Chapter 10. Analysis

Table of Contents

10.1. CICS/SD Menu
10.1.1. CICS/SD Resource List
10.1.2. CICS/SD Analysis Details
10.1.3. CICS Transaction List
10.2. JCL Menu
10.2.1. Job List
10.2.2. List of Files Referenced in JCL
10.2.3. JCL Analysis Details
10.3. COBOL Menu
10.3.1. Program List
10.3.2. Copybook File List
10.3.3. Submodule List
10.3.4. COBOL Analysis Details
10.4. DB Table Menu
10.4.1. DB Table List
10.4.2. Downloading DB Table List

This chapter describes main features of the [ANALYSIS] menu in the project detailed mode.

10.1. CICS/SD Menu

10.1.1. CICS/SD Resource List

You can view the list-group relationships of resources defined in CICS/SD and the detailed information about them.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [ANALYSIS] menu.

    figure project detail analysis

  2. In the menus at the top left of the screen, select the [CICS/SD] > [CICS System Definition] menu.

    figure cics csd menu

  3. The list of resources defined in CICS/SD is displayed on the screen.

    figure project analysis cicssd

    The following describes each section in the CICS/SD information area.

    • ① List/Group

      You can check the list-group relationships of resources defined in CICS/SD in a tree structure.

    • ② Search Conditions

      Set the search conditions for the resources defined in CICS/SD. After setting the conditions, click the [Search] button to view the results that meet the conditions in the list. Clicking [Reset] button will reset all the set search conditions.

      Descriptions for each item in the list are as follows:


      Resource Type

      Select the type of the resource.

      Resource Name

      Enter the name of the resource.

    • ③ CICS/SD Resource List

      Displays the list of the resources defined in CICS/SD.

      The following describes each item.


      CSD Path

      Directory where the CSD file with the resource definition is located.

      CSD Name

      Name of the CSD file. Clicking this name displays details of analysis results of the corresponding CDS file.


      Name of the list to which the resource belongs.

      Group Name

      The name of the group to which the resource belongs.

      Resource Type

      Type of the resource.

      Resource Name

      Name of the resource. Clicking the resource name displays details about the resource and information for applications that use the resource.

      For more details, refer to "10.1.2. CICS/SD Analysis Details ".

10.1.2. CICS/SD Analysis Details

You can view the analysis information of the CICS/SD file and details about relationships between files.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [ANALYSIS] menu.

    figure project detail analysis

  2. In the menus at the top left of the screen, select the [CICS/SD] > [CICS System Definition] menu.

    figure cics csd menu

  3. Click the 'CSD name' for which you want to check the detailed analysis results in the list.

    figure cics csd file click

  4. The detailed analysis information for the file is displayed on the screen.

    figure project analysis detail cicssd

    The following describes each section.

    • ① Basic Information

      Displays the basic information about CICS/SD assets.

    • ② Detailed Information Tabs

      Provides more details about CICS/SD assets.

      The following describes each tab.



      Displays types and number of the resources declared in the asset, and source code of the asset.


      Displays the details and list-group relationships of the resource defined in the asset.


      Displays analysis date and status of the asset.


The [SUMMARY] tab provides the type and number of the resources declared in the asset. It also displays the original source code of the asset.

figure project analysis detail cicssd summary

[Figure 10.1] CICS/SD Analysis Details - [SUMMARY] Tab

The following describes each item.

  • ① Resource Type List

    Displays the number of each type for the resources declared in the asset.

    The following describes each item.


    Resource Type

    Type of the resource declared in the asset.


    Number of the resource declared in the asset.

  • ② Source Code

    Displays the original source code of the asset.


The [RESOURCES] tab provides the list-group relationships of resources defined in the asset and details about them.

figure project analysis detail cicssd resource

[Figure 10.2] CICS/SD Analysis Details - [RESOURCES] Tab

For detailed information for each section of the screen, refer to "10.1.1. CICS/SD Resource List".


The [HISTORY] tab displays the date when the analysis was performed and the analysis status.

figure project analysis detail cicssd history

[Figure 10.3] CICS/SD Analysis Details - [HISTORY] Tab

The following describes each item.


Analysis Date

Date and time of the asset analysis.

Analysis History

Result of the asset analysis.

10.1.3. CICS Transaction List

You can view the information about transactions defined in CICS/SD, as well as related programs and maps.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [ANALYSIS] menu.

    figure project detail analysis

  2. In the menus at the top left of the screen, select the [CICS/SD] > [CICS Transaction] menu.

    figure cics cst menu

  3. The list of the transactions defined in CICS/SD is displayed on the screen.

    figure project analysis cicssd transaction

    The following describes each section of the screen.

    • ① Search Conditions

      Set the search conditions for the transactions defined in CICS/SD. After setting the conditions, click the [Search] button to view the results that meet the conditions in the list. Clicking [Reset] button will reset all the set search conditions.

      The following describes each item


      Transaction Name

      Enter the name of the transaction defined in CICS/SD.

      Program Name

      Enter the program name mapped to the transaction.


      Enter the type of the instruction that uses the map in the program mapped to the transaction.

      Variable Name

      Enter the name of the identifier used in the instruction.

      Candidate Map Name

      Enter the name of the map.

    • ② Transaction List

      Displays the list of transactions defined in CICS/SD.

      The following describes each item.


      Transaction Name

      Name of the transaction defined in CICS/SD.

      Program Name

      Name of the program mapped to the transaction.


      Type of the instruction that uses the map in the program mapped to the transaction.

      Variable Name

      Name of the identifier used in the command.

      Candidate Map Name

      Name of the map. A literal that has been used instead of an identifier, or candidate literals if there are candidate identifiers.

10.2. JCL Menu

10.2.1. Job List

You can view the detailed information of JCL by job.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [ANALYSIS] menu.

    figure project detail analysis

  2. In the menus at the top left of the screen, select the [JCL] > [Job] menu.

    figure jcl job menu

  3. The list of jobs is displayed on the screen.

    figure project analysis jcl job

    The following describes each section.

    • ① Search Conditions

      Set the search conditions for jobs. After setting the conditions, click the [Search] button to view the results that meet the conditions in the list. Clicking [Reset] button will reset all the set search conditions.

      The following describes each item.


      File Path

      Select the directory where the JCL file is located.

      File Name

      Enter the name of the JCL file.

      Job Name

      Enter the name of the job.

      Step Count

      Enter the number of steps in the job.

      DD Count

      Enter the number of DD statements in the job.


      Enter the description specified as a first positional parameter when declaring the job.

    • ② Job List

      Displays the list of jobs.

      Descriptions of each item are as follows:


      File Path

      Directory where the JCL file is located.

      File Name

      Name of the JCL file. Clicking this name displays detailed information about analysis results of the corresponding JCL file.

      Job Name

      Name of the job.


      Description specified as a first positional parameter when declaring the job.

      Step Count

      Number of steps in the job.

      DD Count

      Number of DD statements in the job.

10.2.2. List of Files Referenced in JCL

You can view the list of files referenced by JCL, including Procedure, Include Member, and Program types.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [ANALYSIS] menu.

    figure project detail analysis

  2. In the menus at the top left of the screen, select the [JCL] > [PROC/INCL/PGM] menu.

    figure jcl pip menu

  3. The list of reference files is displayed on the screen.

    figure project analysis jcl proc

    The following describes each section.

    • ① Search Condition

      Set the search conditions for files (Procedure, Include Member, and Program type) referenced by the JCL file. After setting the conditions, click the [Search] button to view the results that meet the conditions in the list. Clicking [Reset] button will reset all the set search conditions.

      The following describes each item.


      Resource Type

      Select the type of the called file.

      Resource Path

      Select the directory where the called file is located.

      Resource Name

      Enter the name of the called file.

      Caller Directory

      Select the directory of the JCL file that calls the file.

      Caller Name

      Enter the name of the JCL file that calls the file.


      Enter the parameters passed when the JCL file calls the file.

    • ② Referenced File List

      Displays the list of the files referenced by the JCL file (Procedure, Include Member, and Program type).

      The following describes each item.


      Resource Type

      Type of the called file.

      Resource Path

      Directory of the called file.

      Resource Name

      Name of the called file.

      Caller Directory

      Directory of the JCL file that calls the file.

      Caller Name

      Name of the JCL file that calls the file. Clicking this name displays details of analysis results for the corresponding JCL file.


      Parameters passed when the JCL file calls the corresponding file.

10.2.3. JCL Analysis Details

You can view the analysis information of the JCL file and details about relationships between files.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [ANALYSIS] menu.

    figure project detail analysis

  2. In the menus at the top left of the screen, select the [JCL] > [Job] menu.

    + figure jcl job menu

  3. Click the 'file name' for which you want to check the detailed analysis results in the list.

    figure jcl file click


    You can also check the analysis details by clicking the 'caller name' in the list on the [JCL] > [PROC/INCL/PGM] screen.

  4. The detailed analysis information for the file is displayed on the screen.

    figure project analysis detail jcl

    The following describes each section.

    • ① Basic Information

      Displays the basic information about JCL assets.

    • ② Detailed Information Tabs

      Provides more details about JCL assets.

      The following describes each tab.



      Displays the number of the steps and DD statements declared in the job, as well as outline of the source code.


      Displays the list of resources referenced by the asset.


      Displays analysis date and status of the asset.


The [SUMMARY] tab provides the number of steps and DD statements declared in the job, as well as the original source code of the asset.

figure project analysis detail jcl summary job

[Figure 10.4] JCL Analysis Details - [SUMMARY] Tab

The following describes each section.

  • ① Job Details

    Displays the number of steps and DD statements declared in the job.

    The following describes each item.


    Step Count

    Number of steps belonging to the job.

    DD Count

    Number of DD statements belonging to the job.


    Description specified as the first positional parameter when defining a job.

  • ② Outline

    Displays the outline of the job defined in JCL. When you click the item in the list, the corresponding lines of the source code are highlighted.

    The following describes each button.



    Displays the outline of key statements.


    Displays an overview of the procedures, Include members, and programs referenced in JCL by type.

  • ③ Source Code

    Displays the original source code of the asset.


The [RESOURCES] tab provides a list of resources referenced by the asset.

figure project analysis detail jcl resources reference

[Figure 10.5] JCL Analysis Details - [RESOURCES] Tab

The following describes each item.


Resource Type

Type of the resource that is called by the JCL.

Resource Path

Directory of the resource called by the JCL.

Resource Name

Name of the resource called by the JCL.


The [HISTORY] tab displays the analysis date and the analysis status.

figure project analysis detail jcl history

[Figure 10.6] JCL Analysis Details - [HISTORY] Tab

The following describes each item.


Analysis Date

Date and time of the asset analysis.

Analysis History

Result of the asset analysis.

10.3. COBOL Menu

10.3.1. Program List

You can view the detailed information about COBOL files classified by program.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [ANALYSIS] menu.

    figure project detail analysis

  2. In the menus at the top left of the screen, select the [COBOL] > [Program] menu.

    figure cobol program menu

  3. The program list is displayed on the screen.

    figure project analysis cobol program

    The following describes each section.

    • ① Search Conditions

      Set the search conditions for programs. After setting the conditions, click the [Search] button to view the results that meet the conditions in the list. Clicking [Reset] button will reset all the set search conditions.

      The following describes each item.


      COBOL Path

      Select the directory where the COBOL file is located.

      COBOL Name

      Enter the name of the COBOL file.

      Program Name

      Enter the name of the program.

      Section Count

      Enter the number of sections within the program.

      Paragraph Count

      Enter the number of paragraphs within the program.

      Statement Count

      Enter the number of statements within the program.

    • ② Program List

      Provides a list of programs.

      The following describes each item.


      COBOL Path

      Directory of the COBOL file.

      COBOL Name

      Name of the COBOL file.

      Program Name

      Name of the program.

      Section Count

      Number of the sections within the program.

      Paragraph Count

      Number of the paragraphs within the program.

      Statement Count

      Number of the statements within the program.

10.3.2. Copybook File List

You can view a list of copybook files referenced by the COBOL file.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [ANALYSIS] menu.

    figure project detail analysis

  2. In the menus at the top left of the screen, select the [COBOL] > [Copybook] menu.

    figure cobol copybook menu

  3. The list of copybooks is displayed on the screen.

    figure analysis tool guide cobol copybooks

    The following describes each section.

    • ① Search Conditions

      Set the search conditions for copybook files. After setting the conditions, click the [Search] button to view the results that meet the conditions in the list. Clicking [Reset] button will reset all the set search conditions.

      The following describes each item.


      Copybook Path

      Select the directory where the copybook file is located.

      Copybook Name

      Enter the name of the copybook file.

      COBOL Path

      Select the directory of the COBOL file.

      COBOL Name

      Enter the name of the COBOL file.

    • ② Copybook List

      Provides a list of copybook files.

      The following describes each item.


      Copybook Path

      Directory of the copybook file.

      Copybook Name

      Name of the copybook file.

      COBOL Path

      Directory of the COBOL file.

      COBOL Name

      Name of the COBOL file. Clicking this name displays the detailed information about analysis results of the corresponding COBOL file.

10.3.3. Submodule List

You can check a list of submodules (other COBOL files) called by the COBOL file.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [ANALYSIS] menu.

    figure project detail analysis

  2. In the menus at the top left of the screen, select the [COBOL] > [Submodule] menu.

    figure cobol submodule menu

  3. The submodule list is displayed on the screen.

    figure project analysis cobol submodules

    The following describes each section.

    • ① Search Conditions

      Set the search conditions for submodules. After setting the conditions, click the [Search] button to view the results that meet the conditions in the list. Clicking [Reset] button will reset all the set search conditions.

      The following describes each item.


      Subprogram Type

      Select the type of submodule.

      Caller Directory

      Select the directory of the COBOL file that calls the submodule.

      Caller Name

      Enter the name of the COBOL file that calls the submodule.

      Statement Type

      Select the type of statement that calls the submodule.

      Variable Name

      Enter the name of the identifier when the submodule is called with an identifier instead of a literal.


      When calling the submodule with an identifier instead of a literal, enter the literal that can be assigned to the identifier.

      Submodule Path

      Select the directory where the submodule is located.

      Submodule Name

      Enter the name of the submodule.

    • ② Submodule List

      Provides a list of submodules.

      The following describes each item.


      Subprogram Type

      Type of submodule.

      It is displayed as follows based on the type of submodule mapped to candidates (strings and variables) in 'CALL' or 'LINK' statements.

      • Application: Indicated as the 'actual submodule type'.

      • Utility: Indicated as 'Utility'.

      • If not exist: Indicated as 'Unknown'.

      Caller Directory

      Directory of the COBOL file that calls the submodule.

      Caller Name

      Name of the COBOL file that calls the submodule. Clicking this name displays detailed analysis results for the COBOL file.

      Statement Type

      Type of the statements that call the submodule.

      Variable Name

      Name of the identifier when calling the submodule with an identifier instead of a literal.


      Potential literal that can be assigned to the identifier when calling the submodule with an identifier instead of a literal.

      Submodule Path

      Directory where the submodule is located.

      Submodule Name

      Name of the submodule. Clicking this name displays the detailed analysis results for the file.

10.3.4. COBOL Analysis Details

You can view the analysis information of the COBOL file and details about relationships between files.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [ANALYSIS] menu.

    figure project detail analysis

  2. In the menus at the top left of the screen, select the [COBOL] > [Program] menu.

    figure cobol program menu

  3. Click the 'COBOL name' for which you want to check the detailed analysis results in the list.

    figure cobol file click


    You can also check the analysis details by clicking the 'COBOL name' in the list on the [COBOL] > [Copybook] screen or clicking the 'caller name' and 'submodule name' in the [COBOL] > [Submodule] screen.

  4. The detailed analysis information for the file is displayed on the screen.

    figure project analysis detail cobol

    The following describes each section.

    • ① Basic Information

      Displays the basic information about COBOL assets.

    • ② Detailed Information Tab

      Provides more details about COBOL assets.

      The following describes each tab.



      Displays the number of sections, paragraphs, and statements declared in each program, as well as the outline of the original source code.


      Displays the asset analysis results in five types of diagrams (SEQUENCE, FLOW, DOMAIN, BUSINESS, and DATA).

      DB TABLE

      Shows the tables referenced by the asset and CRUD information (Create, Read, Update, and Delete).


      Shows a list of resources referenced by the asset and resources that reference the asset.


      Displays analysis date and status of the asset.


The [SUMMARY] tab provides the information about the number of sections, paragraphs, and statements declared in each program. Additionally, it displays the original source code of the asset.

figure project analysis detail cobol summary program

[Figure 10.7] COBOL Analysis Details - [SUMMARY] Tab

The following describes each section.

  • ① Program Details

    You can check the number of sections, paragraphs, and statements declared within each program.

    The following describes each item.


    Program Name

    Program-ID information

    Application Type

    Type of application.

    If the COBOL is called in JCL, it is specified as Batch, and if it is called in CICS or IMS, it is specified as Online.

    Section Count

    Number of sections within the program.

    Paragraph Count

    Number of paragraphs within the program.

    Statement Count

    Number of statements within the program.

  • ② Outline

    Displays the outline of the program defined in COBOL. When you click the item in the list, the corresponding line of the source code is highlighted.

    The following describes each button.



    Displays the outline of key statements.


    Displays an overview of the copybooks and programs referenced in COBOL by type.

  • ③ Source Code

    Displays the original source code of the asset.


The [DIAGRAM] tab provides asset analysis results in five types of diagrams (SEQUENCE, FLOW, DOMAIN, BUSINESS, and DATA).

Descriptions for each diagram are as follows:


    Illustrates the flow of procedures or submodules called by CALL or LINK statements in COBOL. (Caller file name → Callee file name)

    figure project analysis detail cobol diagram sequence

    [Figure 10.8] COBOL Analysis Details - [DIAGRAM] Tab - SEQUENCE

  • FLOW

    Illustrates the flow of procedures or submodules called by CALL or LINK statements in COBOL. (Caller/Callee domains and CRUD information are added.)

    figure project analysis detail cobol diagram flow

    [Figure 10.9] COBOL Analysis Details - [DIAGRAM] Tab - FLOW


    Illustrates the flow of procedures or submodules called by CALL or LINK statements in COBOL. (Caller domain name - Callee program name → Callee domain name)

    figure project analysis detail cobol diagram domain

    [Figure 10.10] COBOL Analysis Details - [DIAGRAM] Tab - DOMAIN


    Illustrates the flow of internal procedures (sections or paragraphs) that lead to statements such as PERFORM and GO TO in COBOL.

    figure project analysis detail cobol diagram business

    [Figure 10.11] COBOL Analysis Details - [DIAGRAM] Tab - BUSINESS

  • DATA

    Tracks data from datasets or ESQL tables used in COBOL.

    figure project analysis detail cobol diagram data

    [Figure 10.12] COBOL Analysis Details - [DIAGRAM] Tab - DATA


Displays the table names referenced by the asset and CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) information.

figure project analysis detail cobol table

[Figure 10.13] COBOL Analysis Details - [DB TABLE] Tab

The following describes each item.


Table Name

Name of the referenced table.


Indicates whether a SELECT statement for the table is included in the COBOL asset source code.


Indicates whether an UPDATE statement for the table is included in the COBOL asset source code.


Indicates whether an INSERT statement for the table is included in the COBOL asset source code.


Indicates whether a DELETE statement for the table is included in the COBOL asset source code.


The [RESOURCES] tab provides information about the resources referenced by the asset and resources referencing the asset.

  • Referencing Resources

    Offers the information about resources called by the asset.

    figure project analysis detail cobol resources referenced

    [Figure 10.14] COBOL Analysis Details - [RESOURCES] Tab - Referencing Resources

    The following describes each item.


    Resource Type

    Type of the resource called by COBOL.

    Resource Path

    Directory of the resource called by COBOL.

    Resource Name

    Name of the resource called by COBOL.

  • Submodule

    Displays the information about the program's submodules and accessed tables.

    figure project analysis detail cobol resources submodule

    [Figure 10.15] COBOL Analysis Details - [RESOURCES] Tab - Submodule

    The following describes each item.



    Hierarchy level of submodules called in the COBOL program.

    Program Type

    Type of the COBOL submodule program.


    Domain to which the COBOL submodule program belongs.

    Program Name

    Name of the program calling or being called by the COBOL program. It is displayed in a tree structure using grids.


    Brief description of the COBOL program.


    Table accessed in the COBOL program.

  • Referenced Resources

    Provides information of resources that call the asset.

    figure project analysis detail cobol resources referencing

    [Figure 10.16] COBOL Analysis Details - [RESOURCES] Tab - Referenced Resources

    The following describes each item.


    Resource Type

    Type of the resource calling COBOL.

    Resource Path

    Directory where the resource calling COBOL is located.

    Resource Name

    Name of the resource calling COBOL.


The [HISTORY] tab displays the analysis date and analysis status of assets.

figure project analysis detail cobol history

[Figure 10.17] COBOL Analysis Details - [HISTORY] Tab

The following describes each item.


Analysis Date

Date and time of the asset analysis.

Analysis History

Result of the asset analysis.

10.4. DB Table Menu

10.4.1. DB Table List

You can view the relationships between all COBOL programs of the PDS in the current project and ESQL tables connected to each program.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [ANALYSIS] menu.

    figure project detail analysis

  2. In the menus at the top left of the screen, select the [DB TABLE] menu.

    figure db table menu

  3. The DB table list is displayed on the screen.

    figure analysis tool guide db table

The following describes each section.

  • ① Search Conditions

    Set the search conditions for the DB tables connected to the COBOL program. After setting the conditions, click the [Search] button to view the results that meet the conditions in the list. Clicking [Reset] button will reset all the set search conditions.

    The following describes each item.


    Table Name

    Enter the name of the DB table accessed by the COBOL program.

    COBOL Path

    Select the directory where the COBOL file exists.

    COBOL Name

    Enter the COBOL file name.

    Program Name

    Enter the COBOL program name.

  • ② DB Table List

    Displays a list of DB tables connected to the COBOL program.

    The following describes each item.


    Table Name

    Name of the DB table accessed by the COBOL program.

    COBOL Path

    Directory of the COBOL file connected to the DB table.

    COBOL Name

    Name of the COBOL file connected to the DB table. Clicking this name displays the detailed analysis results of the corresponding COBOL file.

    Program Name

    COBOL program name connected to the DB table.


    Indicates whether an INSERT statement for the table is included in the COBOL asset source code.


    Indicates whether a SELECT statement for the table is included in the COBOL asset source code.


    Indicates whether an UPDATE statement for the table is included in the COBOL asset source code.


    Indicates whether a DELETE statement for the table is included in the COBOL asset source code.

10.4.2. Downloading DB Table List

You can download the list of DB tables accessed by the COBOL program as an Excel file.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [ANALYSIS] menu.

    figure project detail analysis

  2. In the menus at the top left of the screen, select the [DB TABLE] menu.

    figure db table menu

  3. When the DB Table page opens, click the [Save] button at the top of the list.

    figure analysis tool guide excel db table download

  4. Opening the downloaded Excel file displays the data as follows:

    figure analysis tool guide excel db table download file