Tibero  Installation Guide

Tibero 5 SP1

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This product includes open source software developed and/or licensed by "OpenSSL," "RSA Data Security, Inc.," "Apache Foundation," "Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler," and "Paul Hsieh's hash". Information about the aforementioned and the related open source software can be found in the "${INSTALL_PATH}/license/oss_licenses" directory.

Manual Information

Title: Tibero  Installation Guide

Publication Date: 2014-08-01

Product Number: Tibero 5 SP1

Edition: 2.1.1

Table of Contents

About This Document
1. Installation Overview
1.1. Overview
1.2. Installation Components
1.2.1. Package Components
1.2.2. Software Distribution Policy
1.3. System Requirements
1.3.1. Supported Platforms and Operating Systems
1.3.2. H/W and S/W Requirements
2. Pre-installation Tasks
2.1. Verifying Available Disk Space
2.2. Installing JDK 5.0
2.3. Setting Kernel Parameters for Each OS
2.3.1. Linux
2.3.2. Solaris
2.3.3. HP-UX
2.3.4. AIX
2.4. Verifying Host Name, Port Number, System Account, and localhost
3. Installation and Uninstallation
3.1. Installation
3.1.1. GUI Mode
3.1.2. Console Mode
3.1.3. Manual Mode
3.1.4. Manual Installation of Multiple Instances
3.2. Verifying the Installation
3.2.1. Directory Structure after Installation
3.2.2. Applying and Verifying the User Configuration File
3.2.3. Startup and Termination
3.2.4. User Accounts
3.3. Uninstallation
3.3.1. GUI Mode
3.3.2. Console Mode
3.3.3. Manual Mode
4. Patch
4.1. Tibero Updater
4.1.1. Overview
4.1.2. Usage
4.1.3. Reference
A. Troubleshooting
A.1. User Configuration File
A.1.1. TB_HOME
A.1.3. TB_SID
A.2. Others
A.2.1. Port Number
A.2.2. Uninstalling Tibero
B. Mounting a CD-ROM
B.1. AIX
B.2. HP
B.3. Linux
B.4. Solaris
C. Configuring TAC
C.1. Overview
C.2. Pre-Installation Tasks
C.2.1. System Requirements
C.2.2. Checking Tibero Installation Requirements
C.2.3. Checking IP Address and Port Information
C.2.4. Checking Account Synchronization
C.2.5. Checking Shared Disk Type
C.2.6. Checking the Existing TAC Environment Information
C.3. Installation and Uninstallation
C.3.1. Installation Using the Installer
C.3.2. Manual Installation
C.3.3. Verifying the Installation
C.3.4. Uninstallation
C.4. Troubleshooting
C.4.1. Adding a Node
C.4.2. APM-Related Error When a TAC Raw Device Is Used
D. Installing Tibero Client
D.1. Overview
D.2. Installation
D.2.1. Installation with the Installer
D.2.2. Verifying the Installation
D.3. Uninstallation
D.3.1. Uninstallation with the Installer

List of Figures

[Figure 3.1] Installation Wizard
[Figure 3.2] Welcome
[Figure 3.3] Destination Folder
[Figure 3.4] Database Identification
[Figure 3.5] Installation Type
[Figure 3.6] Custom Installation
[Figure 3.7] Environment Configuration
[Figure 3.8] Character Set Configuration
[Figure 3.9] Account Configuration
[Figure 3.10] Pre-Installation Summary
[Figure 3.11] Installing Tibero 5 SP1
[Figure 3.12] Installation Completed
[Figure 3.13] 
[Figure 3.14] Tibero 5 SP1 Uninstallation
[Figure 3.15] Uninstalling Tibero 5 SP1
[Figure 3.16] Uninstallation Completed
[Figure A.1] Tibero 5 SP1 Uninstallation
[Figure D.1] Welcome
[Figure D.2] Destination Folder
[Figure D.3] Character Set Configuration
[Figure D.4] Installation Type
[Figure D.5] Installation Progress
[Figure D.6] Installation Completed
[Figure D.7] Uninstallation Confirm
[Figure D.8] Uninstallation Completed

List of Examples

[Example 4.1] Executing tbUpdater (Update from Revision 30000 to 60000)