Chapter 11. Migrator Dashboard

Table of Contents

11.1. Asset Migration Status
11.2. Editing Output Class for Batch Application

This chapter describes main features of the [MIGRATOR DASHBOARD] menu in the project detailed mode.

11.1. Asset Migration Status

Provides a dashboard displaying an overview of asset migration information.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [MIGRATOR DASHBOARD] menu.

    figure project detail migration

  2. The migrator dashboard opens and displays at-a-glance view of asset migration information.

    figure project migration dashboard

    The dashboard provides the following information:


    Created Applications

    Current number of created applications.

    Hovering the mouse over the donut chart shows the number of applications by type.

    Migrated Files

    Number of asset files that have been successfully migrated.

    Hovering the mouse over the donut chart shows the number of asset files by type.

    Migrated Datasets

    Number of datasets that have been successfully migrated.

    Hovering the mouse over the donut chart shows the number of datasets based on their migration status.

    Online Configuration

    Configuration information for online applications.

    • Directory Name: Name of the directory to which the asset belongs.

    • File Name: File name of the asset.

    • Asset Type: Type name of the asset.

    Batch Configuration

    Configuration information for batch applications.

    • Output Class Name: Name of the output class configured in the batch application.

    • Writer Name: Writer name assigned to the output class.

    • Default Class: Option to decide whether to use as the default output class.


    When clicking the legends for each data, you can show and hide the corresponding data on the chart.

11.2. Editing Output Class for Batch Application

You can modify the output class information of the batch application.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [MIGRATOR DASHBOARD] menu.

    figure project detail migration

  2. When the migrator dashboard appears, click the [Edit] button in the 'Batch Configuration' section.

    figure project migration dashboard batch edit button

  3. In edit mode, you can click the value of each item to modify the configuration settings. In addition, you can add a class by clicking the figure class add icon button at the bottom of the list and delete a class by clicking the figure class del icon button.

    figure project migration dashboard batch edit mode

    The following describes each item.


    Output Class Name

    Enter the name of the output class to be configured in the batch application.

    Writer Name

    Enter the writer name to be assigned to the output class.

    Default Class

    Select whether to operate as the default output class. In this case, only one output class can be designated as the default.

  4. After editing the configuration settings, click the [Save] button.

    figure project migration dashboard batch edit save