Appendix B. Major Changes (6.x to 7)

Table of Contents

B.1. Domain Structure
B.2. Cluster Configuration
B.3. Web Containers
B.4. Session Server
B.5. JMX

This appendix describes the major changes the user must know when upgrading from JEUS 6.x to JEUS 7. Many changes have been made to JEUS 7, so the following will only describe the major changes.


Compared to JEUS 6, JEUS 7 contains many new features, as well as many modified features. Before upgrading, it is recommended to learn about the changes and new features by referring to "JEUS Release Note".

B.1. Domain Structure

In JEUS 7, the domain structure has been adopted, resulting in the expansion of the maximum management unit from node to domain. To migrate to JEUS 7, a new JEUS 7 domain must be created based on the existing JEUS 6 configuration. The JEUS 7 components corresponding to JEUS 6 are as follows.

  • In JEUS 6, the node is at the top level, but in JEUS 7, the domain is at the top level. When migrating from JEUS 6 to 7, a new JEUS 7 domain must be created by selecting the desired nodes.

  • The JEUS 6 engine container consists of the servlet engine, EJB engine, JMS server, etc. As well, it deploys and services applications. In JEUS 7, the managed server corresponds to this component.

  • Create a domain administrator server (DAS) which manages the JEUS 7 domain.

  • It does not exist in the JEUS 6 environment, so it must be newly created.


For more information about the JEUS domain, refer to JEUS Domain Guide. "Chapter 1. Introduction to Domains".

B.2. Cluster Configuration

When node clustering in configured in JEUS 6, a similar environment can be created by grouping managed servers that correspond to each engine container contained in the node cluster.


Note that the configuration of the applications deployed to the servers contained in the cluster must all be the same in JEUS 7. For more information about clusters, refer to JEUS Domain Guide. "Chapter 5. JEUS Clustering".

B.3. Web Containers

The major changes regarding web containers are as follows.

  • http-listener, tcp-listener, and ajp13-listener now use the server network listener. The user needs to configure the listener on the server and configure it in a way that allows the user to know which listener to use among the network listeners configured on the server via the server-listener-ref configuration.

    Use the following example as a reference.

    [Example B.1] Example of Configuring an http-listener in JEUS 6 (WEBMain.xml)

    . . .
        . . . 
            . . .
        . . .
    . . .

    [Example B.2] Example of Configuring the Same http-listener in JEUS 7 (domain.xml)

    . . .
        . . .
            . . .
            . . .
        . . .
            . . .
                . . .
                . . .
            . . .
        . . .
    . . .

  • The function that pre-compiles JSP files of deployed web applications have been replaced with jeusadmin's precompile-jsp command.

  • For more information about the precompile-jsp command, refer to JEUS Reference Book. " precompile-jsp".

  • From JEUS v7.0 Fix#2 onward, if request encoding is configured to "forced", it is prioritized over the servlet API.

  • To reach the same level as configuring request encoding to "forced" in JEUS 6, the user must use the client-override configuration.

B.4. Session Server

The following are the major changes made to the session server function.

  • JEUS 7 no longer provides the centralized session server option. Only the distributed session server option is available.

  • When configuring a distributed session server, the backup server does not need to be manually configured. The session server automatically configures backups based on JEUS SCF.


For more information regarding configuration changes from JEUS 6 to JEUS 7, refer to JEUS Session Management Guide. "2.10.3. Distributed Session Server Configuration Details".

B.5. JMX

Major changes regarding JMX are as follows.

  • In JEUS 7, manager and container concepts have been deleted, hence resulting in the deletion of MBeans, which exist for the management of manager and containers. As well, MBeans that fit the structure of the newly adopted domain structure have been added, and many APIs have been modified, added, or deleted.

  • The MBean ObjectName format has been changed. In JEUS 6's ObjectName, the JeusManager key which represents nodes used to exist. However, in JEUS 7, the key has been deleted, and the J2EEDomain key, which represents the domain, has been added.

  • Due to the aforementioned reason, the JMX client application created in JEUS 6 cannot be used in JEUS 7 without modifying or rewriting most of it.