Table of Contents
This chapter describes the usage and the entire flow of APIs by using a simple application example.
The following figure is the flow of the program that sends and receives messages between a client and the server by using HMS APIs.
Client 1 copies the string data entered in the buffer to call a service.
A server's service routine receives the string and converts it from the lowercase to uppercase to send it to HMS.
Client 2 receives a message from HMS after a specific time period.
The following is an example of the HMS environment configuration file.
*DOMAIN hms SHMKEY=74347, TPORTNO=8808 *NODE Locke2 TMAXDIR ="/home/tmax5/tmax", APPDIR ="/home/tmax5/tmax/appbin/", MAXSESSION = 100 *SVRGROUP hms01 NODENAME="Locke2", CPC=1, SVGTYPE="HMS", RESTART=Y, OPENINFO="ORACLE_XA+Acc=P/scott/tiger+SesTm=60", HMSINDEX=2, HMSMSGLIVE=1, HMSMAXTHR=2, HMSMAXDBTHR=5, HMSNAME=hms_ora svg1 NODENAME="Locke2" *HMS queue01 SVGNAME=hms01, BOOT="WARM", TYPE="QUEUE" topic01 SVGNAME=hms01, BOOT="WARM", TYPE="TOPIC" *SERVER svr SVGNAME=svg1 *SERVICE SVC SVRNAME=svr
The following is an example of the client program.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include <usrinc/hmsapi.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *sndbuf, *rcvbuf; long rcvlen, sndlen; HMS_SHND *sess; HMS_CHND *cons; hms_msg_t *msg; if (argc != 2) { printf("Usage : %s <message>\n\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } if (tmaxreadenv("tmax.env", "TMAX") == -1) { printf("error: tmaxreadenv() failed - %d\n", tperrno); exit(1); } if (tpstart((TPSTART_T *) NULL) == -1) { printf("error: tpstart() fail - %d\n", tperrno); exit(1); } if ((sndbuf = (char *)tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 0)) == NULL) { printf("error: sendbuf alloc failed !\n"); tpend(); exit(1); } if ((rcvbuf = (char *)tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 0)) == NULL) { printf("error: recvbuf alloc failed !\n"); tpfree((char *)sndbuf); tpend(); exit(1); } strcpy(sndbuf, argv[1]); if(tpcall("SVC", sndbuf, 0, &rcvbuf, &rcvlen, 0)==-1){ printf("error: Can't send request to service SVC\n"); tpfree((char *)sndbuf); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpend(); exit(1); } sleep(5); /* RECV MESSAGE FROM HMS */ if ((sess = hms_create_session("hms01", 0, HMS_AUTO_ACK, 0)) == NULL) { printf("error: hms_create_session() failed tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } if ((cons = hms_create_receiver(sess, "queue01", "cons01", NULL, NULL, 0)) == NULL) { printf("error: hms_create_receiver() failed tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } /* ALLOCATION */ if ((msg = hms_alloc(sess, 1024)) == NULL) { printf("error: hms_alloc() failed tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } /* RECV MESSAGE */ if (hms_recvex(cons, &msg, 5, 0) == -1) { printf("error: hms_recvex() failed tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); hms_free(msg); tpend(); exit(1); } /* GET BODY */ rcvlen = 1024; if (hms_get_body(msg, rcvbuf, &rcvlen) == -1) { printf("error: hms_get_body() failed tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); hms_free(msg); tpend(); exit(1); } printf("HMS MESSAGE : %s\n", rcvbuf); /* CLOSE RECEIVER */ if (hms_close_receiver(cons, 0) == -1) { printf("error: hms_close_receiver() failed tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); hms_free(msg); tpend(); exit(1); } /* CLOSE SESSION */ if (hms_close_session(sess, 0) == -1) { printf("error: hms_close_session() failed tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); hms_free(msg); tpend(); exit(1); } hms_free(msg); tpend(); return 0; }
The following is an example of the server program.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include <usrinc/hmsapi.h> HMS_SHND *sess = NULL; HMS_CHND *prod = NULL; int tpsvrinit(int argc, char **argv) { while(1) { sess = hms_create_session("hms01", 0, HMS_AUTO_ACK, 0); if (sess != NULL) { break; } if (tperrno != TPENOREADY) { printf("hms_create_session(hms01) : FAIL tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); return -1; } } prod = hms_create_sender(sess, "queue01", "prod_svc", 0); if (prod == NULL) { printf("hms_create_sender() : FAIL tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); return -1; } return 1; } int tpsvrdone() { hms_close_sender(prod, 0); hms_close_session(sess, 0); return 1; } SVC(TPSVCINFO *msg) { int n, i; hms_msg_t *hmsmsg = NULL; char *data = msg->data; int len = msg->len, asize; printf("SVC STARTED!\n"); /* TOUPPER */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) data[i] = toupper(data[i]); /* ALLOCATION */ asize = len +1024; hmsmsg = hms_alloc(sess, asize); if (hmsmsg == NULL) { printf("hms_alloc : fail tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpreturn(TPFAIL, 0, NULL, 0, 0); } /* SET BODY */ n = hms_set_body(hmsmsg, data, len); if (n < 0) { hms_free(hmsmsg); printf("hms_set_body : fail tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpreturn(TPFAIL, 0, NULL, 0, 0); } /* SEND : hms01, persistent */ n = hms_sendex(prod, hmsmsg, HMS_DLV_PERSISTENT, 0, 0, 0); if (n < 0) { hms_free(hmsmsg); printf("hms_sendex(prod) : fail tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpreturn(TPFAIL, 0, NULL, 0, 0); } /* FREE */ hms_free(hmsmsg); printf("SVC SUCCESS!\n"); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS, 0, NULL, 0, 0); }
The method for compiling client and server programs is the same as that for compiling Tmax applications.
For more information about how to compile a program, refer to the "Tmax Application Development Guide".
The following is the flow of the program that saves the messages exchanged between a client and the server in a database by using HMS APIs.
Client 1 receives a user's input and then transmits the message of the queue type to HMS.
The server creates a consumer within an async session and the ASYNC service receives the messages.
The ASYNC service inserts the received messages to the database.
The following is an example of the HMS environment configuration file.
*DOMAIN hms SHMKEY=74347, TPORTNO=8808 *NODE Locke2 TMAXDIR ="/home/tmax5/tmax", APPDIR ="/home/tmax5/tmax/appbin/", MAXSESSION = 100 *SVRGROUP hms01 NODENAME="Locke2", CPC=1, SVGTYPE="HMS", RESTART=Y, OPENINFO="ORACLE_XA+Acc=P/scott/tiger+SesTm=60", HMSINDEX=2, HMSMSGLIVE=1, HMSMAXTHR=2, HMSMAXDBTHR=5, HMSNAME=hms_ora svg1 NODENAME="Locke2", RESTART=N, OPENINFO="ORACLE_XA+Acc=P/scott/tiger+SesTm=60", DBNAME="ORACLE", TMSNAME=tms_ora, MINTMS=1 *HMS queue01 SVGNAME=hms01, BOOT="WARM", TYPE="QUEUE" topic01 SVGNAME=hms01, BOOT="WARM", TYPE="TOPIC" *SERVER async SVGNAME=svg1, CLOPT="-- -i" *SERVICE ASYNCSVC SVRNAME=async
The following is an example of the client program.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include <usrinc/hmsapi.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { long len; HMS_SHND *sess; HMS_PHND *prod; hms_msg_t *msg; char *data; int no; if (argc != 3) { printf("Usage : %s <no> <message>\n\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } if (tmaxreadenv("tmax.env", "TMAX") == -1) { printf("error: tmaxreadenv() failed - %d\n", tperrno); exit(1); } if (tpstart((TPSTART_T *) NULL) == -1) { printf("error: tpstart() fail - %d\n", tperrno); exit(1); } len = strlen(argv[2]); data = argv[2]; no = atoi(argv[1]); /* SEND MESSAGE TO HMS */ if ((sess = hms_create_session("hms01", 0, HMS_AUTO_ACK, 0)) == NULL) { printf("error: hms_create_session() failed tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } if ((prod = hms_create_sender(sess, "queue01", "prod01", 0)) == NULL) { printf("error: hms_create_sender() failed tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } /* ALLOCATION */ if ((msg = hms_alloc(sess, len + 1024)) == NULL) { printf("error: hms_alloc() failed tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } /* SET BODY */ if (hms_set_body(msg, data, len) == -1) { printf("error: hms_set_body() failed tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); hms_free(msg); tpend(); exit(1); } /* SET PROPERTY */ if (hms_set_property(msg, "NO", HMS_INT, (char *)&no, sizeof(int)) == -1) { printf("error: hms_set_property() failed tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); hms_free(msg); tpend(); exit(1); } /* SEND MESSAGE */ if (hms_sendex(prod, msg, HMS_DLV_PERSISTENT, 0, 0, 0) == -1) { printf("error: hms_sendex() failed tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); hms_free(msg); tpend(); exit(1); } if (hms_close_sender(prod, 0) == -1) { printf("error: hms_close_sender() failed tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); hms_free(msg); tpend(); exit(1); } if (hms_close_session(sess, 0) == -1) { printf("error: hms_close_session() failed tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); hms_free(msg); tpend(); exit(1); } hms_free(msg); tpend(); return 0; }
The following is an example of the server program.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include <usrinc/hmsapi.h> HMS_SHND *sess; HMS_CHND *cons; int svrinit_start = 0; void abend_callback(HMS_SHND *session) { printf("START ABEND_CALLBACK FUNCTION\n"); hms_close_session(session, 0); printf("hms_close_session success\n"); while (1) { sess = (HMS_SHND *) hms_create_async_session("hms01", abend_callback, 0); if (sess == NULL) { if (tperrno == TPENOREADY) { usleep(500000); continue; } printf("hms_create_session() : FAIL [%d]\n\n", tperrno); return; } break; } cons = (HMS_CHND *) hms_create_receiver(sess, "queue01", "consasync", NULL, "ASYNCSVC", 0); if (cons == NULL) { printf("hms_create_receiver() : FAIL tperrno = %d\n\n", tperrno); return; } printf("END ABEND_CALLBACK FUNCTION\n"); } int tpsvrinit(int argc, char **argv) { int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "i")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'i': svrinit_start = 1; break; } } if (svrinit_start == 1) { printf("ASYNC SERVICE svrinit()\n"); while(1) { sess = (HMS_SHND *) hms_create_async_session("hms01", abend_callback, 0); if (sess == NULL) { if (tperrno == TPENOREADY) { usleep(500000); continue; } printf("ASYNC SERVICE hms_create_async_session() failed, tperrno[%d]\n", tperrno); return; } break; } cons = (HMS_CHND *) hms_create_consumer(sess, "queue01", HMS_QUEUE, "consasync", "", "ASYNCSVC", 0); if (cons == NULL) printf("ASYNC SERVICE hms_create_consumer() failed, tperrno[%d]\n", tperrno); return -1; } printf("ASYNC SERVICE svrinit() success\n"); } return 1; } int tpsvrdone() { if (svrinit_start == 1) { printf("ASYNC SERVICE svrdone()\n"); hms_close_consumer(cons, 0); hms_close_session(sess, 0); } return 1; } /* DB INSERT */ EXEC SQL include sqlca.h; EXEC SQL begin declare section; int no; char message[128]; EXEC SQL end declare section; int DBInsert( int n, char *data ) { printf("UPDATE START!!!\n"); memset( message, 0x00, sizeof(message) ); no = n; strcpy(message, data); EXEC SQL insert into hmstest(no, message) values(:no, :message); if ( sqlca.sqlcode != 0 ){ printf( "insert failed sqlcode = %d\n",sqlca.sqlcode ); return -1; } return 1; } ASYNCSVC(TPSVCINFO *svc) { hms_msg_t *msg; char *data; long llen = 4096; int prop = 0; int type; printf("ASYNC SERVICE CALLED\n"); msg = (hms_msg_t *)svc->data; if ((data = (char *)tpalloc("CARRAY", NULL, 4096)) == NULL) { printf("ASYNC SERVICE tpalloc return failed. tperrno[%d]\n", tperrno); tpreturn(TPFAIL, TPFAIL_ACK, svc->data, svc->len, 0); } if (hms_get_body(msg, data, &llen) < 0) { printf("ASYNC SERVICE hms_get_body() return failed. tperrno[%d]\n", tperrno); tpreturn(TPFAIL, TPFAIL_ACK, svc->data, svc->len, 0); } data[llen] = '\0'; llen = sizeof(int); if (hms_get_property(msg, "NO", &type, (char *)&prop, &llen) < 0) { printf("ASYNC SERVICE hms_get_property() return failed. tperrno[%d]\n", tperrno); } printf("ASYNC SERVICE RECV MESSAGE, BODY[%s], PROPERTY[NO:%d]\n", data, prop); if (DBInsert(prop, data) == -1) tpreturn(TPFAIL, TPFAIL_ACK, svc->data, svc->len, 0); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS, 0, svc->data, svc->len, 0); }
The following is an example of a script to create an Oracle table.
sqlplus scott/tiger << EOF create table hmstest ( no number(7), message char(128) ); EOF
The following is an example of a script to output Oracle tables and their data.
sqlplus scott/tiger << EOF desc hmstest; select * from hmstest; select count(*) from hmstest; EOF
The method for compiling client and server programs is the same as that for compiling Tmax applications.
For more information, refer to the "Tmax Application Development Guide".