a primary key.

CauseOne or more columns which are not included in a primary key were used for a partitioning key.
ActionUse a different partitioning key.

7400: Primary key constraints cannot be dropped, disabled, or deferred for index-organized tables.

CauseAn attempt was made to drop, disable, or defer a primary key constraint for an index-organized table.
ActionDo not drop, disable, or defer the primary key of index-organized tables.

7401: Invalid index option for an index-organized table.

CauseAn attempt was made to specify the REVERSE option for an index-organized table.
ActionDo not use the REVERSE option with index-organized tables.

7402: Invalid redefinition method (OPTIONS_FLAG) specified.

CauseAn attempt was made to specify an invalid redefinition method.

7403: Serial number of the target session is invalid. Serial#: %1$u

CauseA valid serial number must be provided to apply a SESSION KILL request to a session.
ActionCheck the session serial number.

7404: Status of the target session is not ACTIVE or RUNNING. Status: %1$d

CauseSESSION KILL request can be only applied to a ACTIVE or RUNNING session.
ActionCheck the session status.

7405: Unable to modify the primary key column value of an index-organized table.

CauseUnable to modify the primary key column value of an index-organized table.
ActionModify the column using the DBMS.REDEFINITION package.

7406: Unable to drop the primary key column of an index-organized table.

CauseUnable to drop the primary key column of an index-organized table.
ActionDo not drop the primary key column of an index-organized table.

7407: Unable to execute this command while using Text-TIP.

CauseCurrent database uses Text-TIP.
ActionRestart the server using btip.

7408: BTIP file open error: file is not found.

CauseVerify the file name is valid.
ActionVerify the file name is valid.

7409: The BTIP extension name input is invalid.

CauseVerify the BTIP file name.
ActionVerify the BTIP file name.

7410: The TIP extension name input is invalid.

CauseVerify the TIP file name.
ActionVerify the TIP file name.

7411: A file with the same name already exists.

CauseThe specified file already exists.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7412: Failed to create the file.

CauseEnsure the file path and permissions are correct.
ActionFor more information, check the errno in tracelog.

7413: Unable to decrease the column length because the column data will not fit in the new column length.

CauseUnable to decrease the column length because the column data will not fit in the new column length.
ActionUse a larger column length.

7414: The data type conversion attempted is invalid.

CauseThere was an attempt to change the column type to an LOB type.
ActionCreate a new column using an appropriate type and copy the data from the current column to the new column.

7415: A read-only table cannot be truncated.

CauseAn attempt was made to truncate a read-only table.
ActionRead-only tables cannot be truncated.

7416: Cannot alter the SYS account into a LOCK status.

CauseThere has been an attempt to change the SYS account into a LOCK status.
ActionCannot execute the DDL statement.

7417: Error occurred while trying to refresh the materialized view \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\".

CauseAn unexpected error occurred due to an unknown reason while trying to refresh the materialized view (ec=%3$d).
ActionCheck other error messages saved in the error stack.

7418: Auto increment is allowed only on one column in a table

CauseMore than one auto increment exists in the table.
ActionSpecify only one auto increment column in the table.

7419: Cannot recompile \"%1$s(%2$s)\" while executing a parallel query.

CauseCannot recompile a PSM object while executing a parallel query.
ActionSerially execute the query, or retry after recompiling the invalid OBJ.

7420: The tablespace that the table belongs to is already encrypted.

CauseCannot perform the encryption operation for the encrypted tablespaces.
ActionCannot perform the command.

7421: Cannot rename a materialized view.

CauseCannot rename a materialized view or its base table.
ActionCannot execute the command.

7422: An index cannot be created from column of type ROWID.

CauseAn index cannot be made of ROWID type column.
ActionUnable to execute.

7423: Another session is using the temporary table, so this DDL operation cannot be performed.

CauseThis DDL statement can only be used when the temporary table is not being used by any other session.
ActionCheck the session information for details about the session that is using the temporary table.

7424: INCREMENT must be less than MAXVALUE minus MINVALUE.

CauseINCREMENT must be less than MAXVALUE minus MINVALUE.
ActionUnable to execute.

7425: IOT cannot be compressed.

CauseThe function has yet been implemented.
ActionThe command cannot be run.

7426: This clause cannot be specified for the virtual table.

CauseTried to specify an invalid clause for the virtual table.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7427: Specified tablespace \'%1$s\' cannot be used as a user\'s temporary tablespace.

CauseThe specified tablespace cannot be used for a temporary tablespace.
ActionSpecify a different tablespace name.

7428: Status of the target session is not ASSIGNED and status of thread is not THR_STAT_WAITING

CauseSESSION CLEAN request can be only applied to a ASSIGNED session.
ActionCheck the session status.

7429: When creating global range partitioned index, the partition whose partitioning key columns' values are all MAXVALUE should be specified.

CauseWhen creating global range partitioned index, the values of the partitioning key columns of the last partition must all be MAXVALUE.
ActionPlease check the value of the partitioning key columns.

7430: The specified value must be a positive integer greater than or equal to MINEXTENTS.

CauseThe specified value must be a positive integer greater than or equal to MINEXTENTS.
ActionSpecify an appropriate value.

7431: The specified value must be a positive integer less than or equal to MAXEXTENTS.

CauseThe specified value must be a positive integer less than or equal to MAXEXTENTS.
ActionSpecify an appropriate value.

7432: The memory space in the system is insufficient.

CauseERROR : malloc failed due to a lack of memory space in the system.
ActionIncrease the memory space in the system.

7433: Duplicate ip \'%1$s\' exists in LSNR_INVITED_IP.

CauseIP already exists.
ActionSpecify another IP.

7434: The datafile path(\'%1$s\') has no @SID@.

CauseThe absolute path of a datafile have to include @SID@ in TMC.
ActionInsert @SID@ into absolute path.

7435: The datafile path(\'%1$s\') is not correct.

CauseThe absolute path of a datafile is not correct.
ActionPlease check the path of a datafile.

7436: IP address \'%1$s\' is invalid.

CauseAn invalid IP address is given as a DDL paramter.
ActionCheck the parameter and specify an appropriate value.

7437: Can't exchange partition with the specified table.

CauseProperties of the specified table is different with partition
ActionChange properties of the table.

7438: Failed to obtained the lock to refresh the materialized view \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\".

CauseAnother session is holding the lock.
ActionTry again later.

7439: Unable to perform DDL on the AQ table \'%1$s\'.

CauseUnable to perform DDL on an AQ table.
ActionConfirm that the table the operation is to be performed on is an AQ table.

7440: The user defined error is called.

CauseThis error is called by the user defined error in PSM.
ActionCheck the PSM that contains the user defined error.

7441: Objects other than tables cannot be flash backed.

CauseFlashback operation attempts to flash back objects other than tables.
ActionCheck the type of the object being flash backed.

7442: Flashback table is not allowed on this table.

CauseThe table is not supposed to be flash backed.
ActionCheck whether the table is allowed to be flash backed.

7443: The specified database link does not exist.

CauseThe specified database link does not exist.
ActionCheck the database link name.

7444: Cannot make a remote container table for a DBMS database link except for Tibero or Oracle.

CauseThe remote container table function of the materialized view is only supported for Tibero and Oracle.
ActionConfirm that the database link is for Tibero or Oracle.

7445: Prebuilt table does not exist in the specified database link position.

CauseWhen using a database link, only the ON PREBUILT TABLE option is supported.
ActionWhen creating a materialized view, use the statement \"ON PREBUILT TABLE AT database_link_name.\"

7446: Prebuilt table does not exist in the specified database link position.

CausePrebuilt table does not exist in the specified database link position.
ActionWhen creating a materialized view, create a prebuilt table first.

7447: The rowid column does not exist in the prebuilt table at the specified database link position.

CauseTo use REFRESH WITH ROWID when a database link is specified, the column to store the rowid value must be manually created in the prebuilt table.
ActionAdd the column (M_ROW$$ VARCHAR2(255)) to the prebuilt table, and then add a unique index to the column.

7448: cannot reuse lower-bound partitions resulting partition.

Causecannot reuse lower-bound partitions resulting partition.
Actionuse upper_bound partition.

7449: range partitions being merged are not adjacent

Causerange partitions being merged are not adjacent
Actionspecify two partition that are adjacent

7450: The specified partition and table cannot be exchanged.

CauseThe table and the partition of the composite partition cannot be exchanged.
ActionSpecify a subpartition.

7451: Cannot redefine an object online that is not a table

CauseCannot redefine an object online that is not a table
ActionSpecify a table

7452: The specified plan table has incorrect format.

CauseCannot update the plan table because its format does not match the correct format.
ActionMake sure plan_table have the correct field definitions

7453: The specified thread ID is invalid.

CauseAn invalid thread ID given as a DDL parameter.
ActionSpecify a valid thread ID as a DDL parameter.

7454: Datatype \'%1$s.%2$s\' is invalid.

CauseSpecified data type is invalid, or the user-defined type does not exist.
ActionPlease recheck the data type specified in the column.

7455: To use shrink space, row movement must be enabled for the object.

CauseCannot use shrink space on an object with disabled row movement.
ActionEnable row movement for the object.

7456: Cannot use shrink space on an object that has a long column.

CauseCannot use shrink space on an object that has a long column.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7457: The interval value is not an appropriate constant type.

CauseThe interval value is invalid.
ActionChange the interval value to an appropriate type.

7458: The number of partition columns in the interval table is greater than one.

CauseThe number of partition columns in an interval table must be one.
ActionSet the number of partition columns to o

7459: The type of a partition column in the interval table is invalid.

CauseThe type of a partition column in an interval table must be NUMBER or DATE.
ActionSet the partition column type to NUMBER or DATE.

7460: Constraints do not match in \"ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION\".

CauseThe constraints of two tables do not match in \"ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION\".
ActionPlease check the constraints.

7461: Invalid user name or role.

CauseUser name or role does not conform to a user rule.
ActionCheck the user rule for CREATE USER.

7462: Cannot create an external table with a long column type.

CauseAt least one column has long type.
ActionAvoid using a long column type when creating an external table.

7463: The table \"%1$s\".\"%2$s\" cannot be redefined online.

CauseOnline redefinition was attempted on tables that cannot be redefined such as temporary tables, the overflow table of an index-organization table, or tables where fine-grained access control or row-level security is enabled.
ActionDo not attempt online redefinition of tables that cannot be redefined online.

7464: INITRANS value is out of range.

CauseThe value of INITRANS is either too small or too large.
ActionSpecify an integer value between 2 and 255.

7465: Cannot have a default value on a virtual column.

CauseThe virtual column is altered to have a default value.
ActionRemove the default value from the virtual column.

7466: Cannot have an expression on a real column.

CauseThe real column is altered to have an expression.
ActionRemove the expression from the real column.

7467: Cannot alter the primary index on an IOT unusable.

CauseA primary key on an IOT cannot be unusable.
ActionUnable to execute.

7468: Bitmap index cannot be created on an IOT.

CauseUser attempted to create a bitmap index on an index-organized table.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7469: Listener timeout.

CauseVerify the port is valid.
ActionVerify the port is valid.

7470: Unable to add or delete listener port.

CauseVerify the port is valid.
ActionVerify the port is valid.

7471: Unable to add or delete listener port. Port value is out of range (1024 - 65535).

CauseVerify the port is valid.
ActionVerify the port is valid.

7472: Unable to add or delete listener port. Maximum number of ports was exceeded.

CauseVerify the port is valid.
ActionVerify the port is valid.

7473: Unable to add or delete listener port. Port value is out of range (1024 - 65535).

CauseVerify the port is valid.
ActionVerify the port is valid.

7474: The reference partitioning constraint is not found.

CauseThe constraint in reference partition is not one of foreign keys.
ActionCheck if the reference partitioning constraint is defined as a foreign key.

7475: The parent table of the reference partition is not partitioned.

CauseThe reference partition can be created only if its parent table is partitioned.
ActionCheck if the parent table referenced is partitioned.

7476: The option %1$s is invalid.

CauseThe specified option is invalid.
ActionSpecify a valid option.

7477: The BTIP name input is invalid.

CauseVerify the BTIP file name.
ActionVerify the BTIP file name.

7478: The TIP name input is invalid.

CauseVerify the TIP file name.
ActionVerify the TIP file name.

7479: RENAME cannot be used in series.

CauseDatabase cannot be renamed in series.
ActionReboot to mount mode.

7480: Cannot alter a refence-partitioned table

CauseA reference-partitioned table cannot be altered.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7481: Cannot make SYS a client for a proxy user, or vice versa.

CauseA proxy user option cannot be applied to SYS.
ActionUnable to execute this command.

7482: Index-Organized Table cannot include a LOB or LONG type column.

CauseIndex-Organized Table cannot include a LOB or LONG type column.
ActionDelete the LOB or LONG type column.

7483: The snapshot users to be compared not matched.

CauseThe user names of the snapshots are not the same.
ActionCheck the user names of the snapshots.

7484: The change management package is not set up.

CauseSome components of of change manage package are missing.
ActionCheck the requirements of DBMS_CMGT package.

7485: Cannot create a snapshot for SYS user.

CauseThe dd snapshot for SYS user cannot be created.
ActionTry other users for snapshots.

7486: DBMS_CMGT not found.

CauseSnapshot(s) or object(s) are not found.
ActionCheck if inputs associated with snapshots are correct.

7487: Unable to shrink the temporary file %1$s ('%2$s' in tablespace '%3$s').

CauseUnable to shrink the temporary file.
ActionCheck the properties of the temporary file.

7488: The value of 'KEEP' parameter is out of range.

CauseThe specified value of 'KEEP' paramter is either too small or too large.
ActionCheck the parameter and specify an appropriate value.

7489: ADT is declared as a unique or primary key.

CauseADT cannot be declared as a unique or primary key.
ActionADT cannot be declared as a unique or primary key.

7490: Index-Organized Table cannot include a ADT column.

CauseIndex-Organized Table cannot include a ADT column.
ActionDelete the ADT column.