Chapter 5. Repository

Table of Contents

5.1. Asset Analysis List
5.2. Analyzing Assets
5.3. Asset Analysis Information
5.3.1. Analysis Information for CICS System Definition
5.3.2. Analysis Information for JCL
5.3.3. Analysis Information for COBOL
5.3.4. Analysis Information for BMS

This chapter describes main features of [REPOSITORY] menu in the PDS detailed mode.

5.1. Asset Analysis List

You can view the analysis list for CICS System Definition, JCL, COBOL, and BMS assets.

  1. In the PDS detailed mode, go to the [REPOSITORY] menu.

    figure pds repository menu

  2. When the Repository screen opens, you can view the asset analysis list.

    figure assets repository repository

    The description for each section is as follows:

    • ① Search Conditions

      Set the search conditions for the asset analysis list. After setting the conditions, click the [Search] button to view the results that meet the conditions in the list. Clicking [Reset] button will reset all the set search conditions.

      The following describes each item.


      Asset Type

      Enter the type of asset.


      Select the status of asset.

      File Name

      Enter the file name of the asset.

    • ② Asset Analysis List

      You can view the list of assets for analysis.

      The following describes each item.



      Directory where the asset is located.

      Asset Type

      Type of the asset. It indicates a type of asset existing within the registered PDS.

      File Name

      File name of the asset. Clicking this name opens a detailed page of the analysis result for the asset file.


      Result of the asset analysis.

      • Newly Added: Newly added assets that has not been analyzed yet.

      • Analyzing: Assets in the process of analysis.

      • Verified: The resources referenced by the asset exist, and the analysis has been successfully completed without syntactic errors.

      • Missing: The resources referenced by the asset do not exist, and the analysis has not been successfully completed.

      • Error: The resource analysis has not been performed due to syntactic errors.

      • Modified: Analysis was previously performed, but re-analysis is required due to modifications.

      • Failed: The parsing did not complete successfully during analysis and terminated abnormally.


      File size of the asset.

      Number of Lines

      Number of source code lines in the asset.

5.2. Analyzing Assets

You can perform the analysis on CICS System Definition, JCL, COBOL, and BMS assets.

  1. In the PDS detailed mode, go to the [REPOSITORY] menu.

    figure pds repository menu

  2. Select the checkbox of the asset to analyze from the list (multiple selections available), and then click the [Analyze] button.

    figure assets repository analyze

  3. When the dialog box opens, check the target file for analysis, and then click the [Analyze] button. At this time, you can expand the 'OPTION' section to set options to apply to the analysis.

    figure assets repository analyze dialog option

    The following describes each item of the Option section.

    Asset TypeItemDescription


    Copybook Name Length

    Option to restrict the copybook file name declared in COBOL.

    [Note] The default length of copybook file name is 8.

    Enable Migration

    Select whether to migrate.

    [Note] If migration is not executed, the analysis performance improves.

    Embedded SQL

    Select the ESQL syntax declared in COBOL.

    Skip Undefined Variable

    Select whether to skip the undefined variables within the asset.


    Select the COBOL syntax type.


    Enable Migration

    Select whether to migrate.

    [Note] If migration is not executed, the analysis performance improves.


    Select the OS type.


    These are parser options for individual assets and must be set according to the specified settings of the file to operate properly.

  4. The analysis for the file is performed.

5.3. Asset Analysis Information

5.3.1. Analysis Information for CICS System Definition

You can view the basic information of the CICS System Definition asset file, including details about the analysis status and results.

  1. In the PDS detailed mode, go to the [REPOSITORY] menu.

    figure pds repository menu

  2. Click the file name of which asset type is 'CICS/SD' from the list.

    figure assets repository cics file

  3. The detailed information page opens, displaying the analysis status and results of the file.

    figure assets repository detail cicssd

    The following explains each section.

    • ① Basic Information

      Displays the basic information about CICS/SD assets.

    • ② Detailed Information Tabs

      Provides more details about CICS/SD assets.

      The following describes each tab.



      Displays types and counts of the resources declared in the asset, and source code of the asset.


      Displays analysis date and status of the asset.


The [SUMMARY] tab provides the type and number of the resources declared in the asset. It also displays the original source code of the asset.

figure assets repository detail cicssd summary

[Figure 5.1] CICS System Definition Analysis Info - [SUMMARY] Tab

The following describes each section.

  • ① Resource Type List

    Displays the number of each type for the resources declared in the asset.

    The following describes each item.


    Resource Type

    Type of the resource declared in the asset.


    Number of the resource declared in the asset.

  • ② Source Code

    Displays the original source code of the asset.


The [HISTORY] tab displays the analysis date and the analysis status.

figure assets repository detail cicssd history

[Figure 5.2] CICS System Definition Analysis Info - [HISTORY] Tab

The following describes each item.


Analysis Date

Date and time of the asset analysis.

Analysis History

Result of the asset analysis.

5.3.2. Analysis Information for JCL

You can view the basic information of JCL asset file analysis.

  1. In the PDS detailed mode, go to the [REPOSITORY] menu.

    figure pds repository menu

  2. Click the file name of which asset type is 'JCL' from the list.

    figure assets repository jcl file

  3. The detailed information page opens, displaying the analysis status and results of the file.

    figure assets repository detail jcl

    The following describes each section.

    • ① Basic Information

      Displays the basic information about JCL assets.

    • ② Detailed Information Tabs

      Provides more details about JCL assets.

      The following describes each tab.



      Displays the number of steps and DD statements declared in the job, and outline of the source code.


      Displays analysis date and status of the asset.


The [SUMMARY] tab provides the number of steps and DD statements declared in the job, as well as the original source code of the asset.

figure assets repository detail jcl summary job

[Figure 5.3] JCL Analysis Info - [SUMMARY] Tab

The following describes each section.

  • ① Job Details

    Displays the number of steps and DD statements declared in the job.

    The following describes each item.


    Step count

    Number of steps belonging to the job.

    DD count

    Number of DD statements belonging to the job.


    Description specified as the first positional parameter when defining a job.

  • ② Outline

    Displays the outline of the job defined in JCL. When you click the item in the list, the corresponding line of the source code is highlighted.

    The following describes each button.



    Displays the outline of key statements.


    Displays an overview of the procedures, Include members, and programs referenced in JCL by type.

  • ③ Source Code

    Displays the original source code of the asset.


The [HISTORY] tab displays the analysis date and the analysis status.

figure assets repository detail jcl history

[Figure 5.4] JCL Analysis Info - [HISTORY] Tab

The following describes each item.


Analysis Date

Date and time of the asset analysis.

Analysis History

Result of the asset analysis.

5.3.3. Analysis Information for COBOL

You can view the basic information of COBOL asset file analysis.

  1. In the PDS detailed mode, go to the [REPOSITORY] menu.

    figure pds repository menu

  2. Click the file name of which asset type is 'COBOL' from the list.

    figure assets repository cobol file

  3. The detailed information page opens, displaying the analysis status and results of the file.

    figure assets repository detail cobol

    The following describes each section.

    • ① Basic Information

      Displays the basic information about COBOL assets.

    • ② Detailed Information Tabs

      Provides more details about COBOL assets.

      The following describes each tab.



      Displays the number of sections, paragraphs, and statements declared in each program, as well as the outline of the original source code.


      Displays analysis date and status of the asset.


The [SUMMARY] tab provides the information about the number of sections, paragraphs, and statements declared in each program. Additionally, it displays the original source code of the asset.

figure assets repository detail cobol summary program

[Figure 5.5] COBOL Analysis Info - [SUMMARY] Tab

The following describes each section.

  • ① Program Details

    You can check the number of sections, paragraphs, and statements declared within each program.

    The following describes each item.


    Program Name

    Program-ID information.

    Application Type

    Type of application.

    If the COBOL is called in JCL, it is specified as Batch, and if it is called in CICS or IMS, it is specified as Online.

    Section Count

    Number of sections within the program.

    Paragraph Count

    Number of paragraphs within the program.

    Statement Count

    Number of statements within the program.

  • ② Outline

    Displays the outline of the program defined in COBOL. When you click the item in the list, the corresponding line of the source code is highlighted.

    The following describes each button.



    Displays the outline of key statements.


    Displays an overview of the copybooks and programs referenced in COBOL by type.

  • ③ Source Code

    Displays the original source code of the asset.


The [HISTORY] tab displays the analysis date and the analysis status.

figure assets repository detail cobol history

[Figure 5.6] COBOL Analysis Info - [HISTORY] Tab

The following describes each item.


Analysis Date

Date and time of the asset analysis.

Analysis History

Result of the asset analysis.

5.3.4. Analysis Information for BMS

  1. In the PDS detailed mode, go to [REPOSITORY] menu.

    figure pds repository menu

  2. Click the file name of which asset type is 'BMS' from the list.

    figure assets repository bms file

  3. The detailed information page opens, displaying the analysis status and results of the file.

    figure assets repository detail bms

    The following describes each section.

    • ① Basic Information

      Displays the basic information about BMS assets.

    • ② Detailed Information Tabs

      Provides more details about BMS assets.

      The following describes each tab.



      Displays the original source code of the asset.


      Displays analysis date and status of the asset.


The [SUMMARY] tab displays the original source code of the asset.

figure assets repository detail bms summary

[Figure 5.7] BMS Analysis Info - [SUMMARY] Tab


The [HISTORY] tab displays the analysis date and the analysis status.

figure assets repository detail bms history

[Figure 5.8] BMS Analysis Info - [HISTORY] Tab

The following describes each item.


Analysis Date

Date and time of the asset analysis.

Analysis History

Result of the asset analysis.