Appendix A. Shortcut Keys

Table of Contents

A.1. File
A.2. Edit
A.3. SQL Statement Execution
A.4. Basic Functions
A.5. DBA Functions

This chapter describes the shortcut keys that can be used in the tbAdmin tool. Shortcut keys are listed by their function.

To view the list of shortcut keys, select [Help] -> [Key Assist], or press <Ctrl> + <Shift> + L keys.

A.1. File

The following is a list of shortcut keys that can be used to access database servers and create, save, or print files.

Shortcut keyFunction
<Ctrl> + NNew Connection
<Ctrl> + EClose Connection
<Ctrl> + <Shift> + EClose All Connections
<Ctrl> + <Shift> + CCommit
<Ctrl> + <Shift> + RRollback
<Ctrl> + OOpen file Action
<Ctrl> + SSave file Action

A.2. Edit

The following is a list of shortcut keys that can be used to edit SQL statements in the editor.

Shortcut keyFunction
<Ctrl> + ZUndo
<Ctrl> + YRedo
<Ctrl> + XCut
<Ctrl> + CCopy
<Ctrl> + VPaste
<Delete> KeyDelete
<Ctrl> + ASelect All
<Ctrl> + FFind and Replace
<Shift> + <Tab>Decrease Indent
<Tab>Increase Indent
<Ctrl> + -Comment
<Ctrl> + <Shift> + -Uncomment
<Ctrl> + ULower Case
<Ctrl> + <Shift> + UUpper Case
<Ctrl> + <Shift> + ACapitalize
<Ctrl> + <Shift> + SSentencize
<Ctrl> + IInvertCase

A.3. SQL Statement Execution

The following is a list of shortcut keys that can be used to execute SQL statements in the editor section.

Shortcut keyFunction
<Alt> + DownMaximize SQL
<Alt> + UpMaximize Result
<Alt> + RightSplit Pane Evenly
<F4> KeyGo to the Next Tab
<Shift> + <F4>Go to the Previous Tab
<Ctrl> + <Shift> +PPSM Compile
<Ctrl> + <Shift> + OPSM Execute
<Ctrl> + HHorizontal Toggle for PSM Editor
<F5>Execute SQL
<F6>Execute SQL and Edit Result Cell
<F7>Execution Plan for SQL
<Ctrl> + <F7>Current Plan
<Ctrl> + [Run All From Cursor
<Ctrl> + ]Run Step
<Ctrl> + <Enter>Select One Statement and Execute SQL
<Ctrl> + GVertical Toggle for PSM Editor
<Ctrl> + .Append Query Result
<Ctrl> + ,Clear Query Result Output

A.4. Basic Functions

The following is a list of shortcut keys that execute basic functions of tbAdmin.

Shortcut keyFunction
<Alt> + SSQL Editor
<Alt> + PPSM Editor
<Alt> + CSchema Browser
<Alt> + TSchema Tree Browser

A.5. DBA Functions

The following is a list of shortcut keys that execute the DBA functions of tbAdmin.

Shortcut keyFunction
<Alt> + OSession Manager
<Alt> + IInitial Parameter Manager
<Alt> + XExtents Viewer
<Alt> + ADatabase Information
<Alt> + MTablespace Manager
<Alt> + RInstance Monitor