Chapter 4. Functions for DBAs

Table of Contents

4.1. Overview
4.2. Session Manager
4.3. SQL Monitor
4.4. Transaction Monitor
4.5. Analyze Manager
4.6. Graph and Report
4.7. Parameter Manager
4.8. Extents Viewer
4.9. Database Information
4.10. Tablespace Manager
4.11. Instance Monitor
4.12. Compile Invalid Objects
4.13. Security Manager
4.14. Export, Import
4.14.1. Export
4.14.2. Import
4.15. ExpImp

This chapter explains the screen layouts and the usage of some functions that may be frequently used by database administrators (DBAs). As the functions explained in this chapter are the advanced features used by DBAs, they are not necessary for general users.

4.1. Overview

The following are the DBA functions provided in tbAdmin.

In addition, Export, Import, and ExpImp tools are explained in this chapter.

4.2. Session Manager

Session Manager allows DBA retrieve session information about the currently connected database.

To start the Session Manager, select [DBA] -> [Session Manager] or click the icon on the toolbar.

The following is the screen layout of the Session Manager.

[Figure 4.1] The Session Manager

The Session Manager

Session Manager consists of two parts; the upper part which displays session information and the lower part which contains a number of tabs . When users click each tab of [Sessions], [All Locks],and [Blocking Locks], the screen of Session Manager displays its relevant content.

The following is the description of icons and additional functions available in the Session Manager screen.

  • Icon

    The following is a list of icons shown in the middle of the Session Manager screen.

    Column Filtering
    Excel Output
  • Other Functions

    The functions below are located in the middle of the Session Manager screen.

    Interval (Sec.)Specifies the interval for refreshing session information, in seconds
    Auto RefreshAutomatically refreshes the session information. This function is enabled when the check box is selected.

[Sessions] Tab

The following is the screen and columns of the of the [Sessions] tab.

[Figure 4.2] The Session Manager - [Sessions] Tab

The Session Manager - [Sessions] Tab

The following table describes each column in the [Sessions] tab.

Deactivated Session
Activated Session
Row #Unique number of a row
SIDSession ID
Serial NoSerial number
Tibero UserUser ID
StatusActivated or deactivated status
typeSession type
Logon TimeDatabase access time
IP AddressIP Address
SQL TraceActivated or deactivated status of SQL trace

[All Locks] Tab

The following is the screen and columns of the of the [All Locks] tab.

[Figure 4.3] The Session Manager - [All Locks] Tab

The Session Manager - [All Locks] Tab

Column NameDescription
Row #Row ID
SIDSession ID
Serial NoSerial number
Tibero UserUser ID
Object NameObject name
Lock TypeLock type
Lock ModeLock mode
StateLock status

[Blocking Locks] Tab

The following is the screen and columns of the of the [Blocking Locks] tab.

[Figure 4.4] The Session Manager - [Blocking Locks] Tab

The Session Manager - [Blocking Locks] Tab

Column NameDescription
Row #Row ID
Lock TypeLock type
Hold ModeHold type of lock
Request ModeRequest mode
Blocking SidSession ID of the blocked lock
Blocking Tibero UserBlocked user ID
Waiting SidWaiting session ID
Waiting Tibero UserWaiting user

4.3. SQL Monitor

The SQL monitor allows DBAs to monitor SQL in the Tibero server. To start the SQL Monitor, either select [DBA] -> [SQL Monitor] or click the icon from the toolbar.

The following shows the SQL Monitor view.

[Figure 4.5] The SQL Monitor

The SQL Monitor

SQL Monitor consists of a criteria section , an SQL filter section , and an SQL detail information section. In the criteria section, users can configure the monitoring condition; in the SQL filter section, users can configure the SQL filter; and in the SQL detail information section, users are given detailed information on SQL.

Each component of SQL Monitor is explained below.

  • Icon

    The following table describes the icon at the top of SQL Monitor.

  • Criteria

    The following shows the criteria section of the SQL Monitor.

    [Figure 4.6] The SQL Monitor - Criteria Section

    The SQL Monitor - Criteria Section

    The following table describes each option of the criteria section.

    Buffer GetsThe number of blocks of the buffer accessed
    Buffer Gets/ExecutionsThe number of blocks that are read in a single execution
    ExecutionsThe number of SQL executions
    Disk ReadsThe number of Disk I/O
    Include SYS User's SQLSQL constraint of SYS user
  • SQL Filter

    The following is the SQL filter section of SQL Monitor.

    [Figure 4.7] SQL Monitor - SQL Filter Section

    SQL Monitor - SQL Filter Section

    SQL FilterSQL filter condition
    Drop Down MenuType of SQL filter condition
    Text BoxText to be filtered
  • Detailed Information about SQL

    The following table describes each column in the SQL detail information section.

    Buffer GetsThe number of buffers accessed
    ExecutionsThe number of SQL executions
    Buffer Gets/ExecutionsThe number of blocks that are read in a single execution
    Disk ReadsThe number of Disk I/O
    Row ProcessedWhether to be processed or not
    Hash ValueHash value
    SQLCorresponding SQL

4.4. Transaction Monitor

Transaction Monitor allows DBAs to monitor transactions of the Tibero server.

To start Transaction Monitor, either select [DBA] -> [Transaction Monitor] or click the icon from the toolbar.

The following shows the Transaction Monitor screen.

[Figure 4.8] The Transaction Monitor

The Transaction Monitor

Transaction Monitor consists of the upper part of the screen where users can view transaction information, and the lower part of the screen where users can view detailed information about transactions.

Each component of the Transaction Monitor is explained below.

  • Icon

    The following table describes the icon located at the top of the Transaction Monitor screen.


  • Transaction Information

    The following table describes each column in the transaction information section.

    Column NameDescription
    UserUser ID of connected users
    SIDSession ID
    Serial#Session serial number
    PIDProcess ID
    IP AddressIP address
    StatusTransaction status
    RecursiveRecursive call or not
    USNUSN (Undo Segment Number) number
    ProgramName of the user program
    DurationThe time the transaction took (In seconds)
    Undo BlocksThe block number being used by the transaction
    Undo RecordsThe record number being used by the transaction
    Logical IOThe number of logical I/O blocks in the process of committing transactions
    Physical IOThe number of physical I/O blocks in the process of committing transactions
  • Transaction Details

    This section is used for record transactions. Users can enter comments in the same manner as they do with general text editors.

4.5. Analyze Manager

The Analyze Manager collects statistics for all database objects and analyzes them. DBAs can utilize the data to optimize the performance of the database. For the purpose of internal analysis, the DBMS_STATS package provided by Tibero PSM is used.

To start Analyze Manager, select the [DBA] > [Analyze Manager] menu or click the icon from the toolbar. The following shows the Analyze Manager screen.

[Figure 4.9] The Analyze Manager

The Analyze Manager

The Analyze Manager consists of the upper part of the screen where users can make analysis requests, and the lower part of the screen where users can view the results of the analysis.

[Options] Tab

The following table describes the Mode option, which is configurable in the [Options] tab of Analyze Manager.

Column NameDescription
ModeWhen Compute mode is enabled, an analysis request will be made. When Delete mode is enabled, the collected statistics will be removed.


Refer to the tbPSM manual for detailed information about each mode.

[Tables and Indexes] Tab

In the [Tables and Indexes] and [Database and Schemas] tabs, users can make an analysis request or remove the analyzed result. Select the schema to be analyzed and then select the items from those listed in the tree structure on the right side of the screen. To enable the analysis, select the [DBA] > [Analyze Manager] menu or click the icon from the tool bar.

[Figure 4.10] The Analyze Manager

The Analyze Manager

The following table shows the icons at the top of the Tables and Indexes screen.

Requests analysis.
Displays the script for requesting analysis.

[Database and Schemas] Tab

Users can check the results of the analysis in this tab. Select the schema to be retrieved and click the relevant icon. The results of the analysis will be displayed as shown below.

[Figure 4.11] The Analyze Manager

The Analyze Manager

4.6. Graph and Report

Graph and Report shows users various statistics used for performance tuning in the graph screen.

To start Graph and Report, select [DBA] -> [Graph and Report]or click the icon from the toolbar. The following shows the Graph and Report screen.

[Figure 4.12] The Graph and Report

The Graph and Report

The Graph and Report screen consists of an item selection section and a graph and report section . In the item selection section, users can select statistical information, used for performance tuning, and in the graph and report section, the selected information is displayed as a graph and as a report.

The following table describes statistics used for performance tuning.

SGASGA (System Global Area) is a memory space which is shared by all processes within a database instance. It consists of a shared pool, DB block buffer, and a log buffer.

[Online Graph] Tab

To bring up an online graph in the chart area of the [Online Graph] tab, select the desired statistical information from the item selection area, click Interval and Count, and then click the [Start] button.

The following table describes each item in the [Online Graph] tab.

CategoryCategory information
ItemInformation on each item
IntervalGraph interval
CountThe number of total counts
[Start]Starts to display a graph.
[Stop]Stops displaying a graph.
ChartVisualizes statistical information.
Collect DataDisplays the collected statistical information

[Batch Report] Tab

A report can be displayed at a desired path and time.

The following is the screen and items of the of the [Batch Report] tab.

[Figure 4.13] The Batch Report

The Batch Report

The following table describes each item in the [Batch Report] tab.

IntervalSpecifies an interval to collect data.
CountSpecifies the number of total counts.
[Start]Starts to display a report.
[Stop]Stops displaying a report.
Save report to:Specifies a path to save a report.
LogsDisplays log information.

4.7. Parameter Manager

The Parameter Manager shows the parameter information of the connected database and allows the DBA to modify it.

To start the Parameter Manager, select [DBA] -> [Parameter Manager] or click the icon from the toolbar. The following shows the Parameter Manager screen.

[Figure 4.14] The Parameter Manager

The Parameter Manager

The components of the Parameter Manager screen are explained below.

  • Icon

    The following table describes each icon at the bottom right of Parameter Manager screen.

    Column Filtering
    Excel display
  • Other functions

    The following table describes additional functions of the Parameter Manager. They are located on the bottom left of the Parameter Manager screen.

    Interval (Sec.)Specifies an interval to refresh the parameter information, in seconds .
    Auto RefreshAutomatically refreshes the parameter information. It is enabled when the check box is ticked.

To edit, right click a parameter and the [Editor Parameter Value] and [Refresh] menus will be displayed. If the [Editor Parameter Value] menu is selected, the InitParam Value Change dialog box will appear. Parameters can be edited in the dialog box.

For example, DBMS_LOG_DEST parameter will appear as shown below.

[Figure 4.15] Parameter Manager - InitParam Value Change Dialog

Parameter Manager - InitParam Value Change Dialog

The following table describes each item in the InitParam Value Change dialog box.

Current ValueShows the current value set in the parameter.
New ValueSpecifies the new value for the parameter.

4.8. Extents Viewer

The Extents Viewer shows the location and size of the extent. An Extent is a logical unit used to save data in a database.

To start the Extents Viewer, select the [DBA] -> [Extents Viewer] menu or click the icon from the toolbar. The following shows the Extents Viewer screen.

[Figure 4.16] The Extents Viewer

The Extents Viewer

Extents Viewer consists of a search condition section and a search result section . In the search condition section, users can search extent information and in the search result section, the search results are displayed.

The components of the Extents Viewer screen are explained below.

  • Icons

    The following table describes each icon located on the bottom right side of the Extents Viewer screen.

    Column filtering
    Excel export
    Export data as a script.
    Fetch more
    Fetch all
  • Search Condition

    The following table describes the search conditions of the Extents Viewer.

    Search ConditionDescription
  • Search Result

    The following table describes the search results as displayed in the Extents Viewer.

    Search ConditionDescription
    ObjectExtent object
    TypeType of schema object
    Total SizeTotal size of schema object
    ExtentsThe number of extents

4.9. Database Information

Database Information allows DBAs to view the status of physical resources of the connected tbAdmin.

To start Database Information, select [DBA] -> [Database Information] or click the icon from the toolbar. The following shows the Database Information screen.

[Figure 4.17] The Database Information

The Database Information

Database Information consists of a tree View section on the top left of the screen and inquiry result section on the right portion of the screen.

In the tree view section, users can view physical resources of the database, and the inquiry result section displays information about resources.


The items and tabs shown in the search result section differ according to the connected database (Tibero, Oracle) and the product version.

Descriptions of icons at the bottom of the Database Information screen are the same as those in the “4.8. Extents Viewer”.

4.10. Tablespace Manager

The Tablespace Manager allows DBAs to view tablespace information about the connected tbAdmin, and create, modify, or delete each tablespace.

To start Tablespace Manager, select the [DBA] -> [Tablespace Manager] menu or click the icon from the toolbar.

The following shows the Tablespace Manager screen.

[Figure 4.18] The Tablespace Manager

The Tablespace Manager

The Tablespace Manager consists of a tree view section on the top left of the screen and a detailed information section on the right of the screen. The tree view section shows the tablesapces of the database and in the detailed information section, users can view information about tablespaces.


The icons at the bottom of the Tablespace Manager screen are same as those in the “4.8. Extents Viewer”.

4.11. Instance Monitor

The Instance Monitor dialog box allows DBAs to monitor the status of database instances, in real time.

To start the Instance Monitor, select [DBA] -> [Instance Monitor] or click the icon from the toolbar.

The following shows the Instance Monitor screen.

[Figure 4.19] The Instance Monitor

The Instance Monitor

The Instance Monitor consists of an option section where users can configure the operating method and the interval, and the lower part which displays monitoring results as graphs.

The following table describes the functions of the Instance Monitor.

Auto RefreshEnables the Instance Monitor, and automatically refreshes it.
Refresh Interval(sec)Updates and displays the graph at every interval specified in Refresh Interval(sec).

The following is an example of the Instance Monitor after its functions were executed.

4.12. Compile Invalid Objects

The Compile Invalid Objects dialog box allows DBAs to compile invalid objects in batch mode.

To start the Compile Invalid Objects dialog, select [DBA] -> [Compile Invalid Objects].

The following shows the Compile Invalid Objects dialog box.

[Figure 4.20] The Compile Invalid Objects Dialog

The Compile Invalid Objects Dialog

The Compile Invalid Objects dialog box consists of a Filter section, an [Object Tree] tab , and a [Compile Status] tab . The [Object Tree] tab displays the status of processes in the status bar and a list of valid objects are displayed in the tree. The [Compile Status] tab is enabled when the [Start Compiling] button is clicked.

The components of the Compile Invalid Objects dialog are described below.

  • Filter

    The following table describes each item in the Filter section.

    SchemaThe schema to be compiled
    TypeThe type of the target to be compiled
  • Button

    The following table describes each button in the Compile Invalid Objects dialog box.

    Updates information about valid objects
    Compiles all the selected objects at once
    Closes the Compile Invalid Objects dialog box

Follow the procedure below to use the Compile Invalid Objects dialog.

  1. Select the schema to be compiled.

  2. Select the type of the target to be compiled.

  3. Click the [View Invalid Objects] button to update the contents in the [Object Tree] tab.

  4. Select an object from the [Object Tree] tab and click the [Start Compile] button.

  5. Click the [Compile Status] tab to display the compiled result.

4.13. Security Manager

Security Manager allows DBAs to retrieve all security related issues of a database including user, role, authentication, and profile, and change and configure them in real time. To start Security Manager, select [DBA] -> [Security Manager].

The following shows the Security Manager screen.

[Figure 4.21] The Security Manager

The Security Manager

The Security Manager consists of a tree section on the left side of the screen and a detailed information section on the right side of the screen . The tree section displays security objects and the detailed information section displays information about each security object.


The tree section allows DBAs to retrieve a list of users and roles from the connected database, and modify information about each object.

  • Users

    Authentication method, default tablespace, lock status, role, and system privilege are managed in this section.

    NameUser name
    Default TablespaceDefault tablespace
    Created DateUser creation date
    StatusUser status
    Locked DateUser locking date
    Expired DateUser expiration date
  • Roles

    Authentication method, role, and system privilege are managed.

    NameRole name
    Password RequiredWhether a password has been authenticated
    AuthenticationThe method of authenticating a password

[General] Tab

The following is the [General] tab which displays general information about an object.

[Figure 4.22] The Security Manager - [General] Tab

The Security Manager - [General] Tab

NameDisplays the name of the object
AuthenticationSpecifies authentication method and password
TablespaceSpecifies a default tablespace
StatusDisplays the status of the object

[Role] Tab

The following is the [Role] tab which displays roles configured in the object.

Roles can be checked in the Role section, and selected roles can be added or deleted by clicking [Down] or [Up] in the Granted Roles section.

[Figure 4.23] The Security Manager - [Role] Tab

The Security Manager - [Role] Tab

[System] Tab

The following is the [Role] tab which displays the system privileges that can be configured in the object.

System privileges can be checked in the System privileges section, and selected system privileges can be added or deleted by clicking [Down] or [Up] in the Granted Privilege section.

[Figure 4.24] The Security Manager - [System] Tab

The Security Manager - [System] Tab

4.14. Export, Import

Users can export the structure and data of the database using tbAdmin, or enter data by importing exported data and creating a database structure. In addition, retrieved data can be exported to an excel file and the exported excel files can be imported to a table.

4.14.1. Export

Data is exported through a GUI by calling ExpImp. To start Export, click [Tool] -> [Export].

The following shows the Export screen.

[Figure 4.25] Export


The Export Screen consists of a configuration section on the left side of the screen and a console section on the right side of the screen.

The following table describes each item in the Export screen.

Export FileSpecifies a path to the file containing export results.
Export Directory (Unpacked Files)Specifies a path to the uncompressed directory.
Thread CountSpecifies the thread count to be used to execute the Export.
  • Full Database: Exports the entire database.

  • User: Exports the entire schema of the selected user.

  • Table: Exports the selected table.

Export Contents
  • Grants: Exports grants.

  • Rows: Exports table rows.

  • Indexes: Exports indexes.

  • Constraints: Exports constraints.

Advanced Options
  • Query: Specifies a query statement to be executed.

  • LogFile: Specifies a path to the log file to be created.

  • Show DDL Scripts: Specifies whether to display a DDL script created during the export process.

  • Parallel Degree: Specifies a limit on the degree of parallelism of any operation.


Refer to “4.15. ExpImp” for the detailed information about the Export option.

4.14.2. Import

The Import option below provides a GUI interface used to call ExpImp, to import files. To start Import, click [Tool] -> [Import].

[Figure 4.26] Import


The Import option consists of the configuration section on the left side of the screen, and the console screen section on the right side of the screen.

The following table describes each configurable item in the Import screen.

Import FileSpecifies the path of the file to be imported.
Import DirectorySpecifies the path of the uncompressed file to be imported.
Thread CountSpecifies thread count to be used to execute the Import.
  • Full DB: Imports the entire database.

  • From/To User: Imports objects into other schemas.

  • User/Table: Imports a specific user schema and table.

Import Contents
  • Grants: Imports grants.

  • Rows: Imports table rows.

  • Indexes: Imports indexes.

  • Constraints: Imports constraints.

Advanced Options
  • LogFile: Specifies the path of the log file that is to be created.

  • Show DDL Scripts: Specifies whether to display a DDL statement created during the Import process.

  • Use Direct Path Loading(DPL): Specifies whether to import in DPL mode.

  • Use Pipelining: Specifies whether to enable Pipelining for the import process.

  • Ignore the "schema object already exists": Specifies whether to ignore the error message "schema object already exists".

  • I/O Buffer Size: Specifies the size of I/O buffer used for importing.

  • Bind Buffer Size: Specifies the size of the buffer used for binding.


Refer to “4.15. ExpImp” for the detailed information about the Import options.

4.15. ExpImp

The Explmp option allows DBAs to extract or input data in a database table. To start ExpImp, click [Tool] -> [ExpImp]. The ExpImp consists of the [Options], [Imp], and [Exp] tabs.

[Options] Tab

Specifies options in the Explmp.

The following shows the screen and items in the [Options] tab.

[Figure 4.27] ExpImp - [Options] Tab

ExpImp - [Options] Tab

Use Excel FileSpecifies whether to use Excel.
Field DelimiterSpecifies a delimiter to use to distinguish each field.
Field QualifierSpecifies a qualifier for each field.
Record DelimiterSpecifies a delimiter to use to distinguish each record.
Default Date FormatSpecifies a default date format.
Commit SizeSpecifies the number of records to be inserted before executing commit.

[Exp] Tab

This option allows DBAs to extract data to Excel files. A condition clause can be added in the created query.

The following shows the screen and items in the [Export] tab.

[Figure 4.28] ExpImp - [Export]

ExpImp - [Export]

TableSelects the item to be exported.
SQL QueryEdits the SQL query which will process Export.
FileSpecifies the path to the Excel file where the Export result will be saved.
Include Header LineSpecifies whether to include column names in the Excel file.

[Imp] Tab

This option allows DBAs to read an Excel file and input data into a table.

The following shows the screen and items in the [Import] tab.

[Figure 4.29] ExpImp - [Import] Tab

ExpImp - [Import] Tab
Source fileSpecifies a path to the Excel file to be imported.
Destination tableSelects a table to insert data from an Excel file.
Truncate before an importSpecifies whether to delete the content in the existing table.
Ignore the first lineSpecifies whether to ignore the first line in the Excel file.
Batch ExecutionSpecifies whether to perform the import process in batch mode.
Status / LogShows the import status and the log.