Chapter 1. Introduction to Tibero

Table of Contents

1.1. Overview
1.2. Key Features
1.3. Basic Properties
1.4. Row Level Locking
1.5. Process Structure
1.5.1. Listener
1.5.2. Worker Process
1.5.3. Background Process
1.6. Directory Structure

This chapter will briefly explain the major features, process structures, and directory structures of Tibero.

1.1. Overview

These days, corporate businesses are rapidly expanding amid increasing amounts of data and business environments. With the influx of new business environments, it has become a prerequisite for business success to provide more efficient and flexible data service, information processing, and data management techniques.

As an enterprise database management system, Tibero meets those needs by supporting the database infrastructure, a foundation for corporate businesses, with high performance, availability, and scalability.

Tibero adopted and implemented Tibero Thread Architecture as a unique technology to make up for the weak points of existing DBs. This enables cost-effective usage of system resources such as CPU and memory within limited server processes, by providing excellent performance, stability, and scalability, as well as an easy to use development environment and management tools.

Tibero has been developed to differentiate itself from other DBMSs in terms of large-scale user and data processing, improved stability, and enhanced compatibility.

In short, Tibero is a superior DB that provides the optimal environment for enterprises.

1.2. Key Features

Tibero RDBMS, which manages massive data and ensures stable business continuity, provides the following key features required for the RDBMS environment:

  • Distributed database links

    Stores data in a different database instance. By using this function, a read or write operation can be performed for data in a remote database across a network.

    Other vendors' RDBMS solutions can also be used for read and write operations.

  • Data replication

    This function copies all changed contents of the operating database to a standby database. This can be done by sending change logs through a network to a standby database, which then applies the changes to its data.

  • Database clustering

    This function resolves the biggest issues for any enterprise DB, which are high availability and high performance. To achieve this, Tibero DB implements a technology called Tibero Active Cluster.

    Database clustering allows multiple database instances to share a database with a shared disk. It is important that clustering maintain consistency among the instances' internal database caches. This is also implemented in Tibero Active Cluster. For more detailed information, see “Chapter 10. Tibero Active Cluster”.

  • Parallel query processing

    Data volumes for businesses are continually rising. Because of this, it is necessary to have parallel processing technology which provides maximum usage of server resources for massive data processing.

    To meet these needs, Tibero supports transaction parallel processing functions optimized for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and SQL parallel processing functions optimized for Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). This allows queries to complete more quickly.

  • The query optimizer

    The query optimizer decides the most efficient plan by considering various data handling methods based on statistics for the schema objects.

    Query optimizer performs the following.

    1. Creates various execution plans to handle given SQL statements.

    2. Calculates each execution plan's cost by considering statistics for how much data is distributed, tables, indexes, and partitions as well as computer resources such as CPU and memory, where the cost is the relative time needed to perform a certain execution plan.

    3. Selects the lowest cost execution plan.

    Major features of the query optimizer are as follows:

    • Purpose of the query optimizer

      The final purpose of the query optimizer can be changed. The following table shows two examples:

      Total handling timeQuery optimizer can reduce the time to retrieve all rows by using the hint ALL_ROWS.
      Initial response timeQuery optimizer can reduce the time to retrieve the first row by using the hint FIRST_ROWS.
    • Query transformation

      A query can be transformed to make a better execution plan. The following are examples of query transformation: merging views, unnesting subqueries, and using materialized views.

    • Determining a data access method

      Retrieving data from a database can be performed through a variety of methods such as a full table scan, an index scan, or a rowid scan. Because each method has different benefits depending on the amount of data and the filtering type, the best data access method may vary.

    • Determining a join handling method

      When joining data from multiple tables, the order in which to join the tables and a join method such as a nested loop join, merge join, and hash join should be determined. The order and method have a large effect on performance.

    • Cost estimation

      Each execution plan's cost in each execution phase is estimated based on statistics such as predicate selectivity and the number of data rows.

1.3. Basic Properties

Tibero guarantees reliable database transactions, which are logical sets of SQL statements, by supporting the following four properties:

  • Atomicity

    Each transaction is all or nothing; all results of a transaction are applied or nothing is applied. To accomplish this, Tibero uses Undo data.

  • Consistency

    Every transaction complies with rules defined in the database regardless of its result, and the database is always consistent. There are many reasons why a transaction could break a database's consistency. For example, an inconsistency occurs when a table and an index have different data. To prevent this, Tibero does not allow applying only a part of a transaction. That is, even if a table has been modified and a related index has not yet been modified, other transactions can only see the unmodified data. The other transactions think that there is consistency between the table and the index.

  • Isolation

    A transaction is not interrupted by another transaction. When a transaction is handling data, other transactions wait to access the data and any operation in another transaction cannot use the data. However, an error does not occur. To accomplish this, Tibero uses two methods: multiversion concurrency control (MVCC) and row-level locking.

    When reading data, MVCC can be used without interrupting other transactions. When modifying data, row level fine-grained lock controls can be used to minimize conflicts and to make a transaction wait. That is, concurrency is guaranteed by locking a row, which is the smallest data unit. Even if multiple rows are modified, Data Manipulation Language (DML) can still be executed despite a table lock. With these methods, Tibero provides high performance in an OLTP environment.

  • Durability

    Once a transaction has been committed, it must be permanent even if there is a failure such as a loss of power or a breakdown. To accomplish this, Tibero uses Redo logs and write-ahead logging. When a transaction is committed, relevant Redo logs are written to disk to guarantee the transaction's durability. Before a block is loaded on a disk, the Redo logs are loaded first to guarantee that the database has consistency.

1.4. Row Level Locking

Tibero uses row level locking to guarantee fine-grained lock control. That is, it maximizes concurrency by locking a row, the smallest unit of data. Even if multiple rows are modified, concurrent DMLs can be performed because the table is not locked. Through this method, Tibero provides high performance in an OLTP environment.

1.5. Process Structure

Tibero has a multi-process and multi-thread based architecture, which allows access by a large amount of users.

The following figure shows the process structure of Tibero:

[Figure 1.1] Tibero's Process Structure

Tibero's Process Structure

Tibero has the following three processes:

  • Listener

  • Worker process or foreground process

  • Background process

1.5.1. Listener

Listener receives requests for new connections from clients and assigns them to an available worker process. Listener plays an intermediate role between clients and worker process using an independent executable file, tblistener. Starting in Tibero 6, listeners are created by MONP, and they are created again when they are forcibly terminated.

A new connection from a client is handled in the following way (refer to [Figure 1.1]):

  1. Listener searches for a worker process that has an available worker thread and then sends the connection request to the worker process (①).

  2. Because connection information is sent along with the request, the client starts operations as soon as it connects to the worker thread regardless of a server’s internal operation.

  3. A control thread that receives a request from listener checks the status (②) of worker threads included in the same worker process and assigns an available worker thread (③) to the connection from the client.

  4. The worker thread authenticates the client and starts a session (④).

1.5.2. Worker Process

A worker process communicates with client processes and handles user requests. Tibero creates multiple working processes when a server starts to support connections from multiple client processes. The number of working processes can be adjusted with the initialization parameter WTHR_PROC_CNT. This number cannot be modified after Tibero RDBMS starts. If the number of working threads increases, more CPU and memory resources are used. Therefore, the proper number of working processes should be specified based on the number of concurrent users and the system environment. Starting in Tibero 6, worker processes are divided into two groups based on their purpose. A background worker process performs the batch jobs registered in an internal task or job scheduler, while a foreground worker process performs online requests sent through the listener. The groups can be adjusted using MAX_BG_SESSION_COUNT, an initialization parameter.


For more information on the initialization parameter, refer to Tibero Reference Guide.

Tibero handles jobs using threads to efficiently use resources. One worker process consists of one control thread and multiple worker threads. A working process contains one control thread and ten worker threads by default.

The number of worker threads per process can be set using the initialization parameter _WTHR_PER_PROC, and after Tibero begins, this number cannot be changed, like WTHR_PROC_CNT. Therefore, the proper number of worker processes should be set based on the number of concurrent users and the system environment.

It is recommended to use the initialization parameter MAX_SESSION_COUNT instead of WTHR_PROC_CNT and _WTHR_PER_PROC to specify the maximum number of sessions provided by a server. The values of WTHR_PROC_CNT and _WTHR_PER_PROC are automatically set depending on the value of MAX_SESSION_COUNT.

If WTHR_PROC_CNT and _WTHR_PER_PROC are manually set, the value of WTHR_PROC_CNT * _WTHR_PER_PROC must be identical to MAX_SESSION_COUNT.

The value of MAX_BG_SESSION_COUNT must be smaller than the value of MAX_SESSION_COUNT, and it must be a multiple of _WTHR_PER_PROC .

A worker process performs jobs using the given control thread and worker threads.

Control Thread

Each worker process has one control thread, which plays the following roles:

  • Creates as many worker threads as specified in the initialization parameter when Tibero is started.

  • Allocates new client connection requests to an idle worker thread.

  • Checks signal processing.

  • Tibero supports I/O multiplexing and performs the role of sending and receiving messages instead of worker threads.

Worker Thread

A worker thread communicates directly with a single client process. It receives and handles messages from a client process and returns the result. It handles most DBMS jobs such as SQL parsing and optimization. Because a worker thread connects to a single client, the number of clients that can simultaneously connect to Tibero RDBMS is equal to WTHR_PROC_CNT multiplied by _WTHR_PER_PROC. Because Tibero RDBMS does not support session multiplexing, a single client connection represents a single session. Therefore, the maximum number of sessions is also equal to WTHR_PROC_CNT multiplied by _WTHR_PER_PROC.

Even after a worker thread is disconnected from a client, it does not disappear. It is created when Tibero RDBMS starts and is removed when Tibero RDBMS terminates. This improves system performance as threads do not need to be created or removed even if connections to clients need to be made frequently.

However, a number of worker threads equal to the initialization parameter have to be created regardless of the number of clients. This unnecessarily uses OS resources, but is still practical for system operation because it takes few resources to maintain idle threads.many worker threads attempt to handle


If too many worker threads attempt to handle jobs at the same time without consideration for the CPU and memory resources, system performance may suffer due to heavy loads. Therefore, to build a massive scale system, it is recommended to install middleware between Tibero and application programs using a three-tier structure.

1.5.3. Background Process

Background processes are independent processes that primarily perform time-consuming disk operations at specified intervals or at the request of a worker thread or another background process.

The following are the processes that belong to the background process group:

  • Monitor Process (MONP)

    Monitor Process is a single independent process. In previous versions of Tibero, it was named 'monitor thread'. It is the first process created after Listener when Tibero starts. It is the last process to finish when Tibero terminates.

    The monitor thread creates other processes, including a listener when Tibero starts. It also periodically checks each process status and deadlocks.

  • Tibero Manager Process (MGWP)

    Tibero Manager Process is used to manage the system. MGWP receives a manager's connection request and allocates a thread that is reserved for system management. MGWP basically performs the same role as a worker process but it directly handles the connection through a special port. Only the SYS account is allowed to connect to the special port.

  • Agent Process (AGNT)

    Agent Process performs internal jobs for Tibero that are required for system maintenance. Until version 4SP1, this process stored sequence cache values to disk, but starting in Tibero 5, each worker thread stores them individually. The name "SEQW" was changed to "AGNT" starting in Tibero 6. For more details on how to use the sequence process, refer to “4.7.1. Creating, Changing, and Deleting Sequences”.

    In Tibero 6, AGNT runs based on a multi-threaded structure, and threads are allocated per workload.

  • Database Write Process (DBWR)

    Database Write Process is a collection of threads that record database updates on the disk. DBWR includes threads that periodically record user-changed blocks onto disk, threads for recording redo logs onto disk, and check point threads for managing the check point process of the database.

1.6. Directory Structure

The following directory structure is created after installing Tibero.

    +- bin
    |   |
    |   +- update
    +- client
    |   |
    |   +- bin
    |   +- config
    |   +- include
    |   +- lib
    |   |   |
    |   |   +- jar
    |   |   +- php
    |   +- ssl
    |   |   |
    |   |   +- misc
    |   +- epa
    |   |   |
    |   |   +- java
    |   |       |
    |   |       +- config
    |   |       +- lib
    |   +- win32
    |   |   |
    |   |   +- bin
    |   |   +- lib
    |   +- win64
    |       |
    |       +- bin
    |       +- lib
    +- config
    +- database
    |   +- $TB_SID
    |       |
    |       +- java
    +- instance
    |   |
    |   +- $TB_SID
    |       |
    |       +- audit
    |       +- dump
    |       |  |
    |       |  +- act
    |       |  +- diag
    |       |  +- tracedump
    |       +- log
    |       |  +- dlog
    |       |  +- ilog
    |       |  +- lsnr
    |       |  +- slog
    |       |  +- sqltrace
    |       +- path
    +- lib
    +- license
    |  |
    |  +- oss_licenses
    +- nls
    |  |
    |  +- zoneinfo
    +- scripts
         +- pkg

The directories shown as $TB_SID in the previous directory structure is replaced by the server SID of the system environment.

The following are the default directories in Tibero.


Contains Tibero . The tbsvr and tblistener files are executables for creating the Tibero, and tbboot and tbdown are used to start up and shut down the Tibero.

The tbsvr and tblistener tbboot command.


Contains the following subdirectories.

  • bin

    Contains the following Tibero (utilities).

    tbSQLBasic client program for executing SQL queries and checking their results.
    T-UpUtility for migrating data to and checking compatibility with Tibero from another database.
    tbExportUtility for writing data to an external file for data migration or logical backup.
    tbImportUtility for importing data from an external file.
    tbLoaderUtility for loading a large amount of data into the database.
    tbpcUtility for converting embedded SQL in a C program to C so that the program can be compiled by a C compiler.

    For more information about the utilities, refer to Tibero Utility Guide. For the tbpc utility, refer to Tibero tbESQL/C Guide.

  • config

    Contains configuration file for executing a Tibero client program.

  • include

    Contains the header files for creating a Tibero client program.

  • lib

    Contains the library files for creating a Tibero . For more information, refer to Tibero Application Developer's Guide and TiberotbESQL/C Guide.

  • ssl

    Contains certificate and key files for server security.

  • epa

    Contains configuration and log files related to external procedures. For more information, refer to Tibero External Procedure Guide.

  • win32

    Contains the ODBC/OLE DB driver for 32-bit Windows.

  • win64

    Contains the ODBC/OLE DB driver for 64-bit Windows.


Contains the environment configuration files for Tibero. The $TB_SID.tip file in this directory contains the environment settings for Tibero.


Contains the following subdirectories.

  • $TB_SID

    Contains all database information unless it is configured separately. It includes the metadata and the following file types

    Control FileContains the location of all other files.
    Data FileContains the actual data.
    Log FileContains all data changes for use during data recovery.
  • $TB_SID/java

    Contains Java EPA class file unless JAVA_CLASS_PATH is defined.


Contains the following subdirectories.

  • $TB_SID/audit

    Contains the audit files that records activities of database users using system privileges or schema object privileges.

  • $TB_SID/log

    Contains system log (slog), DBMS log (dlog), internal log (ilog), listerner log (lsnr), and memlog files of Tibero.

    System log file (slog)Used for debugging. This file logs all server activities in detail that can be used for troubleshooting performance issues or resolve bugs within Tibero.
    DBMS log file (dlog)Records more important server activities than the system log file. It records about server startup and mode, ddl executions, etc.
    Internal log file (ilog)Records system logs for events configured for each thread. Use tbiv to view the logs.
    Listener log file (lsnr)Used for debugging Listener objects. It records important activities in Listeners objects and the logs are used for debugging purposes.

    System log, DBMS log, internal log, and listener log files are accumulated as the database operates. The maximum size of the log directory can be set, and Tibero deletes old files if the maximum size is reached.

    The following are the initialization parameters for a DBMS log file.

    Initialization ParameterDescription
    DBMS_LOG_FILE_SIZEMaximum DBMS log file size.
    DBMS_LOG_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMITMaximum size of the directory where DBMS log files are saved.
    SLOG_FILE_SIZEMaximum system log file size.
    SLOG_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMITMaximum size of the directory where system log files are saved.
    ILOG_FILE_SIZEMaximum internal log file size.
    ILOG_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMITMaximum size of the directory where internal log files are saved.
    LSNR_LOG_FILE_SIZEMaximum listener log file size.
    LSNR_LOG_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMITMaximum size of the directory where listener log files are saved.
  • $TB_SID/dump

    Contains dump files generated due to errors.

    actContains information generated by thread activity monitoring.
    diagContains log and dump files generated when the diag function is used in TAC.
    tracedumpContains information for SQL and PSM error debugging and dump files generated by a DDL command for dump.
  • $TB_SID/path

    Contains the socket files used for interprocess communication in Tibero. The files in this directory must not be read or updated while Tibero is running.


Contains the spatial function library files for Tibero.


Contains the Tibero (license.xml). This XML file can be opened using a text editor to check its contents.

The following is the subdirectory.

oss_licensesContains the open license terms that must be complied with when using Tibero.

Contains the following subdirectory.

zoneinfoContains the time zone information file for Tibero.

Contains various SQL statements used when creating a database in Tibero. It also includes various view definitions that reflect the current state of Tibero.

The following is the subdirectory.

pkgContains the package creation statements for Tibero.