Chapter 9. Topology

Table of Contents

9.1. Topology Views
9.2. Searching for Assets
9.3. Managing Metadata
9.3.1. Adding Metadata
9.3.2. Deleting Metadata
9.3.3. Uploading Excel Files
9.4. Showing and Hiding Domains
9.5. Asset Summary
9.6. Diagrams
9.6.2. FLOW
9.6.3. DOMAIN
9.6.5. DATA
9.7. Source Code
9.8. Call Relationships between Assets
9.9. Memo

This chapter describes main features of the [TOPOLOGY] menu in the project detailed mode.

9.1. Topology Views

You can select the way of displaying topology on the screen.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [TOPOLOGY] menu.

    figure project detail topology

  2. Select the type of topology view in the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.

    figure analysis tool guide topology main page

    The navigation bar provides the following buttons.


      Displays the basic type of topology representing the relationships between assets.

      figure analysis tool guide topology search

      [Figure 9.1] TOPOLOGY - TOPOLOGY View

      Each circle in the topology represents a single asset, and the arrows between the circles shows the call relationships between assets. The more calling/called assets for a specific asset, the larger the size of circles.

      When hovering the mouse over a circle, it highlights the assets that directly calls or are called by the asset. Clicking the circle displays only the assets directly calling or being called by the selected asset on the screen.

    • TREE

      Displays the tree-type topology representing assets based on their call depth.

      figure analysis tool guide tree default view

      [Figure 9.2] TOPOLOGY - TREE View

      Each circle in the topology represents a single asset, and the arrows between the circles shows the call relationships between assets.

      When hovering the mouse over a circle, it highlights the assets that directly calls or are called by the asset. Clicking the circle displays only the assets directly calling or being called by the selected asset on the screen.

    • LIST

      Displays the list of assets in the project in a table.

      figure analysis tool guide list view

      [Figure 9.3] TOPOLOGY - LIST View

      The following describes each item of the table.



      Name of the asset.

      Asset Type

      Type in which the asset has been analyzed.

      Logical Name

      Logical name of the asset.


      Domain to which the asset belongs.


      Group to which the asset belongs.

      Node Description

      A brief description of the asset.

    • figure zoom button

      Switches to the full-screen mode of Topology and Tree views.

    • figure center button

      Aligns the Topology and Tree to the center of the screen.

9.2. Searching for Assets

You can search for specific assets. However, it is only available in the 'Topology', 'Tree', and 'full-screen' views.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [TOPOLOGY] menu.

    figure project detail topology

  2. Click figure search icon icon on the left of the Topology page to expand the search pane.

    figure topology search extend

  3. Enter the name (or logical name) of the asset in the search field.

    figure topology search name

  4. The corresponding asset is displayed in the center of the screen.

    figure topology search result

9.3. Managing Metadata

You can register and manage metadata for assets. The registered data will be utilized in analysis.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [TOPOLOGY] menu.

    figure project detail topology

  2. Click figure domains icon icon in the expanded search pane to expand the Domains section.

    figure topology domains extend

  3. In the Domains section, click the [Metadata] button.

    figure analysis tool guide topology main open domains

  4. When the Metadata dialog box appears, you can manage metadata.

    figure analysis tool guide topology main meta register

    The Metadata dialog box provides the following buttons.



    Registers new metadata for a single asset.

    For more information about registration method, refer to "9.3.1. Adding Metadata".


    Deletes the registered metadata.

    For detailed information about how to delete metadata, refer to "9.3.2. Deleting Metadata".


    Removes the existing metadata and registers the metadata based on the content of Excel file created by the user.

    For detailed instructions for the upload method, refer to "9.3.3. Uploading Excel Files".


    Downloads the currently registered metadata as an Excel file.

9.3.1. Adding Metadata

You can enter metadata for a single asset.

  1. Click the [Add] button in the Metadata dialog box .

  2. When the Add dialog box opens, you can set the basic information.

    figure analysis tool guide topology meta register add

    The following describes each item.



    Select a COBOL component for which you want to add metadata.

    • Program

    • Section

    • Paragraph

    Program Name

    Enter the name of the COBOL program for which you want to add metadata.

    Program Type

    Enter the behavior of the COBOL program. (Applicable only to 'Program' type)

    Function Name

    Enter the name of the section or paragraph in COBOL. (Applicable only to 'Section' or 'Paragraph' type)

    Logical Name

    Enter the logical name that matches the COBOL program.

    When a logical name is set, the asset name is indicated as that logical name in the topology.


    Enter the unit of application to which the COBOL program belongs. (Applicable only to 'Program' type)

    When a domain is set, it is displayed in the color assigned to that domain in the topology.

    Domain Group

    Enter the parent group of the application to which the COBOL program belongs. (Applicable only to 'Program' type)


    Enter a brief information about the metadata.

  3. After completing the settings, click the [Add] button.

9.3.2. Deleting Metadata

You can delete the registered metadata.

In the Metadata dialog box, select the checkbox of the metadata you want to delete in the list, and then click [Delete] button.

figure analysis tool guide topology meta register del

9.3.3. Uploading Excel Files

You can remove the existing metadata and configure analysis metadata based on the uploaded Excel file.

  1. Create metadata in an Excel file.

    figure analysis tool guide topology main meta register excel example

    The following describes each column.



    Enter a COBOL component for which you want to add metadata.

    • Program

    • Section

    • Paragraph

    Program Name

    Enter the Name of the COBOL program for which you want to add metadata.

    Program type

    Enter the name of the behavior of the COBOL program. (Applicable only to 'Program' type)

    Function name

    Enter the function name of the section or paragraph in COBOL. (Applicable only to 'Section' or 'Paragraph' type)

    Logical name

    Enter the logical name that matches the COBOL program.

    When a logical name is set, the asset name is indicated as that logical name in the topology.


    Enter the unit of application to which the COBOL program belongs. (Applicable only to 'Program' type)

    Domain group

    Enter the parent group of the application to which the COBOL program belongs. (Applicable only to 'Program' type)


    Enter a brief information about the metadata.

  2. Click the [Upload] button in the Metadata dialog box.

  3. When the file explorer appears, select the Excel file with the metadata and click [Open].

9.4. Showing and Hiding Domains

You can check the list of domains where the asset belongs to based on the registered metadata. At this time, you can choose to display or hide specific domains in the topology.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [TOPOLOGY] menu.

    figure project detail topology

  2. In the expanded left pane of the Topology screen, click figure domains icon icon next to Domains to expand the Domains section.

    figure topology domains extend

  3. In the expanded Domains section, you can check the list of domains to which assets belong.

    Clicking domain names can change the status of the show/hide option. A checked status (figure check on) indicates the domain displayed in the topology, and an unchecked status (figure check off) indicates the domain that is not displayed in the topology.

    Additionally, clicking the [Select All] button at the top of the list displays all domains in the topology, while clicking [Clear All] button hides all domains in the topology.

    figure analysis tool guide topology meta inserted checking

9.5. Asset Summary

You can check the basic information of a specific asset. However, it is only available in the 'Topology', 'Tree', and 'full-screen' views.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [TOPOLOGY] menu.

    figure project detail topology

  2. Click the asset for which you want to view information in the topology.

    figure project topology assets click

  3. The asset information is displayed in the right pane of the screen. Clicking the Summary displays the overview of the selected asset.

    figure project topology basic info

    The following describes each item.


    Asset Type

    Type of the analyzed asset.


    Directory where the asset is located.

    File Name

    File name of the asset.

    Program Name

    Name of the program.

    Logical Name

    Logical name of the asset.


    Domain to which the asset belongs.


    Group to which the asset belongs.

    File Size

    File size of the asset.

    Line Count

    Number of source code lines of the asset.

    Section Count

    Number of sections within the program.

    Paragraph Count

    Number of paragraphs within the program.

    Statement Count

    Number of statements within the program.


    A brief description of the asset.


    For undefined assets, only the Program Name is displayed.

9.6. Diagrams

You can view five types of diagrams (SEQUENCE, FLOW, DOMAIN, BUSINESS, and DATA) containing various information helpful for analysis of a specific asset.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [TOPOLOGY] menu.

    figure project detail topology

  2. Click the asset for which you want to view the diagram in the topology.

    figure project topology assets click

  3. The asset information is displayed in the right pane of the screen. Click the Diagram section to view diagrams.

    figure project topology diagram click

  4. When the Diagram screen opens, click the type selection buttons (①) at the top right of the screen to view each type of diagram.

    figure project topology diagram main

    In addition, hovering the mouse over the [+] button (②) at the bottom right of the screen allows you to perform additional functions.

    The following describes additional functions.


    figure project topology menu 1

    Adjust the depth of the diagram. You can adjust the depth from level 1 to 10 by using the [-] and [+] buttons on the either side of the number.

    figure project topology menu 2

    Displays the source code of the asset.

    If you click the part where the call is made in the 'SEQUENCE' and 'DOMAIN' diagrams, or if you click the section name in the 'DATA' diagram, the corresponding location is displayed in the source code.

    figure project topology menu 3

    Returns the diagram that is zoomed in or out to the default magnification.

    figure project topology menu 5

    Downloads the diagram as an image file.


Displays the call relationships with other assets in the sequential order starting with the selected asset.

In the first access, it shows the asset that is directly called from the selected asset (1 depth).

figure analysis tool guide topology node detail diagram

[Figure 9.4] Diagram - SEQUENCE


If the metadata has been registered, the logical name is displayed to the left of the program name in the call relationships.

9.6.2. FLOW

Displays the call relationships between assets. Unlike 'SEQUENCE' or 'DOMAIN' diagrams, this type of diagram also indicates the called assets and focuses on displaying the overall call relationships between assets such as recursive calls.

figure analysis tool guide topology node detail diagram flow

[Figure 9.5] Diagram - FLOW


If the metadata has been registered, the domain name and logical name are displayed below the program name.

9.6.3. DOMAIN

Shows the call relationships between assets in the order of calls, similar to SEQUENCE type. If metadata is registered for the assets, it groups and displays them by domain according to the data.

figure analysis tool guide topology node detail diagram domain

[Figure 9.6] Diagram - DOMAIN


If metadata has been registered, the nodes are grouped by domain. That is, even if the calls are made between multiple assets within a single domain, only one node is displayed. Additionally, the logical name is displayed to the left of the program name in the call relationships.


Illustrates the internal logic of a single asset. You can check the flow of the program based on conditional statements and its branches.

figure analysis tool guide topology node detail diagram business

[Figure 9.7] Diagram - BUSINESS

9.6.5. DATA

Shows the parts in which changes occurs to files within a single asset

figure analysis tool guide topology node detail diagram data

[Figure 9.8] Diagram - DATA

9.7. Source Code

You can view the source code of assets.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [TOPOLOGY] menu.

    figure project detail topology

  2. Click the asset for which you want to view the source code.

    figure project topology assets click

  3. The asset information is displayed in the right pane of the screen. Click the Source Code section.

    figure analysis tool guide topology node detail source code

9.8. Call Relationships between Assets

You can view the call relationships in a tree structure based on a specific asset.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [TOPOLOGY] menu.

    figure project detail topology

  2. Click the asset for which you want to view the call relationships.

    figure project topology assets click

  3. The asset information is displayed in the right pane of the screen. Click the Call Relationships section.

    figure analysis tool guide topology node detail excel

  4. You can check the call relationships in a tree structure based on the selected asset.

    figure analysis tool guide topology node detail excel main

    You can also perform additional functions by hovering the mouse over the [+] button at the bottom right of the screen.

    The following describes additional functions.


    figure project topology menu 1

    Adjusts the depth of call relationships.

    figure project topology menu 4

    Downloads the call relationship information of the viewed asset as an Excel file.

9.9. Memo

You can enter a brief description for the asset.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [TOPOLOGY] menu.

    figure project detail topology

  2. In the topology, click the asset for which you want to write a description.

    figure project topology assets click

  3. The asset information is displayed in the right pane of the screen. Enter a brief description in the input field of the Memo section, and then click the [Save] button.

    figure analysis tool guide topology node detail memo