Chapter 1. Introduction

Table of Contents

1.1. Overview
1.2. Upgrade Preparation
1.2.1. Major Changes and Compatibility Notes
1.2.2. Automated Upgrade Tool
1.2.3. Upgrade Procedure

This guide describes the knowledge, process, and methods needed for upgrading from JEUS 6 to 7.

1.1. Overview

Upgrading can be divided into two tasks: migrating the server environment and configuration, and migrating applications.

  • Migrating the server environment and configuration

    Migration of the server environment and configuration involves configuring a JEUS 7 environment, which is based on JEUS 6's environment configuration. An upgrading tool is provided for convenience in this step, and many parts are automated. However, depending on the installation environment, there are some parts that cannot be automated. JEUS 6 and 7 are fundamentally different in many ways such as the adoption of the domain structure. Therefore, there may be some parts that may need to be performed manually during an upgrade.

  • Migrating applications

    If an application is compliant with the Java EE standard, only external configurations such as JEUS deployment descriptor need to be converted to be compatible. To do so, JEUS 7 provides a function for upgrading JEUS DD (Deployment Descriptor) during deployment. However, for applications that are not compliant, applications that did not cause problems in the previous version but originally written improperly, or applications written using a non-public internal JEUS API or assuming an internal structure, may not run properly. This is a phenomenon that can occur due to internal architectural changes or strengthened validation checks as the JEUS version is upgraded. In such cases, applications may need to be modified.


For information about major changes in JEUS 7, refer to "JEUS Release Note".

1.2. Upgrade Preparation

This chapter describes the items of consideration when preparing to upgrade JEUS to a higher version.

1.2.1. Major Changes and Compatibility Notes

It is good practice to identify the major changes in order to identify the items that can impact an upgrade. As a result, please refer to

"JEUS Release Note". For information regarding backward compatibility and the impact of JVM version change resulting from JDK upgrade, refer to "Appendix C. Compatibility".

1.2.2. Automated Upgrade Tool

An upgrade tool is supported in JEUS 7 for easy upgrading from JEUS 6 to 7. Using to upgrade tool allows the user to perform domain configuration and server migration tasks. For information about the automated upgrade tool, refer to "Appendix A. Upgrade Tool".

1.2.3. Upgrade Procedure

Upgrading is performed in the following procedure.

  1. Back up JEUS

    Back up the existing JEUS installation file and applications just to be safe.

  2. Install JEUS 7

    Install JEUS 7. Before installing JEUS 7, JDK 6 or higher must already be installed. For information about JEUS 7 installation, refer to "JEUS Installation and Getting Started" guide.

  3. Clean up Unnecessary Configurations and Applications

    Remove any unnecessary applications or configurations when upgrading from the existing JEUS version.