OpenFrame Data Set Guide 

OpenFrame/Base 7.1

Document Information

Title: OpenFrame Data Set Guide 

Publication Date: 2021-12-17

Software Version: OpenFrame/Base 7.1

Edition: v2.1.3


Copyright Notice

Table of Contents

About This Document
1. Data Set Overview
1.1. Overview
1.2. Access Methods
1.3. Data Set Names
1.4. Managing Storage
1.4.1. Storage Class
1.4.2. Management Class
1.4.3. Data Class
1.5. Registering Catalogs
1.6. Processing Data Sets
1.6.1. Allocate/Unallocate
1.6.2. Open/Close
1.6.3. OPEN Mode
1.6.4. Access Mode
1.6.5. Record Access
2. Non-VSAM Data Sets
2.1. Overview
2.2. Record Format
2.3. Data Control Block Structure
2.4. Allocating Space
2.5. Sequential Data Sets
2.6. Partitioned Data Sets
2.7. Generation Data Groups
2.7.1. Absolute Generation Number
2.7.2. Relative Generation Number
2.7.3. Notes for Multi-step Jobs
2.8. Using a Tape Volume
2.8.1. File Sequence Number
2.8.2. Data Set Deletion
2.8.3. Considerations
3. VSAM Data Sets
3.1. Overview
3.2. VSAM Data Format
3.3. VSAM Data Set Types
3.3.1. KSDS
3.3.2. ESDS
3.3.3. RRDS
3.3.4. VRDS
3.4. VSAM Data Set Names
3.5. Alternate Index and Sphere
3.5.1. Alternate Index
3.5.2. Sphere
3.6. Managing VSAM Data Sets
4. Integrated Catalog
4.1. Overview
4.2. Catalog
4.2.1. Catalog Structure
4.2.2. Catalog Search Order
4.2.3. Master Catalog
4.2.4. System Catalog
4.2.5. Registered Catalog Entries
4.2.6. Stored Catalog Information
4.3. Managing Catalogs
4.4. Related Tools
4.4.1. volmgr
A. Catalog Management API
A.1. Overview
A.2. Initialization & Finalization
A.2.1. amsu_initialize()
A.2.2. amsu_finalize()
A.3. Volume Information
A.3.1. amsu_volume_list()
A.3.2. amsu_default_volume()
A.3.3. amsu_volume_path()
A.4. Catalog Search
A.4.1. amsu_use_catalogs()
A.4.2. amsu_search_entries()
A.4.3. amsu_master_catalog()
A.4.4. amsu_candidate_catalog()
A.5. File Path Resolution
A.5.1. amsu_filepath2()
A.5.2. amsu_filename2()
A.6. Entry Management
A.6.1. amsu_delete()
A.6.2. amsu_info()
A.6.3. amsu_assoc()
B. Data Set I/O API
B.1. Overview
B.2. File Open/Close
B.2.1. tcfh_open()
B.2.2. tcfh_close()
B.3. Record Access
B.3.1. tcfh_start()
B.3.2. tcfh_read()
B.3.3. tcfh_write()
B.3.4. tcfh_rewrite()
B.3.5. tcfh_delete()
B.4. PDS Member Handling
B.4.1. tcfh_bldl()
B.4.2. tcfh_bldl_info()
B.4.3. tcfh_find_by_bldl()
B.4.4. tcfh_find_by_name()
B.4.5. tcfh_stow()
B.5. File Status Code
C. DCB Handling API
C.1. Overview
C.2. Allocation Handle
C.2.1. tdcb_get_handle()
C.2.2. tdcb_discard_handle()
C.2.3. tdcb_print_info()
C.3. DCB Information
C.3.1. tdcb_get_type()
C.3.2. tdcb_maxlrecl()
C.3.3. tdcb_nvsm_info()
C.4. Get Attributes
C.4.1. tdcb_get_dsname()
C.4.2. tdcb_get_volser()
C.4.3. tdcb_get_flags()
C.4.4. tdcb_get_blksize()
C.4.5. tdcb_get_key_info()
C.4.6. tdcb_get_vsamtype()
C.5. Set Attributes
C.5.1. tdcb_set_lrecl()
C.5.2. tdcb_set_recfm()
C.5.3. tdcb_set_blksize()
C.5.4. tdcb_set_keylen()
C.6. Dynamic Allocation
C.6.1. tdcb_allocate()
C.6.2. tdcb_concatenate()
C.6.3. tdcb_unallocate()
D. FCD Handling API
D.1. Overview
D.2. File Open Session
D.2.1. tfcd_open()
D.2.2. tfcd_close()
D.3. Record Access
D.3.1. tfcd_start()
D.3.2. tfcd_read()
D.3.3. tfcd_write()
D.3.4. tfcd_writea()
D.3.5. tfcd_delete()
D.4. Special Operations
D.4.1. tfcd_is_file_open()
D.4.2. tfcd_get_status()
D.4.3. tfcd_get_file_name()
D.4.4. tfcd_get_rec_len()
D.4.5. tfcd_set_file_name()
D.4.6. tfcd_set_relative_key()
D.4.7. tfcd_set_key_id()
D.4.8. tfcd_set_rec_len()

List of Figures

[Figure 2.1] Fixed Length Record
[Figure 2.2] Variable Length Record
[Figure 2.3] Partitioned Data Set Structure
[Figure 2.4] Concept of Generation Data Group
[Figure 3.1] Control Interval
[Figure 3.2] Alternate Index