Chapter 3. tbExport

Table of Contents

3.1. Overview
3.2. Features
3.3. Quick Start
3.3.1. Preparations Before Use
3.3.2. Export Modes
3.3.3. Executing tbExport
3.4. Specifying Parameters at the Command Prompt
3.4.1. Parameters
3.5. Operation Example

The following chapter describes the tbExport utility and its usage.

3.1. Overview

tbExport is the export utility provided by Tibero. This utility helps to export all or some part of a schema object saved in a Tibero database, and then saves it into a unique type of file. Therefore, it is useful when processing a database backup and transmitting a database between different machines.

When you export one schema object using the tbExport utility, the related schema objects will also be exported automatically. For example, if you export one table, the constraints and indexes that are created with the table will also be exported. If necessary, it is possible to stop some of the related schema objects from being exported.

tbExport has three modes: full database mode, user mode, and table mode. They can only be used by a DBA. If DBA privilege cannot be granted, it is recommended to grant the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege.

The files created through the tbExport utility are OS files. Therefore, unlike Tibero database files, these files can be processed as normal files. For example, they can be transmitted using FTP or saved on a CD-ROM and then sent to a remote Tibero database.

Specify the log, which occurs while exporting, by using the LOG parameter.

The following table describes the Complete, Alert, and Error messages created as a result of executing the tbExport utility.

Complete MessageDisplayed when the export has been successfully processed.
Alert Message

Displayed when the export has finished, but something is wrong.

It occurs when users try to export a table that does not exist. In this case, the tbExport utility outputs an Alert message, skips the corresponding table, and then continues with exporting the next object.

Error Message

Displayed when an error occurs during export and the export cannot continue.

It occurs when the export cannot be processed anymore (when there is not enough system memory the necessary view for the export is not created). After this error message is output, the export session will be terminated.

3.2. Features

The tbExport utility has the following features.

  • Logical Backup

    Extracts the data and internal schema of Tibero.

  • Data with Different Point of Time

    When exporting many tables at once, data in the tables will not be exported all at the same time. The data will be exported in order.

  • Saves the Table Definition

    Saves the table definition (DDL script of a table) regardless of the data existence.

  • Reorganizing the Table

    After creating a table, it removes all the fragmentations and migrated rows caused by a lot of DML work.

3.3. Quick Start

The tbExport utility will be installed or removed when Tibero is installed or removed. Also, the tbExport utility is implemented in the Java language and it can be run on any platform in which JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is installed.

3.3.1. Preparations Before Use

Check the following requirements are met before executing the tbExport utility.

  • If JRE 1.4.2 or higher is installed.

  • Should be installed on the same platform as Tibero database server or be connected through a network.

  • Necessary class libraries (the default location: $TB_HOME/client/lib/jar directory) for execution.

    • tbExport class: expimp.jar

    • Common library of the utilities: toolcom.jar

    • Common Logger library of the utilities: msllogger-14.jar

    • JDBC driver: internal-jdbc-14.jar

The Class libraries required for execution will be installed automatically when installing Tibero. Therefore, there are no additional tasks required for this.

3.3.2. Export Modes

Export mode has three modes: full database mode, user mode, and table mode. Each mode can be specified by using a parameter.

The following figure shows the relationship of schema objects, which are to be exported, in each mode.

[Figure 3.1] Export Mode

Export Mode

Full Database Mode

Full database mode exports the entire Tibero database. It exports objects of all users except the SYS user.

To use the full database mode, specify Y for the FULL parameter.


User Mode

User mode exports all schema objects of the specified users, except the SYS user. In other words, user mode is used to export all the objects that belong to the specified users. A DBA can allow more than one user to use this mode.

To use the user mode, specify the userlist for the USER parameter. (USER=userlist format).


Table Mode

Table mode specifies one or more tables and exports all of their schema objects, such as index.

To use table mode, specify the tablelist for the TABLE parameter (TABLE=tablelist format). Make sure to enter the user who owns the table like SCOTT.EMP as shown below.


3.3.3. Executing tbExport

To execute the tbExport utility, enter tbexport command in the $TB_HOME/client/bin directory.

The following is an example of how to execute tbExportin full database mode.

[Example 3.1]  Executing the tbExport utility

$ tbexport username=tibero password=tmax sid=tibero file=export.dat full=y
$ tbexport cfgfile=export.cfg

3.4. Specifying Parameters at the Command Prompt

If a user executes tbExport without specifying any values for the parameters the user will see a list of parameters and their usage, which can be entered at the command prompt, as shown below.

tbExport 6.0 102665 TmaxData Corporation Copyright (c) 2008-. All rights reserved.
Usage: tbexport [PARAMETER1=VALUE] [PARAMETER2=VALUE] ... 
  CFGFILE      Config file name  
  COMPRESS     Compress Mode: Y/N, default: N
  CONSTRAINT   Export Constraint: Y/N, default: Y
  CONSISTENT   Consistent Mode: Y/N, default: N
  EXCLUDE      Limit the export to specific objects
  FILE         Export dump file name, default: default.dat
  FULL         Full Mode: Y/N, default: N
  GEOM_ASBYTES     Export the geometry columns as bytes, default: N
  GRANT        Export Grant: Y/N, default: Y
  INDEX        Export Index: Y/N, default: Y
  INLINE_CONSTRAINT Use the Inline Constraint: Y/N, default: N
               (this option is only supported for the not null)
  IP           IP address, default: localhost
  LOG          Export script log file name
  LOGDIR       Export log directory
  NO_PACK_DIR  Export unpacked dump files to specified directory. 
               If this option is specified, FILE parameter will be ignored.
  OVERWRITE    Overwrite datafile if same file name exists: Y/N, default: N
  PASSWORD     User password
  PORT         PORT number, default: 8629
  QUERY        Where predicate: (Optional) to filter data to be exported
               (must be used with TABLE parameter.)
  REMAP_TABLESPACE Remaps the objects from the source tablespace to the target 
  ROWS         Export Table Rows: Y/N, default: Y
  SAVE_CREDENTIAL    Save your username and password to specified file
  SCRIPT       LOG THE DDL SCRIPT: Y/N, default: N
  SID          Database name
  TABLE        Table Mode: table name list
               Append :<Partition Name> to select a single partition (Optional)
  TARGETDB     Target Server, default: TIBERO
  TEMP_DIR     Directory for the temporary raw dump files.
  THREAD_CNT   Thread Count, default: 4
  USER         User Mode: user name list
  USERNAME     Database user name

Parameter values do not have to be entered in order. Among the parameter values, CFGFILE can only be entered at the command prompt. Other parameter values can be specified in the configuration file. Parameter names specified in the configuration file must be in uppercase.

The parameters used at the command prompt can be saved in the configuration file, in the following two ways. The second type is used when specifying two or more parameter values.

PARAMETER=value1, ...

The following is an example of how to specify a number of parameters.


3.4.1. Parameters

The following table describes the tbExport utility parameters, that can be entered at the command prompt.

CFGFILEConfiguration file name.

Option to compress data during export.

  • Y: compress data.

  • N: do not compress data. (Default value)

If this is set to Y, a single thread is used.


Exports data.

  • Y: export data in CONSISTENT mode.

  • N: do not export data in CONSISTENT mode. (Default value)

This is not applicable for targets that are not supported in flashback query.


Option to export constraints.

  • Y: export constraints. (Default value)

  • N: do not export constraints.


Option to exclude a specific user or table when exporting.

Exclusion clauses are shown below.

  • Excluding schemas and schema.table

    exclude=schema:\"=\'TIBERO\'/table:LIKE \'T%\'\" 
  • Excluding multiple schemas

  • Excluding multiple tables


Name of the file that is created during the export. (The default value: default.dat)

It is created in the operating system as a binary file type. If the name is not specified the default value will be used.


Option to export in full database mode.

  • Y: export in full database mode.

  • N: export in user or table mode. (Either one of the two modes must be specified.) (The default value)


Option to retrieve a geometry column as WKB or bytes.

(Default value: N)

  • This function stores geometry column data in WKB format in Tibero 6 and higher. This can yield better performance during export or import. If the geom_asbytes option is set to Y when performing export, LOBs are processed as is without using functions like st_asbinary.

  • Note: When exporting data from Tibero 5 SP1 (or earlier versions), data is exported in WKB format. In this case, geom_asbytes must not be set to Y.

    geom_asbytes must be set to 'N', which uses st_asbinary() to internally retrieve data in WKB format.

    When exporting data from Tibero 5 SP1 (or earlier versions), performance issues can occur when creating and processing temp LOB. When importing data with DPL from Tibero 5 SP1 (or earlier versions), issues can occur when processing large-size geometry data.


Option to export permissions.

  • Y: export permissions. (Default value)

  • N: do not export permissions.


Option to export the index information.

  • Y: export the index. (Default value)

  • N: do not export the index.


Option to display scripts as inline constraints.

  • Y: display the script as an inline constraint. (Only applicable for Not Null constraints)

  • N: display the script as an Out-of-line Constraint. (Default value)

IPIP address of theTibero server, that is to be exported. (Default value: localhost)
LOGName of the export log file.
LOGDIRName of the directory that contains the file that records export logs.
NO_PACK_DIRDirectory which stores the unpacked dump file. If this option is specified, the value set in the FILE parameter is ignored.

Option to overwrite the name of the file if it already exists.

  • Y: overwrite the file.

  • N: do not overwrite the file. (Default value)

PASSWORDPassword of the user, who performs the Export.
PACK_TYPE (hidden)

Packing algorithm.

  • TAR: TAR format. (Default value)

  • ZIP: ZIP format.

PARALLEL_DEGREE (hidden)Parallel hint to use in queries used to export table data. (Default value: 0 (NOT PARALLEL))
PORTPort number of the Tibero server, that is to be exported. (Default value: 8629)

Filter condition for the data to be exported.

  • It is processed regardless of the mode. However, it can be applied even to a table you did not specify. Please pay extra attention when using this parameter.

  • The ' \ ' sign should be placed in the front and end of the Where condition.

  • If a syntax error occurs in SQL statement because of the specified condition, cancel the condition and then try again.


Changes the tablespace name.


  • Changing the tablespace name from USR3 to USR1

  • Changing multiple tablespace names

  • Changing to a case sensitive tablespace name


Changes the table name.


  • Changing the table name from TEST1 to TEST2

  • Changing multiple table names

  • Changing a partition table name


Option to export the table data.

  • Y: export the table data. (Default value)

  • N: do not export the table data.


Option to save encrypted username and password.

  • Usage

    • Creates an encryption file using the SAVE_CREDENTIAL option.



      Example) SAVE_CREDENTIAL=/tmp/.expimp 
  • Sets the environment variables of the EXPIMP_WALLET file.

    export SAVE_CREDENTIAL=/tmp/.expimp
  • Parameter Priority

    • The username and password parameters that are entered into the command line.

    • The USERNAME and PASSWORD files in cfgfile.

    • The USERNAME and PASSWORD of the EXPIMP_WALLET file.

    • An error occurs if the above settings are not specified.


Option to show the DDL script that creates a schema object during export.

  • Y: show the DDL script that creates a schema object.

  • N: do not show the DDL script that creates a schema object. (Default value)

SERVER_VER (hidden)Tibero version to export. Scripts are generated according to the version.

Export version constants:

  • 8: Tibero 6 (Default value)

  • 7: Tibero 5 SP1

  • 6: Tibero 5

SIDSID of theTibero server, that is to be exported.

Name of the table to be exported in table mode.

The format is TABLE=tablelist. For details, refer to "Table Mode"

TEMP_DIRDirectory that stores temporary dump files when exporting data.

Number of threads, which are used to export the table data.

(The default value: 4)


Owner of the object to be exported in the user mode.

The format is USER=userlist. For details, refer to "User Mode"

USERNAMEUser account that will perform the export.

3.5. Operation Example

The following is an example of exporting using the tbExport utility.

[Example 3.2] Executing Export by Using the tbExport Utility

tbExport 6.0 97668 TmaxData Corporation Copyright (c) 2008-. All rights reserved.
the entire database: Fri Feb 06 10:45:16 KST 2015
Export character set: MS949
    exporting tablespaces
    exporting roles
    exporting schema: "TIBERO"
        exporting tables
          [0] exporting table BONUS     no rows exported.
          [1] exporting table DEPT      4 rows exported.
          [2] exporting table EMP       10 rows exported.
          [3] exporting table SALGRADE  5 rows exported.
        exporting object privileges
        exporting indexes
        exporting sequences
        exporting views
        exporting synonyms
Packing the file...
Export completed successfully: Fri Feb 06 10:46:17 KST 2015