Chapter 4. Patch

Table of Contents

4.1. Tibero Updater
4.1.1. Overview
4.1.2. Usage
4.1.3. Reference

This chapter describes how to use the tbupdater utility to automatically update Tibero.

4.1. Tibero Updater

4.1.1. Overview

Tibero updater is a utility that automatically performs additional tasks to update DB to the latest version.

Tibero updater has the following advantages:

  1. Improves ease of use by automatically performing manual tasks.

  2. Reduces update time by omitting unnecessary tasks.

4.1.2. Usage

[Example 4.1] Executing tbUpdater (Update from Revision 30000 to 60000)

$ tbupdater sys/tibero 30000

Tibero6 Patcher

Copyright (c) 2001-2009 TmaxData Corporation. All rights reserved.

Revision number before update: 30000

Checking and updating......

Executing "system_sh_pkgonly"..Ok

Executing "psm_recompile_all"..Ok

Update is finished.

For details, check $TB_HOME/bin/update/*.log.

4.1.3. Reference

  • Scripts for each update item exist in $TB_HOME/bin/update. If necessary, the scripts can be executed individually to perform a manual update.

  • The file $TB_HOME/bin/update/update.tbl should not be modified as it contains important update information.