Chapter 8. Dashboard

Table of Contents

8.1. Asset Analysis Status

This chapter describes main features of the [DASHBOARD] menu in the project detailed mode.

8.1. Asset Analysis Status

You can check the statistics of analysis information for assets within the PDS group defined in the project.

  1. In the project detailed mode, go to the [DASHBOARD] menu.

    figure project detail menu

  2. When the Dashboard page opens, you can easily check the analysis information for assets within the project in one page.

    figure project dashboard

    The dashboard provides the following information.


    Analysis Progress

    Provides all asset types within a project and percentage of assets whose analysis status is 'Verified'. However, it does not offer the reference types such as copybook and procedure.

    Assets by Status

    Displays the aggregated analysis status of all assets in the project.

    • New: Newly added assets that have not been analyzed.

    • Verified: Analyzed assets with all referenced resources existing and with no syntactic errors.

    • Modified: Assets that were previously analyzed but have been modified.

    • Error: Analyzed assets with syntactic errors.

    • Missing: Assets with no referenced resources. For example, if a procedure referenced in JCL does not exist, the JCL is indicated as 'Missing'.

    • Failed: Assets that the parsing did not complete properly during analysis and terminated abnormally.

    Assets by Risk

    Aggregates assets with issues after analysis among those in the project and provides them by asset type.

    • Missing: Provides the type and statistical information for resources that are referenced by the asset but do not exist.

    • Warning: Provides statistical information for assets that can be analyzed but may cause issues during migration.

    • Error: Offers statistical information for the number of lines with syntactic errors in the asset.

    Verified Assets

    Provides the analysis results of the assets in the project that have no issues.