Appendix A. Upgrade Tool

Table of Contents

A.1. Upgrade Tool Usage
A.2. Known Issues

This appendix describes the functions and options of the upgrade tool provided in JEUS 7, as well as the configurations used for performing an upgrade using the upgrade tool.

A.1. Upgrade Tool Usage

The script that executes the upgrade tool can be found in JEUS_HOME/bin as follows. The options used when executing the upgrade tool and their descriptions are as follow.

upgrade6to7 -source <JEUS6_HOME>
         -target <JEUS7_HOME>
         [-domain <domain name>]
         [-u,--user <user name>]
         [-p,--password <password>]
         [-node <node name...>]  
-source <JEUS6_HOME>Specifies the directory in which the JEUS 6 to be migrated is installed (required).
-target <JEUS7_HOME>Specifies the directory in which JEUS 7 is installed (required).
[-domain <domain name>]

Specifies the name of the JEUS 7 domain to be created by migrating JEUS 6 nodes. If not specified, then the default value, "domain1", is used. If an existing domain name is used, then upgrade will be failed to be completed. Therefore, specify a non-existing domain name.

[-u,--user <user name>]Specifies the default user name to be used by the JEUS 7 domain to be created. If not specified, "administrator" is used.
[-p,--password <password>]

Specifies the password of the default user to be used by the JEUS 7 domain to be created. If not specified, 'jeus' is used.

[-node <node name...>]Lists the names of the JEUS 6 nodes to be migrated. If not specified, then migrates all nodes under the JEUS 6 installation directory specified by the source option.

A.2. Known Issues

This chapter describes the items that are not supported in the upgrade tool or are malfunctioning.

  • When a single domain is created by combining multiple nodes, then JNDI export-name, application id, and data-source id can be duplicated. This must be manually reconfigured.

  • Session server configuration migration is not supported, so it must be performed manually. Refer toJEUS Session Management Guide. "2.10.3. Distributed Session Server Configuration Details".

  • JEUS 7 does not contain a directory like webhome in JEUS 6. Therefore, if an application is deployed under webhome in JEUS 6, use it without changing the path.

  • If the user later decides to uninstall JEUS 6, then the application needs to be moved to a new location and deployed again.