JEUS Getting Started Guide 


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Document Information

Title: JEUS Getting Started Guide 

Publication Date: 2018-01-31

Software Version: JEUS 8

Edition: v2.1.1

Table of Contents

About This Document
I. JEUS Introduction
1. Introduction
1.1. Overview
1.2. System Concepts and Roles
1.3. Architecture and Components
1.3.1. Client Layer
1.3.2. WAS Middleware Layer
1.3.3. Source Layer
1.4. Interoperable Modules
1.5. Editions
2. JEUS Environment
2.1. Management Tools
2.2. Directory Structure
2.3. Environment Variables
2.4. Environment Configuration Files
3. JEUS Manual Organization
3.1. Overview
3.2. Manual Organization
II. JEUS Installation
4. Installation Overview and Pre-Installation Tasks
4.1. Overview
4.2. System Requirements
4.3. Installation Order
4.4. Installing Java JDK
4.5. JEUS Licensing
5. Installing and Uninstalling JEUS on UNIX
5.1. Overview
5.2. Installing
5.2.1. Installing JEUS in GUI Mode
5.2.2. Installing JEUS in Console Mode
5.3. Verifying Installation
5.3.1. Directory Structure
5.3.2. Environment Configurations
5.3.3. Starting JEUS
5.4. Uninstallation
5.4.1. Uninstalling JEUS in GUI Mode
5.4.2. Uninstalling JEUS in Console Mode
5.5. Verifying Uninstallation
6. Installing and Uninstalling JEUS on Windows
6.1. Overview
6.2. Installing JEUS
6.3. Verifying Installation
6.3.1. Directory Structure
6.3.2. Environment Configurations
6.3.3. Starting JEUS
6.4. Registering and Removing Services
6.4.1. Registering a Service
6.4.2. Verifying Service Registration
6.4.3. Removing a Service
6.5. Uninstallation
6.6. Verifying Uninstallation
III. Starting JEUS
7. Introduction
8. Configuring a JEUS System
8.1. Overview
8.2. Configuring Basic Environment Variables
8.3. Adding and Configuring Managed Servers
8.4. Adding Data Sources
8.5. Starting and Stopping Servers in WebAdmin
9. Using Web Tier
9.1. Example
9.2. Compilation
9.3. Deployment
9.4. Execution Result
10. Using EJBs
10.1. Session Bean Example
10.1.1. Sample Code
10.1.2. Compilation
10.1.3. Deployment
10.1.4. Execution Result
10.2. Java Persistence API Example
10.2.1. Sample File
10.2.2. Compilation
10.2.3. Deployment
10.2.4. Execution Result
11. Using Web Services
11.1. Creating Web Services
11.1.1. Creating a Web Service in Java
11.1.2. Creating a Web Service From WSDL
11.2. Building Web Service Clients
11.2.1. Developing a Java SE Client
A. Installing JDK
A.1. Sun Solaris
A.3. HP-UX
A.4. Linux
B. Configuring IPv6
B.1. Introduction
B.2. Configuring IPv6 Environment
C. Windows Service Configuration

List of Figures

[Figure 1.1] JEUS Concept and Component Layers
[Figure 1.2] JEUS Web Application Architecture
[그림 2.1] Directory Structure After Installing JEUS
[Figure 3.1] JEUS Manual Organization
[Figure 4.1] JEUS Installation Order
[그림 5.1] Installing JEUS in GUI Mode - Initial Screen of the Installer
[그림 5.2] Installing JEUS in GUI Mode - Introduction
[그림 5.3] Installing JEUS in GUI Mode - License Agreement
[그림 5.4] Installing JEUS in GUI Mode - Choose Platform
[그림 5.5] Installing JEUS in GUI Mode - Installation Folder
[그림 5.6] Installing JEUS in GUI Mode - Installation Type
[그림 5.7] Installing JEUS in GUI Mode - Installation Mode
[그림 5.8] Installing JEUS in GUI Mode - Choose JAVA Folder
[그림 5.9] Installing JEUS in GUI Mode - Enter Password
[그림 5.10] Installing JEUS in GUI Mode - Domain Name
[그림 5.11] Installing JEUS in GUI Mode - Node Manager Configuration
[그림 5.12] Installing JEUS in GUI Mode - Pre-Installation Summary
[그림 5.13] Installing JEUS in GUI Mode - Install JEUS
[그림 5.14] Installing JEUS in GUI Mode - Installation Complete
[그림 5.15] Directory Structure After Installing JEUS
[그림 5.16] WebAdmin Login Screen
[그림 5.17] Main WebAdmin Page
[그림 5.18] WebAdmin Servers
[그림 5.19] Uninstalling JEUS in GUI Mode - Uninstall JEUS
[그림 5.20] Uninstalling JEUS in GUI Mode - Uninstalling
[그림 5.21] Uninstalling JEUS in GUI Mode - Uninstallation Complete
[그림 6.1] Installing JEUS on Windows - Initial Screen
[그림 6.2] Installing JEUS on Windows - Introduction
[그림 6.3] Installing JEUS on Windows - License Agreement
[그림 6.4] Installing JEUS on Windows - Choose Kernel Bit
[그림 6.5] Installing JEUS on Windows - Installation Folder
[그림 6.6] Installing JEUS on Windows - Installation Type
[그림 6.7] Installing JEUS on Windows -Installation Mode
[그림 6.8] Installing JEUS on Windows - JDK Path
[그림 6.9] Registering as a Windows Service
[그림 6.10] Installing JEUS on Windows - Choose Password
[그림 6.11] Installing JEUS on Windows - Domain Name
[그림 6.12] Installing JEUS on Windows - Pre-Installation Summary
[그림 6.13] Installing JEUS on Windows - Installing JEUS
[그림 6.14] Installing JEUS on Windows - Installation Complete
[그림 6.15] Directory Structure After Installing JEUS
[그림 6.16] WebAdmin Login Screen
[그림 6.17] WebAdmin Main Screen
[그림 6.18] Uninstalling JEUS on Windows - Uninstall JEUS
[그림 6.19] Uninstalling JEUS on Windows - Windows Service Deletion
[그림 6.20] Uninstalling JEUS on Windows - Uninstall JEUS
[그림 6.21] Uninstalling JEUS on Windows - Uninstallation Complete
[Figure 8.1] Login Page
[Figure 8.2] Main Page
[Figure 8.3] Adding Managed Servers - Servers
[Figure 8.4] Adding Managed Servers - Basic Information
[Figure 8.5] Adding Managed Servers - Results
[Figure 8.6] Adding Managed Servers - Selecting a Listener
[Figure 8.7] Adding Managed Servers - Changing Listener Properties
[Figure 8.8] Adding HTTP Listeners - Adding Listeners
[Figure 8.9] Setting HTTP Listener Properties - Basic Information
[Figure 8.10] Configuring HTTP Listeners - Adding Web Connections
[Figure 8.11] Configuring HTTP Listeners - Configuring Web Connection Properties
[Figure 8.12] Configuring WebtoB Connectors - Adding Web Connections
[Figure 8.13] Configuring WebtoB Connectors - Basic Web Connection Settings
[Figure 8.14] Adding DataSources - JDBC Data Sources
[Figure 8.15] Adding DataSources - Basic Information
[Figure 8.16] Adding DataSources - DataSource List
[Figure 8.17] Adding DataSources - Selecting DataSources
[Figure 8.18] Managing MSs in JEUS WebAdmin
[Figure 9.1] List of Applications Installed on DAS
[Figure 9.2] Selecting a Deployment Target
[Figure 9.3] Installation Successful Message
[Figure 9.4] Deployment Successful Message
[Figure 9.5] Executing a JSP
[Figure 9.6] Executing a WAR Module (Servlet)
[Figure 10.1] Applications Installed on DAS
[Figure 10.2] Selecting a Target Application
[Figure 10.3] List of Installed Applications
[Figure 10.4] Deployment Successful Message
[Figure 10.5] HelloEJB Client Page
[Figure 10.6] HelloEJB Servlet Execution Result
[Figure 10.7] List of Applications Installed on DAS
[Figure 10.8] Select an Installation Target
[Figure 10.9] List of Installed Applications
[Figure 10.10] HelloJPA Deployment Options
[Figure 10.11] HelloJPA Deployment Successful Message
[Figure 10.12] HelloJPA Client Page
[Figure 10.13] HelloJPA Servlet Execution Result
[Figure 11.1] AddNumbers Successfully Deployed
[Figure 11.2] Successful Deployment of a Web Service Created from WSDL

List of Examples

[Example 9.1] <<>>
[Example 9.2] <<snoop.jsp>>
[Example 9.3] <<snoop-jstl.jsp>>
[Example 10.1] <<>>
[Example 10.2] <<>>
[Example 10.3] <<>>
[Example 10.4] <<>>
[Example 10.5] <<>>
[Example 10.6] <<>>
[Example 10.7] <<>>
[Example 11.1] <<>>
[Example 11.2] <<>>
[Example 11.3] <<>>
[Example B.1] hosts
[Example C.1] <<jeus.ini>>