Chapter 12. Application List

Table of Contents

12.1. Registered Application List
12.2. Adding Applications
12.3. Editing Application Name
12.4. Application Details
12.4.1. Adding Assets
12.4.2. Migrating Assets
12.4.3. Detailed Asset Information
12.4.4. Deleting Assets
12.4.5. Generating Applications
12.5. Deleting Applications

This chapter describes main features of the [APPLICATION LIST] menu in the project detailed mode.

12.1. Registered Application List

Displays the list of registered applications.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [APPLICATION LIST] menu.

    figure project detail app

  2. The application list opens, displaying the list of registered applications.

    figure project app list main

    The following describes each section.

    • ① Search Conditions

      Set the search conditions for the application list. After setting the conditions, click the [Search] button to view the results that meet the conditions in the list. Clicking [Reset] button will reset all the set search conditions.

      Descriptions for each item in the list are as follows:


      Application Type

      Select the type of application.

      Application Name

      Enter the name of the application.

      Application Status

      Select the status of the application.

    • ② Application List

      Displays the list of applications.

      The following describes each item.


      Application Type

      Type of the application.

      • Online: Online application

      • Batch: Batch application

      • Map: Online screen application

      Application Name

      Name of the application. Clicking this name displays details about the applications.


      Status of application creation.

      Created At

      Date and time when the application was created.

12.2. Adding Applications

You can add a logical application to the project.


When an application is added, the application directory is added to the following location.

/home/oflab/tup/migrator/{project name}/{application type}/{application name}

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [APPLICATION LIST] menu.

    figure project detail app

  2. When the application list appears, click the [Create] button.

    figure project app create button

  3. In the first step of the application creation, set the basic information of the application, and then click the [Next] button.

    figure project app create step 1

    The following describes each item. (* indicates a required field.)


    Application Name *

    Enter the application name to be configured in the application configuration file and the physical path.

    Package Name *

    Enter the package name of the application.

    Application Type

    Select the type of application that can be created.

    • Online: Online application

    • Batch: Batch application

    • Map: Online screen application

  4. In the second step of the application creation, set the detailed information of the application, and then click the [Finish] button.

    figure project app create step 2

    The following describes each item. (* indicates a required field)


    Server Address

    Enter the IP address of the server for running the application.

    [Note] Applicable only to 'Online' type.

    Server Port

    Enter the port number of the server for running the application.

    [Note] Applicable only to 'Online' type.

    Target Application Name

    Enter the name of the target online application.

    [Note] Applicable only to 'Map' type.

    Target Application Address

    Enter the IP address of the target online application.

    [Note] Applicable only to 'Map' type.

    Target Application Port

    Enter the port number of the target online application.

    [Note] Applicable only to 'Map' type.

    Online Configuration

    Select one of the assets (ADL or SD) containing the online configuration information.

    [Note] Applicable only to 'Online' or 'Map' type.

    Batch Configuration

    Displays the list of output classes for batch applications.

    You can edit output class information in the 'Batch Configuration' section of the [MIGRATOR DASHBOARD] menu. For more information about how to modify output class information, refer to "11.2. Editing Output Class for Batch Application".

    [Note] Applicable only to 'Batch' type.

    Enter Data Source

    Configure the target database settings that will be used by the application in the runtime environment.

    • Name: Enter the data source name of the target database.

    • Driver: Select the driver type of the target database.

    • Host: Enter the IP address of the target database

    • Port: Enter the port number of the target database.

    • Database: Enter the name of the target database.

    • User: Enter the user name of the target database.

    • Password: Enter the password of the target database.

    [Note] Applicable only to 'Online' or 'Batch' type.

12.3. Editing Application Name

You can modify the name of the added application.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [APPLICATION LIST] menu.

    figure project detail app

  2. When the application list is displayed, you can select the checkbox next to the application you want to edit, and then click the [Edit] button. In this case, only one application can be selected.

    figure project app edit button

  3. In the first step of the application modification, enter the new name in the 'Application Name' field and click the [Next] button.

    figure project app edit step 1

  4. In the second step of the application modification, click the [Finish] button.

    figure project app edit step 2

12.4. Application Details

You can view detailed information about the application.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [APPLICATION LIST] menu.

    figure project detail app

  2. When the application list opens, click the name of the application for which you want to check details.

    figure project app name

  3. The application details screen is displayed.

    figure project app detail info

    The following describes each section.

    • ① Basic Information

      Displays basic information such as type and name of the application.

      The following describes each item.


      Application Information


      Type of the application.


      Status of application creation and migration.


      Name of the application.

      Package Name

      Package name of the application.


      File Name

      Name of the configuration file (asset) designated for online configuration.

      Server Address

      IP address of the server to run the application.

      Server Port

      Port Number of the server to run the application.

      Target Application Name

      Name of the target online application.

      Target Application Address

      IP address of the target online application.

      Target Application Port

      Port number of the target online application.

      Data Source


      Data source name of the target database.


      Driver type of the target database.


      IP address of the target database.


      Port number of the target database.


      Name of the target database.


      User name of the target database.


      The information provided may vary depending on the application type.

    • ② Detailed Information Tabs

      Provides more details about applications.

      The following describes each tab.



      Displays the list of assets added to the application.


      Displays a file tree of the application structure.

      This tab is activated only when an application has been successfully generated.


      Displays the history of events raised by the application.


In the [RESOURCES] tab, you can view the list of assets added to the application. You can also add or delete assets and migrate the added assets.

figure project app detail resource tab

The following describes each item.


File Directory

Directory of the asset file.

Resource Type

Type of the asset file.


Name of the asset file.


Result of the asset file migration.

Migrated At

Date and time on which the asset file was migrated.


The [RESULT] tab provides a file tree of the application structure. You can check the content of that file (source code) by clicking the file in the result.

figure project app detail result tab


The [RESULT] tab is activated only when an application has been successfully generated.


The [HISTORY] tab displays the history of the events raised by the application.

figure project app detail history tab

The following describes each item.


Application Status

Status of the application at each specific time.


Message for each application status.


Time information when the event occurred.

12.4.1. Adding Assets

You can add assets to configure the application.


The types of assets that can be added by application type are as follows:

  • Online: COBOL



  1. In the application details screen, select the [RESOURCES] tab.

  2. Click the [Add Resource] button.

    figure project app resource add

  3. When the Add Resource dialog box opens, select the checkbox next to the asset to be added, and then click [Save] button.

    figure project app resource add save

12.4.2. Migrating Assets

You can migrate assets for each application type.


The paths of migrated files for each asset type are as follows:

  • COBOL (Migration results are different for batch and online type in COBOL.)

    /home/oflab/tup/migrator/{project name}/{application type}/{application name}/CobolToJava/{file name}
  • JCL

    /home/oflab/tup/migrator/{project name}/{application type}/{application name}/JclToXml/{file name}

  • JCL Utility

    /home/oflab/tup/migrator/{project name}/{application type}/{application name}/UtilityToJava/{JCL name}/{utility name}
  • Front

    /home/oflab/tup/migrator/{project name}/{application type}/{application name}/FrontToReact/{file name}

  1. In the application details screen, select the [RESOURCES] tab.

  2. Select the checkbox of the asset to be migrated, and then click [Migrate] button.

    figure project app resource migrate

  3. When the Migrate dialog box opens, click the [Migrate] button.

    figure project app resource migrate popup

  4. The migration for the selected asset starts. After the migration is completed, you can check the result in the 'Status' column in the table.

    figure project app resource migrate result

    The following describes each status.


    Newly Added

    Assets newly added to the application.


    The asset has been successfully migrated without errors.


    Errors occurred during the migration process, but some assets were successfully migrated.


    The migration has failed due to errors.

12.4.3. Detailed Asset Information

You can view detailed information of the asset files added to the application, including basic information of the asset files and migration results.

  1. In the application details screen, select the [RESOURCES] tab.

  2. In the asset list of the [RESOURCES] tab, click the 'Name' of the asset file for which you want to check details.

    figure project app resource detail info

  3. When the details screen opens, you can check the basic information such as name and status at the top of the screen.

    Additionally, the [MIGRATED ASSETS] tab provides the analysis information and the source code of the migrated assets, while the [ERROR AND WARNING] tab displays the detailed messages for errors occurred during the migration.

    The following are descriptions about information provided in the [MIGRATED ASSETS] tab.

    • COBOL

      figure application detail cobol

      [Figure 12.1] Detailed Info for Assets - COBOL

      ① Provides asset analysis information, original source code mapped to the analysis information, and highlighting of migrated code lines.

      ② Displays the original source code.

      ③ Displays the migrated asset source code. You can view the source code for all migrated assets in this section. (CobolToJava)

    • JCL

      figure application detail jcl

      [Figure 12.2] Detailed Info for Assets - JCL

      ① Provides asset analysis information and highlighting of original source code mapped to the analysis information.

      ② Displays the original source code.

      ③ Displays the migrated asset source code. You can view the source code for all migrated assets in this section. (JclToXml, UtilityToJava)


      figure application detail bms

      [Figure 12.3] Detailed Info for Assets - BMS/MFS/PSAM/PANEL

      Provides information on the directories and file names for the migrated outputs. (FrontToReact)

12.4.4. Deleting Assets

You can delete the assets added to the application. Deleting added assets will also remove all migrated files.

  1. In the application details screen, select the [RESOURCES] tab.

  2. Select the checkbox next to the asset you want to delete from the asset list, and then click [Delete Resource] button.

    figure project app resource del button

  3. When the Delete Resource dialog box opens, click the [Delete] button.

    figure project app resource del popup

12.4.5. Generating Applications

You can generate a buildable project using the migrated files.

  1. Click the [Generate] button at the top right of the application details screen.

    figure project app generate button

  2. When the application has been successfully generated, its status turns into 'Succeeded', and the [RESULT] tab is activated.

    figure project app generate result


    For more information provided in the [RESULT] tab, refer to "RESULT Tab".

12.5. Deleting Applications

You can delete applications added to the project. Deleting an application will also remove the path of the corresponding application.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [APPLICATION LIST] menu.

    figure project detail app

  2. When the application list appears, select the checkbox next to the application to be deleted and click the [Delete] button.

    figure project app del button

  3. When the 'Delete Application' dialog box opens, click the [Delete] button.